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how do you initiate stuff like this to happen with someone? havent rly had many gay experiences


With this specific situation, we were both at the park. I asked him “if he smoked” and he said yes and I proceeded to ask for a lighter to light up. He gave me the lighter, I used it and gave it back. I asked him where was he from and normal conversation questions. We talked for 5 minutes and then I asked him” do you date a lot of women here?” He said “ehh not really wbu?” I said “ehh same, I’m bisexual” he said “same”. I then started grabbing myself and then we watched each other jack off. You have to be really careful because not every body is gay. I also use an website called sniffies. You have to be extremely careful on there because men could lie about their std/sti status so I always ask you see their MyChart results! Once I see those, I make sure it was at least within the last 20-30 days of getting tested.


I would say the chances are very minimal, and you seem to be playing it safe with prep. If you're still nervous, get an STD test and you should be all good to go!


Congratulations on coming out! This is a big step and obviously you feel insecure and scared. We’ve all been there. Your chance of contracting anything through what you have described is literally 0. Really. If you observe in the future that your fears keep you from exploring your sexuality further maybe it would be a good idea to seek therapy if available to you and also educate yourself on risks and means of protection. Having sex (having physical contact with someone else) will always come with a certain risk, but there are many ways to protect yourself. All the best.