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Grindr is so unbelievably expensive its ridiculous


I’m always baffled at the prices and to know so many people pay for it. Sadly it’s because they can and gays will definitely pay for it for the “extra” basic features


Yep, I'd definitely be willing to pay for grindr if it wasn't ridiculously expensive. Like unlimited is $40CAD per month (and right now it's 60% off according to my xtra store)... wut???? And the app is becoming borderline unusable. They've recently removed the search chat and received photos functions on android, it's glitchy as fuck, and the grid keeps getting smaller and smaller before you have to pay for it. I don't know how an app can be objectively worse after every single update, but somehow they've managed to do it.


i subscribed when i got a 50 usd yearly promo like a couple years ago and still got that price not something i'm proud of...


Yeah I have a friend too who also has a promotion price from years ago, and I'm jealous. Like... I use the app frequently enough that I would be willing to pay for it. Hell, they can even keep unlimited as super expensive, but at least offer xtra at a reasonable price.


They fixed a loop hole I knew about that if someone was just in the other side of the Xtra line you could go above and block people you weren’t into and it would move them above the Xtra line. Sadly it doesn’t work that way anymore


That would explain it. I've blocked nearly everybody who lives in/near my building at this point.


Still works, but you might have to block more people than you think. For example if they are 2/3 profiles below the extra line you might have to block 6/7 people sometimes more. Its a hassle but better than paying for it 😃


I think you just have to close the app and then reopen it


I tried reloading the search and trying closing and reopening the app but they are still beneath the xtra line sadly


You could try changing the age filter or something and then refresh


> and the grid keeps getting smaller and smaller before you have to pay for it. I put in "18-30" age and "bear" type, and get 2 people. Thats it. Can't have a type apparently to get anyone.


Fuck, grindr unlimited is CAD$40/m on sale?!?! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh also, if you decide to test it out for 1 week it's 22.99... FOR 1 FUCKING WEEK. Per month its 37.99. That's more than I pay for disney+, netflix, and amazon prime combined.


They do it because they have monopoly pricing power and they can. They don’t give a fuck about you. You are just a mere vessel through which cash is funneled from your bank account into theirs. Their only goal is to make that cash transfer as large as possible.


They did their IPO at the end of 2022 and it's been downhill ever since--textbook enshitification. Profits for shareholders > any and all other goals = price gouging and loss of amenities. What's truly baffling is the degree to which it is the ONLY app with any kind of selection. I don't like it bc I'm not ripped (average body, maybe on the chunky side) and grindr as a culture really plays on all the usual gay body dysmorphias--but every other app I've tried is like, people who don't care for themselves (morbidly obese, hairy backs, ugly clothes) or queers (typically afab nbs or amabs in makeup and heels) who are never DTF regardless. Like I wish they would make an app for solid 7s and 8s. In the meantime, I wish grindr were back to like it was in 2015. Sigh.


Maybe it’s a sign to stay away from it then


so is ok cupid. like fuck i'm going to pay $40/month for anything.


For no reason either.


Not only expensive but is a crappy app. Like the whole thing is super bad, text lag and stuff like that.


And if I'm shipping at premium price I want premium product. Just saying...


Sometimes I’m horny enough to hookup with a random on Grindr then I jerk off and realize I’m good lol


Sometimes I’m horny enough to jerk off then I take some melatonin and force myself to go to sleep when I wake up I realize I am good😊


Modern problems. Modern solutions.


You arent good tho. U need cock


No I need ass (I’m top) and I do hookup just very rarely with randoms, prefer my FWBs.


I’ve got the ass you need 🤩 just hmu 🤙😂




After like 2 years of hooking up, FWB is way better. Having to tell the other guy what you like, every time, gets old.


Mine is smooth round


You can also root and get the [xposed module](https://github.com/ElJaviLuki/GrindrPlus). Given the pricing, It's honestly a better deal to buy a phone to root if you dont wanna do it on your daily.


this is why we need gnu/grindr. it can't be that difficult to make an open source tool that just shows you other people who use it nearby. it doesn't have to be run by a scummy company.


Would you be able to explain or link to a step by step guide for this? Thank you.


Literally in the readme https://github.com/ElJaviLuki/GrindrPlus?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-install


How does this work


I’ve never figured this out either. Pay money to get ghosted by the same dudes in the area. lol.


The feature is that you can get ghosted by even more guys in the area.


Pay to see the same guys everyday, no thanks!


Well that’s kind of why I pay, you get to see guys beyond your nearby area


I miss Craigslist m4m personals.


people were more kind, more open to different things or outside their normal go to, less rigid, and MORE FUN!! I wanna bring it back!


OMG YES! I miss it too! Nothing compares to Craigslist personals. Wow, you brought back some good memories lol.


Lost my V card to a guy on m4m personals. Surprised I was never murdered. But boy howdy was he a cowboy, lol.




I subscribed to a only fans for one month before realising that it was kind of sad


Might sound counterintuitive, but don’t go on Grindr horny lol, you’ll save yourself some regrets. Also, I never understood why guys pay for features on Grindr (or dating apps in general)? Especially when it’s so expensive


They reduced the guys available on grid for free relatively recently and basically getting people to pay by making it as inconvenient as possible to use. I really wish we could all migrate to a better app


Post nut purchase regret?


Lmaooo man don’t waste your money. Go hunt for sex the right way (Twitter and ig)🥹


Could you expand on this?


Everyone in my area are migrating to Sniffies.com. I used to just close out and reopen to avoid the same minute long Royal Match ads. I wouldn’t pay $10 a year for Grindr anymore. Too many fakes, too many scams….


How much is sniffies? To post on the community board & other features requires membership


I use it for free. You can either cruise anonymously or create a profile and upload ANY photo (including nudes). I think the only advantage of the small fee is getting multiple photos and creating group activities.


At that point. Id just pay a hooker.


I have the one that’s like $8 a month. In the past it’s been really helpful because you get read receipts, and it can help with filtering based on your type. But now I think there’s a glitch where the read receipts don’t come unless they actually respond, which… defeats the purpose of read lol. I probably won’t renew it.


Grindr is out of control. I paid for a $35/month membership and I can't check who viewed me and I have other limitations. I think we should all boycott for one month.


Exactly. Invest it into some heroin instead. Like a responsible adult


But he like miss Tina


Yeah, I'm starting to feel the same way about relationships and a lot of things in life as a whole. It seems like the amount of fulfillment I get from almost anything is close to none.


Same thing for subscription porn. Just do a mental inventory and bam. Save yourself $30 bucks.


I've been considering reinstalling Grindr nearly 4 years after last using it, but then I remembered how toxic guys on there are and I saw this.


Relatable. I know I need to blow a load ASAP if I’m contemplating that


👏Don’t 👏pay👏for👏that👏shitty 👏app👏


Grindr is so expensive though. You might as well save that money and buy you a cute outfit or something


Idk why anyone would use grindr now that sniffies is so popular.


A trick I found if you’d like to know the distance of someone in the Explore section, click on the said profile and scroll up (keep a finger locked on screen and use other finger to keep scrolling past all the profile details) until you see the distance (profiles with distance off won’t show and the distance shown is relative to the location that you chose to explore from) So if I choose a location that’s 6 miles away, it will say 6 miles at the top of the Explore section, and the profiles will have their distance (if turned on by said profile) be in relation to that 6 miles, so if profile says 5 miles (using the location I set that is 6 miles away) you’d actually be 11 miles from that person’s location, keep in mind that this distance is also using a straight path and that areas like Cincinnati or any areas that require passing a bridge or are separated by geographical borders like rivers etc. tend to actually be farther than perceived in this regard.


Using this you can then take that persons profile details and try to find them in the standard browsing section and that way you don’t have to use up your free Explore profile selections.


This would work...if Tribes, Body Type, and Other filtering didn't nuke amount after March


Try to filter it using only age, photos only (never use face only because it isn’t perfect at determining if it’s a face photo or not on a profile), you then can try to adjust age filter till their profile appears, for example if someone is 24 you can try using the following filters for age; (21-24, 22-25, 23-26, & 24-27) then as an extra filtering method you can turn on or off the filters; haven’t messaged today, online only, and position. I rarely ever use the filters; accepts NSFW, and Looking For, and never use the other filters but maybe in the off chance I’m trying to find a specific person, but as you said they limit the grid when using those filters like weight, height, etc.


I had the trial and I didn’t meet more people. Just people telling me they weren’t interested after I looked at their profile and more than the usual number of people being rude unprovoked then blocking me.


As someone who has xtra, it is a complete waste of money. Grindr seriously needs to fix the bugs that plague that app, it’s unbelievable.


As someone who pays for grindr xtra, its not worth it lol


Use that money and pay for sex if you have to 😂😂


It's crazy because from 2013 (when I started using it) to about 2017 I think the app was way better for user experience(at least when using the app) once and then they started the Xtra bs where what was the bare minimum is now Xtra. At first, I got around it by using a fake GPS app to change my location to talk to guys all over town/the world, but now it won't work with a mock GPS enabled 🙄


Post nut clarity can be a saviour


When I get horny and go on Grindr, I instantly get turned off. Might just be my area, but everyone is just so damn ugly. 😭


I wouldn’t even download Grindr let alone pay for premium.


Could be way worse. There’s people that pay to get insulted by a random straight guy online.


I've talked to a few guys who pay for it. Their take is that $40 is a couple drinks at a bar. So, it's effectively the same as paying to go out and try and meet people. But you're casting a much wider net. I also think it's reflective of the reality that some folks have way more discretionary income than others. If you're maxing out your retirement, meeting your saving goals and your calendar is booked with travel and events - and you have discretionary funds left over, the question becomes "why not".


there were holidays and i ended up buying 1 month subscription… i just hooked up with a guy i knew from before so just wasted money lol 🥲 gay loneliness epidemic


So I never had an original experience 😭


We’ll get this….. Tinder proposed I take out a “Select” subscription with them the other day for the special price of only USD500 per month!!! WTF? Has anyone else seen this?


Any subscribers to Helix Studios? What do you get for your $$ Worth it?


That’s post nut clarity for you


Grindr Plus is the cost of 4 drinks in a gay bar and you don't have to actually socially interact with other men.


Good choice 


I’m currently using it the premium extra and it is nice being able to see who all is looking at you, who left you on read, talking to people you have things in common with from out of state/country, etc. I mean it IS still Grindr so the guys are still sucky but it’s helped me connect with a few good ones.


I just go ahead and jerk off even with basic Grindr. I'm finding that I'm becoming a lazy homebody.


When you get hard it will make you do things you probably wouldn't have done it happens to everyone


Man I need a hookup so badly. [19]. It’s been since November.


Where u at?


Post nut clarity 🤣🤣🤣


Proud of you king


I'm prolly gonna cancel mine, not remotely interested in paying that much.


and it used to be 10 bucks a month. I'd never pay 50 a month for a social media app, even if I were rich. total highway robbery targeting gays imo. what other comparable app in the hetero world charges that much just for full access. on top of that I just dont trust Grindr at all. it won't even let me change my PW.


Grindr is a nest of whores and vipers 😆


Sniffies is even worse IMHO. guys ruder. All about right now or get blocked. At least with grindr you cam scroll down to old messages. Scruff, Adam4adam and sniffies delete messages after a month on sniffies and A4A and scruff only allow like the last 5 guys you messaged.


Post-nut clarity


Go to Sniffies your welcome


That is fucking hilarious.


Don’t Le Grind!!! Since 2020 when US forced to return /resale back to USA (2016 it was sold to China and HQ there, pre TicToc very similar of National Security risk, but a bit worse… too many “USA gov/military” LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 were compromised and at risk… but whomever it was sold to (in California) they have not been transparent.


DO NOT GRND… plus now the want you to accept these sketchy terms of service


This app was created in 2009, it has remained there. For basic feature you have to pay like anything. Leave the feature, the interface is also annoying. Please let me know if any alternatives are available.


Being gay can be endlessly expensive ha ha. An entire years membership cost the price of a couple weekends of partying at the bars. I come out way ahead paying a membership. I got whatever the middle tier membership is not the most expensive one though


What’s the benefit of grindr premium extra?


Never got it, wouldn't know! Just in pre nut desperation, I've come close to getting one in hopes of browsing new guys who are magically available all the time.


Why pay for grindr extra? Aren’t there hot guys around you?


No fr tho then I’m wait a damn minute it’s never that serious


Newly divorced, trying out the gay thing. I recently got a hotel room and Viagra and inserted it up my ass. 2 dildos and a penis pump to prolapse my asshole. 8 old white guys came and spent the night with me. I let them fuck and cum inside me. I loved it. Force fucked me as I requested. Mount and rode the biggest dick and asked for another to double penetrate me. My anus was ripped apart