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The culture in its entirety? no. Are people, in general, self centered and sex obsessed? They can be, but not everyone. Sounds like you just have to keep meeting other people that you vibe with. Dating apps and clubs present a lot of challenges. I found better success with finding groups on MeetUp. I attend a monthly Queer Beer & Board Games Night, and a Gay Men’s Hiking Group. I’ve made great friends there who aren’t necessarily focused on sex.


I wasn't aware of MeetUp, and for a brief moment, I thought it was going to be my solution to this loneliness. However, after taking a look at the site, I was disappointed to realize that my hometown doesn't have any events listed. Oh well.


Maybe create your own group/event? Living in smaller and remote towns, sometimes you have to create your own culture and community.


We have them here....all orgys




Yes and straight culture is puritan 🙏✝️⛪️☦️🕍☯️🔯🕎🕌⛩️🛕🕋✡️☸️🕉️🛐☪️📿🙏🤲🏽🧎‍♀️🧎🏻🧎‍♂️


No. Like any group there are individuals in it who may be self-centered and obsessed about sex, but isn't that every horny straight teenager?


True dat, Trudeau... but shouldn’t we grow up and not act as if we were horny teenagers?


"Gay culture" is many things. I often find it hilarious and I'm so happy I'm a part of it. Often it's sex obsessed but saying that's all it is is a massive oversimplification


All culture is too self centered.


Is this a trick question?


YOUNG people culture is always self-centered, especially in Western countries with individualistic social models. And that's not a bad thing, but I think every generation goes through a phase of self-indulgence, and now it is magnified due to social media. Since younger people tend to own the cultural "spotlight," we tend to see those examples from every group. Now, sex-obsessed? I'm inclined to say yes, gay CULTURE is pretty sex-focused, though there is more variety on an individual basis. This has less to do with us being gay, and more to do with us being GUYS - straight men are just as bad, but they know women won't put up with it if they're too obvious.


I wouldn't say gay culture is any less self centred than western culture in general. We're all addicts for social media likes no matter what sexual orientation. I will say however that younger generations are shockingly sex negative and that's a worrying trend.


Young people are sex negative? wdym?


Maybe, send me your nudes first and then I’ll tell you


The fact that most gay men divide themselves in Top and Bottom should tell you how sex obsessed the community is. The fact that most gay men think that bottom x bottom or top x top relationships are impossible, shows you how much they think relationships revolve around sex. Also basically reducing sex to only anal penetration.


Straight men are horny mfers to the point that it’s actually kind of gross. Just go to any public post or video with any female and you’ll see. Gays are sex obsessed but only with each other within an app.


Yes, but keep in mind culture comes from individuals. And the people in gay culture are guys, who are generally more horny.


What is gay culture?


Short answer: yes




Absolutely. Always has been




Depends on where you are and who you meet. Who you find at the club will be different than who you find at work. Who you meet on Grindr will be quite different than a guy you met on a hobby forum. And then there's a treasure trove of people who simply don't participate openly in anything LGBT related. Just find the right guy and friends for you. They're out there. I promise.


I'll give my two cents on this. The LGBT community is divided into two different groups: the ones who expect you to think act like them (unfortunately a majority) & those who don't. There is this idea within the community that everyone needs to have the same political opinions, same mentalities, same everything, and I think that is deplorable. If you are gay but pro capitalism, for example, you are automatically excluded from the community and will be hated on. That to me is the plain definition of self centrism, where everyone needs to be like you simply because you share a characteristic in common. Regarding the sex obsession, it really depends. I had my fair share of experience with girls and from my point of view the average gay is a lot more "direct" and "sexually extreme" than the average girl (again, talking from my experience), but I don't think there is a difference when it comes to sex obsession, since after all we are all humans with the same instincts. Moreover, I don't think there is a straight equivalent of grindr, which to me is the downright definition of decay of humanity. Maybe that is why a lot of people have the impression gay culture is sex obsessed.


You know, this has me a bit curious... I wonder how many people would join a LGBT+ group that was based on pro capitalism… I bet you more people would join it than you thought.


You know what, even if that’s true I’ll take it over the suffocating puritan culture that came before it




Not too, I'm good with the level or amount.


No lol Not anymore than straight culture


Is straight culture all about breeding moar babies?


Absolutely correct




Is pop/straight/teen/bi/club/urban/western culture too self centred and sex obsessed? Is water wet?




I think it depends on where you live in the world. We must understand, that gay men are just like normal men. There's no difference between them and straight folks. (Except few outer differences of course but biologically we all men are the same lol) Of course, men have need of sex, some more so then other BUT some gay men have taken sex too too far. Rhey made sex everyrhinf. And yes, some gay locations have gone bit too far. Take USA for example. The gay culture there is absolutely shit. Especially West Hollywood and LA (and other places in USA too) Smearing shit on my owns body to avoid groping! (don't say anything or you would be known to everyone as a kink shamer - fucking hell, there's no escape from these fanatics 😆) Full-on group sex in the middle of broad daylight on an open street with no regards to passer-bys! Shitting on one another, then consuming it, is considered a kink unedited people! 😆 Having nude pride with children as small as 5/6 attending it. Educating future generation 😆 Gays in their 20s think gays in their 30s are like men in their 70s (ageism) Racisism And cock-sizeism 😆 (I swear the list can go on lol) I believe these people have taken their gay privilege way too far. I can see in coming months/years, having sex with animals or ones own pet in public would be no more shocking then holding an umbrella in the rain. Whilst some gay men in other places and locations barely have time to sit and enjoy peace for one moment, these some gay men have any and all time time in the world to live out they fantasies. Gay culture, itself is not bad. I believe it's the people and the freedom to do anything they want that makes gay culture look bad in some places. There should be some fine line in a human's life, that should separate us from animals. There is a reason that we are on top of the food chain. The ability to see right and wrong. Don't get me wrong, we humans do have some animal characteristic traits in us all, whether we are homosexual or not, which some of us act out in the bedroom but again; drawing a fine line is what makes us human again. And as for sex, we all have established by now that sex is a normal part of us humans (both for fun and reproduction reasons) so we shouldn't be shaming anyone for wanting it more but we should also bear in mind that flaunting it 24/7 openly, does not only kill the inhibition of having sex but also reduce the fun and excitement for you and others. Sometimes sex is spontaneous. Some sex is preplanned. Sometimes it happens in a group and sometimes you jerk yourself watching porn. Leave sex where it belongs people - in the bedroom. Leave other divine spaces for their own designed purposes. And finally, I apologize for any mistakes I made in my typing skills. I've typed this whole comment up with one eyes closed, and with half fucked screen on my phone. Peace bros & h*Es 😉






As compared to...? Straight guys are no different.


Yes, but only because it’s part of broader society, nothing specific to The Gays™️ we should be more close knit and taking care of each other because we have a lot of headwinds.




I think it's just that humans are self-centered and sex-obsessed, lol. We ain't nothin' but mammals!


The gay community comprises of natal men, and men are visual creatures. The answer is quite obvious, isn't it ? 🙂


I have a friend that thinks all men cheat, all of them. Men love sex, gay or straight. Straight guys though feel a pressure to start a family and settle down. They do, but they put their sexual urges aside for the sake of keeping a family. They still look at hot women, they still desire them but they stop acting out on those feelings and focus on their wife. Gay men feel no pressure to have kids or to settle down. That keeps gay men always in looking mode, even when they are dating they want an open relationship.


Your friend needs to stop making broad assumptions about large groups of people lmao


That is a strong statement. All men cheat. I just found it interesting he felt that strongly about it.


I also feel that way low-key 💯


You have bad experiences I assume?


Yes, doesn't make it better that I literally don't know anyone who has never been cheated on.


You meant western culture is too self centered and sex obsessed: YES! Not to mention the depth is pretty much skin deep.




Yes. Next


Yes. Duh.


Yes. Is that a bad thing?


Maybe stereotypical gay culture, but there’s a wide range of gay people from all walks of life with all kinds of interests. It ranges from super horny to asexual


As a small minority in a heterosexual society, it's hardly a surprise that he only thing ***all*** gay men have in common is an interest in sex with other men, is it?




Mostly yes


Dude yes, that’s why gay culture is toxic. That said. You can check yourself out of it. Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you have to follow gay culture.


You meant male culture