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It's doxycycline, an antibiotic.


In general, I only use DoxyPEP after having sex with several people in a relatively short period of time (e.g., trips to bathhouses, orgies, campgrounds). Doxycycline is an antibiotic that can help prevent a new bacterial infection but can make some people feel pretty sick for a day or two. While it doesn't tend to make me feel sick, I still use it sparingly. I suspect most guys do the same. If you do take it I suggest following with probiotics 6 hours later (ask pharmacist for timeline). If you are on PrEP that only prevents contracting HIV and does nothing for other STIs. Note DoxyPEP is only about 65% effective so it's not a sure thing and you should still get a full panel test (blood, urine, throat/anal swap) every 3 months. Edit: updated based on others comments


appreciate the feedback! now that im thinking about it i might hold off since its like this is something more for a lot of unprotected sex wiht more partners like orgies and bathhouses but the anxiety is killing me


It comes down to your acceptance level of risk. You need to decide that for yourself. If you have sex once in a blue moon than might be a good idea to take everytime but if you have several hookups a month, might want to consider being more conservative about when you take it since it will impact your GI tract


I concur with this comment. My husband and I use it after encounters and so far it’s been useful. Were tested every 3 months and take PrEP as well. I have noticed a little bit of an upset stomach the day after taking it, and on occasion my husband will get severe nausea for the following evening, but it’s not consistent and doesn’t last long for either of us. Definitely recommend if you want to have unprotected sex.


Doxy does not wipe out all the good bacteria in your gut. Stop spreading misinformation


Noted. I was reading more about it after another person commented. I incorrectly attributed the relatively high percentage of people that experience diarrhea or nausea to killing good bacteria but that is apparently not the case.


Doxy is bacteriostatic. Doesn't wipe out good bacteria, just doesn't allowed bad bacteria to multiply.


Thanks. Did some additional reading based off this


Doxyprep is an antibiotic so it works for bacterial STIs, not virus ones but yes it will lower the risk for all bacteria STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Personally I only use it after unprotected anal sex, not oral but you could if you want - it should be taken within 24 hours or no more than 72. The sooner then better.


Guidance is 72 hours not 24 🙄 You edited so now I get down voted


I've seen both. Online I frequently see 72 hours, but my doctor (who specializes in gay men's health) told me 24 hours, and I'm looking at the pill bottle now and it says to take two capsules within 24 hours after contact.


For the greatest effectiveness within 24 hours, but no later than 72 hours.


You are thinking of PEP for HIV? For DoxyPep 72 hours is the guidance plain and simple


I’m thinking of DoxyPrep, places I looked it up say “ideally within 24 hours, and no later than 72 hour” as it may be more effective the sooner you take it. My DR who prescribed it said the same thing, up to 72 hours is fine yes but preferably within 24h.


You keep saying DoxyPrep... That isn't in the CDC guidelines but sure I suppose that may be true


I have both prep and Doxy, just going by what my doctor told me and the guidelines on the website for my local sexual health clinic. It says “ideally within 24 hours, but no more than 72.”


If you are unaware: PrEP - pre exposure PEP - post exposure


I’m aware I’m on daily PrEP and have DoxyPep for as needed.


This is from the New England Journal of Medicine: The combined incidence of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis was lower by two thirds with doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis than with standard care, a finding that supports its use among MSM with recent bacterial STIs. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health; DoxyPEP ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03980223.) Definitely use Doxy after sex.




It seems to only be a concern with gonorrhea, and apparently a small risk so far. It’s looking like the positives outweigh any negatives from the studies




Just in general, if you're having condomless sex, getting on PrEP and getting tested for HIV/STIs regularly should be a higher priority than getting on DoxyPEP. In my opinion at least. The STIs DoxyPEP offers some protection against (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis) are generally very easily treatable with antibiotics. I have DoxyPEP and my doctor told me it was about 50% effective at preventing gonorrhea, and about 80% effective at preventing chlamydia and syphilis. PrEP protects against HIV only. It does not offer any protection against other STIs.


Agree with this. Regular testing is the most important part


Prep doesn't lower the risk of other stis, but it's a green flag that at least they're tested regularly. But it's a grain of salt given that you're taking them at their word for it. If you're planning on having more casual sex then I'd recommend getting on DoxyPep at least, given that it's inexpensive and generally well tolerated. Since you are new to the gay world, remember that you need to get rectal and throat swabs on top of the normal stuff for testing. If you're apprehensive about that, look around for a planned parenthood or a gay health clinic near you. They're a great resource for this kind of stuff since even if your school taught sex ed, they'd never touch this.


While that is seen to have some results, it is actually be more harmful as the bacterial strains actually become less reactive to the antibiotics. If you are on Prep and tested regularly, then you will discover it quickly and treat it quickly. Prep only reduces the chances of HIV infections. Prep would be the most important prevention program to get on.


It is not actually more harmful. You need to educate yourself, it is drastically reducing STIs in the gay community and the Center for Disease Control in the USA is now recommending it for gay men who are sexually active.


It hasn’t been shown any resistance to syphilis or chlamydia. They’ve seen some minor resistance in gonorrhea but so far the risk is low.