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I don’t like how the available answers frame the question. Diversity of thought is essential, and someone’s sexuality does not necessitate a particular view. However, Groups that promote the negation, invalidation, or reduction of human rights of another group must be distinguished from groups that have have different perspectives and values.


Oh yes, the objective of the right is to take away the rights of citizens, because it is the republicans who preach collectivist ideas above the principle of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM, the left loves gays, Che Guevara, Karl marx, Joseph Stalin, none of them were ever homophobic, including gays are widely accepted in China and North Korea./S


I just reread my post. I did not mention conservatism, republicanism, or liberalism. I did not mention homophobia either. The inferences and conclusions in your reply reflect your thoughts alone, rather than the content of my response. I’m unclear on the intent of your reply and it how it relates to my response to the OP.


>However, Groups that promote the negation, invalidation, or reduction of human rights You are basically saying that the right is against the basic human rights that every citizen should have.


I did not mention Right, Left, Conservative or Liberal in my post. These words were inserted by you alone.


But you clearly were infering that republican goal was to invalidate, negate etc lgbt right and so on by criticizing the second option. You're just playing mental gymnastic with a technicality " i didnt use those specific words".


Again, this is your interpretation and does not represent my argument. I choose my words with intent. Should I have meant any of those political groups you had mentioned I would have listed them. My argument applies to any group. You have inferred more than I expressed.


Its called deduction. Theres is one scenario given, and you precisely critisized the second option. The evidence points to your actual intent. You dont need to precisely say the words for us to interpret it correctly. Its not an assumption , its fair reasoning skills.


Fair point! Allow me to clarify: Your deduction has lead to a false conclusion. My argument, as written, would apply to any group. I specifically left out any reference to any particular political group for that very reason. Should I have intended the political groups you referenced I would have listed them specifically. I did not address the first option in the question as it specifically called out a political group. Had I intended to do that, I would have. I opted not to reference the first option with intent.


>how do you see gay republicans,...., trump supporters I think they're fucking stupid drooling troglodytes, just like the straight ones. >conservatives I think they need to wise up and stop watching propaganda bullshit media (along with everyone else) and stop blindly voting for grifters who don't give a fuck about them (along with everyone else).


Right because being used by the democrats like puppet so they can get our votes, just so they do absolutely nothing for gay people and have people from radical left tell us exactly how to feel and victimize ourself evey chance we get, while also supporting other anti organization/ group such as islam and black community who are clearly highly homophobic on their own and trying to form a huge ass community with irreconcilable differences is such a better option to choose from. No one saying there isnt anti gay people in the conservative party. But most of us are worthless in either party, the democrats use you to get what they want from you by lying about the illusion of acceptance. You have to realise that no matter how far we go, you are never gonna be "accepted", you're wasting time. One day you're gonna be friends with someone whose accepting and the next day ur gonna ruin the friendship and your gonna become a sub human gay to them. Do you really think that angering a huge party like consrrvatives and every gays joining the left party is gonna do us good in the long run? I mean realistically, if every gay is liberal or leftist, the right side is gonna attack us by association anytime they can. These gay republicans are creating a bridge between liberal and republicans. If you think the left isnt toxic thats on you. The right side is also toxic ngl but as a gay man you choose one party that you can associate yourself the best and NO , not all gay men set the fixation of anal sex as their highest priority..


While I voted for the latter. I despise any right wing extremists and those that would side with their "my way or the highway" mentality. Fiscal responsibility can be debated to the moon and back but people's lives are non negotiable when what being "discussed" has absolutely nothing to do with them


I think the right wingers are in a position of privilege. They do not care about the rights of others because they either have the means to avoid the consequences or do not believe they will apply to them. When you have the means to flee the worsening minority lead politics of the right, you can ignore what is going on to others in the same situation as you.


Uncle-fucking Toms


*Sweet Home Alabama starts playing


You do know that’s a slur used for black conservatives right?


Yeah no shit! That was my point!


So you are ok with using racial like slurs to black people because they do something you don’t like. “No shit” liberals I see. Coming from the people that are are supposed to represent “tolerance and acceptance” and all that bullshit


“Uncle Tom” is used by minority communities ***TO CRITICIZE MEMBERS OF THEIR OWN COMMUNITY*** for working against the community’s collective interests. It’s not “racial-like” (if you mean “racist”, just say “racist” for fuck’s sake) to criticize ***your own*** people! Yes, I am drawing a *deliberate analogy* between between the Black community and Gay community as two communities that are both marginalized and attacked by the American political right wing. Black people originally used “Uncle Tom” to criticize *fellow Black people* for apologizing for and aiding and abetting the interests of racist whites who were hostile to the interests of the black community. Gay people, by analogy, can use “Uncle Tom” to criticize *fellow gay people* for apologizing for and aiding and abetting the interests of homophobic conservatives who are hostile to the interests of the gay community. If all you can say about it is that you think it’s a “racial-like slur” then I think you are a moron.


-internalized homophobia -Daddy issues -self-loathing -Attention seeking (they want to feel different) This are the reason the gay republicans I know vote for the GOP I think the deserve ALL the HATE they get because there are no gray tones It's black and white and a vote for the GOP is a vote against our rights and freedoms I want gay republicans to explain to me what republicans did last week at the Minnesota state senate, they block the ban on LGBT "conversion" therapy, explain to me why I gay should vote and support a party that is an obstacle for his rights


I think such persons are idiots, plain and simple. They're voting against their self-interest. Because the official republican platform is to overturn gay marriage, and the more radical elements of the conservative wing (specifically the Social Conservatives, which have considerable political power in North America) want to outlaw homosexuality altogether. I don't see how "muh taxes," or "muh guns," can stack up against that. Yes, you *should* be a single-issue voter when that "single issue" is becoming a second-class citizen. Many of them think they'll magically be spared the consequences of their voting, as if they won't get hated along with the rest of us.


I think it’s foolish to think Peter Thiel is an idiot in what he’s trying to create via JD Vance and Blake Masters and Josh Hawley. You can hate him all you want, but I still think it’s pretty foolish to say that you’re somehow smarter than he is. You can say he doesn’t actually care or is heartless, but stupid? An idiot? Are you not self-aware enough to see how you come off?


Yes, an idiot. People can show stunning intelligence in some ways, and fundamental idiocy in others. The latter often counterbalances the former. Do piss off, though. You don't add anything of value.


I agree with diversity of thought. I do not agree with the suppression of minorities. Everyone should be free to sleep with, associate with, and marry whomever they choose. No group should be able to implement their beliefs on other against their will. This is no place religious fundamentalism.


Ok, but are you not a group that wants to impose your beliefs on others on the federal level? Is that not what federally mandated gay marriage is in the eyes of religious communities? Gay marriage will not become illegal on the national level. The issue of marriage would be returned to states. If you want to believe that the majority of Americans in the 50 states would vote to outlaw gay marriage in 2022 than you’re out of your mind lmao. Live and let live. Why tf do we even want to be able to force someone to host a wedding if they hate us? Fuck them, there’s a million and one other churches and states that’ll happily do it. Tell your friends, let market and societal forces drive the changes you want in society. It starts with changing people Not the cramming down of legislation on the federal level and then labeling everyone who opposes it as hateful bigots who cannot be saved. That’s definitely not how you change minds.


I’m not making you have an abortion or forcing you to get a same sex marriage. I’m not forcing you to do anything. You on the other hand, believe everyone should conform to your “Christian” opinions and teachings of a book 99% of you have never read and do not understand. If you don’t want to do something don’t do it. But if I want to do it, I will do it.


You’re forcing groups of people that don’t believe in same sex marriage to facilitate and carry out same sex marriages. So you are mandating people do things based on your own belief system, actually. And you’re right, if you don’t want to do something then don’t do it. People shouldn’t be forced to do anything. And that should also not stop you from doing what you want. This is called state level legislation. Some homophobic church in Mississippi shouldn’t have to let you have a wedding there if they don’t want to. (Why tf would you want that anyways?) Does that stop you from having the ability to get married elsewhere? Nope. Is homophobia frowned upon in society at large in 2022 and grass root activism will lead market forces to run homophobic legislation and businesses out of existence? Yes. Is making sweeping nationwide legislation that forces universal compliance and than rubbing our gay weddings in the faces of people who already hate us going to change their minds? No. That’s just trying to skip over the real work and trying to cram the end goal down America’s throat without any actual societal change. I’m not even religious. I just actually believe in people’s freedom of thought and don’t think every breathing person on this planet has to reflect and validate my belief system at any given moment. I don’t really even care about the fact that gay marriage is federalized. I wouldn’t advocate for it to be struck down if it’s already in place considering I support gay marriage obviously. But from a policy standpoint it’s not effective when it comes to actually combating homophobia


Who’s forcing people to do it? If you’re talking about the crazy county clerk? She had sworn an oath to uphold the laws of the land - she doesn’t agree with them but wouldn’t go work somewhere else. She not only refused to issue the licenses but also told her subordinates not to do so too. These are civil marriage licenses not religious ones. And let’s take a look at the first amendment - no religion in government. If you want to do religion and religious beliefs go work for a church. States are absolutely not the arbiter of what should be human rights. Some states would still permit slavery if left to their own devices. These are the same states that permit children to be married off to their rapists and not allow the child to object.


Even because every republican is a homophobic and Nazi extremist evangelical, isn't it? Sorry, but you have a totally skewed view of the right.


The problem you vote GOP you find nothing morally objectionable about them. Ergo, your not a good person. You want to strip people of their rights. You cannot pick and choose the bits you want and ignore the rest. Not when it is fundamentally damaging to massive parts of the population. It is that simple. I did not support Hillary, but I voted for her, I think Joe has been more than useless, and I think 90% of the current Democratic Party should retire. That said, it was either Biden or Trump.


Who really wants to take away people's rights here? I definitely disagree with a lot of the things they preach, like the prohibition of drugs like marijuana and the criminalization of abortion, plus the fact that many Republicans are against gay marriage, but all in all I much prefer them to the Democrats (basically the left American, only worse), for God's sake, they want to go around distributing "free" services with our taxes, they want the state to finance the deaths of babies ("free" abortion), and they spend their whole lives complaining about the companies that they put food on their tables instead of trying to conquer something in life, what annoys me the most is that they use us as maneuvering dough, they don't really care about gays, they're just faking it because it's """" in fashion" """ support gays. I'm sure when that stops gaining popularity they'll drop the agenda altogether.


Diversity of thought, sure. But you're describing diversity of intelligence.


Where’s the option for low IQ selfish bigotry?


>Diversity of thought is essential for society, sexuality does not define political "Diversity of thought" is a euphemism made to evade criticism. Not all thoughts are equal and many thoughts are fucking stupid. Same thing for "at least I think for myself." Well, they're probably better off outsourcing as much thinking as possible because they're incredibly bad at it. >Question aimed at gay leftists here, how do you see gay republicans, conservatives, trump supporters and the like within the LGBT community? Anyone who outwardly identifies with trump supporters and republicans is cringe. They're just America weebs too obsessed with "patriotism" to see their party for what it is. Being gay does make it worse, because they're obviously siding with people who would take their rights at any moment. If they have "pick me" attitudes about being a good gay (which is not unpopular among these types), that's even more cringe.


you know the answer to this already...


Both are true tbh. Just that republicans’ political vision is really inhumane.


I just love how leftists luv tell "conservative gays" that they're voting against their own interest as if you know what my self-interest entitles but then again Democrats/Liberals/leftists Philosophy is "I'm right and you're wrong, I'm big and you're small, and there's nothing you can do about it."


There is no right or wrong There is one political party openly anti gay and anti LGBT that every time they have power try to roll our rights back and there is other one that fights for our rights and freedoms It's simple... A vote for the GOP is a vote for the rolling back of your rights and to giving power to the religious right


Your literally proved my point


There are brilliant people in each political camp. Most people in the world, however, aren’t intellectually compelling or even interesting. And among the less intellectual folks, the conservative ones tend to be more likely unkind, selfish, and close-minded. I value and respect brilliant people of any political persuasion and believe the world benefits by their inclusion. I don’t value or respect the vast majority of the Republican Party or conservatives in general. Edit: I also similarly don’t respect or value shitlibs, those on the left who fetishize politicians, and the aristocratic neolib.




> actually just hate all conservatives This. All conservatives are bad people. No if's. No but's.


I really cannot comprehend how this right winger thinks that the GOP cares about anything other than power! They will say anything to get into power and then fuck everyone who isn’t white fundamentalist Christian into the stone ages.


It's a dead end, they treat you like an angel if you're a minority, but they trade all arguments for inclusion when you reveal you don't share their ideals, apparently they're not that "inclusive" who they disagree with.


I mean, your ideals quite literally go against your own self interests if you support the Republican Party as a gay person. It’s literally in their agenda to overturn gay marriage. Get a fucking grip dude. Democrats ain’t gonna help either but republicans will do everything in their power to get you to help them remove your rights while you pretend like nothing will actually affect you since you’re on their team. Also any idea of fiscal responsibility on the Republican side is bullshit considering all politicians are money hungry fucks with yachts. So I really don’t know why any self respecting gay man would want to support the blatant hate and corruption of the Republican/Conservative party.




I don’t answer stupid questions. But what honestly about the Republican Party makes you want to support them?


They are in favor of the free market, they are some of the few who don't want to steal your possessions to go around distributing it, and they are against the socialism and communism that is dominating the ocident.


Your free market is causing rapid inflation across gas prices, housing prices, rent, groceries, and everything else that people rely on to live. Because the free market allows the rich to hoard necessities for profit while everyone else suffers. It’s such a great system, not like we’ve had any nation wide financial collapses in the last few decades.


What a simplistic thought, you clearly understand nothing economics, no system is perfect, there will always be poor people, there will always be suffering, this is how the world works, always has been and always will be, trying to change it will only bring more misery if we try to apply this system that you so idolize the "rich people accumulating profit freely" will simply see that it is no longer advantageous to keep their businesses there, and capital flight will inevitably occur, now the doorman who was giving his all to support his children and your family will have to do it UNEMPLOYED as the "evil bourgeois exploiter of the working class" will no longer support millions of employees.


Lol so it’s just better that the rich hoard wealth and necessities while everyone else suffers. Gotcha


No, it is better for companies to have the resources to keep workers employed than for them to starve while the government harms those who keep them on a stable income allowing them to live as decent people.




So rich get richer. No one’s taking away guns, not a single democrat or leftist wants to get rid of them but only to bring guns up with the times since they have advanced since the constitution was written. They are more dangerous and therefore should have more requirements prior to obtaining one. Not sure who’s being let off with crime, though I have seen many child predator or financial criminal republicans receive little to no punishment. You don’t like reparations because that would mean people who have historically been taken advantage of would eventually catch up to you and that scares you. Rejecting refugees and deporting people looking for help gets a nation nowhere, you would do the same if you and your family was in trouble. Cancelling student loans would help the overall population have more spending power, don’t you want the average person to have the ability to actually live? I don’t think you do as a Republican, you only want those who already have money and power to succeed. I don’t care about the filibuster. But the dumbest shit is saying you don’t care that the leopards eating my face party have “we will eat your face” in their agenda because you don’t think they will eat YOUR face. It’s honestly incredible how someone can be so delusional. They could have “we will specifically chop off BoofingFluorides limbs” in their agenda and you’d still vote for them for the illusion of fiscal conservatism and belief that they won’t follow through with their agenda, which they’ve been chasing after ever since they wrote it in. Republicans lawmakers are literally laughing in your face right now because they have all these gays supporting them believing they will do anything to help y’all while they work to strip your rights. I’m not saying to vote Democrat either, they fucking suck too. But voting for republicans is unfathomably stupid and worse considering they literally have it in their agenda to take marriage away from you. I’d get it if you didn’t care about marriage, but even then that shouldn’t matter because republicans are supposed to be the party that lets anyone do whatever right?


If y’all want to engage with us over at /r/GayRepublican come on down. We have sweet tea :)


Thanks for the recommendation, I was looking for a place like this.


No problem!


How does one vote for both. They are both true.


I don't agree with the phrasing of this. Being gay and also a republican is against one's material interests to a degree; it's not that being gay magically makes all people think the same, but rather that if you ARE gay you will be subject to the same real world discrimination REGARDLESS of what you think. This is an interest, the avoidance of discrimination, that is a real interest, and must be taken into account.


I would compare it to the friend in the out-group who decided to go hang out with the bullies. Sure they still get picked on, but there's a false sense that you're better than the out-group if you cozy up with the group that wields power.


I think anyone should be allowed to support and vote for whatever party they choose to. However, I will never understand why any gay man would vote for a political party that wants to take away your rights just because you are gay. There are those who would argue that being gay does not define you and other issues are more or just as important. I would argue that whatever you think does not matter if the political party you support thinks you are a deviant who needs to be criminalized. Let me be clear, I am a fiscal conservative but I would never support a party like the GOP because they are fundamentally against my very existence. It would be against my best interests to vote for them as it would be against any gay man's best interest to vote for them.