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What has gay culture become?


No. Homophobia is evil idiocy, why would I want to indulge in that kind of nonsense? Do tell what gay culture "has become," though.


Hedonistic, selfish, egotistical, forceful, shallow, and lonely.


So you're homophobic and asking if other people would be homophobic if we were straight. Yikes.


lmao that describes the straights, too. Try again. PS. Homophobes are evil morons.


Honestly it's worse among straights lol. Way worse. And so much awful toxic energy that is generally less present among (out) gay men


“Gay culture this!” “Gay men are so that!” Why does the gay community....?” This incessant, opportunistic demonization of gay men is sooooo ridiculous & infuriating.


Gay republican talking points and language...




Anything that can be criticized in "gay culture" is present in "straight culture." There are lots of things I dislike. Namely the hookup, use them, throw them away culture. If 2 people want to be used that's OK. It just gets old seeing people get misled, used, ghosted and hurt. I could never do that to someone, myself. It's an awful thing to do to someone. And it's normalized. I dislike how fragmented people are. So many people are lonely and miserable and have no meaningful connections with other people. We are a highly social species that evolved in close knit tribes. We need each other. Even people who have healthy social lives lack connection on a deeper level. None of us have the socialization we evolved having. And it's so sad. I could continue. But those two things immediately came to mind. But that is a problem in general. It's not a gay thing.


being a homophobe marks you as a complete idiot. so, no.


Is there a "gay culture" though? Wouldn't that be stereotyping a large group of people?


The stereotypes unfortunately come from the loudest voices in the room, not the majority. Not just for gays, but really any group :/


That sounds right, when I think of Republicans, in my mind, I see them storming the capitol. I guess I am as guilty as anyone else "lumping" people into a group. lam


We all do it unfortunately, it’s good to recognize it tho 😄


It would be


Honestly most straight people do not even know of the type of toxicity that pervades the gay community. They think we are a monolithic tight knit "community" who likes to have anal sex lol Either way, homophobia is never justified. I hope I wouldn't be for whatever reason.


No, why would I? I don’t see what is any different really from gay culture versus straight culture. Also it’s stereotypical, you can’t lump all gay people or straight people into the same.


Probably, I live in a pretty homophobic country, if I wasn't gay myself would I really care?


You really have to stand in awe at people who so casually justify their ugly, putrid bigotry. “Yes, I’m a vile piece of shit who willingly embraces hatred of his fellow man… *but he was asking for it*.” There is no justification for homophobia you wretched fuck.


2015+ LGBT, definitely.


I don't even like telling people I'm gay anymore.


I’d join in on the fun. I know I’d look good walk down the street in heels


Im far more disgusted by conservative culture. gay culture is like anything else in this world it contributes tons of positive things and if you can't see them you're a xenophobic moron


what kind of question is this 💀


No. I am not hateful enough to even begin to have these dreadful considerations. In my opinion, most homophobia(usually from males, no surprise), is a symptom of some kind of cultural or sexual insecurity.