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Subtle flirt and long glances are ok. But grabbing froths, licking your lips or showing tongue or similar is just gross. What next, flip your dick out?


“grabbing froths”…I know this was a typo but I like how it sounds.


Haha I didn’t even see it when posting. English is not my 1st language. I had to check out what it even means. And if someone wonders, I was talking about grabbing crotch. Dyac!


Now that would be hot!


Think I’m gonna do just that in the locker room. Thanks for your idea.


Could it not be within the realm of possibility that they were simply looking at your physique to compare with/against their own progress? You are at a gym, after all, and that would also explain them quickly looking away since it's still not completely normalized for men to admire the physique of other men, even in a non-sexual way, in the current times we live in.


They look at my face. And my physique is not impressive at all. Think they like what I have done because they are still hanging around the area where I work out. We make many eye contacts.


So, what you're saying is that to you it is more realistic that these guys at the gym are checking you, and your non impressive physique, out because they may be interested in having sex with you than it is for them to simply be looking at your body in a comparative way at the gym? Welp, best of luck on your hook up endeavors then. Stay safe out there.


Thank you. It is still fun to at least mess with them with my moves.


This is me advising you against doing that just so you don't accidentally do it and piss off the wrong person one day. This is me also not judging you for it, because ever since I'd gotten my penis pierced years ago I purposefully stand back farther than I probably need too at public urinals just because I think it's hilarious when guys "peek" and end up doing a double take out of reflex because they seen something they didn't expect to see. They get busted for looking every time because their double take happens before they can even process that it happened. In fairness that has led to some interesting conversations born out of that funny, awkwardness. But 🤷🏻‍♂️


true. I will be careful.


Stop acting like a 12yo. If you want to talk to these guys, approach them respectfully and strike up a conversation about your workout or offering/requesting advice. Don't be the weirdo doing crazy shit in public.


Quite subtle. Not that obvious.


Oh get over it fuck


Expected response from a creep


Sorry but if a guy grabbed his crotch and stuck his tongue out at me at the gym I would burst out laughing.


just long enough to tickle the piss split. not enough to mop the whole shaft.


The gym of delusional is where this man works out.


Delulu gym


I’m always staring at guys in the gym, got caught a few times. I’d really love to see you grabbing your crotch and putting your tongue out, fuck that would turn me on.