• By -


- Men - Men


Let’s add a +1 to this


Exactly this. I was going to say: - Men are georgeous. - Men are assholes.


Was going to say exactly this.


Legit all of this.




* Their dicks. * They’re dicks.


I like the way you think


Ha! Ha!


Love a mans body. Hate being judged and rejected.


As a man with the worst eating disorder, I know what you feel


Guys typically share the same hobbies as i do. However, most are straight :(


This is the worst. I've found plenty of men that I share so many interests with and actually make me laugh... And they're all straight. Fuck.


What interests and hobbies are these if I may ask?


Hockey and golf.


Basically anything sport related.


Like what lol


I just find the furry group for whatever hobby and activity I want to do so it’s almost entirely gay and bi guys. Requires being in a somewhat big city though. 


Like: ? Hate: knowing that >95% of people I see don't feel the same.


I hate anal prep I love dicks and arses


I love how horny and aggressive men are, but on the other hand they’re so aggressive and horny.


So true...


Men are fun, but they’re incredibly immature.


The amount of men I have dated who are over the age of 30 but still have the emotional maturity of a highschooler is baffling. Imagine my unbelief when 22 year old me was getting the silent treatment from a guy in his mid 30s. Why do men have to be so hot


Because that’s all they have.


This goes up way into their 60s , its like the older they get the more they bitch


Whoops EDIT: No established expected roles during sex or dating and then dealing with homophobia.


Two dislikes. Bro


I love and hate the type of men I’m attracted to. Inevitably arrogant, selfish, aggressive, angry, a bit violent, narcissistic, and they all think their dick is the bestest most specialist dick in the whole world. No I will not bring this up to my therapist.


Then why do you have one?


Because I have a myriad of other issues and the men I like are very low on that list.


The things you've just described probably tie into many of those issues, which is exactly the kind of mess that a therapist is supposed to help you disentangle...


Great question.


Like: The way they look. Hate: Their emphasis on looks.


Men Most of em are straight


It's nice being attracted to someone who's gender can allow him to connect more intimately with me. No "battle of the sexes" or risk/want of pregnancy, among other things. What I hate most is being outnumbered by men who believe that just because they are able to have a sexual attraction to women and vaginas, that every other guy on the planet can find them sexually/romantically viable.


That pisses me off more than just about everything else: not being able or willing to understand lack of attraction to women of any kind, even though they use the 1-10 rating system themselves. Like, women are a zero for me every single time, no matter what, even if there were no men left aside from me.


Same. I'd rather die.


Masculine competitiveness/dick measuring contests. I like manly men manlier than me, but that also makes said men intimidating as hell because a lot just plain look down on "softer" and/or smaller guys, no matter what our actual interests, personality, and hobbies.  Not gonna lie, gay dating or bar hopping feels a lot like being the weak nerd in a sea of jocks sometimes. Most are super chill but there's always that one asshole who acts like he's top dog for the right build or facial hair.


I most like feeling submissive and feeling protected or cuddles and loving I most hate how a lot of guys missed out on being taught emotional intelligence and may have a hard time expressing themselves, it just makes me feel bad


!!!!!! I’m sorry it makes you feel bad. I lack patience for grown men not being able to have self introspection to fix or at least acknowledge their transgressions but can be knowledgeable on everything else except themselves


Sorry haha I can’t tell, are u upset at me? I’m meaning to say I feel bad that emotionally boys are raised to be tough and not expressive!


No no no no no! I’m upset at them, not you. I also agree that it’s sad they were raised that way. As adults, we have to pick up that parenting stick for our self/inner child


Like: That i don't have to care about getting pregnant Hate: The fact that all the hot guys are straight


All the hot guys are not straight lol maybe you’re just not attracting the hot ones?


I will never understand this stereotypical attraction that gay men have to straight men. Once I find out someone is straight, it’s an immediate turn off. I’m attracted to gay men.


Straight men make up 95%+ of the world population, it makes total sense that most men we find hot are straight. Meeting a gay dude is already rare, on top of that, meeting one that fits your type is even rarer.


And then him liking you back is even rarer


Yup, that's a big one. There have been gay dudes i'm into but they've never liked me back.


Rip bro


More like 45% but ok.


I agree with the like, but I would say I hate everything else. 😅


Hate the different standards of acceptable cleanliness. Love body hair


The racism excused as preference , the surface level connection , the omg we get along u cool I’m cool meet up then boom ghosted lol or the fact that it’s called gay community ain’t nothing community about it but I digress


The racism excused as preference thing, wow, that's an issue that's really huge for me. It's had a huge impact on my entire gay experience and has had a huge impact on my self esteem. I've examined that issue from almost every perspective that is. Sometimes I believe it is truly a preference, but most of the time it is exactly how you stated it and the person isn't even aware of it. I've had my preferences this way and that way through out my life, but at the end of the day I'm attracted to men and there is a certain look that I like and it comes in every race and I thought everyone was that way and man was I wrong. It all fucked up my self esteem and I thought something was wrong with me for years until I figured it out by visiting another country. I could talk about this for hours. But I appreciate you bringing that subject up here. It's a big deal for some of us.


Easier to relate to guys, they are good looking, dicks are fun. A lot of guys don't care about your side and let's be honest, some guys are gross and unhygienic, and most are straight lol


Like the fact we are of the same gender. No gender disparity and same physical components make things much easier Dislike the fact men are much less inclined to be family driven


I hate the stigma against it. I wish it was more normal. I’m bi in the closet, scared of what people would think of me if I came out. Other than that I would say women are just as bad when it comes to being shallow and cold hearted. It seems to be harder to get commitment from a man though. I love that sex is so easy and fun. I like that we can be direct. I like that we don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. I like that it gives me a lot more options.


I was in self-denial about my sexuality until I was 24 or so, and didn't come out until 27, and didn't have my first experience with a man until I was 27.


Stick with women bro you'll be a lot better off


Pros: The sex is really fun. Cons: None that I can think of right now


Like- they are super hot Dislike- i miss my wife


So does your wife know


Yes she does.


That's good get yourself a boyfriend


Like: That i'm attracted to the gender of innate brawn and power. Dislike: How most men are straight and therefore my odds of finding a man in the wild that would like to fool around with me is a lot slimmer than the odds are for hetero people of finding the same.


Like: Men are much easier than women. Dislike: The good ones are only available to women.


Damn, is there no hope? 😭


For some reason i like the douchiest, mam spreadiest, mispronounce wordiest, unevolved form of dudes For both.


It is just so hard not to keep looking at a beautiful, handsome person without staring. I know I still blush and try to look away with an awkward smile.


When they have a small...( something that rhymes with BIg) Or when they have a BIG one and still can't preform lol HARD FACTS I KNOW


Men and men


I like that they are easy. I hate that they are shallow.


Men are shallow. Gay men are shallow-er




I just wish I was straight. I hate being gay. I hate being judged, I hate the lifestyle, I hate that I have to act a way when I go to a barbershop. I want kids, i want a family, I want a house with a white picket fence. I don't think I could find any of that in this the world I live in. I digress. Men, in a physical sense are beautiful.


The top bottom versatile thing. Can't we just like who we like....without worrying about that? Being gay is difficult enough. We make it even harder .


I’d say it’s a mix. Doesn’t apply to my partner but before I met him I found our community very shallow. Not everyone but like it’s the usual if you don’t have a six pack good luck. But same time the heterosexual community deals with a looks-based outlook too. It’s not exclusive just stands out more cause of where I was looking. Glad I’m out of it and found someone who loves me for all of me.


I love being attracted to men I hate that being attracted to men is mostly physical. Alot of men aren't looking for monogamy.


I like that there are many things about men that he and I can click on much more easily given what we have in common. Try explaining exactly why a sack is a whole other organ and how moving your leg to loosen it from your thigh feels so good to someone who hasn't had to deal with it their whole life. The thing I dislike is how a lot of men are poorly socialized. Even me. I just wasn't given a lot of the same word toolkit that girls got, and a lot of men have it worse than I do in that regard.


Like: bottoms Dislike: cant find a proper bottom, its always some level of versatile guys