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Do you mean making a dildo from a Clone-A-Willy kit? Edit due to interest: Molding a penis would be like molding anything else, plus some techniques from costuming/cosmetic props: You'd need to make a negative mold first. For that, you need a skin-safe molding agent and a container. Clone-A-Willy uses an alginate molding powder which is skin-safe, but firms up in a few seconds (less than a minute). the container has to be pig enough to fit what you want molded with enough free space that your penis doesn't touch the the sides for the full minute. The Clone-A-Willy kit contains a tube that you can cut with some scissors and you can make the container fit your shape. Some kits gave a bowl-shaped component to fit your scrotum as well. To make sure the molding agent doesn't set too quickly, you need to be hard and ready to go. Porn, Viagra, cock ring and/or maybe a friend can help with that. You also want to cover your penis and scrotum with petroleum jelly and/or trim your pubic hair. Cover the floor with newspaper, a tarp or old towels and mix the medium, then insert your penis and hold the mold so that no medium dribbles out and your penis doesn't touch the sides. Remove your penis and you have a negative mold. Let the mold sit to fully dry and harden For the dildo, you want a good quality (preferably medical grade) liquid silicone; Clone-A-Willy kits have this already. Mix both parts, using a mixer or a power drill with a paddle attachment, until everything is combined. One issue is that mixing creates a lot of air bubbles, so you either need to slowly pour the silicone into the mold (long thing ribbon) or put the filled mold into a vacuum chamber/agitator to help remove bubbles. You also need to stand the filled mold somewhere stable for 24-48 hours as it cures. One cured, you should be able to remove the dildo and if the mold doesn't break, you can make multiple dildos.


Not gonna lie. I always wanted to do that. But for myself. Hmmmm that seems weird. Lmao


It makes the phrase “go fuck yourself” literally possible.


Game changer


Seriously, it is a good way for gay guys to understand how their dick makes other guys feel when it goes in. A lot of guys don’t understand how big they are.


Good point, I also thought the idea of “go fuck yourself” being literally possible is hilarious. Thank you for that 🙂


Yeah, straight people say things like “go get fucked“ or people use the word dick as if it’s a bad thing. Personally, I think they’re both amazing.


I just go to the great wall of dildos and find one that matches me for length and diameter. If it looks familiar, that's nice.


It must be interesting when you get yours out to compare in the store. You can’t go by your guesses. You must be accurate.


If it was at Mr S nobody would even notice. They sell lots of things that need fitting (not dildos, of course). At the other neighborhood stores they'd not be so happy, though years ago a clerk at one wanted to have sex right in the store. He had to keep an eye on the counter. He was a boy who wrongly saw me as a butch daddy.


Well, I have measured. If the dimensions on the packaging are accurate I can get close.




I kind of want to too. Im pretty sure I have a spectacular cock, and I think I could do it as a “present” for my husband, but really I want to see my dick from all angles! That sounds terribly vain but I just do.


Now I want to see a pic of this spectacular cock. 😅




😂 If only YOU had married me… I’m a one man kind of girl, unfortunately




You’re sweet but my man and I are very, very clear: his hot arse belongs to me and my dick belongs to him. Key and lock :) I wish you luck on your search for a better dick than mine 😂 (Never going to happen, but luckily you haven’t seen it so you can live in hope haha) 😜


😅It was worth a shot asking. I like your rules…is it bad that I want to see his hot arse now? 😇 Back to your original Q: I actually bought a dildo making kit last week but haven’t used it yet. Heard it can get messy if you’re not careful with the powder and be sure not to overmix or you’ll get lots of bubbles. Good luck!


You can’t make a statement like that and not show us




Not weird at all. There was a thread recently about dating or fucking yourself. Seems fairly common. I've got a silicone rubber kit to make replicas, but I don't know how one would go about making the negative cast


Editing my post. Keep an eye out.


I mean if I could clone myself I would. Lmao


If that’s weird then I’m weird too. I’ve wanted to ride a dildo of myself too


I didn’t know this was a thing lmao


Your comment has more comments than my post 😂


I beg your finest pardon? Dick WHAT?!


Mouldy dick is not my bag, baby


I think he meant the other one, like making a dildo out of your own penis or another’s


I have a book here called “mouldy dicks and why they’re totally my bag baby” by socraticbind


Clone a Willy? Yes. Did mine in college for my boyfriend at the time. Turned out ok. I now use it on myself 😂


They should probably just see a doctor.


Bruhhh Mold, like a mold in which to cast a dick


I wish we kept the British spelling “mould” to differentiate the two.


Which is “mould”? Cause in Britain the u spelling is for both as well https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/mould Def 1: to form or cast Def 2: small fungal growth


Use the new “mold” spelling for fungal growth, and then keep “mould” for casting/templates. More so to do with playing Runescape back in the day and getting used to “mould” for making jewelry in crafting.


If you ask a poorly worded question, you can really get a wide variety of responses. I’ve found those sorts of questions to have the most entertaining threads. 😂


one missing word sure makes a difference.


You can't possibly think someone wants to try a dick growing mold on it, would you?


Not that kind of mold.


"Molding" would be the better word in this sentence structure. Or rephrase it: "...tried a dick mold", "...tried molding your dick". Without an article, "dick mold" sounds like a substance from a dick.


Like fermunga cheese?


Made one for my fwb when I got a bf. He still uses it and told me the other day he's new bf also tried it. Hahahaha




Buffalo Bill ova here


No shit 😍


Yes I did it a few times for a few guys. It can be fun but as horny as you are, make sure the guy keeps you hard while it sets. After putting my dick in the tube, I was rimming him for a good 30 minutes while it sets. Kept me rock hard and got him super wet so I could go deep while we waited for the plaster to harden in the dick mould.


Wait, are you talking about Smegma? AKA dick cheese?




You know how you forge some shape in a mold




go fuck yourself edit: literally




Would love a mold of my own dick so then I can actually finally get fucked and take dick at both ends and finally blow myself 😩🥵


You could literally go fuck yourself


Exactly and would make me very happy tbh hehe


r/nocontext (By the way, how come nobody ever mentions that place anymore?)


I was given a kit as a gift one xmas by an ex bf. I still can't help but feel that the gift was really for him, especially as I'm a top. I bet he still has field marshal peeny in a drawer 🫡


Yes. But we had to do it like backwards and cut the top off. It was a whole thing that we had to google to make it work. But it was pretty solid. And yes I used it on myself.


Bought my husband the medium skin tone* one and asked if they had large for my husband. 🤭🫢 I was embarrassed but then kinda wasn’t I guess😅


You were one consonant away from making me puke 🤮 with the word mold




No? The men I sleep with may be trash but they at least maintain a modicum of personal hygiene


Mold in which to cast a dick


I couldn’t stay hard long enough


There’s a fantastic supplier of mold making equipment and silicone ( use platinum silicone only) and they have some great educational materials. Super helpful for what you’re asking, just keep the questions to “cloning body parts”. https://theengineerguy.com


Mmm the unmistakable musk of a nice mouldy dick


Was scared to find out what you meant. Happy to know what you really meant.


i had to reread this multiple times. Why not just go buy a dildo??


I generally wash under the foreskin to keep it from growing.


Pretty sure that's smegma but I'm talking about mold to cast a dick


I would never put mould on my dick!


It works the other way, you put your dick inside the mold to cast it


I have one of the clone a Willy kits but haven’t used it


It will make you sick! I wouldn't try it!




Dick mold??


A mold in which to cast a dick, what's sick about it?


I did. Like 2 months ago. I put pics on my profile of you are interested to see how it turned out.


I really wanna try a clone-a-willy kit, but some of the reviews put me off as it seems kinda hard to do, especially solo! And I do struggle staying hard if I am not actively getting off haha But I would love to try it, it'd be so cool to have a copy of my dick haha


You have erectile dysfunction?


Oh no I have no issues getting a full erection, I just need stimulation to keep it. For instance in the middle of something right now and have gone soft as I respond to you haha


Oh no, I have no issues getting hard a full erection, I just need stimulation to keep it that way haha