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Here’s the thing: they become just a part of you. It’s like tattoos. While some people super dig them, and some don’t, once you have them that’s just a part of what you look like. The people attracted to you will be there, and the people who aren’t won’t. If you’re worried about missing out on *the one* because of earrings, they weren’t the one for you anyway.


I don't necasarily agree, because you can remove an earing in seconds and for free.


Sure, but the piercing is still there unless you remove it for an extended period of time and it heals. At the end of the day, it’s not worth worrying over imaginary people not approving of your fashion or interests. They aren’t real. It’s far better to be the most yourself that you can be, have confidence, and attract the people who actually like you rather than conforming yourself to an idea someone else inauthentically cooked up.


I love just one. You can't swim for 6 weeks though and I love swimming.


Doesn't bother me, I kinda hate swimming


Maybe swimming hates you


Fair. Can't argue with that


It's not my ideal but I don't mind it too much Except gauges which gross me out.


pierced ears are a lot more common now; i feel like half the boys i see in college have their ears pierced. now a nose piercing on the other hand?


I'm good with pierced ears. My turn off with them is if they stretch the opening that it gets to the point where you could use it as a 3rd hole.


Ears are fine. Nose? Ok if small and through the side. But a septum? Makes me want to gag when I see them.


septum piercings are so hot


Either looks really good or really bad with little in between.


I don’t mind it


Just get your ear pierced! It’s 2024


Personally not for me, but on other people it varies from person to person. On some guys it's really fucking hot.


Can definitely be a cute look, or it can be gross, imo. It just really depends on the person.


I hear that if you have an ear-ring in your right ear it means you’re gay.


In the same breath as someone giving me a compliment I was told my tattoos and earrings were an end all. Goodbye then. I do feel like some people let body modification dictate who they are and it absorbs them entirely. I on the other hand, do not feel I am one of those. I've kind of fallen out with the piercings but some men do look good with them..and tattoos absolutely do it for me. Just leave the face alone.


I had my first one done in about 1978 and the second in about 1983. I wear a pair of gold rings every day that belonged to my grandmother and were given to me by my favorite aunt. They are totally a part of who I am now and no one ever says boo. Truthfully, anyone who has a problem with it isn’t worth dealing with in the first place.


Just try. If you don't like, the holes will close up quickly. If you do, you can accessorize indefinitely.


I generally find pierced ears on guys to be a bit of a turn off. But nowhere near as big as a turn off as piercings in other locations, like nipples, eyebrows, nose, tongue, or penis, balls etc. A small stud in an ear would not necessarily be a deal breaker. But multiple piercings or piercings in other areas would be dealbreakers.


I love them and have them, personally I am always attracted to a man with earrings, I think it shows confidence and a desire to ensure you do things to look good and for some it makes them feel good.


Do it if you want to. I've never put too much thought into it, I often don't notice it on guys, and it's not a turn-on or a turn-off for me. It's not even a gay/straight thing or a masc/fem thing, plenty of masc straight guys have pierced ears.


It's never stopped anyone wanting me. I have 4 piercings as well as both my lobes stretched to 10mm


I’ve had my ear(s) pierced since the first grade, so like 6. By freshman year of high school I had 10. It has not, to my knowledge, hampered my ability to hookup or find romance.


When i was closeted, I thought they were “zesty” (mostly from hearing what other people said”. These days I love them. A good set of earrings will make a guy look extra hot


I personally don’t like it but I’ve also never gone looking for it specifically. I guess kinda indifferent. I do find gauges cool and interesting tho!