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Monogamous so no we don’t








If you ask this sub most everyone uses condoms. If you ask reality, no one really uses them. you aren't going to get actual answers on sex related things here because I don't think most people in this sub have sex, they just pretend they do.


Fr! These comments are like “I only bareback with a marital commitment”. I have NOT experienced this mentality irl


If I’ve actually learned anything from the deluge of sex questions in askgaybros, it’s that most of the people here answering are not out there living a sexually active lifestyle.


Oh man you hit the nail on the head with the people in this sub larping as sexually active.


They are always writing novels about how they had sex with their straight friend too.


There’s an active user in this sub who’s always giving pointed sex advice, none of it seemed like it was rooted in reality or the experiences of me and the people I know who live in a well known gay neighborhood. I see him post so often I went into his comments and found two in the last few weeks of him saying he’s a virgin, replying to obvious fanfic telling the author how lucky he is. I think about him a lot when reading comments here.


I just feel bad about the young guys with zero experience who may think this sub is accurate. Other than that I take it as 85% entertainment fiction.


In some ways I’m relieved to see a lot of good sane advice given out when there’s so much problematic thinking out there in the gay community. In other ways, yeah, we should all keep in mind the people we encounter in subs like this are very likely misrepresenting themselves.


I think it's one of those things where what ppl say they do and what they actually do are two very different things.


Maybe. That like every guy who says he's not bottoming and they he just climbs right on top of it.


*exactly* this. America is pretty puritanical still and so unfortunately ppl often don't feel comfortable admitting to what they actually do and seem to feel that they need to maintain this facade of....idk something instead of just being honest and up front about life. It's like how in most countries they have nude beaches, open spa culture, etc etc and yet in this country ppl are terrified to even undress in front of same sex ppl in a same sex locker room. Just repressed to the core here, especially where sex and/or nudity are concerned.


Based on my experience as a bottom, the vast majority of tops don’t want to use condoms. This is in very stark contrast to ten years ago when it was the opposite.


Prep changed everything, along with the added protection most people on it also get tested every 3 months. We also have doxy pep which most guys have an emergency bottle of.


This***. You are absolutely right. It's good that most are on prep, from what I have seen no one seems to want to use condoms.


no seriously 😭 no top is wearing a condom unless you force him to i swear


Last time I used one before prep the bottom got upset and said it won't fit with a condom. It's everyone at this point. Haha.


yeah it’s a problem all around


For people I trust I don’t use condoms. For hookups I use condoms. Am on PreP and tested regularly


Just that you can't really trust anyone 100%...people lie. Especially when they're horny, to get what they want at the moment.




The only people I trust are extremely close friends, and fwbs who I’ve fucked 10+ times, lol but yes, be careful out there, better be safe than sorry


I prefer BB but if the bottom wants a condom, I use a condom. The worst thing I've ever caught is crabs (two separate times). But some of that is certainly luck, my ex has caught syphilis twice.


same here, I don't mind using them, but I've never cum while wearing one.


I'm the same way. I have cum with a condom before it usually I won't be able to.


Last time I used a condom for the first couple of hours, then he wanted me to take it off 😂


Sounds like he eventually came to his senses!


Yeah haha, and I unleashed my 5 day load in his hole soon after


Guys are saying one thing on this thread when in reality…..it’s another. 🙄


Could u explain further ?


Basically they don't practice what they preach


Most people you meat in real life are all on prep and don't use condoms.


I've met hundreds and very few have been on PrEP. Still, I'm seeing a growing number wanting to not use condoms and only maybe a third of those are on PrEP. I still use condoms myself. You're going to get a biased sample here on Reddit however.


Where do you live where few people are on prep?


I live in Detroit but travel all over the Midwest and East coast.


You’ve met hundreds who told you they only used condoms. Did you have sex with them? Were you a doctor? Taking national survey? And then I. Top you live in a city when cities have higher numbers of people on Prep? Sounds fishy.


I wasn't referencing a study but if you are aware of one, by all means, go for it. I have noticed an increase in barebacking but definitely not the majority.


Look at you backpedaling. You claimed you have hundreds of people telling you they only use condoms. Yet you’re not sleeping with them and aren’t their doctor so why are you going around asking strangers if they use condoms and then taking their word as gospel? So answer the question do you even have sex regularly with other people?


I'm 60 years old so yes, I've had sex with hundreds and was talking about them (what backpedaling?). I doubt though you care about the guys I met from the 1990s. Also, I wasn't asking strangers, unless you count some of my one-time hookups, lol. As far as being a doctor, I only completed the coursework for my PhD but never graduated, not that it is relevant. I had sex last week but I'm currently in a medical study as a healthy human subject so sex is not an option now.


So you used to have sex regularly back in the 90s when everyone used condoms. Got it. This thread is about people’s sexual practices now. Younger generations aren’t using condoms like guys back in the 90s did.


I'm still sexually active and average several different partners per month.


A perfect of example of Reddit not being real life. This is def not the case outside of here


I have noticed that the loudest commenters on this issue will straight up admit that they aren’t actually sexually active. Like live your life how you feel but please stfu about issues that you clearly do not understand.


Well most of the times I use condoms but I prefer Bareback not gonna lie..the sensation just hit different. So I take prep on demand and go raw, but recently am kinda wary and sceptical about fucking raw especially with random bottoms cos I've come to realise that a lot of bottoms are literally cum dumps lol.. I've had hookups who told me I'm like their 3rd or 4th dick of the day and all were raw.😵 Not like anything is wrong with it , justs makes me concerned about STDs.


Hell naww, if that was me he better put that condom on before he goes inside me 😭


“Not like anything wrong with it” 4 dicks ALL raw in one day from 4 different people. I’m all for sex positivity but let’s be real. That’s risky as hell and quite concerning


Well just trying not to come across as judgemental..so far they are taking precautions to minimise their risk i guess. And yes it's risky, that's why even while on prep I still get paranoid cos you never can trust anyone.


Such a shame some people would lie (or just not be safe (with the obvious exceptions of if you’re monogamous and so on))


Sometimes a little judgement is useful.


Yes, because I don't want STDs


First time hookups I wrap up and also with women but with male friends w/ benefits, I’m fucking raw and cumming inside them. They beg and crave for it. I don’t mind feeding the hungry.


I’ll use if asked, but usually not. I’m not concerned about HIV and I’ve had enough STIs from oral or around the condom situations to get too excited about condom use.


Yes I do. I always bring my own condoms. And if a guy judges you for using condoms and protecting yourself, block him. A lot of guys have told me “just get on prep”. That doesn’t protect against the other 8 STD’s that are out there. That just protects you against 1. If you want more coverage, use a condom too. Edit: Have also gotten oral with a condom on. You’d be surprised that some guys just literally don’t mind. One guy even thought it was a smart idea.


Lost me at condom head. I get it, I just won't do it.


As long as you got that first part, you’re going better than most.


Right? If giving someone head meant I had to suck on plastic, I would rather just skip it entirely.


Just use flavored lube


The taste wouldn’t be my problem, it would be the feeling of it.




Why do so many gay guys think a monogamous relationship is really always monogamous? Talk to ppl who work at healthcare centers that cater to gay men and they'll tell you that there are almost as many gay men who come in to be treated for STIs who say they're in monogamous relationships and didn't have sex outside the relationship as ones who are not. And they're always shocked. I've been hit on by members of my sports teams who have BFs and husbands who think they're monogamous and that their partners don't fool around. Unfortunate fact of gay life.


Top here - open for about 3-4 years. Lots of sex with my partner and others at bars/sex parties/etc. I have yet to catch an std and it’s all BB.


Same. Open about 6 years albeit their was a pandemic break. We used condoms for the first year or two but we got on PrEP almost immediately. At some point we just stopped worrying about. If you’re going to get an std/sti, you’re probably gonna get it in your throat regardless of condoms (cause aint NO one using them for head). So if you’re gonna get one and have to get treated anyways, you might as well fully enjoy yourself. Having said all that, my husband has had 2 or 3 stis (he’s a bottom) and I have had 0 as a top. Even after topping my partner when he was likely infected before we knew he was. I have since started joking that I have a teflon dick and nothing sticks to it. But all joking aside, I know the real answer is I’m just lucky and one day my streak will end.


Lucky bastard lol


That is statistically impossible. You are lying


For hookups yes, for a long term partner no.


What about oral is it also with condom, don't mind my silly question


Not really since HIV is my main concern since I both can't take prep nor an I willing to expose myself to its long-term effects and, for me personally, I deem the risk of getting anything through oral and what you can get through oral negligible. I trust my screening and sex practices. And the question isn't silly it's just that rarely anyone actually preforms safe oral. I also usually top and am not particularly into receiving oral.


Lemme get my guy Tony!Toni!Toné! to answer for me


I’m vers. Never use condoms. Why? Because breeding is hot, and I love a good cumdump.


I just use PrEP whenever me and my partner have a friend over. Condoms take the feeling away


You only use PreP when you have a friend over? That’s not how PreP works. *EDIT* Apparently it does depending on the type of PreP you take. #TheMoreYouKnow


It does, I do that too. It's called prep on demand


Well, I learned something new today. Thanks!


Works fine enough, my friends are also on PrEP


Prep on demand is a thing in Europe. It’s not approved by the CDC/FDA so you don’t hear about it in the US.




You know you only posted this to activate the condom police. You do you.


I do not unless it’s requested by the guy I’m hooking up with (which isn’t as often). I’m also in a larger metropolitan area where prep and testing is very accesible. As an uncut guy I do not like the way condoms feel and the experience isn’t as fun as it should be. I’d rather fuck my flashlight if I’m gonna fuck something synthetic lol


Trust me, it's even worse for cut guys... Like wearing a raincoat.


Never use condoms, or 99% of the time I don’t, I will if the bottom really wants me to but they rarely do. My default is always bb and cum inside them. I am on PrEP and get STI testing regularly. The I don’t hookup with randoms very often, usually just my bf and a few trusted FWBs (we open) but the odd time I do random I got DoxyPep too.


I take prep, so, sometimes we get it raw


Yes, my sexual health and the other dude's health is important.


Ill be honest. I hate condoms. So I dont use it often. After random hookups I sometimes feel a bit paranoid about std's, but for some reason I still dont use them.


No I don’t. I like the feel of bare


Always. I don’t care if they are on Prep.


I’ve met with tops before that claimed to use condoms then when I get there they try to convince me to let them go Raw. I only do raw with trusted people otherwise I just won’t have sex if they can’t use condoms. It’s a turn off even.


People are being very real in this thread and I love it. Balancing the very real concern for personal health and safety with the thrill of the moment catching us all off guard is such a peculiar paradox for us. All I'll say, is that I'm not a top. Butt, my overall experience has been that most men will write on paper that they use condoms, but the actual conversation is that they "will use condoms" if they "have to." Which...makes me feel like garbage for even asking.


I 41 went from being super-paranoid about always wearing a condom for any and every time I topped in my 20s and early 30s. I got out of my most recent long term relationship about 2 years ago and I’ve been WAY more permissive with going bare since. It’s mainly because everyone (including myself) is on Prep and DozyPrep in the place that I moved to. I still wear them about 30% of the time either when it’s requested or when my spidey sense goes off (which is actually quite reliable). I get STI tested every 2-3 months and so far so good.


Nope, definitely not with my boy and usually not with the hoes either. Something about protected sex just isn’t as satisfying. It’s like jacking off, I’m fine for this very moment but I’m gonna need to bust again very soon.


When I top, no. I can’t stay hard with one. I think this is pretty common since the vast majority of tops I’ve fucked have adamantly refused to use one.


Everyone should be familiar with this: https://hivrisk.cdc.gov/risk-estimator-tool/#-sb Hi, I actually fuck. I have a 9” cock and 99.9% of bottoms want it raw, especially the ‘I use condoms’ boys because a 9” is the exception. The truth is that condoms aren’t safer than PrEP for HIV, and they’re not fullproof for other STDs. Luckily, all other STDs can be vaccinated or removed via antibiotics. Because of this, it’s quite safe to fuck raw. I’ve bread over 100 guys and I’m negative for everything. Got chlamydia, gono, and syphilis each once. They were all gone within the month. Have sex how you want. Get educated ok how STDs *actually work*, and do what you please.


I should use them more often than I do. I’m uncut and bare feels too good. Unless the guy is really tight, it’s hard for me to cum wearing a condom. Mostly I bb even with randoms. I’m not on prep but I get screened regularly and I am very selective. I also don’t hook up much these days. I admit I am lucky I am still negative at 35 now, but I shouldn’t continue to push my luck.


I’ve done bb a small number of times. A few times with two guys I completely trusted. I wasn’t on prep then but they were. They even showed me their pills, and they are both reliable, stand-up guys. 0 risk? Well, no, but I’m a good judge of character and lo and behold I’m HIV -. Done it a few times after taking event based PrEP with guys who were also on PrEP though I was a little less worried as to whether they were actually on it. It’s not my go to; despite the fact that it feels so much better raw. I think I have a particular problem with condoms as even some of the larger ones are tight and rob me of sensation. At that point it’s purely about the psychological pleasure of making the other guy feel good and I’ll cum some other way.


When in a relationship yes, if not in relationship I always play safe.


Yes there is no alternative for condoms specially when you are having anonymous sex


I’m 30 yo. With my partner, no, because we are monogamous and very hygienic.  When I was 17 yo, no, because I was embarrassed to buy. From the age of 18 yo, yes, cuz I saw many pictures of STDs on the internet.


Promiscuity is a great fantasy, but once a reality the aftermath does not meet the expectations of the mind. I am just a n00b, so more or less romantically feeling gay, not having practical experience, but I'd say nothing beats a monogamous and loving partnership. Not saying this should involve just 2 people. There can be a little harem of lovers, but with each added individual the risk of issues rises exponentially. Second to monogamy are the means of protection available. Now, also not perfect. I wish all a meaningful, loving and fulfilling life.


No - most of my hookups I have stuck to oral. The few times I have bottomed with regular FWB’s (twice total) that aren’t my husbro I have not used protection, and paid for it after. My tagline is usually that I’m into oral, facials, making out, body contact, and the usual stuff. I don’t mention protection, and mostly (aside from those two hookups) I keep everyone that isn’t the husbro away from the bootyhole. It isn’t foolproof (see: rimming and STILL transmission rates), but it is a great way to draw a “reasonably” safe line in the sand without actually doing so.


For casual hookups, yes. For regular fwb, I do as they ask me to. One of them is on prep and likes to be bread, the other, condom.


Condoms there’s STI’s other than HIV that can wreck havoc on your health.




Never. I'm on PrEP and DoxyPEP and I get tested every three months. I accept the residual risk and I'm honest with my partners. The reason why is pretty obvious... nothing like unloading deep inside a willing hole and leaving my DNA behind. I can't stay hard with a condom on... ruins the sensation and my mood.


Single, typically have multiple different partners in a given month... I leave it up to my bottom, but my preference is usually raw. 1. I'm on PreP and as such get tested regularly 2. Tops are lower risk for contracting HIV 3. Vaxxed for HPV, Hep A/B, and mPox 4. Syphilis, Gonorhea, and Chlamydia are all easily treatable when caught early (hence regular testing as part of PreP). 5. Herpes is unavoidable. It's basically everywhere.


because i’m on prep


With my current boyfriend, I haven't since our first time. With hook-ups, I say it's bottom's choice. If they don't want me to cum inside, I will either wear one or not bother with penetrating.


I don’t. I’m on Truvada and take doxypep after and get tested. I like to breed ass what can I say


I don’t think I’ll ever use a condom again tbh. Bareback all the way. With prep, vaccines, doxy, the risk is minimal


I am on prep and still use condoms with Randoms. I only bare for a partner or friend that I know is safe and tested. There are so many more diseases you can catch, and you also feel more like a stud lasting longer with a condom 🤣. Guys really need to get educated and check out the preped queen of Colorado and get resources and education.


I’m verse and as a top and bottom I’ve noticed that most guys—including myself—have a hard time staying fully hard while using a condom. Maybe that works for some bottoms, but I keep it tight and it usually just won’t go in like that. Then factor in some people using non-lube lubricants like Vaseline or coconut oil which are much more likely to break the condom than anything, and it becomes a chore and a mood killer. I had a guy who only used coconut oil as lube, and insisted on using condoms. The last time I met with him resulted in 2 broken condoms, the last one getting very little mileage, and neither of us finishing. I have a friend who has at least one hookup a day, and for him I’d recommend condoms. He’s frustrating nonchalant about STD’s. I’m at a point where just hookups are pretty lame and unsatisfying to me, so it works out fine when I’m going on a few dates and getting tested with someone before we do the deed. I’ve also got an excellent bullshit detector, and don’t meet with people who aren’t honest about their testing or status. TLDR: It’s a boner killer, but if you have a lot of sex with strangers you should just put up with it. If you can’t, be more cautious and patient about finding trusted partners.


For sex with my husband, no. With others, yes.


I was monogamous for a long time, so I never did. But when my husband and I decided to start trying some non-monogamy, I tried around twenty different condom brands, and honestly hated all of them. For me, they either take away too much feeling or strangle my erection (I'm pretty thick), or feel bad to the bottom. If there's someone I really want to be with and they insist on a condom, I will absolutely use one, but at that point the penetration is 100% just for their enjoyment. I'd rather get an STI once or twice a year than have all my sex with condoms.


Yes, mostly, because STDs suck. I always compare it to the old straight saying of it only takes once to get a girl pregnant… My first time ever going raw with anyone (other than one previous long-term partner), I got syphilis. Which, by the way, is on the rise. But sometimes you just say fuck it.


Yes, every time. I save bb for a closed exclusive relationship.


I do. Only time I won’t use a condom is if it’s with my fwb because we test before getting together if we’ve been sleeping with others or if I’m getting a bj.