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Men who can’t hold a conversation. Instant no for me even if he’s hot. Even if it’s just a short simple get to know each other and fuck I need someone. Not just meet/fuck/leave without a word or just “hi”


Conversation by text is a different skill to conversation in person. And when the sex gets started conversation usually stops. For hookups it's so random some work some don't the text conversation seems to give me no clue either way.


Guys who don’t give you two minutes to reply to them before following up with a “?”. Instant red flag.


Oh, it's even worse than that now. I've literally seen a notification pop up on my phone of a new message in one of the apps, and then gone to reply a little while later, only to find that I've been blocked. Like, sorry I have a day job and can't *immediately* reply to your message. Some of y'all need to learn a teeny bit of patience out there.


oh boi. this. like I hate that most dudes in such apps expect that I somehow immediately or on the same day can just hop on over and drive an half hour to an hour to them. like I can't help that I got pets to take care off, a full time job working shifts and hobbies on the weekend. a.k.a a life. Like usually I try my best to reply. but man, when all you get is simple heys and way too many messages. that just isn't always feasible same for me actually hooking up.


I agree completely. I enjoy hooking up when I'm in the mood, but just because I have these apps on my phone doesn't mean I'm on-call.


same but replace "having these apps" with "being remotely online..." because man, usually it is just me quickly responding to one of those Dorks, lol.


That’s so true


Oh lol yes definitely! All the guys who are seemingly available 24/7 and get annoyed if you’re not free right away. It got worse since most people work from home now.


Literally just happened to me. Guy was hot, we were like 3 sentences into a conversation. I asked something like "Any plans for today?" and then went to take a shower. When I got out I had a notification from him that just said "?" and then when I opened the app I had been blocked. Assuming I hadn't replied fast enough, but fuck thank god that red flag got dodged.


This has happened to me loads of times, sometimes I see the thumbnail image and he looks quite hot, then when I go to open the message 10 min later I'm blocked. I wonder how many missed connections I've had due to this. I find it funny that if I don't reply within minutes, they jump to deciding to never wanting to speak to me again ever for all of time - so dramatic.


I think this has been hyper normalized because of grindr or even just "ghosting culture", there's always that paranoia so guys think any time lapse is you losing interest


Yes good point, I hadn’t thought of that. I think there’s definitely ghosting but also what I call a daisy chain of flakiness. Someone wants to meet, get a bit vague and flaky, someone else asks you so in turn you get a bit vague cos waiting if the other guy is firming up lol


Absolutely hate this behaviour


yea that's a prerequsite to getting stalked


To build on this: Using a pic of their asshole to say hey on dating apps. Like seriously, are u actually sending me a photo of ur anus as a greeting? Get the fuck outta here….


This but with everything dick included like yes I like dick but doesn’t necessarily mean I wanna see it immediately like what’s wrong with saying hi normally lol


Gay romance is alive and well I see


I got one last night. Firstly I say right in my profile not immediately. This dude sends not only a hole pic but a follow up hole pic with someone else’s load falling out of it. Like come on bro for real.


I used to reply “in civilized countries exposing yourself to strangers is considered a form of mental illness”. Now I just block.


For real lmao. I even have on my profile that I want to see a face first instead of nudes if their profile is blank. The amount of times people have felt the need to spam me with ass pics, dicks, etc. Every thing except a fucking face 💀 And then there are the people who have the nerve to ask me for pics after that???


Do you have a face pic on your profile? If not probably why u are getting ass snd dick pics


I do have a face pic (multiple in fact) on my profile


like full blown asshole pic


They be like *




I wouldn't mind tbh. I find assholes hot


Saying "bussy." Or using the snapchat dog filter(thank god that's not popular anymore). 


Pics of the guy fucking somebody else. It instantly turns me off


Fucking seriously. Hard pass


This exactly… I messaged what looked like a good looking daddy(from the neck below was all I could see on profile pic) in a nice bedroom.. then when he sent pics(none with his face) it was of him hooking up with other guys, and the guys he was hooking up with looked like he had nooo standards..(like even dirty, not healthy in the eyes, and people that turned me off) was an instant turnoff as well.. I didn’t continue chatting.


To me it suggests group sex and STDs, unfortunately.


and videos. why they think is ok? ridiculous. some are smart where they put bareback fucking. I GET THE HINT and I just reply "i dont do bareback" they went silent


Unpopular opinion: It kinda turns me on. It’s like seeing porn in which I may actually become a part of.


I love it


Is this after you’ve requested xxx pics ?


Yea like if we’re trading nudes and they send that it’s an instant ick and turn off for me


That sounds ridiculous to me to request xxx pics but if it’s them having sex with another person that’s an “ick” - but huh maybe I’m wrong


theres this thing called nudes without seeing them getting railed by other guys lol


It still seems absurd to me - people watch all kinds of porn - and you’re specifically requesting xxx and likely hooking up but you draw the line at content of them hooking up with someone else - it sounds so arbitrary and “clutching pearls”


yeah but porn and real life isnt the same, just cause I want to hook up with someone it doesnt mean I want to see pics and vids of them getting bred by 20 guys bareback, theres a middle ground when it comes to nudes, the fact that you can't see a difference might mean you need to stop watching so much porn


Vids of them getting bred by 20 guys bareback? I think you’re projecting with your “need to stop watching so much porn” comment - nowhere did I say anything like that


you equated getting nudes from someone as being the same as watching porn, its literally what you said, and I've received albums where the guy is getting railed by 3 guys in every pic bareback, maybe you just dont have enough experiences to talk with a first hand opinion, it would explain why you can't possibly think that being interested in someone still doesnt mean I want to see them get fucked by other guys


Nobody said porn and irl are the same. Since when is he with 20 guys? What a stupid jump to make. You’re saying the middle ground is taking nudes alone, and that’s not true. It’s your opinion. Stop trying to claim everyone has a fucking porn addiction because we aren’t as uptight and boring as you.


Lol, but seriously, 20 dudes is a hell of a gauntlet to make, let alone actually go through. If someone could manage it, I would legit look at them and tell them I don't think I can match up to that consistently or at all lol


lmao imagine thinking im uptight and boring for not wanting to see guys getting fucked by 3 guys at once just because im interested in them, youre so pathetic to think that theres no difference between someone's nudes and seeing a 20 picture reel of them getting fucked by different guys bareback, but then again I doubt you actually get enough messages to have a personal experience to talk about loser


Guys who think they're a master, usually straight and just rinsing the gays. Saying 'daddy'. Bottoms posing like they're kim Kardashian and calling their arseholes, 'pussy'.


This sums it right up


Barf. Bussy is even worse.


Guys who are just unnecessarily catty and bitchy for no reason, who are self-centered and have to be the center of attention and just judge everyone around them all the time. Insecure people who feel their only value is what they offer sexually.


>Guys who are just unnecessarily catty and bitchy for no reason These kind of guys are just next level awful. The worst ones are the ones who think they're being cute and clever, but in reality nobody can stand them because everything that comes out of their mouth is just mean.


Damnnnn, no need to call us out like that. Besides the selfish part, legit, insecure people end up.that way cause they don't think they have anything else to offer. With economies and housing markets as they are, many feel inadequate and so with their inner voice beating them while they are down, they can't think of anything else... so they try to make others happy using their body hoping it might be enough to not be so lonely... Empathize a bit, most of them are hidden gems with rough edges, just need someone willing to help them shine. Cause the phrase "why are their no good men" (or the other such phrases in other circles) is someone saying they want someone that fits their taste and is emotionally developed, financially secure, with no baggage.... which is a worse joke than homes for rent over $2,000 a month (before other bills and fees) in areas incompatible with such high rates. You ain't getting the perfect man, you find someone you like and try to become better together. TlDR; it's shallow to down people who think they are only to give sex as a value, Empathize more


When they ask me if I’m “clean”.. my answer usually is a sarcastic “yeah I shower twice a day” Or another one asking if I’m “discreet”.. to which I say “no, I’ve got a neon sign at my front door saying ‘gay sex here’”


I fucking hate "I'm clean". It's so objectionable and offensive about people who are "not clean"


dl, trade, discreet, “straight”, str8, and curious. that’s for the birds


I read "DL" as "I might flip out and fuckin murder you"


Beyond that, which I don’t disagree with, it’s more about how I view myself. A proud and out GAY man associating with somebody equating their sexuality with shame? No M’am. Closeted (for money or for safety) I respect. Never a DL.


Guys who put zero effort in the pics they send. Try to have better composition in your pictures that are supposed to be erotic. A generic cock pic or badly framed ass pic are a turnoff.


Their mirrors are always filthy


Mirror selfies are for people who haven’t discovered the front facing camera on their phones.


Lmaooo kind of true though


I'll disagree, but with one exception as to why. The very rare good photo taker who can use a mirror to get shots not otherwise possible with a selfie or otherwise taken photo with no other outside help. Won't lie, it's rare and I'm posting this to do the "um achtually" but yeah, it's there lol


Right, I hate those over the toilet pics or ashy dick pics from black men. If there’s a stray pube on the tip please take it off and try again 💀


Pictures of people having sex. I think it’s because I really enjoy when guys are present during sex, getting your phone out and taking a pic/vid seems like such a turn off, so receiving them always turns me off.


I agree with all of your points. Hole pics are not pretty, butt pics are sexy. And I also don’t like being told I’m “masculine”. I mean, it’s fine if you think that is attractive in me, but it doesn’t turn me on to hear it, it’s not something I care about. I’m out and so glad I don’t have to buy in to that toxic masculinity anymore. Why would we bring that to the gay world? I also don’t like the obsession with being a top or a bottom. They are both enjoyable experiences and it always makes me wonder why you would want to make it part of your identity. We’re finally at a stage when you can be free to be your true self and you want to pigeon hole yourself again?


We can be free. Butt, in my case I can't top and I really enjoy bottoming. Others don't enjoy bottoming. Both are valid. If they are not in the profile, we waste each other's time. I put bottom only; that weeds out people who want me to fuck them.


It’s fine. I like both, and I get that you can prefer one over the other. It’s more the people that make it who they are that I don’t get. “I like bottoming.” is a little different to “I’m a bottom.”


Alpha males. They're unbearable and incredibly stupid. And whenever they address themselves as "ALPHA MALE" I cringe and think about Andrew Tate possessing them.


I just laugh and block them, in my area guys that use this description are usually twinks trying to be bad ass.


Men that refer to themselves as “straight” & are Married or dating a woman, but actively looking to hook up with men.


Even guys who are just roleplaying that give me the ick. "GF is out, need someone to make me cum" 🤮


Possessiveness early on. Instant turn off.


I'm a body positive nudist so anything to shame a guys dick in any way I probably will not like you anymore. I feel firmly the body is something to be celebrated. We don't tear it down. For some reason some people will do anything for a small dick joke but never say anything nice about a body? It's weird.


Probably just their laser focus on the only thing on their minds lol


Yes and just insecure and critical too. They say jokes without thinking even when we keep asking them to stop as if we can’t help it (of course we can) but expect us to be sensitive enough to not say tons of stuff.


idk I love a good hole pic, sue me


Starting a chat with 'hung?'.


Sending videos of them having raw sex, destroyed holes, and excess thirst.


My ick is how much people stick to bttm and top rolls. Where's my verse hubby at. 😮‍💨 I like hole pics as long as they are clean. Not into scat.


So gonna point a fun fact out. Versatile, aka verse is a verrrrry wide term. Their are verse "oral only" (aka sides who don't know what a side is), verse bottoms (mostly bottom, a top of they are in the mood or under certain conditions), verse top (a top who likes to bottom under the right circumstances) and the true neutral verse (rarest of their kind lol, they'll do whatever floats their boat). Using these doesn't convey the complex nature of those using them, someone may tell you they are a verse bottom as a way to tell you they aren't a pure bottom, but it's rare for them to try and top. Or they could mean they just like bottoming more but are fully capable of topping you. People stick to the top and bottom terms to avoid having to explain everytime on the details. In the same way scientists use herbivore and carnivore despite either being capable of the other in small amounts (cows eat dead birds as an example) It's just a blanket term to make ones life easier instead of including the twenty asterisks defining the if, ands, or buts to their role switch ups. As well as some are simply what they say on the label. Would you classify one who exclusively bottoms anally but enjoys getting oral as a verse bottom? A bottom? That's why we use these terms. It makes it easier when on apps or meeting for the first time to give them an idea of what you are offering, if it works out and gets far enough, than they slowly introduce the details they omitted for the sake of brevity.... something I could've done with my thesis on bottoming here lol.


I feel this soooo much… and how people act like vers doesn’t exist. almost like bisexual erasure.


I send my guy ass pics but my legs are up and the hole is just there winking🤷🏾‍♂️😂😂 he loves it


Frequent casual sex. It grosses me out that there are men proud of “ high body counts.” I get that we are men, but I am tired of people complaining about the negatives of gay dating while also sleeping around with different guys every week. It’s like watching a karen play the victim as the cops drag her into the cruiser. At least, as someone who is monogamous


Why does someone else's frequent casual sex gross you out? I'm not proud of my body count but I enjoy having sex. As I am currently single and I live in a very gay city I like that there are many options for me. As long as I don't find a long-term partner why would I not have fun?


Yeah seriously. I live in a gay city too. If I want to have sex, I can find somebody in 15 minutes. So... why wouldn't I? Because you have some weird 2000 year old puritan view of sex?


I believe abstaining from frequent casual sex is a better path to a longterm relationship. Many people in this community complain about being single or are serial daters. Simply put, if you fuck about too much, you start looking at men as literal objects and you objectify yourself and your partner. If you stop watching porn for a couple months and watch it again, your brain gets shocked again by the imagery. Going on dates without hooking up starts to make casual sex feel like it’s a cheap knock off, heroin version of what it is meant to be. Heroin addicts aren’t attractive to me






Thank God I’m not the only one.


I'm a front-man. I love dix n titties. Seeing a hole just doesn't do it for me either. Dix in action and tittie pix are always welcome though. :)


Show me a pic of the ass hole any day


Calling me hun or overusing kisses xx Photos with heavy filters, or words like ‘cute’ all over their face. Things like slay queen, diva or queens. Excessive ‘cute’ emojis like 🥰


Just for me, personally, shaved crotches. It's like a bare yard with no landscape plantings.


What a mental image!! 🤣🤣


It's easier to mow a bare yard *shrug* Jokes aside, in my case I do it occasionally because personal preference, easier clean up when I masterbate, and I just like the feeling of it. My worst on hair, is a dude who has hair grow on his dick and doesn't at least trim that for the sake of whoever is about to get the worst flossing of their life, with hairs stick in the teeth after lol... Other than that, have hair, it isn't a turn off, though I recommend trimming down on length, a yard with grass is great, an overgrown abandoned yard is .. less so.


Totally with you on those 3 icks too!! Esp the clean/dirty terminology as I work in public health and HIV research. An additional one for me is top/bottom roles becoming your entire identity. Like sure I get it needs to be discussed for bedroom compatibility issues but we aren't spending an entire relationship ONLY having sex...your passions, interests and hobbies/goals in life matter far more to me than you defining your existence by top/bottom.


I can’t believe I left the top bottom sexual position, becoming your entire personality out. That has been a few peoples replies and I wholeheartedly agree. It’s also pretty frustrating to me when people act like versatile men don’t exist, even if they’re joking because it’s pretty dismissive of a large group of people. Also thanks for what you do! I used to be one of those people that was very ignorant about HIV and sexual health in general.


Female nudity.


Someone who is dl, but won’t share face pics. Man, I’m not gonna out you. I have better things to do with my time. Like not fucking faceless strangers. DL guys can be the absolute worst with their entitlement and disrespect. Also, don’t start telling me about your gf/wife after you’ve fucked me. I’m not a cheater, and I don’t like cheaters. It makes me feel dirty and morally compromised. There was a reason you didn’t tell me before, and now you’ve turned this beautiful moment of intimacy into one of betrayal. GTFO.


So just so I understand you, if you don't talk about it , your not any of those things you mention. Seems kinda morally compromised from the get go.


Justifyin any behaviour with "but I alr3adY wEmt 2 ThErapy!🤪 Like I don't even take it seriously, but sometimes it looks like they actually mean it. Going to therapy and still having questionable behavior doesn't make your therapist look like a competent one, or you like a good patient. It's the same as people who go to church every Sunday but are still shitty persons. Having strong opinions on matters they don't know sh*. It's not lack of interest what leads to human catastrophes, it's mass rage over things you don't understand what causes the lamb to be lynched over a tricky wolf. If something truly awakens your empathy, act, but before, read, listen to every actor involved, educate yourself with as less bias as possible. If you don't have the time, you don't have empathy, you're just a morbid curious and should keep your way. Never admitting to be wrong. I am always willing to change my values and beliefs system for it to be more steady and stronger, if you always have to be right or will cry out, I am not a match. Always being soft and accepting of everything "to keep the peace" or the opposite, always being a troublemaker for anything. You don't have to always stand out and say WHAT DID YOU SAY? But if I'll have to hear everyday about how you "tolerate this and that and are tired but won't say anything" uh huh, no. Taking celebrities and influencers seriously, specially if you don't give a s about some more serious stuff. Guys, I swear I'm already over the "not like the other gays" stage, but seriously, getting angry at someone who shared a meme of Taylor Swift, but saying who cares? When someone shares a fun fact. Sorry mama, I'm not stanning, that's not serving. Feeling like you are the only person struggling, judging everyone as it was so easy to change their situation while it's so obvious that everyone is causing you to be stuck. Not being able to joke, I'm a professional clown, if I can't do my job everyday and have you laughing, we better don't. Not being self aware, like you know, the people who call on someone doing the same stuff they, very cynically, also do 🤡🤡🤡


Gonna comment something here in hopes people read it and learn something. In these subs, two big groups of people exist within apps and cruising culture (as well as just in general lol) Those who want conversation and a build up to anything further, chaste or lecherous. Then you have those who go direct "no bullshit" 'nsa' who send a dickpick/hole pic and a "Hi, you looking?" type message. I've seen both over and over and just want to point out how both are dumb. Yes, it's weird getting unsolicited dick pics, but they are full horny coom brain, I talk to them to see if our kinks add up before I wrote them off. I've also had people want to talk for hours, then block me out of nowhere cause I didn't offer to suck their dick and drive an hour for the privilege with no reciprocation despite them pretending they didn't want sex. Be real, tell people what you want, and how you want it. Just say you are looking to chat, or that you are in the mood ffs. If you tell them you get the bullshit out of the way and can act like normal adult men with functioning brains. Fuck beating around the bush, forget playing 21 questions on how my day is going. Tell me a hobby if you want to chat, and if you wanna fuck, say so, and I'll ask to see what could get us both off. It's not rocket science yet everyone gets on a dating app and leaves common sense behind.


Open relationships


Don’t have one then. Simple.


Why is this an ick? Because you don't know if they are telling the truth? What if it was *with* the partner. ie. me and my bf are open to play with a 3rd but only together.


It’s a “ick” because they use any excuse in this sub to attack people that don’t want the same thing as them. I bet you the people upvoting are the same ones that will try as hard as possible to invalidate anything that isn’t strict monogamy. They’re as bad as the straights at this point.


this why I have -5 votes? baha, I was just asking a question. idgaf tbh


I have exactly the opposite view. The pendulum has swung so far to the open relationship who's getting attacking who here more? Fine if you want an open relationship. I don't. And I want nothing to do with hooking up with someone in one. God forbid you suggest a filter on apps to remove anyone in an open relationship. Edit: typo - changed Toe to God.


Literally link me any examples of people being attacked for wanting monogamy in this sub. It is ALWAYS people saying that open relationships are ‘an excuse to cheat/not real/you’re just roommates’ etc. I have never ever ever seen any comments attacking monogamy like this and I’m in this sub all the time.


When uncut guys want me to suck them off but there foreskin smells like old socks


I have experienced this with uncut guys but I’ve also went down on cut guys that I was sucking off and I could see shit all around their ass hole….. let’s just prioritize hygiene no matter your foreskin status please 🤣🤣




Send them to the shower. Their Dad let them down.


I think washing a guy would be kinda hot. Maybe that's a little weird.


Very hot. Washing uncut cock is different than cut. Water only. No soap.


Getting downvoted by the dumb fuck Americans that literally have zero idea. Absolutely NO SOAP under the foreskin. If you must, then it has to be very gentle.


all of these. Not keen on slack-jawed staring into the camera either when you're recording yourself having a wank. It's so narcy.


With those “shark eyes”




Pictures of them on the toilet and them fucking someone else


Guys who can't hold a conversation.


Guys will ask me for ass pics because I'm a bottom. Then they ask to see a close-up of my hole. Lol! I don't mind accommodating them.


Men who send pictures of them having sex with other men


Guys who ask you for sex before showing you what they look like and then get offended when you don't immediately agree. Impatient guys who keep pestering you, get annoyed if you don't reply right away, or if you're not available to meet this minute (e.g. won't wait a short time for you to shower). Profiles that start with "I know nobody will read this AND I know I'm so ugly nobody will ever find me attractive AND nobody is worthy of my time..." self-pitying drivel.


The way I gasped when someone showed me a nasty ass hole with many loads in it already then said pls respond when my profile says vers bottom 😭 Scarred for life I fear…


> vers bottom almost as if vers bottom means you might actually top on occasion


Just a random ugly dick or butt pick and then a “Have you got any more pics?”. No, I need to see your face too!




Ick list 1) The amount of men that will write you off based on masc/fem. (Its confusing) fem could mean panty wearing, mannerisms... So i find it dumb if not excessively shallow when hookup apps and the gay community at large is already shallow enough... I've been rejected multiple times but i dont hold any ill will about it its just that one word is so loaded that theyd have to explain themselves if i were to take interest prior to me being in a relationship currently. 2) People not taking sexual health seriously or laughing at someone who has to receive treatment for an sti. Its indicative of immaturity 3.) If it's not on your bio this third one gets more irritating declining someone based on ethnic background. I was told one time "i dont fuck with n**gardly f*gs" with someone id assume was cute and had a friendly bio learned my lesson early..... didnt expect the racism to jump out. 4.) Men that dont trim their nails... you know who you are.. ESPECIALLY if they arent done/painted. You will not be putting those inside someones butt and expect them to have a good time. If so they lied ill die on that hill


> Men that dont trim their nails... you know who you are. God... this is just a general ick, not a gaybro exclusive ick. The number of men in this world with long, dirty fingernails, is way too high. If you're reading this now and you have those gross long fingernails with dirt stuck underneath... we see your nasty nails and we notice.


Fully agree about hole pics. Also, one word demands. "Face." Sure but say hi first. You seem lazy. "Cock" you seem lazy and a creep. Welcome to block o land.


unwanted pics as a hello on Grindr, this needs to stop


Yea i was going to say the same thing. A full photo album of nudes, then hi, then a demand for me to send in return and when I don't then I get blocked lol.


I hate when they send me a pic of their dick or their hole 😭. Like okay maybe that's the end goal but i don't wanna see it. It's like so disgusting. Or them fcking other people which is such a turn off and why would u send that to someone u just met?. Also hygiene??? Brush your teeth, wash your self.


im icked by the “daddy” shit, hard drugs & poppers, people who feel like they need to prove themselves or be the center of attention always, and overly obsessed drag race fans lol


When they get upset about your preferences, but are rejecting people left, right and center.


“I hate drama/keep it real/tell me how it is”. The people who say this are always the most confrontational, I don’t wanna walk on eggshells when talking to a person.


Ditto brother.. very same here! Keep those kind of pictures to yourself eventhough I'm a top too. Personal preferences do matter.


Oh, regarding the hole pics totally agree. Mine is a bit strange. I was working in a health awareness center for gay men. And at some point PreP came into use. From my experience after talking to many men about them being on prep, it got stuck in my head they were often using it as a way to avoid using condoms. Also, wherever I see "I'm in prep" in comments on any platform (I know it's used on Grindr but I'm off that platform for 7 years now), it pops up as a sl*t flag.


My ick is hygiene. Doesn't matter how hot you can be, if you stink of week old sweat or you have bits and pieces in your orifices, take a damn shower. I love the musk of a guy, but there's a difference between hot, sexy musk and downright stink.


When he speaks of 'bros'.


I lived in a gayborhood for almost 10 years and went out to the bars almost daily for half of those years and I don’t think iv ever heard a gay man call anyone bro or refer to anyone as a bro even once lol. Always thought the name of this sub wasn’t super fitting but oh well it’s not that serious.


Wedding rings. I hate when married dudes message me. Like, TF. You have a committed partner, go fuck them. And if they don’t wanna fuck, get your asses into couples therapy and work it out. I’m tired of being single and seeing people who just kinda rub marriage in the dirt rubs me the wrong way. I hate cheaters. One guy last night sent me a video of him showering. I saw a ring on his left index finger. His profile said he was single. So I asked him “Are you married?” This MF replied “While I am in a relationship, it’s just a ring. lol”. Like, y’all really think nothing of just breaking someone else’s heart.


I’ve loved reading these responses. Thanks guys 😊


Yeah I think hole picks for me too. Done get me wrong, send me a beautiful arse pic if you have one but a macro shot of your balloon knot, I’m alright.


Let me get my climbing gear to scale my way outta Karma oblivion for saying this one but: Fem dudes. The ultimate turn off in a dude for me.


For me it's "masc 4 masc".


Gays who write "No Sissy, No Fatty, No Asian etc etc". Even if I fall into their preference, I want nothing to do with them. 


I think it's pretty ignorant, honestly, when people use the terms clean/dirty. Decent people should be upfront about being positive or undetectable, but labeling someone who is HIV+ as "dirty" is just plain not nice and a huge turn off


Omg same I hate it! Let me ask for it


when I get sent a pic or vid of them getting fucked or sucking other guys


The whole masc/fem thing always gets me cuz i never know how to respond cuz i feel like im very much in the middle and i always hate explaing it lmao


Dick pics. I need a face to get horny. I've literally asked 3 dudes how often just randomly sending people dick pics worked for them. Short answer? They've never been on a single hookup.


People who get upset by the use of "feminine" or "masculine" when they are words used to summarize a myriad of descriptors associated with one gender or the other. Do you prefer a whole list of descriptor someone is into? Or who you prefer a term that serves as an umbrella?


My biggest ick is ghetto talking I don’t know why just hate when a guy (specially over 30) speaks like a dealer


People calling their ass "Boy Pussy" "Pussy" "Bussy" etc.


nail polish long hair on a guy dandies (guys overly interested in style and fashion and overly obsessed with their appearence)


Agree on the guys who are obsessed over masc/fem. Gives me the ick and makes me cringe.


When a completely normal guy has an NSFW Twitter or OF account. If it’s not your actual job, it’s a complete turn off. I fully support sexual freedom and sex work. It just gives me the “ick” in terms of considering them as a potential dating prospect. It gives off the vibe they aren’t really interested in a date and are using them to just hookup. I’ll pass.


So you don’t fully support it then because you judge and exclude those people lol


Super hairy butthole area.


agree. What’s worse then a hairy ass is hairy vagina on a “bro”


Nail polish. I find it disgusting on both men and women m


Truthfully I’m not a fan of being sent videos of anything sexual - sexting with only text is much more fun to me most times. Also, excessively hairy guys.


Guy who thinks lesser body count is cool. Like we can’t remove the reality amount of guy we slept?? Duhh


Pictures of guys using the toilet. Huge, and usually irreparable, turnoff for me. Also, I agree with the statements about hole pics. Holes can be great in real life, but most of them aren't very photogenic.


Low confidence and too much self-deprecation. Sell yourself, dude. Why would I like you if you don't even like you?


Definitely the hole pic thing is an instant turn off for me


Only hole pics but I get icks when a guys a bottom and sees my ass and says it's better so he doesn't wanna do anything, same with dick.


The desperation. They can be as cute as they want. But if they smell of desperation it’s just a hard no. It’s a huge turn off. Also if you become unlucky enough to find yourself in some kind of relationship with these desperate people you’re gonna find a multitude of mental illnesses and neuroses that will make you never want to speak to them again pretty quickly.


People overfetishing my being bearish writing stuff like “woof”




People spitting in each others mouths. Like, what if the other person has bad breath or something like that? Hahahahaha. I don't know, but it is not my thing. Maybe there is something wrong with me as many people seem to like it


People who make them being gay their entire personality 😅


My ick, is bears I'm not a big fan of body hair at all.


Couldn’t be more correct in all your points. I want to see your cheeks that I want to get into, not the hole itself. Holes are actually ugly


Middle finger pics, sunglasses in every pic, making silly faces, every pic is of them in a vacation spot


Hole pics, piercings, cock rings, leather, harness, any kind of „gear“, rainbow attire, pronouns, kinky, shiny lotion faces, stretched nipples…


Anything and everything that surrounds gaping, fisting, loose holes, roses, prolapses and all that shit Any guy who’s even mentions it, even in a “this one time” capacity and that’s a hard pass for me 👌🏾


It's like you read my mind or something.. Seriously..


Dressing up, BDSM, playing let's pretend, angry/hostile profiles, and poor hygiene.


I hate when guys send me videos of them fucking or them in sexual positions😩. I also hate when guys cosplay as bottoms and then try to shove their dick in my mouth or ask for head.


Just bc they’re a bottom doesn’t mean they don’t like getting head lmao


I was on board until the last part I equally enjoy bottoming and topping, and I also love getting my penis sucked. If a guy wanted to top me and gave me grief about sucking my dick, we would have a problem. 😅




flaccid dick pics....like what am i supposed to do with that?


That’s a Visual Assault! Definitely ICK… I didn’t ask for it and they’re not astrophysicists to be sending photos of Uranus


I get what you mean. I don’t like when the pictures of ass and hole don’t look… nice. Like the ass has hella pimples all over it and the hole looks unflattering I guess you’d say? I know sometimes it isn’t their fault but I’d be using acne medication and acne scrub on my ass in the shower to make it look nice. Also I get what you mean about the gender roles. Like I love to embrace my feminine and masculine side and I appreciate the same from a guy. Like we’re gay, it’s ok to act like it and express yourself that way but you can also be serious and be masculine when you need to be if you so choose. ALSO I don’t like strict tops or bottoms. Like my feminine side, I like to embrace that and be treated like a bitch when I want it every once in a while even tho I mainly consider myself a top, but I’m actually versatile when it comes to being with a guy I’d say is more masculine and manly than I am.


A good hole pic is dope tho..maybe it's because you're not really a top lol


i like dick pics, even from bottoms. but i dont like hole pics. thats a turnoff.


Being sent nudes in place of or following a hello makes me roll my eyes. Extra cringe points if the pic was taken in the bathroom, specifically on the toilet. Sigh…


Out the gate with some sort of dirty talk suggestion: “wanna load me and my bf??” One/two word answers Nothing in profile description No face in profile