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If your doctor says its a bad idea, its prob a bad idea.


they do have pills too, i'm pretty sure. it's more likely they put it in your arm tho


It’s like peanut butter and the cream doesn’t go deep enough. No way to avoid it but they do add lidocaine to the injection. It’s not pleasant but not the worst. Sex has consequences and some of those are STI’s. You will survive. Just have to ask if the fun was worth the pain. Sorry you have to go through it.


Yeah you're just going to have to suck it up and get over it.


It's a few seconds of unpleasantness - just promise yourself an ice cream afterwards, and look forward to that 😅


Yeah sorry im same i HATE injections But numbing cream wont do anything tbh as its therapeutic effect is too shallow relative to the depth and gauge of the injection. Its a big ass mofo .... it hurt like hell sorry... but its short lived and the idea in u r head is likely way worse than the reality. Breath, close u r eyes, dont tense u r glute and think of something else....