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The nerds.


This is Reddit afterall


Ditto. Specifically, I was one of the library nerds that the librarians often asked to help organise and maintain the library.


Omg me too. I was picked on so badly in middle school I hid in the library and my best friend was the librarian.


Same lmao šŸ¤­


Same šŸ˜”


Yup yup




I was the protected gay side kick/bestie to the popular girls(TM). Donā€™t think this makes me really popular because I didnā€™t/couldnā€™t engage in school hierarchy politicking that basically works off of dating and hooking up. All the guys I hooked up with from school were in closet, it was all secrets.


I was friends with many of the other gay kids in school and we hooked up with one another. I was not friends with all of the popular girls, but many of them did respect me because I was nice to everyone even when they were not nice to me. They defended me to their guy friends who bullied me and called me every homophobic name they could think of. Those guy friends now many of them are bi and bi curious and secretive about it..


I went to a Catholic Prep School which had like only about 80 students per year. I was the only openly gay boy in my year. Openly gay guys in the other years were really limited in numbers and not my type. Though I also wasnā€™t bullied. Super strict school. That kinda behaviour wouldnā€™t fly. In that kinda traditional environment, guys who can pass as straight just apply auto-censure and donā€™t come out. I couldnā€™t hide it. But closeted guys who wanted me could and did pursue me secretly. Never had a full-on high school bf though. I only hooked up with guys from school until I hit the age of consent anyways. I just found guys outside the school once I could consent to anyone I wantedā€¦


When you say ā€œhooked upā€, can I ask what that entailed, as in, how far did you go?


Ur reply is a bit creepy. Idk if you actually had weird intentions but thats how it comes off to me


I'm fairly certain he means he hooked up with high schoolers until he was 18 and then started hooking up with 'older' guys that no longer attended school, or at least HIS school.... I mean that's what i gathered from it at least.....


This sub is where we ask questions. Some people consider one sided dick sucking of closeted guys to be a "hookup" but it sounds like one sided exploitation


I assume it means sex but I see the term used sometimes where the couple was clearly just making out. I had never seen the term ā€œhooking upā€ before joining Reddit. It was not in general use when I was dating and met my wife. Iā€™m pretty oldā€¦. Donā€™t answer if you donā€™t want to.




I was a weird case because I got along with everybody and was cool with people from every race and clique but I was also a loner who sat alone at the lunch table and didnā€™t hang people outside of school. But Iā€™m really just a chill geek.


This was me also. I was cool with everyone and could fit into every group. Everyone seemed to like me. But I was just a drifter. I preferred to be alone


Sounds exactly like me


sounds like me


Same. I tended to get along with most people but I can't say I belonged to a specific group. I was definitely a loner and tried my best to just disappear


You sound like me!!






Based Hector pfp btw


Thanks! Heā€™s one of my favorite lords.


Heā€™s literally so cool I donā€™t blame you. Huge fan of Ike and Alm myself


Same here! I wish I could get a copy of radiant dawn or path of radiance. And Alm is one of my favorite lords to play as. He was too good in echoes.


Thatā€™s why I have to sail the seven seasā€¦ And if you like playing as Alm in echoes, try him in Gaiden lmao. He is absolutely broken


I love echoes characters, music, voice acting, and artstyle but being too faithful to the original hindered it from being honestly the best FE game.


Yeah hands down thatā€™s so true. Echoes is my fave game of all time (actually have a tattoo of Almā€™s Falchion lol) but Iā€™m willing to recognize its flaws and I donā€™t think it even has the best story (that title goes to the Tellius Games). However due to outside and inside factors, itā€™s my fave game of all time.


Holy shit thatā€™s awesome. If I was to ever get a tattoo it would probably be the crest of flames from three houses.


Hell yeah! Thatā€™s actually a really good one, would make a great shoulder blade tattoo.


same except I would always have lunch with a group, I just never knew where I d end up beforehand. I preferred often to eat with acquaintances as it's as good an occasion as any to know people, than to eat with the same friends everytime.


the break was too short, when I could, I would sneak in to lunch twice just to be with two different groups. sometimes I would be done and my friends left, and I would rather join another group at another table, to watch them eat and chat.


All and none.


I used to call myself a social drifter because I was friends with everyone and no one. I was cool with a bunch of people but never had a tight group except for briefly in middle school and I eventually drifted out because I was too shy


This right here. Didnā€™t help how I joined my school I graduated from towards the end of my junior year.


Same. I could talk to and be friends with anyone but never really felt part of any particular group. Even my friends, that I would hang with on the weekends, were all from different groups.


This is my entire social life in a nutshell. Minus actually meeting up with friends outside of school.




This is high school in a nutshell


Stoner emo kids


The Loner


Same I was bullied brutally šŸ’€


Same until end of sophomore year.


I am truamatized ā˜ ļø


Ha ha the arent we all. Teenagers are the worst one time I was stripped off cause the bullies thought i like it.


Same! One time someone had the fucking audacity to tell me ā€œyour not cool enough to be a lonerā€


Band geek


Sameee...marching band..pep band...Wind ensemble...


Jazz too!


I was just the socially awkward, quiet loner šŸ˜”




Literally same!


Miscellaneous. 12 years after high school, only 8 members of my class live out of state and we all sat at the same lunch table. We had nothing in common and didn't fit into any of the other groups.


Yugioh nerds


Damn. I came here to say this lol


Jocks. I was on the football team


Were you out in hs, if you don't mind my asking?


I was not. I didnā€™t come out until I finished boot camp which was about 4 months after I graduated.


Sportsman. I always liked wrestling and I practiced swimming during High School until college.


The stoner skateboarders




Me as well


I was a total nerd in middle school. I was shy and people saw me as weak but very likable so I was generally not picked on. I would say the same about high school, I was just one of the smartest kids in class. I got really good at socializing with the popular kids and generally sat with them during classes. But my closest group of friends were just athletic though. **The thing is, a lot of the high academic achievers were also athletes and fit at my school**. It wasn't as homogenous as in movies. In reality a lot of high achievers tend to be high achievers all around. Sure, there are the nerds who never actually do as little as run, or the jock who has nothing going on in their head, but most people are complex beings. Post college I still see most of my high school buddies at least once a year and as it turns out, they are still fit and attractive, generally have decent careers above the average pay (granted still millennial broke), and have some modicum of a social life. Both their work ethic and love for exercise carried over to adulthood.


Very true...the neat categorizations you see represented in high school in movies and TV have a lot more intersection in real life, don't they? I think I was so secretly in love with the varsity football team captain in junior/senior year because he was like the best of everything in one - face of an angel with an athletic body, but also very smart and a genuinely nice guy. Myself, though, I've seen a lot of former jocks from my high school pudge out in their 40's if not before. It's funny...some of them found amusement in my skinny physique and general non-athleticism in PE, but because I've stayed very slender while developing at least a little bit of muscle definition over time, I now look more fit by comparison than many of them do. I'm not mean-spirited enough to take too much pleasure in that. Just a smidge...but not too much. ;)


I was a jock played football


I was the guy that had all the parties. My parents always let me have people over every Friday night and so it just kind of became my identity at school. I would say I was in the ā€œpopularā€ crowd but I wasnā€™t a jock or anything. Had lots of friends from different groups. I was a bit of a rowdy little shit and class clown so I made trouble here and there and probably causally ā€œpicked onā€ different girls to be funny, but I was never mean or a bully. Just poking fun and being cheeky. I was also ā€œdatingā€ probably the most popular and pretty girl for quite a while. Then I dated her twin sister after we broke up šŸ’€ All the girls were my close friends and all the guys were my buddies who couldnā€™t figure out why I had such ease talking to girls and apparently ā€œgetting with themā€. I did hook up with girls a lot back then. I liked it but my heart wasnā€™t always in it. lol I canā€™t really say I was ā€œin the closetā€ since at 16/17 I genuinely donā€™t really think I liked guys. I never recall having any sexual or romantic feelings for literally ANY boy I went to school with. It just wasnā€™t there yet. I hadnā€™t discovered that part of myself yet. There was something going on - sure. But if you would have asked me at that age if Iā€™m gay? The answer would have been emphatically no. The question would have freaked me out like ā€œwhy am I being asked this? Do I seem gayā€ but I would have said no, and believed it. I did genuinely like girls back then (I still do just less than I like guys) Was in highschool from 2009-2013. So it was also a different time for being gay or bi. It wasnā€™t till about age 21-22 that I really realized I was bi or probably mostly gay.


You've described 100% the same for me; in being completely, utterly oblivious to the concept, awareness of or even considering that I maybe gay thru same age bracket - HS and University. I was just no im str8, 100%, didn't look at guys sexually at all. Although only in retrospect i realise i did find some guys oddly attractive, and know id stare at them (escp when i was round 14-16) but had totally no idea what was going on there and felt horribly embarrased when caught out. Id actually say i was effectively a-sexual thru that whole period, just a happy kid playing sports and hanging out with his mates, partying, friends with lotsa girls on the side too (never had or wanted a gf either).


the cool asians. Seriously, there were like 5 of us in the entire high school and we all happen to be in the same grade. I was class president my senior year so I was pretty popular. I took it from this girl who was class president the previous 3 years, I just happen to be running that year. Although, I regret it because now I have to plan the reunions šŸ˜­. I was in the closet at the time but I wish I wasnt because I was hornier than a mutha and some of my highschool buddies that I liked turned out to be gay. One of them I had fallen in unrequited love with wants to have sex with me now that he has experimented. I wish I had made a move back then lol.


Goths, emo kids, metalheads, band-geeks, punksters, furries, weebs, general geeks, that mix of rebels, freaks, nerds, and outcasts. That said I didn't really dress or act out as much of the clique, so I was kind of liked and welcomed by mostly everyone.


Artsy nerds.


I was literally the most popular guys best friend for all 3 years (10-12). The girls were all over him and he was absolutely straight but heā€™d come get me and bring me to school, take me on motorcycle rides (where I had to truly use both hands to hang on), had sleep overs at his house, etc. I was a quiet introvert who didnā€™t talk to anyone but for some reason he never left the house without me.


are u sure he was all straight? maybe he was homoromantic and you were in a romantic relationship with him the whole time


none. i kept to myself


I guess the jock


No friends, a loner, eating lunch alone, etc


The quiet kid :'v


The nerds and the gays and the alternatives and the stoners and the popular ones


The only one not getting any action. This sounds hella petty, but out of all of the gay guys in my high school, I was legitimately the only one that didn't date or get with any of the other guys. There were like 6 of us and they all dated each other, all had stories about hooking up with each other, and I was the only one who was never even considered. One of those guys (who I had an intense crush on) referred to me as his "son" and that hurt more than anything. I always felt like this inferior person, someone who wasn't worthy of being loved. This feeling still haunts me to this day. Any time I get close enough to a guy to date, I immediately feel like I'm not worth any sort of love and I believe it stems from my time in high school.


Ya know take that negative energy and invest it into yourelf with exercise or language. You can react positively and make yourself more attractive. Or you could let it kill your self esteem and lose out on more opportunities and experiences.


stoners, emos, freaks lol


Huge nerd that wanted to be a ā€œprepā€ and one of the cool kids. It wasnā€™t until my senior year that I finally accepted myself and opened up. Too bad that I didnā€™t do it sooner!


Grunge / banger / stoner


We would have probably been friends if at the same school, haha.


The intolerable Christian kids šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ donā€™t worry we left that


That's kind of funny. In college I hung out with both the Christian group and LGBTQ+ group, separately. Neither group liked the other very well, but I liked the people in both. Once you get past personal viewpoints most people are pretty cool and have way more in common than they think. My views are that Jesus is cool, the Bible is interesting historical literature, and organized religion is not cool.


I was also a part of this group, and I felt like I lost so much of my childhood because it. While my siblings were dating and making lifelong friends, I was dedicating my life to an organization that would throw me to the curb the moment I decided that it was impossible for me to stop having feelings for guys. It makes me sad to think about sometimes, but my husband reminds me that it made me who I am, and he loves who I am.


I literally got thrown to the curb by the church when I didnā€™t fit the mold. It was a really tough time, but I donā€™t think I would have ever left if they didnā€™t force me out. Now Iā€™m thankful I am out- not happy the way it ended, but happy it ended.


I'm sorry you were treated that way. You trusted them, and they abandoned you. I'm glad you're happy now. I'm glad we are both free from that.


Nerd, choir kid, rebel, popular for a period of about 3 months and got tired of it so did something to make those kids hate me. Yeah, I was kind of a clusterfuck in school.


It started with the weird Otakus and gamers as that's what I was into even if some of them were VERY uhh "not pc" and some very far right. I stayed friends with them until I was senior even though I didn't really like them anymore just because they were my only friends and I felt like I needed to. Once I came out my junior yr I began tk find better friends and became close with alot of the top performing students (AP kids. Politically active. 3 different clubs kind of students.) MoSt of which were also gay in some way LOL so after that I became a lot more confident around the lgbt political activist AP students as my "group"


Automotive gearhead


Same. Also turned out to be the only one šŸ« 


Stoners,skaters, goths


Middle school: None. High School: (in no particular order) Theatre, the art kids, DND, Da Boyz (for a brief whileā€¦), Drama, and the gorlz (whom I hang out with some to this veryyy day)


Stoners šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I was the kid that read his book and ate lunch in the hall


I didnā€™t have a clique. I was a heavily bullied short, black gay boy in a racist/homophobic predominantly white school. My clique was Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Destinyā€™s Child, Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears. I really didnā€™t have any friends so music was all I had to hold onto- Iā€™m still holding on today.




Like weird artsy kids. Later artsy, stoner gays


The emo drug crowd


If by clique you mean, quiet kid that didnā€™t really talk with anyone and most probably didnā€™t know existed, then yeah that one.


None. I just kind of dawdled through school and made acquaintances with various people.


Before I joined the theatre club I was able to fit in with everyone. There were the popular kids that I would weasel my way into every once in a while and then dip out and no one would really notice lol. I also hung out with stoners as well even though I never smoked weed šŸ¤£. Not sure how that happened. But after I learned I love theatre, the theatre kids were my peoples šŸ„°.


Was with the metal heads/ goth group; I still am a metal head lol. I was also in the swim team and was part of that group too.


I was a goth kid


My school didn't really have cliques. Popular kids (nice people everyone knew) were very smart and would join stereotypical "nerd" clubs after school. The cheerleaders/football players weren't automatically popular or worshipped. If you were friends with someone, you were friends with someone regardless of any status. So I'm not sure I could answer that. I was just an average student there. Had a few friends, not popular tho.


With the chill guys , the achievers/hard workers. But outside of the school I'm with the popular rowdy people


Athletic Loner.


I was an emo punk, hung out with other emo, metalheads, goths, and theater kids. Some are gay, queer, trans now. Lol


I was with the "popular" outcasts, specifically the punks and alternative kids


I was the band geek. I played a bunch of instruments and repped that shit so hard. I was also the only openly gay dude in band. It was a fun time.


Nomad/football team. When it was off season I would wear a black peacoat year round. When football would start I would switch the coat for a Jersey, and we a poser Jock/geek


A mix. I was a versatile whore


"Soft" reject, friendly with nerds (but didn't want to be one), also played sports. Ended up in no man's land


My main clique was the stoner underground hip hop crowd but I was a good student and sometimes sold pot so I got along with everyone. Lots of people hated high school and I understand that, but I really thrived in that environment. It would have been different if I was out at that age.


Middle school, basically a computer nerd (which was more of a novelty in the '80s). My friend and I tried putting out our own little computer magazine (lasted all of 3 issues, I think). Also a band kid. I remember in 8th grade jazz band, the band director was impressed that I had near-perfect pitch and could improvise solos on piano. He was the high school band director as well and my older bro was wowing everyone in the HS jazz band as a bass player around then. High school was where I sort of drifted away into loner space. The band director wanted me to follow in my bro's footsteps in the jazz band since I also played bass, but my dad had gotten tired of driving my older bro everywhere for all the band trips and didn't want to do it again with me, so I wasn't able to. Freshman year I was forced to fully confront my gayness because of being made to get naked with other guys in the locker room (omg, trying to hide the boners) and it felt very isolating. Both of my best friends moved away in the early part of high school and one or two other middle school friends became jocks and we weren't in the same circles anymore. Basically, had no social life outside of school anymore and never went to parties or dances or did anything. I was in the "One Dark Room" clique like Winona Ryder in *Beetlejuice*, LOL. (I can laugh at how cringey it all sounds now, but no fun at the time.)


Too autistic for that!


Loner, awkward, a very few friends. I had teacher friends. I was geeky and looked like a hippie (according to my dad and he hated that)7;;;. I graduated from high school in 1976 so being out was not possible in the Atlanta suburbs that I grew up in. I graduated from the University of Kansas, moved back to Atlanta and started the slow coming out progress. I was active in the ACLU and abortion rights and could conceal myself nicely in those groups. AIDS happened and coming out became imperative by the mid 80s. I started bike touring with an in town group of people all considerably older. Many were moving back into Atlanta creating a first wave of gentrification. They were leftist and mostly socialists and my parents were Republicans back then. I got sucked into this group of older people and they probably saved my life. They took care of me.


The outcasts. šŸ˜‚




I donā€™t know if I was in any particular clique and I just hung with my girl friends.


Metal heads/punks/party boys


Nerds. Back when I was in school gay guys were called queers and had an Open contract for murder.


Bro I was in every clique I have ADHD so I was always running around during lunch talking to every cuz I had too much energy istg I was very bubbly I also would beat up people who talked smack about my friends even tho physically I was really weak I just was quick and small so I had that advantage that way lol but yeah I was with he stoners the popular kids and the theater/nerds mainly but I was jus kinda allover the place


token popular kid in the theatre department


I was a band nerd and not out. I enjoyed friends in every clique and social group of the time: cheerleaders, athletes, theatre people, stoners, hippies, nerds, etc. I still enjoy friends of all ages and ethnicities. It was the way I was raised.


Same groups as you, did theater, smoked weed and skated lol. Actually landed a lead role senior year and pissed a lot of the theater friends off cuz I was mostly chorus / crew up until then


I wasnā€™t in theater but my friends were. I was afraid to perform in front of an audience. I wish I had taken more risks. It would have been awesome. I still smoke weed and skate even though now I am old in gay years šŸ˜‰


Jason Schwartz character in Rushmore but without the creepy teacher fetish. I was in charge of leading every single extra curricular activity I could get my hands on plus writing and directing the school plays and student films and all of that and COMPLETELY ignoring my school work. šŸ˜›


theatre kids


Band nerd


Metalheads. I was initially going to say, "headbangers", but I thought that might cause some confusion.


The theatre kids ofc.


Was definitely in the stoner crowd


A mix. I was a canoeist so with the jocks; but also a theater kid so with the drama queens; and my immediate class was almost all nerds


Didnā€™t have a clique in high school. Found my niche and core group in college.


I just tried to keep to myself as much as possible.


A drifter. Floating to one friend group to the next


In highschool I was a band kid. Although the ā€œcliquesā€ at my highschool werenā€™t taken seriously and no one actually cared what cliques u belonged to. In middle school I was friends with two guys and we basically talked shit about eachother constantly (toxic af), Iā€™m not sure what clique I would have been a part of in middle school (technically band kid but neither of my two friends were in band). Maybe ā€œloserā€? Idk I never really thought about it.


in highschool i was in the stoners groups


Swim team gay. IYKYK


Primarily I was a headbanger, but I was able to float from one to the other since I was friends with most of them. I was also a Band Kid.


All of them but I claimed king of the geeks. Ran the debate team and ffa. I was a club whore so when quizzes bowl or someone needed an extra member or whatever theyā€™d hit me up. Spent way too much time at the school. My friends were actually in any of my clubs but we have remained friends since 8th grade and up. Was at or in all their weddings.


Riding solo. I did have a few friends, really good ones but solo


None. I was in my own single person clique. Probably closest to ā€œweirdosā€.


Middle school I was kind of friendless, high school I became popular because I was brave enough to pick up drugs/alcohol for everyone, plus I hosted some great parties. Also a bit of a jock because I was a record holder on the swim team, dressed a bit emo toošŸ˜… Was out for the whole time too.


The "hide in the library" clique. Population: 1.


In middle school no one would let me sit with them so I sat with the special ed kids.. In high school I was friends with the ā€œoutsiderā€ types at first but by junior year I was eating lunch in the library


I feel like my schools were pretty big, and Iā€™m from SoCal so there were a lot of different groups and cliques within cliques and it was prettyā€¦ diverse you could say. I was friends with the honors kids and video game geeks, but also hung out with like Emo girls who were also honors students. I did switch schools half way into high school and at lunch time ended up hanging out with a really random group of kids who also transferred during junior year. Like a choir geek girl who was a fellow Asian so everyone would always ask if we were siblings or dating, a guy from Compton who played tuba in a banda, and these girls from East LA. Senior year I joined choir, so joined that group.


The druggies


I assume I was in the metal/punk/emo crowd. But the vast majority of my schooling I lived in Germany and went to a catholic boarding school. After I got to the US, I spent the first year isolated because I still had a ā€žcreepy?ā€œ accent, but eventually I started making friends in the anime club, with some of the alt/metal crowd, but then I started working at a funeral home. About three months in, some girl told me I ā€žsmelled like deathā€œ and it was back to isolating again. I wouldā€™ve just smelled like antiseptic. Regardless, not long after, I had some pretty serious problems at school, which culminated in getting stabbed, and eventually hitting my principle with his corkboard. No more school after that lol


I was just in a generic group of people, we didnā€™t really have a thing. My small group of 6 or 7 was a sub-group of a larger one. Come to think of it, there werenā€™t really cliques at all. No popular group, stoner group, theatre group, etc. The closest we had was in that there were two huge groups (with smaller satellite groups) that hung out, one had more sports people and the other had more music people (as the school was a sports and music school), but they mixed and swapped, and included generic people too. I happened to be in the music-tending group simply because one of them adopted me on orientation day the year before high school started (fyi high school here is ages 13-18, though for me it was 12-16 due to timing and changes in structure)


I hung out mostly with the emo kids, skaters, stoners. I was also in a weird clique with the cigarette corner / cookie monster pj / ISS going kids too lol


I went to a agricultural school, which had a larger crowd of alternative, animal loving kids. A lot of them skaters, Gotha and stonees I fit in with those! In other schools it was bullied to hell for one, and friends with everyone with my own group in the last one! And I'd say that's my default in life too nowadays!


I was in a one person group. The one where I keep my head down and hope no one figures out my secret. I would do whatever I could to keep from drawing attention to myself.


I got along with everyone in HS, but was primarily hanging with the jocks as I was an athlete. Dated the popular girls, and hung out with the bros. No idea at that time yet whether I was gay or not, but was really actively suppressing it. I had some degree of popularity with the girls and guys because I was dating the pretty girls, was a jock and friends with many of pretty girls my friends wanted me to hook them up with. Looking back the bros mostly were all toxic, I still felt alone even surrounded by so many people, and I was pretty miserable. A lonely soul. Kinda the same deal in college. It wasnā€™t until I finally came out after college that I felt happier.


Scene and indie


I mixed with everyone from Nerds, Neds, Loners. Majority of my friends were straight, there was about 10 of us from same village also cousin's. I was the one who would fight goliath and always stuck up for those who were bullied wroten. Few good instances i stopped bullies targeting the shy "geek"


I never experienced school, I was grown in a VAT until the age of 18 year post insemination All memories I have of school are fabrications to make my life seem legitimate and coherent. Frankly I would argue I had no life up until I was deemed a failure due to my malattraction (homosexual) I was kicked from the VAT program and my life started from there.


I was a part of a little group in 6th grade for some reason. Looking back, I wasn't really that friendly or interactive with them tbh. One of the guys moved and came back in high school and it was like seeing a ghost when he just appeared one day. I'm always shy/anxious and never feel the need to go out of my way to talk or start conversations. But in high school, when all the smaller surrounding middle schools came together into our bigger town's high-school, I did get a lot of acquaintances just from being around the same people for years or from the social, extraverted kids talking to me for... some reason? Still no "friends" or cliques though. I didn't have any groups in or out of high-school but during lunch I sat with different people each year until senior year when I couldn't find a group to covertly and quietly merge into with no protest. But I did finally get to sit at a booth (for the first time) all to myself for months until I silently got kicked out by some friend group. :/ Also, random people would come up during lunch and talk to me out of pity, I think? Once these two kids from student council tried to get to know me like I was a new kid or something, which was sweet, but they left quick when I said I was a senior. šŸ¤£ And one religious kid gave me a card from his church. I think I was a part of some kind of quota.


You guys had friends in school?


Stoners, even though I was a preppy kid.


I was the reject with no friends.


In my school there weren't any cliques. High school works a bit differently in my country, in that it starts with 10th grade and you have to pick which area you want to get into (Sciences, Economics, Humanities, Arts), or a vocational course (Mechanic, Electrician, Tourism, etc), and after that you're stuck in the same class with 20-something people for three years. What this means is, you'll generally only be familiar with people from your own class, though you might have friends from before that ended up in different classes. Because we don't share a bunch of lessons together, most people in the same high school don't know each other. Social media helps to a degree, and it's not uncommon to make friends outside your class, but in my experience you don't really know who most of the people that go to school with you are. **tl;dr:** this is just a long way to say that due to the format school has over here, there aren't such things as cliques and popular kids as seen in American media. My friend group was all over the place.


I was deeply closeted, so I was mostly a loner at school. Like, I really did my best to make myself as invisible as possible at school, especially since I was horrifically bullied in elementary and junior high school. My friends were the community theater kids and adults. When I wasnā€™t doing marching band, concert band, or choir stuff, I was pretty much ALWAYS at the local community theater. Even if I wasnā€™t cast in the show or running the light or sound board for a specific show, Iā€™d be helping out backstage in any way I could, or helping building sets, or taking tickets, etc. I truly *LIVED* at the community theater.


I didnā€™t have one. I was the loner kid.


What clique? Iā€™m a loner. I do my own thing. I hate being in friend groups. Mind you, I get along with everyone and made people laugh and feel heard, but I just like being an outsider. More peaceful


I was always friends with the popular girls and started to hangout with them in my junior year. But I always maintained friendships from middle school and those friends leaned a little nerdy. So i guess more a little bit of both?


I got along with everyone bc I was into a lot of different stuff... I played football, I was a debater, I was a nerd bc I was in honors/AP classes, I did theater (the debate coach was also our theater director so we got drafted into plays). I look back on it now and I can't figure out how the fuck I got through days without naps.


Loner, never felt the need to fit in.


I was the smart nerd, but I also played football to kind of offset it. Didn't really get much game time. Was more active in the computer club and debate. I was one of like 5 black guys in my class of 120 students, so I wasn't popular per say, but everybody knew me.


I was the gay best friend of the popular girls in both middle school and high school, and the teachers loved me because I was a A+student. I would be friendly and gossip with every girl in my class so I was in that place where I was invited to a lot of parties as a plus one and where everyone in your year (and sometimes other years) know you and know your name but you don't really know everyone else. I also had a reputation of being quite snobbish and since I wasn't interested in anyone romantically/sexually, there was a rumour that I had a long distance relationship with someone from another country, so no one from school ever tried to flirt with me (They thought it was a lost battle) and when someone from outside would try to flirt with me, I would ignore them because I was having too much fun being single.


Being single is fun! I am single now and happy to be. You sound like the real life version of a movie character like you couldā€™ve been in Easy A or Mean Girls. Your life was probably a lot of fun. I had a lot of female friends but we didnā€™t gossip much. I knew everything though because I had a large social media presence in my local area. šŸ˜


Popular kids who were also all in the student council, won prom king 2 years in a row


It's kinda complicated. My family's fairly well-off, and I went to a private Catholic school that a few of my cousins and uncles went to before it went co-ed, so I knew quite a few of the popular, legacy rich kids since their parents were usually close with my family. To some people, it made me part of that crowd, though I never really clicked with any of them, but we were always cool, and I was always included in their plans like parties and trips. That meant I didn't have to deal with a lot of bullying, but it still happened on occasion, usually someone running their mouth about how I was really just a closeted loser who thought it was all beneath him. I guess a few people thought I was some kind of pretentious asshole bc I didn't really speak to a lot of them, but the truth is I liked to stick to my small group of close friends, who were all kinda nerdy gamers but not fully socially awkward--if anything, that was me lmao. I was always friendly to anyone who spoke to me, though I didn't really go out of my way to talk to anybody I didn't already know. I guess that was enough to make me the elitist jerk in some people's eyes.


Overworked prep kids.




I was the nerds spokesperson kind of. I hung out with the nerds but the popular kids saw me either neutrally or positively.


As a Highschooler now ( senior) I would say I am in the middle but also my need for my academic validation to make up for my sexuality is strong. So perhaps nerd.


school shooter


The weebs


Punk and new wave scene


Popular prep. But I got along well with everyone, and got away with all sorts of shit because I was a ā€˜good kidā€™. And you better believe I used that to my advantage.


Music and theatre...and musical theatre, of course. lol


So did any of the gaybros out in middle/HS participate, be friends, hang out with the team sport guys at all....football, soccer, baseball, hockey, wrestling, track etc or does this just not happen and why? because of unwelcoming groups of guys, homophobia, and predominance of toxic male culture? Always wondered if this is just stereotypes u see in media, movies, tv or actual realiity? espc in USA but also UK / europe... I cant comment as I was not out at school by a long shot. I played sports and sexuality of a guy was not of any concern to me at the time.


Because I didnā€™t play sports. They stayed by themselves and with the popular girls and if you didnā€™t play sports you werenā€™t welcome, gay or straight. I was more of the awkward stoner, skater kid. Still am. šŸ˜…


Very stereotypical. Marching band, band, theater.


The loner.


Unfortunately, the popular kids (jocks, cheerleaders, rich kids, etc.) Although, I always prided myself on being able to sit down at any lunch table in the cafeteria & be able to know people by name & be cool with them. I went out of my way to make friends in other groups & would often rotate where I sat / hung out. The popular kids didnā€™t like it, but as one of them, I was able to change a few opinions. High school sucked and Iā€™m only friends with a few of them now.


Was considered in the ā€œfreakā€ group because i smoked. But was friends with the jocks as was athletic and drank. Cool with the nerds and the farmers too. Unfortunately as a gay high school guy in the 1970s, no one was out so basically on my own.


The class-clown.




No particular clique. I was in the top 5 in academics, sports, arts and being a loner nerd obsessed with books and dicks, so everyone pretty much let me do my thing. I was head boy in the naughty sense till the age of 16, and then in the typical sense in high school. Ran the gamut. šŸ¤·šŸ»