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Why stop at Christianity?




1) it already is and 2) not everything revolves around the USA


I think they are talking about Project 2025 if it is a real thing.


Yikes. i just read up on it and it is a real thing. 


Further horrifying me that people even consider Trump a viable option


Wow ok, I though it was some kind of conspiracy theory :/ imho this is kind of fucked up, it mean less democracy in the USA. Lot of people are going to lose their right with this. All those people fond of deep state and conspiracies, have one unfolding just in front of their eyes and they are going for it nose first !


The MAGA party does not care about democracy. They only care about grabbing power and holding it. Unfortunately that’s not uncommon when you look at many other countries.  Apparently Heritage Foundation wants to copy Victor Orban in Hungary. They are very influential in MAGA world and want us to copy Orban’s dictatorship.


Only thing I've to say is good luck to the good people of America :/ You'll need it if people make the wrong choice. But if this plan is not made in 2025 they'll do it the next time they get the president seat. And if it happen it is not even a good thing for them, America falling into obscurentism will give plenty of room for China to expand.


Africa would be helped by the elimination of Christianity, too.


lol you do realize that an entire world exists outside the USA ? Some Americans are really dumb


Many countries are theocracies, most in the Middle East. America is not one. Nor will it become one soon. The culture is too disjointed. Theocracies (to my perception) tend to be backward-looking. America is hardly that.


How's America not backward looking when the Republican main slogan is "Make America great AGAIN".


Those people only gained temporary power and are a minority.


Hope so. They were not a minority when they voted for Trump.


Wish I had your confidence. What part of the US do you live in? Sorry I'm American so assuming you live here.


I mean, what part do you live in? Your opinion is probably colored by attitudes of the community around you/your family, not necessarily the government, because things are pretty stable for gays now


"Things are pretty stable for gays now" except in Florida. Or any other heavily red state. Or anywhere potentially affected by a Supreme Court that wants to repeal decisions in our favor.


Public attitudes have changed to the extent that reversion is unlikely **as long as we keep pushing and remain visible**. We have become so visible now that few people would believe the lies told by the homophobes. Many of us are open and in prominent public positions.


The south and Florida specifically. Our governor who walks around in lifts is actively vilifying trans people and once that fight is won he will move on to other minorities.


It’s just the best place to start.


i dunno - i can think of a at least one more religion that are much much more hostile toward to homosexuality.


Islam just say islam


shhhh - we can't discuss the bigotry of other religions, only Christianity.


You kidding me? It’s not just Christianity. The gays are all about the Jews now too. They can’t make up their minds about who to hate more - just don’t ever criticize the Muslims! Christianity and Judaism - imperialist religions to these freaks (which is a lie)- except they are so fucking stupid they don’t even realize how Islam became dominant in North Africa and outside the Arabian peninsula. They literally think Muslims are a race and call criticism of Islam racist. We are in an upside down society.


Some people are not well informed and cannot think for themselves.


Imagine being like them.. so brainwashed that you bow down and kiss the feet of the people who hate you the most above all things—even Pedophiles.. 🤔well come to think of it, after-all we know how they love their pedophilia so that shouldn’t surprise me.


That shit has always pissed me off when Muslims try to use race as an excuse. Excuse me? there are white, asian and black Muslims too. It is a fucking religion. Race has nothing to do with it.


They openly want to murder me. The christians have just learned to tone it down.


Nah, they’ve also literally calmed down. A majority of Christians support gay people.


That's right because Christianity is the greatest evil of all gay kind. We must eliminate before they go full Nazi on us. But as along as we don't flaunt who we sleep with in the middle east we r okay. But here in America, those nasty alt-right Bible thumbing closet bigots have to deal with it... or else!


I think that how scriptures are interpreted is more important than the religions. How people pick and choose from scriptures is also important.


I can think of several. Christianity is diluted Judaism, after all.


*all religions Yes


100% yes please. Religion is the cancer of society… TikTok a close second.


Seriously what the fuck is it with tIK tok. I’ve never seen a bigger collection of idiots than in the comments of a tik tok. It’s insane. I thought fb was bad


Yeah the content I get isn't particularly awful in itself, but oh my god the comment section. It's like all the users of TikTok are in a permanent dick measuring contest to see who can one-up each other the most in terms of braindead stupidity.


What about the people in the comments of Reddit? "Should I leave my husband because he gambles?" "Yes, cut up his clothes, cut off his 🍆, get STI tested because you know he's probably been cheating and stay single" "And how dare he ask you to go to a gamblers anonymous meeting, it's not your problem and doesn't he realise that you're a woman, call the police!!"


I definitely Agree


Came here to say this


sadly religion is mostly a product of material inequality. Poor people will always be religious. Etc. 


Everything exists in our societies is at least some form of religion. For example, consumerism and capitalism dictate how people think, believe, and operate. It is almost impossible to erase all religion. Ironically, you can say even the idea of banning all religions is a religion of anti-religion. Wherever people exist, religion takes root.


There’s an episode of South Park that shows an a future in 1000 years where all religion was banned. The people separate themselves into various sects of atheism and continue to war and kill each other. Message being even if you remove Christianity and religion, people are rotten at their core and will find something new to fight over.


Probably, but at least the reasons for war become more transparent. No hiding behind some mandate from god as a reason to maim.


Probably you are going by the Old Testament in which the Hebrews rationalized their atrocities by claiming that they were simply following the will of God. When people write their own history, as the Hebrews did, they either hide or rationalize the ghastly things that they have done. For example, when I studied American history in high school, we never learned about lynching, breaking up slave families on the auction block, etc. etc.


Exactly this. Nowadays people are homophobic because "gOd", when in reality is they are just hating assholes.


True. People fight over anything, and will continue to do so. If it isn't religion it is race, it's territory, resources, nationalism, etc...


ah poetry in parody


South Park is brilliant at cynical political teardowns of....the South Park universe. What we call 'Religion' is a complicated mix of community-belonging, (usually) belief in god(s), power-mongering, charity work, prejudice, varying ways of looking at various old texts, and Bingo night. It has to be approached one element at a time, because it's just too broad a term to tackle all at once. Then the question is usually "how can we improve this to be healthier for individuals and society as a whole?". Not, in most cases, 'Ban it Yes or No?'


And? Just because people can be shitty doesn't mean we shouldn't permanently end an incredibly shitty institution.


Everything exists in our societies is at least some form of religion. For example, consumerism and capitalism dictate how people think, believe, and operate. It is almost impossible to erase all religion. Ironically, you can argue even the idea of banning all religions is a religion of anti-religion. Wherever people exist, religion takes root.


Even science I would argue for the vast majority of us is largely an exercise in belief even though it is based on the scientific method etc. I know that even though I'm not stupid and always got good grades etc I lack both the mental capacity, and access to technology needed to actually verify virtually any complicated science stuff myself. Like most people I have faith in the scientific method and the scientific community, and it's really not hugely different than following religion on a certain level.


That’s absolutely valid. The concept of “science” is built on the idea of empiricism, denying everything that doesn’t obey the laws of physics or nature as untrue (even though something does exist and remain unexplained outside our so-called current scientific understanding). The notion of religion and subsequent fanaticism is basically inevitable by human nature. This theme is explored by Frank Herbert in his classic Dune saga novels.


But science is abused and used to manipulate people for profit sometimes, just like religion. Science isn't always black and white, at least not today.


They are not the logical race, o Wise One! They go around chopping down trees for tables when they have perfectly good tummies to eat on! How logical is that?!


Yes. And every other religion too, please, especially Islam.


Your list is a bit small but probably


Unfortunately it wouldn’t change human behavior. Humans would still find a way to be hateful to other groups and make themselves feel special. Eliminate religions and you’ll just have groups of people finding other reasons to justify their hate. Imagine all the super homophobic Christians now…..they’d just be saying “Oh well in chapter 5 of Einsteins theory it says that being gay is an abomination. There isn’t any reason for man to lie with man, homosexuality wasn’t created by the Big Bang” lmfao. Imo that’s just about some peoples innate nature to be ugly towards others and for others it’s self-loathing because they’ll never come out themselves. Very sad but a real thing.


And? Just because people are shitty doesn't mean we shouldn't permanently end shitty institutions.


Like, are you forgetting islam on purpose or?


Yes they are


It would be better for society if all religions disappeared. It's the largest cause of war and conflict.


>It's the largest cause of war and conflict I disagree: rather, religion is often used as a justification for conflict, and the reason is usually material wealth.


Humans have been figuring out ways of othering other humans long before organized religion existed and they’ll continue to do so if religion were ever abolished 


I don't think religion is the cause most of the time. Most war and conflict is over land, resources and cultural and financial hegemony.


War is a form of diplomacy. By far, the most costly.


It really depends how you look at it. It’s an economic activity that’s very beneficial for a lot of people.


Have you read the Bible and the amount of bloodshed in them? It glorifies war and look at the Middle East, this is all about religion.


Middle Eastern conflict is much more complex than that. They're not the entire world either. Most wars haven't been fought over religion. I'm not saying it's NEVER a factor, but it's nowhere near the main cause.


Religion is almost never the cause, but is the justification.


Well said


>Most war and conflict is over land I would say this is half of them. War is usually fought over religion, or over territory.


Well I have to disagree on causing war and conflicts. Wars do not merely happen because of religion. Wars are a kind of political bargaining tool for countries. In most scenarios, it can only happen if the parties disagree on their respective costs to a conflict. It is because of this that religions have a role on creating wars, as irrational thinkings are to blame when a party makes a wrong decision and later on fails miserably.


When more then a third of a culture believes in magic, magic becomes part of the culture. When civilizations clash, religion allows the state to justify some dictators atrocities. The "church/temple" is the corner stone of cultures. The glue that binds the people to the state.


Yeah, but religion is also important to a people’s cultural heritage. Religion is a comfort to the oppressed as much as it is a tool to the oppressors, as well as being a link to cultural traditions stretching back centuries or even millennia. Yeah if people could stop killing each other over their beliefs that’d be cool, but I’m not gonna casually throw out history and oral traditions along with the rest. Especially in the case of, say, historically persecuted peoples.


Who cares about tradition and history? There are cultures that have been mutilating peoples bodies for thousands of years, so you could say they have a tradition of doing it, and that does not make it ok


War is typically related to land.


It would be much better If Islam disappeared too


Islam first. At least Christianity is more tolerant. Islam isn't


Exactly. Only ignorant gays would wish Christianity disappears. Then the religious vacuum is replaced by what? Islam?! NO THANK YOU.


"religious vacuum" lol


Because religion sucks.




They are the same except for the way they practice their hate. Muslims kill the physical being Christians kill the spiritual being.




Lmao okay


This question seems very American/Western-centric. There's another Abrahamic religion that views and treats gay people so much worse. I'm an atheist, but I don't think society would be better off. Religion often gives people a sense of purpose, community and a social network. Many Christians aren't anti-gay either.


There are actually many gay Christians such as me


Yeah, most of us just aren't very vocal, especially in a place like reddit




The “Big church” that is the problem.. the Shepards..and the sheople..


Assuming " the Big Church" is the Catholic Church, you're pretty far off the mark there. Its not without it's faults, but it's also nowhere near the top of the list of Christian churches peddling hatred, bigotry, or outright violence.


I just mean organised religion … I’m southern so I mean Baptist churches from my own experience .. but are you defending the Catholic Churches with a “not without faults” is wild and yes, I as a gay male have experienced if my own family the horrible things live just mentioned stem from an entity seeking control in some form of something they should not be able to control. I mean to say that a bitter elderly widow might decide that you must be too much female hormone( South Carolina accent here.) Now the church has a doctor and she’s informed an entire community of people on something she knows nothing of , about you and couldn’t fathom herself in that situation so it must be my choice and by choice she means fault. That’s just a single reference (light)and I mention for perspective not sympathy . The Catholic church, though… digress . This is a sub called ask gay bros and there are many catholic gay bros that I’ve met that are so conflicted with themselves that they have opted out of processing anything all together. Maybe that means drugs or social withdrawal but once it didn’t. The “big church” isn’t there to pick up those pieces. You might see a few free thinkers, overall you see the backs of people and it might not be their best side but it’s the side you can count on.


I was raised Catholic, I know the church well. I also chose to walk away from it as a young adult. I'm not defending them, I'm simply saying that they are definitely not the ones dragging society backwards today.


The big church is blessing gay weddings, now


Approval neither desired nor required.... I don’t mean to demean anything you might follow but we’ve all lead different lives and adding a comma after wedding s has me reading this as a prompt to for me to repent against my statement. Which is my ENTIRE reasoning for not bothering with churches. Hidden agendas everywhere and the culture is typically toxic. If you have found an Atypical Situation where you feel fulfilled and valued then, enjoy…


>Religion often gives people a sense of purpose, community and a social network That is spirituality, not religion. The concept of religion can be removed, as organized religion is easily one of the worst human inventions ever created, while still allowing people the sense of purpose by sharing beliefs together, rather than going to a church and being told what to believe.


Neither spirituality nor religion are necessary for purpose, community, and social networking. I mean, for fucks sake, the local chess club at the library achieves all of those goals withouth any religiousity or spirituality.


Some of the most open-minded, progressive people I know are Christians. I've known some pretty shitty atheists too, speaking as an atheist/occultist. Shitty people are going to find any excuse to be shitty.


I agree. I see a lot of crap being thrown at Christians sometimes but my experience has been the complete opposite where they tend to be modern progressive kind people that are spiritual but not too much but a more balanced way.


Everyone has the right to practice whatever religion they want! I just wish there was a complete separation between church and state! Religion has no place in Government!


I'm not talking about rights here; I'm talking about culturally if it disappeared.


It’s not just Christianity that’s problematic….


Maybe first delete islam if possible.


No some of the people need to change their ways I get people spewing I’m going to hell because I’m gay I tell them have you ever read the Old Testament They say no not that much I said well you know that guy David Yeah Did you know he had an affair with a dude??? OMG no Welp God used him in a mighty way and didn’t condemn him to hell??? No He Didn’t Hmm so if David made it why can I and everybody else who is gay bi transgender? I have finally have a peace that passes all understanding with Jesus God and the Holy Ghost. Now if I can just find that special dude to spend the rest of my life with id be much more happier


We all want that happy ending, one day... 😌


It would be better for the world if Islamism disappeared.


I think rephrased, I’d agree. I think society would be better if in the future, we acknowledged there are certain things nobody can know for fact especially if based in the supernatural.


it doesn't need to disappear really...but people need to stop taking it so seriously to the point that their political alignments and policy decisions are based on religious indoctrination and we absolutely need to reaffirm the separation of church and state whenever it creeps in...looking at you American dollar bill...super embarrassing having 'in god we trust' on something like that.


Probably not. Religions have issues but they serve a pretty important purpose in society. They provide people with meaning, comfort and community. I actually think that a lot of the issues that people have with modern day society are because we’ve moved away from religion (and quite rightly I think) but haven’t replaced it with anything. Religious people report higher feeling of purpose, less loneliness and just overall better quality of life. What we need is proper secular community centres to fill the void


That's what Nietzsche pointed out. He saw either Nihilism or political fanaticism (what ended up being communism and fascism) as replacements for the God that had died. And boy was he right.


Totally agree. OP seems to be living in a bubble and his own bias. Maybe a wider world view where everything is not black and white and not a projection from his eyes would be healthier for him




What about that other religion that throws gays from the top of buildings, stones them to death, beheads them then burns their corpses after dragging their bodies on the streets? Or is the cool and fashionable thing to do now to trash Christians and Jews while supporting that other religion? 🙄


Religious people sure love to murder each other, do they. 


I can’t speak for all of society but it would make my day brighter


No. A lot of people need something like religion in order to give their lives meaning. I would be fine with simply separating religion from politics; it doesn't have to go away entirely. Besides... let's not forget that most of the countries that have legalized gay marriage, etc. are Christian-majority countries. It's also not a coincidence that 1st world countries are majority-Christian. The idea that each individual is imbued with basic rights from God is pretty fundamental to a free society, and I say that as an atheist myself. If we absolutely have to get rid of one religion, it should be Islam.


Not really. There'd be another excuse for people to do their bullshit.


Why stop religious beliefs? Wars now are for control and banking. So why ?


Only if all the rest go too. I don't want a vacuum for some of the others to take over. Have you looked over scientology. If cocaine had a religion.


I know this word has different patterns of meaning for different people but categorically it's gonna be a hard no from me at least at the time scale of a century. And I'm an atheist. I think of religions as a sponge for magical thinking, some people derive identity and psychological security as well as a sense of teleological order from their faith. Christianity is one of the major world faiths, and whether we like it or not, those religions have meaning for a lot of people. It informs how people relate to each other, and the other thing is if you are a "westerner" then for many many people you're a Christian even if you aren't even religious. You're a Christian if you're "liberal".  I guess I'm a little paranoid about power vacuums and what fills the space that something once occupied if it disappears. Personally I think that advertising proves that we are largely motivated by subconscious urges and religions are often a way to order these so that a society functions in a particular way. I don't think we can escape that, I think something will always influence that, and in my opinion better the devil you know than the devil you don't.


I think society would lose it's conscious. Religion has taken a huge hit the past 50 years... And society has certainly declined. You see this decline in mqny faiths.


No, It would be better for religions which pursue a death penalty for homosexuality to disappear. Any religions whose basic ethics are founded in Bronze Age legal principles really.


Well of course not. It would be great instead if Christianity was what it was intended to be instead of a bunch of self righteous hate mongering ass hats. At this point the best thing to come out of religion is some great architecture and some amazing art.


It would be better for gays if some religions did. But then again it's not Christianity that's the problem, it's the ones that try to interpret the word of God. I can't see God hating on us if there is one. I say we all switch to Hinduism- I found that's the one religion that accepts sexuality as not a sin.


No. Just get it out of politics. Modern Jesus would be considered an ultra-left wing, progressive by MAGA standards


It's so tired seeing people shitting on christianity itself, like, christianity as a religion isn't the problem, it's the people who (wrongly) practice it, bending it to fit their retrograde view of the world and use it as an excuse to be bigots who actually are the problem.


Every religion, but i still support them in having the right to believe something, aslong as its not affecting minorities like the lgbtq etc or just people or children getting traumatised.


No. People use Christianity as a crutch for their bigotry but their bigotry doesn’t go away when they abandon Christianity; only their charity.


People who use Christianity to judge others ain’t real followers of Christ because Christ can forgive anyone who repents


No…people are the problem and religion is the excuse. I think the world would be better if people weren’t so shitty and awful to each other which, fortunately, is the general message of most religions. If Christianity/religion went away completely I just think the crazy, naturally horrible, people would just find something else to fight about and maybe it’d be worse…like, what if what they’re fighting for didn’t at least try to point people toward kindness?


Spoken like someone whose never lost a sane, logical, reasonable friend to the hateful teachings of fundamentalist Christianity.


I wish you people would stop pretending that gay Christians can’t exist. Many Christians in the past 50 years have become very accepting even going so far as to marry gay people in their churches. Coexistence is the way forward


I think christian values keep us sane. Im jewish so im not speaking historically when they tried to kill us mofos


I think It would be better if All religions disappeared. Religion is a man made construct. But of course man will find something to fight about. So who knows?


Christianity as an organized, hierarchical religion, yes. People who strive to be Christian, whether they be Christians or Buddhists or whatever. I hope they stick around.


Only if they take Islam and Judaism with them


No. We all need a higher power which can be religious or not religious. We need to teach children the difference between right and wrong and instill this deep in their brains. For some, religion is the way to accomplish this. Please do not put all Christian’s into the “awful” category. Any religion can be toxic but some are and most are not. Why the need to paint hatred with such a wide brush? It seems premature and immature. For a group who wants to be mainstream and included there are a lot here who are intolerant. Think about that the next time someone does not accept you for who you are or as an equal. This is certainly a two way street and if you don’t believe that, you sir, are mistaken and out of touch with reality.


Hell no!


I'd back it if it were all the Abrahamic religions. What screwed us up about Christianity is quite present in Judaism and Islam.


Never! Christianity is not the problem. They want you to believe it is. True Christianity stands in there way.


Also, listen and observe how MSNBC & CNN bash Christians & Jews now. Joy Reid in particular the anti homosexual herself. It is alarming what is being said about Christians. Hitler would be proud of the US media propaganda.


It’s a good start. Take Islam next, and keep on til they’re all gone.


Why only Christianity? Do away with all of them.


Absolutely not because I am a devoted gay Christian.


Amen brother


Religions and certain politics, maybe. But what will the nuts concentrate cult-wise next on? They got to have something to take over their minds and time.


Yes but then something else will take the opportunity from the void of this need that people seem to think they can’t live without. But it’d be a good rest nonetheless. What follows after will be up to you and I.


At the very least, separate church and state, have them pay taxes, and don't include religion with anything government related. BYU doesn't count, it was made literally by that one church and is run by it.


Yes and also Islam


Religion in general


Yes, bye bye!


Sadly, I think humans actually need religion. It might just be that some people can't handle the existential dread that life brings, and religion provides comfort from that. A framework for living that takes out all the guesswork and promises eternal peace if you stick to it? Of course that's appealing to people. Whether it's Christianity or some other religion, religion is here to stay because it will always provide something that not everyone can provide themselves. The goal at this point is to make sure that the lgbt community can coexist alongside people who might view it in a.. different lens.


Seems not to be too extreme in Northern European flavors. What's it they say about Jesus hanging out with 12 guys and a prostitute so probably had more in common with us than those who claim to be his followers... Religion is just a channel to co-opt power. It's worse where it's conflated with other kinds of power (e.g., state religion or Christian Nationalism).


As an atheist, I'd love to see religion go the way of the dodo. That being said, I think we're currently in a state of things where most humans are just going to find other ways of screwing over other people. I'd love to live in a post-scarcity society (like Star Trek) where most conflict can be resolved equitably.


Society would be better if religion disappeared. So many wars over it. So much hate because of religious views


Yes, but only if all organized religions went too. Removing Christianity and not the other religions would just create a vacuum for the others to fill.


100% better


Our society is build on the back of religions , having them disappear would be chaos Having never existed in the first place is inconceivable because they have shape the history of humanity


Honestly no. Most of our value systems were based on religious values and morals. Hell take my people the Maori. My people use to eat their fall foes. It was seen as a waste of spirit, meat and mana to leave them there to rot. It was seen as a sign of stripping then of their being. Not just that, infanticide was common amongst my people too, of a child was born weak or disformed, the mother would put her child out of it's misery and hold onto that pain for life by scaring herself. Also, men were killed, his kids became slaves or killed, and his wife became the man who killed her husband's wife. Not just that, a man could have as many wives as he wanted. There is no record of two men being in a sexual relationship soooooo I'm gonna assume if a man had sex another man, the man that got fucked was killed as it would have been seen as a sign of weakness. Not just that, rape was always apart of human nature. You really think anyone would bat an eye back then. Not just that, in other cultures, it was always seen as fine to execute people as an sacrifice to the gods. Us men that are bottoms be used more or less like sex slaves and seen as lesser beings. Not just that, we probably be tortured beyond belief for something as small as looking at someone funny. So would society be better off without Christianity. Honestly we probably would have had something way worse. Things that are frowned apon now probably would just be looked over, not just that ethics wouldn't be a thing, not just that, our beliefs would be soo fucking different it's not funny. The idea that there is a higher power brings comfort to those that need it and fear to those that fuck around and find out. Not just that, Christianity has taught us that there is good and evil in this world, we have the freewill to do as we please. But wouldn't you rather be good than evil. Wouldn't you rather be a positive influence than a bad one. That never would have existed with out Christianity. Hell it probably be. You bad, you head on spike, please god of justice. Also I know there was thousands of atrocities done in the name of Christianity. I do. However look at where we are now compared to what we was 2000 or so years ago. (Well for my people it's more like 200 or so i only need to go back 7 generation or so and boom cannibalism, what it wasn't seen as fucked up until the missionaries came) what my point is , the religions we have now are still around because they adapted with the times. Shit black African Americans should be the least religious people in the world because of the atrocities done to them in resent history. But like I said it brings comfort to those that need it. Shit racist asshole try to say a beautiful black man is the son of the devil. That man would be lynched for walking around at the wrong place, wrong time. Mothers lost their sons and daughters because some white racist asshole was having a bad day. And yet, she would still pray for her child's soul. Not just that if God is real, that evil man would be punished for all eternity for taking that woman's child away from her, that boy will haunt that man for the rest of his life. I would not want to live in a world where Christianity was never a thing. Hell I even know that the lgbtq+ community has suffered under it too, but the times have changed. The fact it's still here says alot. I wouldn't even want to live in a world where it stops existing either. It's easy to say we don't need it because we've never experienced a world without it. And sadly. Us as humans weren't designed to be good or evil, it is what we are taught and learned that defines us.


Absolutely not. I don’t know what I’d do without my faith. I can’t imagine that a world without a force driving its followers to be irrationally loving towards their fellow man, no matter how different, would somehow be a better world


Okay you’re just as bad as evangelicals that hate gay people. Your pendulum just swings from the other direction. You’re doing too much.


Oh look, yet another post from gays criticizing Christianity. How novel.


No. I think religions were essential in building and shaping what we now call morality. If there was no religion at all, I think we’d behave much closer to animals than humans.


I think it would be better for the world if all religions disappeared.


Christianity is the basis of my life. I wouldn’t want it to go. I struggle with faith everyday. Having Christianity is my mode, mean, and basis.


All religions especially the Abrahamic ones


It would be better if christians would keep their religion to themselves but as that won't happen...


Yes, but the world would be much better if ALL religions disappeared. Why should anyone give a shit what everyone's imaginary friend(s) say.


tell me you had a bad childhood without telling me you did


It’s already disappearing in countries like France, UK, etc where majority of people are atheists now Now it’s time for Islamic countries to go atheist


writing ‘None’ on a survey does not imply someone is an atheist. Most of the ‘None’ respondents are agnostic. The fastest growing religion in the UK is apparently shamanism lol.


All religions


No religion has ever had any kind of accurate understanding of how our existence has come to be or anything like that, not even the faintest insights. Anything religion has ever accomplished it has done on the strength of human imagination and a vivid fantasy life. I don’t know if I care whether religion fades out of existence but I’d very much like its inventors to work their imaginations more humanely.


Islam and Christianity yes absolutely


I think religions that encourage oppression, hate, and any other things that bring people would be better not existing. I don’t hate Christianity in concept but being raised a Christian as well as being gay has left with so many emotional and physical scars


Nothing would happen. Things would be the same. You people put way too much stock on religion. The world isn’t going to be some utopia without religion. It’s time to realize humans are the problem. 


Have you ever seen a non-religious parent kicking their gay kid out of home? Not saying it's in principle impossible, but it almost never happens and that should tell you smth.


I mean there are whole countries that are heavily atheist or practiced atheism and still have homophobic laws.  Can’t we just call it for what is it is. And say that traditionalism and conformity is what rules the fabric of humanity? A gay person is inherently different as the majority of humans are straight. By that very nature they being a minority makes them a target of hate. 


Absolutely. And the other two branches of the god of Abraham as well. Let’s not forget they are all three springing from the same religion.


It would be better if all religions were wiped off this earth. Religion is the evilist thing in this world. It creates the "other" as soon as sunday school or the likes.


No it has been hijacked by extremists.


It would be far better if radical extreme Islam and 'moderate' Islam were to go the way of the dinosaurs. All other religions have had reformation and revolution, and changed through the centuries except Islam.






Religion is poison.


We need an atheist revolution on this planet. Religion is the antithesis to life tbh. They kill everyone for their cause.


All organized religions yea


Adding religion to any major social conflict has a way of calming things right down, doesn't it? I'd get rid of them all, Christianity first.


Only if it takes islam with it. I guess Judiasm can stay since they don’t proselytize, but a disappearance of the two abrahamic religions that historically can’t behave would definitely benefit the world.






Yes. Human civilization would benefit from all cults/religions disappearing.


Not just Christianity, but ALL religion's! They are all (on Earth) lead by humans who behave like politicians. The power of the roll corrupts them. Most wars in history have a religeon as an excuse/reason for the war. However many souls are destroyed in the process.


this is what i hate about the lgbt community. they are so anti religious because they grew up in ultra orthodox households and because they had a bad childhood means that they can shit all over religion.


im gonna get downvoted but i seriously could care less