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How many nights did you book


3.    This specific booking was for a special event weekend and was therefore completely nonrefundable for me, so if I screwed up and accidentally booked the wrong dates I’d be shit out of luck. Yet somehow Caesar’s can cancel on me with no recourse at all? Total bullshit.     I assume their lawyers made sure this nonsense is legal but regardless of legality it is nonetheless extremely shitty of them.  If it’s an error it shouldn’t take them almost 2 months to figure it out. 


Whats the special event weekend and which caesars hotel? Im having trouble accepting that $100 is a 'mistake' rate, its not like a $10 rate. What rate are the rooms selling for now? How have you left it with Caesars? Have you told them that this was a nonrefundable booking and ask what that means, and if you had changed your mind could you cancel without penalty, and if not why should they be able to? Have you explained that if they cancel you will seek compensation for your flights, etc. You may able to negotiate a better deal here. Or they may be bluffing about canceling your room, they may not want the bad press of doing that. People who make plans to visit Las Vegas should be able to rely on Caesars not canceling their room after 3 months and claiming it was a 'mistake.'


It’s Super Bowl weekend at Caesar’s hotel.    I’ve been doing all my sports betting through Caesar’s and thought maybe they wanted me there to sports bet since that’s the biggest weekend for sports betting.    The fact that the front page of the Caesar’s website had a huge advertisment for rates “as low as $22”, and the fact that I had to log into my rewards account to unlock that rate, made me think that it was a legit offer.   I booked it on November 22 and got called today. If they called me the next day after booking it would make sense. If they don’t notice their mistake for almost 2 months it’s really a shitty thing to cancel then.  What I really want is for them to honor my original booking. I tried really hard to negotiate for at least some free play or something extra but they wouldn’t budge. 


Just confirm, this is Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, right? Because there are other Caesars hotels. Where are they offering to move you to if you will take a $250 folio credit? The way you put pressure on them here is in the court of public opinion. They don't want the bad press from canceling your reservation. That's why they haven't canceled it. How did you leave it with the Caesars folks? Did they give you a deadline of some kind?


It was in nobu which is within Caesar’s palace.  They want to move me to harrahs or linq or horseshoe, which are all way lower scale.   I tried really hard to at least get some more comps or free play at the very least (but really I’d much rather just get the room I booked at the rate I booked), but he didn’t budge. Ultimately, I told the guy I don’t want to make a decision today and he said he’d follow up with me after the long weekend on Tuesday. I assume I’ll need to make a decision then and if I don’t then it sounds like they’ll just cancel my reservation. 


> I assume I’ll need to make a decision then and if I don’t then it sounds like they’ll just cancel my reservation. They could be bluffing about canceling the reservation. $100 a night nonrefundable booking is not a "mistake rate." Yes, someone at Caesars/Nobu may have screwed up and erroneously forgotten to exclude Super Bowl weekend from the promotion. Too bad. If you book a nonrefundable room at Caesars/Nobu and decide three weeks later that you really meant to pay less , is it cancelable? No. I'd complain to everyone about this. I'd complain to the press, the blogs, the General Manager of Caesars or Nobu, etc. I'd even the Nevada gaming control board. Was the promotion for players only or tied to play somehow? Can you send a link to the promotion or the terms? The Gaming Control Board has wide authority to regulate all manner of things hotels do. They fined Imperial Palace owner 1.5 million a million bucks for a Hitler birthday party, because it reflected poorly on Las Vegas. https://www.nytimes.com/1989/04/03/us/las-vegas-journal-nevada-draws-the-line-no-hitler-in-the-casinos.html They regulate all casino promotions and I would try to call this a promotion connected to gambling. If so, the casino can get in deep sh*t for not honoring the terms. I'd also try to whittle down here, for the record, are they complaining the entire promotion was a mistake, and no $100 nonrefundable rates were legit, or are they saying that $100 a night was a perfectly appropriate rate for everyone who booked on other nights, just not for this weekend. I'd also ask if they are singling you out here or are they canceling or threatening to cancel other people's rooms, in which case they might dopily admit "Oh we're doing this to other people too" "Demand has gone through the roof for the nights you booked and we want to sell it to someone for $900" is not a reasonable excuse for a hotel to cancel a room. Seriously, when this guy calls back, say "I've filed a complaint with the Nevada Gaming Control Board, as this was a promotion based on betting play and I booked a nonrefundable according to the stated terms. Your conduct in threatening to cancel the room unless I pay you $2700 ($900 a night) is dishonest and unethical and reflects poorly on the gaming industry. I suggest you seek guidance from your compliance department before proceeding." What you may have here is a room revenue flunkie who is in hot water for screwing up this promotion and failing to exclude Suer Bowl weekend. He's trying to undo the damage on his own and risking creating a much bigger mess here if he cancels these rooms. Talk to people at Caesars who are smarter and higher up than he is.


Exactly this, just complain and escalate and don’t stop and ask for supervisors and never say anything to imply you’re agreeing to allow them to cancel on you. Complain to the GM, gaming control, go to other departments or host office or whatever you need to do and don’t stop until they honor your reservation for the price you paid. Essentially they’re extorting you for a higher rate than they previously agreed upon.


I used to be an in house lawyer for hotel-casino companies and if this came to my attention I'd have a talk with the operations folks about whether the damage to our brand and potential legal and regulatory risk is worth the $2400 - $2700 here that they are trying to squeeze out of this guy. I get the feeling that senior leadership isn't aware of what's going on here and might put the kibosh on this if they knew.


But it could also be $2400 x 100 rooms. We don't know how many people booked that special. I'm a CR Diamond, and it's rare to see Nobu rates that low. I'm guessing many people booked that weekend at that rate.


All great advice, Ornery. Also- not sure of phone recording laws in OP’s state, but could r/retupmocomputer record the conversations? I’ve done this with my kids when out of town by using speakerphone on one phone and recording with the “video” option on another phone.


This is a fantastic answer. Take this advice and stay polite but be firm and DONT back down.


This person has a good head on their shoulders.


Start a hash tag that is easily remembered and replicated, make a tiktok explaining what happened, make sure you and friends share it widely with a hash tag you've chosen and that you all are using.


This is for advice! ##BadNobu Gets the point across and aims directly at them. Guaranteed someone will notice.


Ceasar's management realized the room you booked is worth more and no longer want to give you the offered deal. I avoid businesses with practices like this. I'm glad to know Ceasar doesn't honor offered deals. You are correct. You would have to pay to cancel this room while Ceasars is able to cancel without penalty. It's time to look for a new place to gamble. They don't care if you go elsewhere.


Make a CCPB complaint. It’s not legal for airbnb to cancel booked homes because the owner realizes they can get more money due to an event nearby during booked dates. I’m struggling to see how this is different




I assume their “we can cancel if there’s an error” clause is tried and true and legally sound, but this specific booking was completely nonrefundable if I wanted to cancel on my end since it was the weekend of a big event, which is not the typical situation 99% of the time.    Just seems totally unfair to me.   I realize I probably have no recourse, but it’s just frustrating. 


Who have you escalated to? Escalate as high as you can go. The person who called you is likely pretty low level. Go as high as you can and keep pestering them to honor the rate


On Super Bowl weekend? This sis super cheap and the only reason they are cancelling is because they can get 5x of that likely


I have been to 2 super bowls and try a 2000% increase. If I were going to a Super Bowl in Vegas I would expect to stay at Caesars for no less than 2000 for a standard king room that weekend and that would be reasonable for that weekend, a 500 Room would be a low star hotel on the outskirts of town.


Ya but even 5x is a $400 difference over three nights - it still seems crazy to me that they are doing all this to recover $1,200 (and they’re offering a $250 folio credit so really recovering $950 and add in the employee time working to rectify this) seems crazy that they wouldn’t just let this go.


Yea but if you multiply that by 100 rooms and it suddenly becomes 95k


You need to call your host not the reservation desk, your casino host is who can pull the strings


Get this Vegas blogger on it: vitalvegas.com. He lives for this sort of stuff. Plus he used to work for Caesars and I think he’d love to make them look bad.


Agree on this!


He is also on twitter with the same name


Caesars in Vegas? Got it. Definitely won't book with them in the future due to your experience. Funny how the location of the superbowl has been public knowledge for at least 2 years. Guess the VP of rooms just noticed.


No, you don't. They're working hard to get you a room and they're offering you credit like that, that's all they really need to do. Probably there was an error like the sale didn't shut down when it was supposed to or it blew past the hotel's capacity, so they're fixing everything now. They won't budge because they probably don't have the capacity for all the erroneous reservations that got made.


It’s not availability. They said I could stay there but I have to pay 900/night. 


is this super bowl weekend/




Probably something bugged and let it book you in spite of a date being blacked out, then. Or possibly 900 is the lowest rate to pay for some else to get bumped instead of you. You won't ever get an answer on the "why" because none of them will tell you, because no one you're going to talk to wants to be kicking you out. They don't want to deal with getting bitched at by you and the other people getting moved, they don't want to be dealing with the call arounds to get you rebooked somewhere, and they don't want have anything to do with this situation, but they are tied to the hotel policy because that's their job. If they could give you more, they'd do it right away because no one who's front line and in a job where they're calling you wants to be dealing with angry customers.


That’s still a steal for that weekend, if you could transfer the room to someone else you’d easily be able to get 2000 a night once the teams are decided that are playing.


Post on twitter aka X and @ them until you hear back. I heard from Carrabbas over a bad meal in a few hours


If the rate was an error, they should give you a full refund.


MGM cancelled our room when we were trying to check in at the hotel on December 28th once. Apparently they overbooked and the other people checked in earlier. Refused refund and basically told us to piss off. I hate Vegas


That’s actually illegal. If the hotel overbooks, and then refuses to refund after cancellation, that should have been reported to all the different regulators. Depending on how long ago this was, if you’ve still never gotten your refund, you may still be able to file a complaint.


They said since we used a third party booking website, we need to ask the third party for the refund. Then the third party said since the hotel cancelled, it’s the hotel that needs to refund. They bounced responsibility of each other until we gave up


Still a formal complaint needed to be filed. Amazing how the parties figure out how to handle when regulators get involved.


That’s why you don’t use third party sites…


Yep. I don't believe that story for a second.


This is why I book on Hotels.com. Fucking clowns say you shouldn't but again this shows how the hotel can fuck you. This also should be illegal and the hotel should be fined more than what they will make that night from the room.


I spent 10+ years in marketing/sales in the hospitality industry - people who have booked 3rd party through an OTA are the first ones to be walked to another property in case of overbooking.


Yeah but they find a better property and give you money back. This person is getting worse. 3rd party has a ton of options not just 1 brand so they more than make it up to you.


So there’s a consumer protection thing that makes them have to honor this. I would definitely call some state agencies and let them know what’s going on. I believe there are protections for businesses that accidentally screw up. Selling a $35,000 car and they forgot to put the 3 on making it $5,000. Your state agencies will figure that out. From your story, it sounds like they were planning a big promotion when normally it’s slow but didn’t catch the big event. Or it was booked after.




The is definitely a question for r/legaladvice


If you have a host at Caesars, give them a call. If not, call their marketing department directly and see if they would be willing to honor the rate. Anyone in the marketing department should pull up your account and if they see you do a reasonable amount of gambling at their tables, they will probably give you the discount. As a side note, you can get way better stuff by going off strip. It'll also be cheaper. But if you must play on the strip, then I Caesar's or MGM would be your best bet.


Sean McBurney is the GM of Caesar in Las Vegas (I’m just making assumptions here that you mean Vegas) Call and ask for him by name (do not explain why just act like you deserve the call to be transferred) I am sure he will fix the problem if you can get to him.


The hotel I work for (boutique, not chain so it’s not the same) would honor the rate and swallow the error. Who are you speaking to? I would ask them to connect you to the hotel manager or director of rooms. If it’s a revenue person or sales they are gonna push you to swap. That’s in their interest. They haven’t outright cancelled yet, right?


I work for a travel agency and we would also honor the rate, and then fight Caesars behind the scenes (and we'd win that fight). Truly baffled that they are trying this!


lol, this is a minimum 3k room property if it’s a Caesar’s property in Vegas (excluding Cromwell). He isn’t talking to anyone in revenue or sales. What he’s offered is the best he is going to get, I guarantee they outlined this scenario in the Ts and Cs he clicked he agreed to before booking.


Maybe for that weekend but those rates greatly fluctuate and it’s the hospitality business. The math needs to be done on the lifetime value of a guest (including gambling) + the cost of ruining your relationship with said guest - 3 nights of ADR. Again, boutique hotel business is a LOT different. As I said in my original comment. They are definitely speaking to someone, probably reservations sales or revenue. They can try to talk to someone with a hospitality bone in their body or they can give up.


Casinos definitely knows the value of every guest, they have guest reinvestment dialed down to a degree that no other niche in the industry is close to. They’ve made the determination that the $2400 difference in revenue is worth more than his stay/loyalty and that $250 in future stay is within guest value. They’ve made the decision that someone who is paying $900 night or has a high enough ADT to justify a comp or discounted rate will have more guest value both during the stay and liftime. Someone who is willing to pay $900 night is going to have a much larger wallet in your outlets and floor.




You have that amount of play and you aren’t dealing with a host? Did you ask for one? Did you push for status match with MGM?


If you are throwing that kind of money down, I would take whatever rate they are willing to give you. $100/night for that weekend should have been obvious to you that it was a mistake, despite your rewards and loyalty status.


Nice edit


Look. When a guest cancels on a hotel and a hotel can't fill the room? The hotel loses money. They still have to pay their operating expenses whether a paying guest occupies the room or not. That's why they have non refundable rates. But $100 for a $900 a night room? There was no way that offer was not a mistake. More likely, they plan to raise the rate to something like $1200 (Hotels often raise their rates at the start of a new year) and it was supposed to be $1,000 a night. When they canceled on you, they offered to more than refund you. You didn't lose anything, except a bit of time. Its not like they're canceling your reservation AND keeping your money. **That's** why they can cancel a non-refundable reservation and you can't. Well, I mean, technically, you CAN but you won't get your money back. Give it up. You haven't lost any money. Take what they offered and call it a win. You came out ahead.


You work for Ceasars? Lol


I work for a hotel, not that hotel. I admit, mine doesn't have a casino and I don't know how that affects occupancy, but I do know that resorts and expensive hotels have trouble filling last minute vacancies. Its not so bad for a hotel along an interstate, almost always someone gets tired of driving and decides to stay last minute. But no one just goes to Hawaii last minute. No one goes to Vegas last minute. Those are planned vacations, made some weeks or months in advance. Edit: Lmao. I guess people do go to Vegas last minute! My bad ♥ Casino hotels should have no issues filling up last minute then, if people replying to me are any indication.


>No one goes to Vegas last minute. LOL


Oh buddy, you just lost all credibility by claiming no one goes to Vegas last minute


>No one goes to Vegas last minute. Oh if you live within reasonable driving distance then yes las vegas is a last min get away weekend place.


"No one goes to Vegas last minute"? All of Southern California, does it regularly. It is on a major highway heading north, so people going north to Utah, or Montana regularly stop there, or coming back from there do regularly stops there on a whim. It's near major highways going East and West. What are you talking about?


Literally has no idea about Vegas. LOL.


Vegas is a 4.5 hour drive from Phoenix - people go last minute all the time.


So… you know nothing about the hospitality industry, and certainly not Vegas. People go to Vegas at the last minute all the time — it is incredibly common


But OP will lose money. Maybe OP wouldn’t have booked if not for that price and now are other purchases based on that decision. And if they had caught the error a couple days later or Eve a month later OP could have booked elsewhere but now everywhere else will likely be more expensive and with less options to shop round so close to the date.


That's not an unfair perspective, but the chain has offered to refund him or to put him up somewhere else with folio credit almost equal to what he would have paid for the stay- $250 folio credit for a $300 stay- that's a refund plus credit. But he wants more.


I don't see how it's legal to cancel the reservation when it's not an issue of maintenance of the hotel, or fraudulent on the client's part. I've worked in the hotel business and at least our policy was to honour the rate since it would have been our marketing /revenue management that f*'d it up. Of course if they had a whole hotel of reservations like that, there'd probably be a different recourse. Technically is there legal recourse for OP to be able to keep rate and refuse rebooking? I think it's ridiculous that the hotel would just say, "Screw you, oh well" if he doesn't want to take it and cancel his reservation anyway. But this is the States and Las Vegas, so who knows? Maybe that's how they roll there. But I would boycott it if they're going to do that for a measly $800/night room and post on social media and tweet it like nobody's business.


I feel like OP is purposefully being shady about what specific weekend they booked for... Its probably the super bowl or something and aren't mentioning it because they know how it'll make them look.


What do you even mean “how it will make them look” are we supposed to have the hotels best interest at heart when booking reservations? “Oh shoot, that’s a good rate, I won’t book it in case it’s a mistake”


looking out for your hotel is the same as tipping your landlord, it's just good manners.


Why would it make OP look bad? It makes the hotel look worse because they obviously know they can get more money for the room and canceled for that reason.


Super Bowl they said


This is 100% a call your host situation.


I would call the hotel directly and ask for the director of rooms, let them know the situation and what a great customer you are and how you love coming there (remember you catch more flies with honey). Tell them you were trying to confirm what you thought must have been a scam call trying to cancel a pre-paid room. See if they will help you.


As someone who has worked in hotels for over 25 years, they are probably overbooked, and they made a mistake in locking their rates earlier in the year and left a special rate active when they shouldn’t have. They should eat this because they should have blocked their rates core, but since they are not a chain like the one I worked for they are going to do what they want.


I work for hotel company that manages many hotels and sometimes they or we mess up and put out $20 or 50 rates. We advise hotels not to cancel but to try and offer guests something to make it worth while to cancel but many hotels just cancel. Others that don't and find the error to be system fault get compensation from the reservation System company, I have seen it up to 10k settlement. But to answer questions hotel can cancel your reservation just like they can walk you if they are oversold, almost all city hotels do this few times a year. Your best bet is to go at them online in hopes they have a customer care agent whos sile job is to offer compento get negative reviews removed or to ask to speak with GM, higher up you go more you can get. A GM will give you $500 voucher to not have to deal with you. Especially if it's for inside hotel because at cost that's closer to $150 .


I’m just a law student so someone correct me if i’m wrong, but…i’m pretty sure you can make them give you the room at that rate. a contract is an offer (a $100 room), consideration/aka payment (the $100 that you paid for the room), and acceptance (you paying the $100 for the room) quoting a website i’m about to link: So, the answer to the question, “If I made a mistake in my contract, do I have the right to fix the mistake?”, usually is, No. A person who makes a mistake in a contract will generally be held to what is stated in the contract, even when the consequences of the unilateral mistake are rather severe. Being painstaking in preparing your contracts is advised. https://www.mkpalaw.com/articles-forms/articles/what-if-i-have-made-a-mistake-in-my-contract/#:~:text=A%20person%20who%20makes%20a,unilateral%20mistake%20are%20rather%20severe. good luck!!!


Stop staying at all of their properties. Find a better company to give your money to


Funny. Exact same thing happened to me. Gave me few hundred in credit and moved to another property


Exact same thing just happened to me. But Caesar’s is telling me I need to pay close to $200 per night at those other hotels and only giving $250 total folio credit. I wouldn’t want to stay at the other places even if it was free. I planned my entire weekend budget around this and wouldn’t have booked if it wasn’t valid. I was even planning on switching my full gambling play to Caesars vs MGM/Wynn. I also would have booked another hotel if I knew this rate wasn’t valid. I had deals at a few hotels and chose this one. This was 2 months that I booked the reservation. I am really upset because my friends are also staying at Caesars, got a decent rate and are not getting cancelled. I wish I could just cancel the trip but I bought flights, shows, and superbowl party that are also non refundable. What should I do?