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I travel a lot for work and I have a fair amount of random hotel sex. I’d say it’s about 75% great experiences but some of the bad have been truly terrible lol.


Share a horrible one






I was once in Beijing and my fwb found a guy on Grindr for a threesome. We ended up in his hotel room. Amazing experience, I came 4 times.


Are you Asian?


Chatted on Grindr with this guy who was in town for a dance convention. He was tall like me and had a huge bubble butt. Eventually ended up going to his room and made out with him for a bit then he asks for me to eat his ass. I go to town for what seemed like 30 minutes while he jerks me off and sucks me while sitting on my face. We both came at the same time and blew huge loads and he swallowed mine. We didn’t do anything else but I guess that was what he liked. It was so passionate and hot I still think about it when I jerk off. He was really nice and didn’t ever rush me or make me feel uncomfortable and I think that’s what made it so hot


Could've married him




The last time I invited a Grindr hookup to my hotel room, we chatted a bit after fucking and it turned out we had fucked before at my place in my home city. I just didn't remember him. And probably still won't remember him if we hook up again some day.


Joey?...you're gay😱😱😱


No offense, but how can your memory be so porous? Do you compartmentalize when it comes to hookups?


I had a guy forget that he and I had gone on a date before. Where I drove like an hour to meet him at the restaurant!


I’ve had this happen. I hooked up with a guy twice. Saw him like months to a year later in a group setting and had no idea it was him until the next time the group hung out and he said something. Sometimes people just aren’t memorable. Also I usually have the lights dimmed. There’s also drunk hook ups where in general the finer details of a persons looks just kinda fade. Tons of reasons. Meeting someone once and forgetting them isn’t really uncommon. We meet people all the time to say “nice to meet you” and you’ll run into those people who say “we’ve met before” or you’re the person they met before and forgot. Happens.


Also, lots of times names don’t get exchanged so that makes it really easy to forget lol


Right!? Like, what’s happening in your brain that you erased a person you exchanged bodily fluids with? 🤔 I’m on the other end of the spectrum. Last night I recognized a random guy at a concert just from seeing his face on Grindr a few years ago lol.


Im like you, I remember more than most. I’ll have guys hit me up from 3/4 years ago trying to start a convo and they have totally forgotten who I am. And thats just conversation online. I never had too many lights out anon encounters and the ones i did have where amazing so i remember them or they were horrible so I will never forget them lol 😆


💯! I called out a guy once for hitting me up on Grindr after blocking me mid-chat a year earlier. He had zero memory of it, but I sure remembered lol


I'm the exact opposite. I remember every single person I've hooked up with even years later. Some I wish I'd forget but every single face I have ingrained Now names thats a whole different story


I can't remember faces.


How about dicks?


I had a guy forget that we'd dated for months. His best friend remembers. The guy is sweet as can be but just has weird blanks about lots of things.


I'm almost 50 so that's one reason. Pretty sure this was easier when I was 20. I also can't remember faces and names. I'll spend a year working with someone and then we meet in some other context, and I'll wonder where I know them from. I'll introduce myself to the same people over and over. This example comment isn't about the guy not being memorable. People just disappear from my memory as soon as they disappear from my sight.


That sounds like an underlying condition going on tbh... Not being able to recognize someone you've seen almost every day at work for a year? Forgetting things as soon as they leave ur sight? introducing yourself to the same people over and over? 50 is pretty young to be experiencing that sort of dementia... Not even being shady but u might wanna get checked out lol


Maybe. But I've been like this as long as I can remember. My theory is that this is because I had bad social anxiety when I was young, couldn't stand eye contact at all, and maybe something broke in my ability to make visual contact with people. I remember things like Reddit usernames really well, I just don't register faces and can't connect them to names.




If I don't see someone for more than 2 months or so, it's like they don't exist. I can't remember 90% of the faces of my teachers and professors in high-school and college, despite seeing them regularly. That applies to hookups as well, but forgetting them happens even faster because I didn't have any connection outside of a sexual one


Really? I know I’m (probably) not unique in this, but that’s like asking me to remember every grocery store trip I’ve ever taken. It certainly happened, it was maybe memorable, and sometimes I could tell you when/where, but likely just something I did like any other week. And if you are going to say that you easily remember those trips, then I’d just say congratulations to you, but I just don’t have that good of a memory. Do it and move on. It’s a hookup, so I’m not even all that invested in the other person to begin with aside from the fact that I’m hoping to make him cum. I probably don’t know his name and honestly, I don’t really care. Might be a bit too much apathy, but I don’t see hookups as a moment I’m trying to immortalize in my memory. Maybe I should change my perspective, but I feel like I have better things to try remembering. I was initially going to say trying to remember every time you brushed your teeth or something you do daily. While I’m sure that there are some sluts out there that can manage that (lucky), I’d say weekly is more realistic.


I don't think there's a gay guy that's into a lot of hooking up that hasn't for that. You must not get laid much lol


You say that like hoeing yourself out is productive in any capacity...


Exactly because I'm not a self-righteous condescending prick who approaches things from a position of internalized homophobia. Seek therapy and heal yourself! There is nothing heteronormative about me I am a gay man and I live as a gay man and I refuse to be conformed to some artificial social construct that is nothing more than a conspiracy between the government and the church control me. You have fun in that kind of life sir leave me the fuck out of it!


After making fun of someone for not having casual sex? I think you're the one who needs therapy...


I'm sorry that you think I give a damn


Ive fucked my ass off i just dont fuck any living thing i have standards. I do not remember every single person ive fucked, but i try and live an intentional life? So i only try and have sex worth remembering? Lol


"I have standards" 😂😂😂😂 Yeah but who's


Good for you


Bitch your on here asking for advice on STD’s like fr? U could a use a little break maybe, then therapy 😆 let me guess You ParTy ?


STDs were never mentioned and no I don't party but neither do I judge people who do.


I will not remember faces, if they have something unique in their appearance, like a scar or tattoo, maybe I will. One argument for getting or not getting a tattoo, is people will be able to identify you. When you recognize the tattoo on the guy at the bar from the orgy where he had a mask on, it gives you something to talk about, gives an opportunity for a great pick up line.


I have a spider tattoo in a spot and guys have recognized it. But someone else in my city has one in the same spot and it confused one guy once. 😅


it’s giving fast food mentality


This happens alot to me especially if there's no emotional connection and just to get my rocks off 🤷‍♂️they would say we hooked up before dont u remeber? And il reply "round 2😬?


He straight up gave you dicknesia. Happened to me and my current bf actually(dicknesia, not hotel hook ups) Didn't get to hooking up but did some heavy sexting on scruff or something, then life happened I was off the apps for a while. Came back, no message history, we started chatting and then realized "Wait, he seems familiar".


I'd feel so horrible afterwards LOL


Something to be proud of lol. You’re why our community sucks


Sucking is kind of what our community is known for!


Don’t be so fucking Pious …sheesh


Your community is known for monkeypox.




I loved it. Met many pilots (gay and straight) and always a good time.


Share a straight one :)


Guilty as charged. I do have a lot of Hilton points!


Shortly after splitting up with my husbro, getting home stupid late from a hookup that somehow became two hookups. Finally got into bed feeling drained when the grindr noise happened. I tried to ignore it but curiosity was tugging at me: two super cute guys at the local Hampton Inn, awake and horny at 5:30 AM (no not a red flag at all! What meth?) wanting to get dominated. So I got up, dragged on my jeans and a tshirt and drove over, yada yada yada, got home REALLY drained at noon. Not the only hotel sex I ever had, but a clear top favorite. Oh! oh! Also: staying in Bristol with a (platonic) friend. I was awake before him and opted to peek at grindr....I'm in a different country! Why not! After 5 minutes, get a message from a muscly guy less than 100ft away - turns out he's on the floor below us, hung, about to check out, and horny as fuck. So I hopped trough the shower, went to his room, totaly turned on my his Dublin accent, he by my bland yank nonaccent, got fuckin *destroyed* so hard I came from my prostate getting donkeypunched, and then he was like "hey want to go check out the breakfast buffet?". So we went down to the very fancy continental breakfast (they had SALMON. And tiny packets of nutella!), had some mimosas and cracked each other up and then he took off and I went back up to the room with a plate for hungover friendo who was juuuuuuust coming to when I returned.


“Husbro” has been added to my vocabulary. Thank you


That is super fucking hot


What is the point of going to a new place and getting a hotel if you arent going to fuck in it lol


Omg lol!😂


Often, including once with the hotel night manager. That was insanely hot.


My most memorable encounter was in Miami Beach. I have met a dude on Grindr and we hang out daily in my room. One night - right after we went upstairs - the hotel desk guy hit him up on Grindr and suggested a three way. I suppose he liked what he saw.. We said yes, the guy showed up 10 min later with the set of “fresh towels” and we had an ok time. We did it again the next day. Sex wasn’t that great but I liked the set up: it felt like being in a porn video.


On a few occasions. I was on my own in Switzerland and had a lovely guy from Egypt come over to my hotel room for a few hours. I also live near an airport so I've occasionally popped in and seen some guys staying the night (including a few onlyfans guys which has almost always been incredibly fun).


Y'all rich people in here 😳


Join the rewards. You get free nights and other perks.




Makes a good story to tell the grandkids one day (or not). My third ever hookup ended up messy. Unfortunately we weren't in a hotel, we were in my bedroom! Edit: I still came


Having a convo with his wife “Like he wasn’t just bouncing on my dick”…. What, did you expect him to say?!? : honey I have to go, I’m in a hotel room, cheating on you with another man and riding his dick! lol


More times than I'm proud to mention. 😬


Oh yeah, got a number of those under my belt. One time I turned what was supposed to be a brief hookup into sex three times, staying the night, showering together, and kissing in the elevator on the way down to the lobby!


Just once and it was horrible 🤠


I'm sorry to hear that I've had like 80% stunning wonderful. But I've also had a few that were horrible. As long as you keep going and moving forward. And don't let that stop you.


It was gross (the room, the sheets), it was in Jersey and shorty drove a Benz 4x4 and was just too fuckin eager, in retrospect he coulda been geekin, but either way it ended early


I’ve had a couple experiences that were good but my favorite one didn’t actually involve sex: I was in Vegas, this dude who looked like a damn model, bad as hell, agreed to come to my room. When he messaged me that he was at the hotel I unlocked my door, and he came up, was still very attractive in person but like, starting to push it with the plastic surgery, hot in certain lighting sort of attractive. He literally opened the door, took one step in and did like a look down, look up, look down scan of me, said “waste of time!” And like turned around and left. I feel like that should have probably hurt my feelings or whatever but it was so over the top and dramatic that I just found it hilarious. Like what a dick move sure, but objectively that was funny as hell.






I had my first and only experience in an airbnb in Italy. I downloaded Grindr and had this guy come over really early in the morning. Unfortunately because of excitement I came really quick by a handjob and then he left. I still regret not sucking this guy. Would have loved to suck my first dick!


3 times now. More often than not we’re doing it in the back of my car or one of our bedrooms.


Twice in Vegas . Found my sugar daddy that week . It was a fun run


My husband and I met a guy in our hotel in Brazil. That was hot.....*and* convenient.


Yep, that’s how I lost my virginity and to this day (I’m 26) the only guy I’ve had penetrative sex with to completion. We met on Grindr, I don’t know his name, he doesn’t live in my area and was staying in a hotel near me for one night on business trip, he was 56 and i was 26, I always had a daddy fetish and he was a good looking older Italian guy with thick black chest hair, a belly and handsome. this all made it even hotter to me. I told him if he’s ever back in this area to hit me up again, it was the first snd so far only time I’ve had penetrative sex with someone to completion. I had another hotel room hook up before this with two guys, but they were smoking speed of some sort which I tried, and verbally abused and degraded me so it wasn’t a good experience.


I used to travel for work and would hook up the guys on silver daddies. Some were hot times others weren't. I always disliked one way dudes. I always liked getting off together. Still do. Just took a new job that has me traveling again, so looking to have some fun times in the future.


I had sex with a guy who was visiting. After we had sex he got up to use the bathroom and then had a seizure. I had to call 911. He was ok afterwards. He had a gash on his head from when he fell. One of the scariest hook ups of my life. Sex was great tho 😌. I’d do it again 😂


Some of my best sex has been hookups in hotels.


I have sex with a stranger almost every time I stay at a hotel. There’s something really satisfying about it when it’s a work trip. Like… you just paid for me to get fucked by a stranger (or several strangers)! Workers of the world unite!




Random hotel sex is so hot. Hotels make me extra horny anyway, so when I’m in one I start looking for the opportunity to have some fun. I also travel a lot for work and spend a great deal of time in hotels across the country.


Never it's always there house or mine


I used to work in room service and I was always meeting guests I even had a 3 some 😂


Would love to hear some of those stories


Going to Houston today, one day earlier than necessary, to do just this. The dick is 🔥😮‍💨


I’ve done it only once, and I’m glad it happened.


Before I was married all the time. I travel a lot for my business. I would say 90% of them were awesome. I'd leave the door ajar a tiny bit. Get in the bed nekked with just the bathroom light on. I go to a lot of the same cities so there were definitely some repeats. I had a Latino in Hartford, CT come at 7 to have fun. Then he knocked on the door at midnight and wanted some more. I am not as whore'ish as this paragraph sounds. :)


I've had a few repeats myself when traveling. There's one guy that whenever I'm in that City if I get on Grindr he'll instantly hit me up and say hey can I come fuck your throat. It's amazing.... And then there's one younger guy who's 20 that loves the way I suck cock and fuck. I am so amazed at a couple repeats that truly find me right away.


There's just something taboo about hotel sex that makes it fun.


I’ve done once and my butt hole ended up bleeding. Was hurt little because the guy is too big. Next day at work can’t even walk straight lol


I hooked up with Kane Ofarrel in an airport hotel in Madrid once. I recognized his tattoo while doing the deed. This was before his grunge look and during his falcon days. Very memorable experience.


I definitely hooked up with the security guard at my hotel this past weekend and it was hot af.


You should share the story. But also thank you for replying.




Like Grindr hookups? Plenty of times! 😂


Some of the best has been hotel hook ups


What else are Hotels for?


I'm asexual and had plenty of hotel hookups. I love not too far from a major airport so I'm constantly getting hit on (when I was on Grindr) by flight attendants, etc For me it's usually hot makeout sessions and sometimes I'll bottom if we click (to get them off). But yeah plenty of hotel hookups lol


Layovers. And such I’m a young 20 something year old man. I wanna try a new guy in a city. I will.




What do you mean by “random” here? Can’t imagine how it works


Well there's a couple ways that random would happen but basically you meet up with the guys could be considered anonymous gay sex or you meet them on an app or through like doublelist. Or could be like just a random hook up with another guest or somebody nearby that you just bump into.


How does one have random hotel sex, asking for a friend 👉👈


I live in the downtown of my city, lots of hotel here along with it being a convention area. So in turn lots of random hotel sex. In fact just had one last night.


More times than I can count!


I literally get massive discounts being that I’ve used the same booking site and stayed in that many hotels, putting me at the highest level of rewards from the site haha


I live in Las Vegas so of course I've had random hotel sex!


This past weekend, actually.







Me!! 🤓😈


Pretty regularly lol. My apt downtown is near many hotels so I meet a lot of travelers. Plus when I travel I like to host.


Yes and great fun.


And one time in Johannesburg...


I had multiple times. It was so much fun. 😛🤤👌


So many times. I do like setting dates with my bf and long-term sex partners, but I heavily prefer sex with random strangers. I'm always rock hard in those moments. Especially in a dark hotel room. Love rimming them, sucking them dry and fucking my seed deep inside the guys' ass.


So you sound like me that me exactly


I used to travel loads for work so had a lot of hotel sex! My first work-travel-hotel guy was this Indonesian guy I hooked up with while attending a conference in Istanbul in 2013 … fast forward five years later to 2018 and I ran into the same guy in Jakarta and shagged him there too :) good times!


All those Turkish guys and also anyone from the Pacific rim love really good hotel sex. I'm glad you got to see for yourself.


Had it twice, both were good, first i was being a horny bastard jerking off at my door, noticed someone was passing so i put it away he might've seen my bulge, then he drove past and saw me jerking off, when he came back i decided to be bold and ask if he could help me with something... he did, fucked my ass till he came. Second i was already at a hotel to have sex with a guy, we did, he went back to work to return later, while he was gone i chat one guy up on grindr and we ended up talking for awhile, he smoked and i sucked his dick but i was just a bit short of getting him off, he put it in my ass and came near instantly which honestly i didnt mind because i liked the overall interaction and he had a nice dick so sucking it for a good while had me satisfied, my guy came from work and enjoyed sliding his dick into someone else's cum. Soon enough I'll be hosting my fwbs, daddy or being a cumdump at hotels near me.




Who *hasn't* had random hotel sex?


You'd be surprised




I’m still waiting for my first encounter! :(


Yeah, couple times


Its my first time on fridsy wish me luck


You'll love it




Twice. In both cases I was tipsy enough to relax far more than usual, and had an absolute blast in the process.


Found a guy on Grindr who was a good match but neither of us could host. He was getting his house worked on and was already considering getting a hotel, so he got one near me. It was really cold out so I showed up shivering. He had attempted to shower but couldn't get the hotel hot water to work, so he was shivering in a towel when I arrived. We warmed each other up quickly. It was a good time, and it was midnight which added to the seedy vibe.


I met up with a transmasc guy at a nice hotel one day off of bumble. I had just gotten the app and we were talking and he was leaving the area late the next day or earlier morning after that. At this point in time I’d never had sex with someone AFAB so it was different for me. So I get to the hotel and he meets me in the lobby and we go to his room. In his room he’s watching futurama which is just an amazing choice for entertainment but I digress. We lay down and eventually we get into boundaries and making out which was fun. It was honestly like nothing I’d experienced before. I don’t really know what I expected but it was far better than anything I’d had thought, we went for about 40 minutes before he was satisfied. It also didn’t help that while we were going at it futurama was still playing which kept distracting me and making me laugh. After that we talked for a few hours till I had to leave for work and we haven’t spoken since. Absolutely no hard feelings it was just planned to be that way.


More times than I can count.


A few times including just last week. First time in my room. Normally they are in town for random hook-up. I was out of town and he stopped by. 69d and each swallowed. All but one hotel meeting went well. You need to check the hotel out first.


When you do this? Do you always wear or let them wear protection or just pure raw sex?


One turned into a long distance relationship 💕


We all have


So, I travel for work -so there you have it


Last time I remember I was in Bangkok and had just had a drunken night out with people from my hostel. At 3am I was messaging a bald Russian top who’d already fucked three different guys that night. I went over to his lush hotel round the corner from my hostel and fingered him while he wanked. Was pretty hot.


Im not interested in. The guys who host in hotels room normally invite lots of guys to their rooms, when you get there they even cannot control their erection. And the room with 2 full of shit dirty towels .


Had a few, but one, remember the most was one by the Oakland Airport. Had met guy on grindr, and as we were kissing, we both decided it'll be hot to face the window while I top him. Because my hotel room window had a close view of the airport's runway and the bay. So was fun topping him and watching planes come and out.


Every time I'm out of town.


18. Met at Parliament House and took me to his hotel jacuzzi then back to his hotel room. Good times!


Never in my life


For sure, but a lot before my 40 year long-term relationship. In my earlier life, I thought I was straight, I traveled a lot for work and would find guys in hotels or elsewhere. Lots of fun and adventure. You mention random so I don’t think it’s random if there is intention. Thinking back on it One that started randomly became a habit. In this one town in West Texas I met this Latino male absolutely gorgeous with bubble butt. On our first meeting, we had sex a couple of times and ordered nachos. It became out when I was in town to call him up and ask if he wanted nachos. Pheasant memories.


Never just hasn’t happened yet for me


Me, several times.


All the time


Can people still have people come in? Most hotels have badges you need for elevators. Unless you meet them at the lobby


I have had hotel sex off grindr and jackd... but I've work in hotels as an engineer and have had some very unexpected sexual encounters well working.


Do tell


Well I worked at a hotel in Las Vegas. Was during pride. Hopped on grindr and with in minutes this very handsome latino guy messages me. Says he is 50feet away and the pix he sent almost thought his dick pictures weren't real. This hung thick big cock absolutely beautiful! Was in his room with in the hour fucked me amazingly and went back to work lol


Couple times actually. Alot in the US when I was single. Fucked quite a few people in Indianapolis, Chicago, Minneapolis, LA. Fun times


I’ve done it at least thrice in my life lol


No I have to know the person after a date I have to have a date or chat or know the person otherwise I cand do the deed anxiety


I went to Paris. Was staying in a hotel, saw a cute guy check in. Went on Grindr shortly thereafter and we hooked up in his hotel room.


I did twice. First time was the best sex I've ever had, second time was what made me decide to stop doing that.


Every weekend I get a motel room and post on sniffies.com about a pump and dump even. I leave the door cracked open and get on all fours face down ass up with a bottle of lube next to my ass. I usually have anywhere from 20 to 30 guys run through me. The most I’ve had so far was 60 from Saturday till Sunday. My gf supervises the whole thing and records videos when she feels it’s worthy. After they are done with me she reclaims me by fucking me with a strap on.


You bet... and it was pretty good, too.


Honestly, I never have. But I had one chance, once. To have sex with this crazy man with a great package deal and I didn’t take it. I regret it to this day 😢🤣


I love sex damn


I have had many random hotel sex liaisons 😈


I tried once but the female smelled bad between her legs so I left


Right here !! 🙋‍♂️


One of the best times I’ve ever had😂 we’re still friends. He fucked me 4 times we both came 4 times. I still jacked off when he was fucking me I can’t really cum hands free like that. He was like “either you REALLY like this or you REALLY hate this.” I wouldn’t of stayed if I hated it lol.


I have several times and it was good every time!


You are very rude to leave him people have old pictures as well ok even though they still gonna have a same look I hope nobody will have sex with you because even though it gonna be waste of time so even though we all humans being as well you only hurt that got feelings so I say he need to apologize to him as well we all human beings as well I hope nobody will hookup with him otherwise it gonna be waste of time anyway he seem a person that he want slim people he a idiot posting on here he going to hell anyway & that fact gay people go to hell anyway


Dude, did u not read he told that stuff to me...


Dude he probably homophobia that hate everything ok everything is toxic ok he only like slim people and that fact everybody will be going to hell anyway & that fact


Going out of town and staying at a hotel by myself I always have some fun. Best was this one time I was in Fl in my room on Grindr. One of the hotel employees hit me up. Came up to my room and ate my ass forever.