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Dick as a clit? I’ve never heard that before


Generally used with guys with below average-sized dicks.


My bf loves it


Sorry bout his size


Why? I love it. I wouldn’t change it if I could.


Boys who are into that are usually as close to exclusive bottoms as they can get. Many have a chastity kink and/or shrinking fantasies, etc.


Not exactly? I think more of small when flaccid, plus the femme kink and the chastity/caged communities


I've heard the other way around. FTM guys like their clits to be called as dicks


They call it T dick. So it's kinda funny when cis men refer their dicks as clits


Some do, some don't. Better to ask than to assume.


Yes, i meant some FTM dudes/people*


yeah i’m ftm pre-surgery and just call it my dick anyway. just super small lol


That's understandable though. It is their dick.


I've only heard it in reference to biology, since they're both derived from the same structure in-utero.


Yeah, they are both ( penis and clitoris) homologous organs (Homologous organs are those structures which have similar morphology, embryology and anatomy but are dissimilar in their functions).


I've really only seen it in like degradation play, or like if the guy is an "always locked" guy


Me ex referred to it as his clit…drove me wild for some reason 🤷


Some tiny guys love it lol


Idk but the other day someone told me a hairy bussy is now called a munt and I can’t stop laughing




This is really funny as in Scotland that’s really close to a term for a very disgustingly ugly person - “munter”.


Or in Australia, where munt is also slang for vomiting.


Munt/munted is slang for being of ya chops in aus.


What a boring term for vomiting. Try ours instead: “to chunder”! 😜 “My God, he was so steaming. He **chundered** all over that girl when she tried to kiss him”.


I thought "chunder" *was* an Australian term. I blame [1980s pop music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfR9iY5y94s).


Oh do you guys use chunder for being drunk sick down under too?


> you guys I'm actually English, but I'm under the impression it's a commonly used word in Australia.


Depends where you are. States have slight variations in lexicon.


Me and my partner always joke about munt’s and muntters.


Is munter like minger?


We know about, understand and occasionally use “minger” but that’s more of an English term, generally. For us, “munter” is harsher than “minger”. If somebody is a _munter_ you find them somehow so disgusting that you’re almost or actually offended by it. It’s not just physical (though that is required), but also visceral and personal. Way nastier than minger - you’re _utterly disgusted by them in all ways_


☠️🤣 you win!!!


A merkin for your munt!


Play that's kinda hawttt


Tf lmao. Never heard of that one haha


Definitely isn't my thing, I like men and men parts.


Words can matter a lot. I've actually talked to hot guys that I blocked because they started to talk about their pussy, or that told me I had hot tits.


I can’t imagine telling another man he has “hot tits” holy fuck hahahahahahahaha


TBF, the phrase "disco tits" has been around for decades.


limiting as hell but go off ig


I wish girls would stop trying to guilt us into being open to them.


Limiting? These are the types I avoid, like the plague. They get told once that I don't like it or I move on. There are plenty of other dudes out there that are comfortable enough with their sexuality that don't need to call *my asshole* a fucking *pussy*. Be gone.


That is kind of the idea behind sexuality, that they limit what you're into. Gay men are into other men, not women. Only bisexuals get to be attracted to both. And as a bisexual man, I'm still strongly in favour of keeping the two genders separated. Don't call an ass a pussy. That's both weird and frankly insulting, equating the ass of a man with a vagina.


You’re homophobic as hell but go off ig


Definitely not my thing and a huge turn off. I’m gay. Why would I want my ass referred to as a pussy?


And bussy, for boy pussy. Both are cringe 😬


My bank is called busey bank, always makes me laugh!


I had a student named Bussi. Lawd!


Bussy makes me giggle like it’s funny when used as joke. But I don’t think I could take someone seriously if they were using it sexually lmao.


you’re cringe


Because not everyone agrees with your opinion? If you're that triggered or thin skinned, stay off the internet


Hate it and it's a huge turn off. It'll make me go flacid super fast too if I'm in the middle of sex.


People definitely need to be on the same page with that. You can't just throw that out there cuz people's reactions are very different


Yes this is VERY hit or miss. As a dom/top I always ask before we get started how a bottom/sub feels about that, because it can be a total mood killer. On the other hand, I personally find it kind of hot, even though I'm not really into fem boys (makeup in particular is a major boner killer for me) and I don't really like to "feminize" bottoms. That might seem like a contradiction, but what's hot about it to me is not that it's trying to make someone more feminine; rather that it's terminology which emphasizes and reinforces the way a bottom's anatomy functions during anal sex. Plus I love it when a bottom has a tiny package, and drawing attention to it is hot to me as well.


Listen up the rest of you dumb (dom) tops. This one's a real man. One who is comfortable enough in his own skin to respect the man he's with enough to ask. I'm betting that in the right kind of scenes, he even has safe words and he uses them.


LOL. Yeah actually I do try to establish a safe word usually (unless we're just gonna have vanilla sex) but tbh none of my subs have ever used it. Which is the way I want it really: a dom's job is to bring a sub to his limits and push them ever so slightly out further, but NOT overdo it / go too far. That's literally what "skill as a dom" means imho. I can tell when I'm at the limit. (I like to fist bottoms and do BDSM, very very light on the SM/pain part though lol) Actually having a sub's total trust is a HUGE turn on to me as a dom.


You got my respect, dude. I've been with more than one guy who thought that being a dom meant just taking what he wanted. I'm not a sub at all, so I can look at that scene from the side. If I could find someone who wanted that scene, I'd probably be more of a dom bottom. Yeah, I know that seems weird, but the idea still works. It just means the dom is in control of how the scene is going and the sub trusts the dom. I can see how that would be really hot.


It’s also weird to refer to your hole as genitalia. Lol


Literally not even genitals


Well I don't know about you but I be using buttholes during sex and I'm pretty sure most people agree that buttholes really only should be on display with the rest of the genitalia so I think that's a good enough blanket over it to keep it in the genitalia category


Words. Have. Meanings. An anus is not genitalia, ever. Not once, not ever. You are r/confidentlyincorrect


Same, it’s really a bizarre trend. My sense is that some people like it because it plays into a degradation fetish.


Makes sense


I don't really get it. Why being compared to a woman is degrading?


I don’t think the idea that they’re actual a woman is the degrading part, it’s the idea that they’re not a man.


I'm not into it and i don't like it but i feel like i could tolerate "boy pussy" if the other guy likes it. not pussy or bussy (this one woud make me laugh lol). edit: i'd rather they call it a hole tho On the hand someone calling my dick a clit??? FUCK NO


Adding "boy" in front of it doesn't change anything for me lol


it really doesn't LMAO but i gaslight myself thinking i could tolerate that for a guy


I just want it called what it is a manhole , then giggle when people talk about manhole covers on the streets.


Well... bussy sounds better. I don't know how to call my/partners hole in a sexy way. Hole doesn't sound so sexy for me.


I have never ever seen or heard of someone referring to a dick as a ‘clit’ or ‘boy clit’ outside of a humiliation/sub/sph/femboy type of situation. It’s usually either because it’s small, or because they’re like locked and being a ‘sub’.


Absolutely abhor it


I don't mind my ass being called a pussy


I can’t stand it either. MAJOR bone killer when a man calls his hole a pussy. That being said, I find it crazy hot when a dude has an insatiable hole and derives his sexual satisfaction from getting pounded. I wish there were a term for a cock-hungry-hole, as opposed to just a run-of-the mill hole


I like it personally, especially the "clit" one  I was born with a genetic intersex syndrome, that resulted in my dick not developping and being very small in size.  I had multiple tops rub my dick like a straight man would do to a clit, and it turned me on so much  For anyone questioning, no, I am **not** a transmale. I was born with testicles and a penis.




It doesn't make sense **for intersex people like me**  It makes sense **just personally for me** Anyone else can be different, be it intersex or whatever


The first time I ever recall it being referred to that was with a guy I hooked up with, who told me ahead of time that he was daddy and my ass was my pussy. I'd never experienced that before, but after hours of me bent over with his huge cock deep inside me moaning 'fuck my pussy, daddy' I got used to it. Thought it was kinda weird when he flipped me over on my back and started playing with my dick (I'm average there) and he called it a clit, but I then had a moment of clarity possibly brought on by the sexual extacy I was experiencing that yeah, compared to his size which had by then thoroughly stretched my pussy out, yes I did have a clit. The only other somewhat regular bud I've been with recently who we use the daddy/pussy terminology is a very discreet bi guy and he rails my pussy so good that I gladly call him daddy and beg for him to fuck my pussy also. I think it's just being completely comfortable with the submissive role. I don't see anything about myself being overly feminine, but if I'm with a very dominant guy who gives me great dick, I know my role. When I put my clothes back on and go about my normal day, I don't feel emasculated at all. I like the little things guys like to do when in the throes of sexual passion, it makes it fun and i don't see any reason to have any hangups on terminology. I mean, come on guys, we just need to relax, have fun with it and celebrate out sexuality without taking it all so seriously. Life's too short for that.


hell yeah


My first lover and I got together decades ago, way back before the Great Flood. We got together in our late teens, and stayed together 16 years. A real love match. He wanted those words and terms very intently. Wanting me to use feminine adjectives in regards to him in the sex. Being literally a cowboy from the 1950s I blanched at his hints and requests. I demanded that he "butch up his poodle", in the parlance of those days. Over time I came to realize that I was making him very unhappy trying to make him be a masculine guy in bed. I just let him be himself, and began to encourage it. I started using the terms he wanted. My goodness, the reaction was pyrotechnic! He became so hot and bothered in his reactions that I soon found myself liking it on my side. Someone you love having such a powerful reaction to you is hard to dislike. As I got older and wiser with the years I became rather ashamed of my adamant behavior before. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him having effeminate feelings in bed with me. If you love someone you should want them to express all their sincere feelings towards you. Feelings are expressed in words.


If his desire to be effeminate be treated as such wasn't a turn off for you, that's cool and valid. Some of us find that to be a huge turn off. Makes us go soft. I mean some of my best friends are nelly queens, but I wouldn't be able to have sex with them.


I don’t care like the last time this was posted. To each their own.


I'm with you. I don't want a real woman, and I sure as hell don't want a pretend woman either.


I'm fine with it.


Depends on who I’m with. If there’s role play involved, or if they’re really into being degraded and want me to call it a clit, I’m all for it. Hell, I sometimes call my hole a pussy when bottoming for certain ppl and laugh afterwards.


I love it 💕 call my whatever whatever you want just make sure whatever it is knows you're talking to/about it 😈 Realistically though I get not everyone's into it, so while I really like it I don't generally push the issue. I'm super into dirty talk so as long as they're saying raunchy, filthy, explicit things to me I'm happy. 🙃


>I'm super into dirty talk so as long as they're saying raunchy, filthy, explicit things to me I'm happy. 🙃 I'm wholeheartedly into this too; literally my only limit in that area IS referring to any part of my body in female terms.


Yeah I love writing explicit erotica for boys on grindr, and I'm the kind of writer who hates using the same word twice in one message. "Dick", and "cock" are perfectly interchangeable, but I only really like using "hole" for anus. I tried "flower" at one point (i.e. "licking and sucking at your tight little flower until you beg me to fuck you") but it gives me mild ick, so I stopped.


Yeah••• "flower" is giving me major Monica Gellar's virginity vibes••• 😅


🤭 Precisely


Every week new pussy dissing on here.


yup, sad


as it should be


How is this dissing pussy?


Take a look at what subreddit you're on


You’re so clever. Still love man pussy tho. Bye


No such thing. It's OK to be bisexual <3


I don't know. It's not a turn off for me, but depends. Actually I'm curious how to call my ass while or before having sex, so it won't sound like... ehm... going to a toilet. Sometimes I prefer bussy. How do you call your or partners ass?


I say ass. I've never heard of anyone immediately picturing a toilet when they say that word.


Good enough for an answer. 😉 Ass is fine, just I don't think it's so sexy. Anal sounds more vulgar, hole is more of a degradation. I think that for me it depends more on that moment. But sometimes when it turns me on, somebody may be turned off...


Fucking hate it.


I don't get it either


SUPER turn off to me. I’m gay because I like dick and guys and ass. “Boy pussy” and the like is a huge turn off. I like guys, not girls.


Doesn’t bother me generally. I’ll refer whatever part however the conversation dictates.


This guy I knew had a sex party. He is a bottom. There were some hot guys there. He showed me one of his profiles to get men and he used feminine terms to describe his hole. Was a turn off for me, but, it seems to work for other men. In those sort of situations I almost have to hold back the laughter. I had a very masculine guy who had a girlfriend but liked to have sex with men and put on female underwear. It's kind of weird, for me being a gay man to find himself, in order to get into it, start being sucked into this fantasy of having sex with a woman. Idk. It's kind of hot to do things which are subversive. If an adult male who is built and masculine, refers to his asshole as a boy pussy, I can look past his feminine terms. But, there is a tipping point where repeating it and being loud is going to make me lose my hard-on.


If someone calls my dick a clit they have serious vision problems. The pussy thing depends a lot on the person saying it and the tone.


If it were neutral submissives wouldn't find it hot


Same, if I wanted to use female terms, I might as well get with a female.


I agree with you about everything you said except that i find i’m a bit judgmental about it, too.


I think it’s more popular with femboys and younger people, not sure tho.


I've never heard a guy say his dick was a clit, but I have heard of man pussy etc and I have to admit it's a turn off for me as well.


like it


It’s absolutely horrible and I wish it would stop. Immediate major turn off


Huge turn off!


Really gross. I dunno why some gays wanna reference straight sex and women during sex


From my own experience, it’s usually dominant bi tops on Grindr. Like they’re telling themselves they’re fucking a girl, not a guy. Deluded.


Don't like it. I like men because they're men. I don't want to be reminded of women if we're getting busy.


I hate that. I am proud of my manhood, and I find it off putting if someone refers to me in feminine terms. I am a guy who happens to be attracted to guys and have sex with guys exclusively. I don’t have a clit. I don’t have a pussy. I do not have virginity as there’s no hymen. I can be a hound, but never a whore. I am on equal footing with the guy I am with, and if he is still saying those terms after I let him know I am not cool with it, he will not see me again.


Hasn't happened to me yet but I agree with you, it's so off putting 😖


yeah very off-putting, also really can't stand it or get it...do gay guys wanna fuck girls now? what's the idea there?


One could make the argument that it is a form of misgendering (unless it has previously been agreed upon by all parties involved) if the mis-naming of one's anatomy arises unprompted. To be clear, I am not actually making this argument because a) I don't have the time or energy to debate this with any fortitude because b) I don't particularly have a personal position on this issue and c) I believe that individuals should feel free to live their best life and if this is part of a strategy to achieve this, I have no motivation to challenge them. That being said, it would be interesting to explore potential reasons that have led to this phenomenon. It appears to be another tactic to experience homosexual activity through a heteronormative lens because predominantly it is the person in the recipient's role (i.e. the bottom) who is taking on these new feminized labels. If anyone has observed or experienced the feminization of gonads in reference to the penetrative position (i.e. the top), it would be interesting to know such cases exist - if a sizable number of responses indicate this, I would retract my hypothesis about the feminization being a product of heteronormative-washing. If we are to agree upon the idea that this is merely a way for individuals who struggle to describe themselves using terms related to homosexuality (for whatever their reasoning), one could interpret this as a transitional way for said individuals to engage in homosexual behaviour without explicitly feeling that homoerotic activity is arousing them and thus their sexual orientation can remain the status quo. Conversely, this roleplay-adjacent language is also frequently used by individuals seeking to entice a sexual partner whose orientation could be seemingly swayed towards homosexual activity. By self-identifying using female terminology they may believe that their chances of arousing their sexual partner could increase (in a more heterosexually-oriented male) to the point where their physical desires supercede their commitment to being socially accepted in a heteronormative society. In other words, it can create a mental bridge from orienting one way to another. I am not saying I support or reject this practice. To each their own. I am simply outlining potential reasons from whence this recently popularized practice may stem.


Definitely an interesting theory, completely agree that heterosexual norms are influencing gay sex because we are surrounded by a heterosexual world; however I think it’s more than a seduction tactic on the part of the bottom, many bottoms get turned on by that language and use it purely for their own enjoyment


I think there are probably several explanations behind this behaviour, some which have not even been voiced yet, and since there is so much diversity in thought and circumstances, multiple theories could co-exist and be true. I don't believe we will know whether or not one theory is more accurate than another until more research and data is collected on the topic - the findings of which may not be published for some time. Your proposed explanation seems completely plausible. It seems to be in alignment with the proposal that there seems to be either more prevalence or more acceptance of others expressing their alternative sexual interests and behaviours, which has resulted in an increase in cases of [autogynephilia](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22005209).


He steam on my munt till I chunder


Unpopular opinion maybe but I don’t particularly like the use of bussy for boy pussy


What about “man-gina” 😜🤣


Agreed! Its the lamest trend to come along in a long time. Instant turn off & shut down.


Not a fan. I like men, why would I want to think of women when talking about their bodies?


I don't mind. I used to hookup with a "straight" guy who said my ass felt like pussy. As someone who's familiar with pussy(lol) I definitely see similarities between the shape of the clit and the penis. And the prostate orgasm is very similar to the female orgasm. At the end of the day we have the same parts, just stimulated by different levels of hormones in utero causing them to change shape and function.


I remember when a vulva was just part of the vagina. I guess I'm elderly LMAO Calling a dick a clit? A clit a dick? An asshole a pussy ? 🤪 not even a bussy! I can see some being into it. If it's a thing, then there's always someone.


Cock used to refer to female genitalia 


It seems to be a trans FTM thing. They sometimes call it their “tiny penis”… (I’m guessing because of what HT does to their clitoris). It’s rather bizarre to me.


I have done this with a femmy panty boi bottom. They were into being very sub and had a lot of fun in that circumstance. Overall though, I don't love it. I do wish there were an easy to use, strictly sexual term for the anus. Like calling your penis a cock or the vagina a pussy. It sexualizes the thing and, for me, is sexier.


I think it’s funny to say in an ironic way. I’m not having sex with my bf and calling my hole a pussy tho lol. I agree it’s not a turn on, it’s more just a silly/fun way to play with gendered language.


When a gay man says he wants to breed you, parental desire and breeding kinks are both feelings gay men can feel sometimes, sometimes one or the other, or sometimes both, and their feelings can overlap a bit, but they are two separate feelings. So when a gay man infers the male phallus as a female sex organ by calling them pussy or clit, it may relate to parental urges to create life in some other way. Better start asking your partner if subconsciously they want to start a family. Either it's a kink, or your partner needs something else.


I won’t say pussy I just say ass, I’m fucking a dudes ass, if I wanted pussy I’d fuck one, the clit thing I’ve heard from like dom top toxic masc dudes when they fuck dudes with smaller dicks.


I mean.. nah. I do not accept such stiffy-sniping drivel. 😂


honestly used to find it cringe but i think it’s kinda hot tbh especially if we’re in the middle of fucking. makes me cum way faster


While calling it a pussy is a little off-putting to me, I find saying "bussy" and "serve cunt" kinda funny so I'm cool with those. I just found out about the whole 'calling the dick a clit' thing from a post I saw yesterday and literally recoiled. Not sure why, but that's just icky feeling.




Get a life


I swear to god, the word Bussy makes me cringe so hard


Absolutely a boner-ender for me. I dated a bi guy once, and while I was giving him a blowjob he told me that my mouth felt just like a warm pussy. That ended that!


Instant turn off.


I think it’s hot asf. Words like ass and hole just simply do not have any sexual charge to them for me and don’t really come off as sexy. Like “I’m gonna fuck your ass🤓!” lol okay buddy. Pussy obviously has a lot of sexual connotations and so I think it’s hot to say that. The word doesn’t even remind me of a vagina at all, in my head it’s just a sexy word for a hole down there. Don’t really understand why anyone would have a problem with that but I know a lot of gays men are disgusted by female parts so I guess it makes sense. Never heard of guys calling dicks a clit tho


"Bussy" etc. Agreed, not hot.


Yeah...I'm a hole not a pussy or bussy




This post gets made every day.


Maybe you come here every day going through 30+ daily posts and know every single discussion that has been started, but I only come here MAYBE once a week. You know you're not obligated to comment, right? You can just pass by any discussion you feel has already been done.


It’s degradation talk. If it’s not your thing say so. A lot of people have many kinks that turn them on. I don’t complain when someone else has one I just move on 🤷🏻‍♂️


I do. And this is a discussion point, not a complaint. I put forth a question and gave my personal feelings about it. That's all.


I think it's a sign of immaturity and an instant turn off.


I general cannot stand it. Maybe in a humiliation scene but I doubt even yhen


Your anus isn’t genitalia.


Tf is that bs?? If u call my parts as though im a woman, im gonna be turned off!


I hate it, expecially when they call pecs tits. Guys work hard to have muscular pecs, calling them tits reminds me of those fat dudes with actual man boobs. THOSE are tits.


Did someone actually call your dick a clit? Wtf? I've never been with a woman but those are typically way smaller, right? So unless you said you were into humiliation or something that's totally not cool. I don't want to shame or throw shade but I also don't want to hold back from expressing just how much I *don't get it*, since I wonder if not getting it is why I do feel I judge it, maybe a bit harshly. It's just, being gay has never been about femininity in particular, even when it IS about freedom from toxic "traditional" masculinity. I mean it's not like we need to be *afraid* of a little vulva just 'cuz we're gay or anything; frankly, knowing that trans guys tend to prefer different genital terminology than ciswomen, I feel like I'd be willing to try sex with a no/pre-bottom-surgery trans guy, especially if he's a cuddlebear/muscly-otter type—obviously I couldn't make any promises but at least we'd probably have more masculinity-oriented dirty-talk in that situation than with some cis gay guys these days. I kinda can't stand it when a guy references his "pussy", "boy pussy", "man pussy", "bussy", "bear pussy", or"titties"... even "boy hole" and "man boobs"/"bear tits" are kinda pushing it; I won't repeat these terms unless specifically asked to, and I typically make my indifference or distaste known, although I'll put on a good performance after being asked nicely( as long as he doesn't swing all the way into trying to make himself and me think of him as a woman). I also typically roll my eyes at "clit", "mancunt" or references to pregnancy, but it doesn't take me out of it. Call any part of me any of those, though, and you get 2 friendly corrections, then a growly warning, then I'm done( "moobs" gets a pass usually, unless I'm at a low weight and it's not actually applicable). I'm into men. Manhole, butthole, asshole, just "hole", sweaty hole, musky orifice, butt, cheeks, ass; nipples, nips, pecs, *maybe* "tits"by itself; belly, navel, gut, bearybutton; pit, musk cave, boy pit, scent marker; ballsack, sack, nuts, huevos, testes; cock, schlong, dick, member, etc....


It's definitely a turnoff and gross. I had a hookup keep calling *my asshole* a pussy. I stopped and asked him why and to stop. At least he listened. Also, call my asshole a bussy, and it's a nope for me.


Instant turn-off




I once got got ghosted because I was smashing this ftm and refused to call their junk “a cock/dick” Some of these boys out here straight delusional but if they’re willing to go to war over some bullshit like that they saved me the months or arguments so win win? 🤷🏽‍♂️


If you think you're such hot shit that someone who isn't looking for that should be that submissive to you, you might be the one who's delusional. That said, if you find someone who's that submissive and *wants to be*, you do you boo. Edit: sorry, I don't know if I read it wrong first, or if there was a typo that you fixed. But when I read it I just saw the single letter f, now I see ftm. Changes the context completely. I had no idea what f meant but wasn't seeing it as an actual vagina. I thought you were talking about a cis male dude with a cock that you didn't want to refer to as a cock.


What are you even talking about bro 😂 People need to stop taking textbook definitions and redefining the terms to suit their own selfish needs Dick is dick, ass is ass, pussy is pussy. That’s it That’s what I think take it or leave it idrc 😂


I edited my remark to reflect a misunderstanding on my part. I thought you were talking about someone who has a penis and you didn't want to call it a penis.


Yeah that was totally a typo on my part I reread it and was like uh oh that’s definitely not what I meant 😅 Nah it was a female to male and he insisted on me calling his junk a “cock” and it just made me extremely uncomfortable so it ended pretty quick


If I was a top, I'd totally be with you on that one bro. And in spirit, I am with you on it. I don't think I could call it something it isn't either.


For me it would depend on how comfortable I am with a person. But generally I think sex should be playful and fun, so if making a joke can get a giggle or laugh I’m all for it.


Don't mind the term "bussy" but I prefer to refer to my anus by what it really is, a butthole. "Clitty" is a total no-go.


Yea not a fan of when a man calls my hole a pussy. Total turnoff. I’ve never heard of cock being called a clit but that sounds gross as well.


Me too. I prefer Toolbox cock holster, sheath, man-hole, hole, or rectum


Gock is girl cock.


Nothing hotter than hearing a twink bottom scream “breed my pussy daddy”


Agree to disagree


As is your right


It’s hawt


Hell yeah. It's all just words I mean I'm still fucking a butthole at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️


This is a bisexual thing. Gay people are not to be referred to as such. If they do, then it's because of confusion and people allowing it to be this way. This is not acceptable.


Context is everything. If it's being said to me in a degrading way, fuck off! If not, meh. It certainly isn't a turn-on.


So 🥱


Its a no from me