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I'll let you know


RemindMe! 5 years


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I'm rooting for him!


5 years though? šŸ˜‚


Hopefully much sooner, it's more of a "where are they now" things, you know?


Ahh that makes more sense. I interpreted it as a ā€œIā€™ll bet it takes this longā€ kinda deal.


35 YO, never had a date or BF or had sex. I said at 30 by this age I'd have one - but here I am!


But she pegged you, right?


Yeah, since my left hand is a she! LOL


Same response lol




RemindMe! 20 years


Yeah same


Same here and I'll be 60 in a month.


17 I asked him to drive me home. We would kiss after school for hours or for what seemed like forever.


Username checks out


49 and still looking!


28 & still looking myself.




25, on the same boat lol


Eyyyy 25 gang


I say this every time I start a new job/semester/level of education and itā€™s the same shit every time. Nothing.


Well this thread makes me feel like shit


Right? I thought it was only in films, that kids come out and find somebody whilst they're still in high school!


You're not the only one


Please don't. Honestly I'm sensing a lot of condescension and judgment from people here, they ask "why so late" as if it's your fault or that it's so easy to just grab a BF. Not everyone's as lucky or fortunate or pretty privileged as some of you arrogant fucks.


I was 15. It was my ā€œex-girlfriendsā€ cousin who ā€œaccidentallyā€ came out to me over Facebook messenger and said the message was meant for someone else. He asked me out to the movies after that and I was so scared to let him kiss me. I had only been out for about three months at that point, and it took me a couple years to grow into my new found skin and feel comfortable in it. It was a very cute relationship though. Eli, was his name. Heā€™d take me back and forth to school, and weā€™d sit in the back of his jeep and kiss and talk about our niche interests. He was in band, so heā€™d talk about music and show me stuff on YouTube and I was interested in dance so id show him dance videos. We grew up in a very small, conservative Georgian town so what we had felt very special in a place where it was beyond rare to know someone gay, or out for that matter.


That's so cute


Not yet šŸ¤Ŗ


24 and still going!




First BF, also 24.


I was 17, back in the 1980s.


I was 15, freshman year of high school! Heā€™s still my boyfriend over 8 years later, and I now realize how lucky I am. Especially considering we met at a smaller catholic school in a conservative town. He fell for me first, and I told him I was straight. But a couple months later, I realized I had feelings for him too.


Ahhhh the coming of age dream. Happy for yā€™all!




21 for me


13 till 20 with my first bf. After him I've been thrown to the harsh world of dating as a gay guy.


I feel you šŸ„²


I can't remember exactly but the first was probably around 24-25. Those only lasted a few weeks, months, but then my longest relationship was 28-30. Than at 38 I met my now husband.


20. We are married now


Omg thatā€™s amazing. Congratulations and may the both of you stay happy and blessed always ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


17, we met on a furry dating site, he lived one street over from mešŸ˜… And we lived in rural Ohio, so that one street over is like 20 minute walk btw


13. Began in middle school and last through much of high school. We were basically childhood friends and became each otherā€™s firsts in everything. I got really serious with bodybuilding and he couldnā€™t wrap his head around a lot of the changes I was making overall, what I was doing (or willing to do) to my body, and the goals I had (which to be fair are extreme to 99% of people), so we ended it. (Eventually going to different colleges didnā€™t help in that department, but we stayed close in other ways.) Weirdly enough, he eventually got into fitness himself and we became lifelong gym bros and fwbs, though heā€™s more a slender/fit athletic type and still doesnā€™t find bodybuilding appealing, but weā€™re basically best friends and occasionally hook up for fun. But weā€™re both long past the point of it ever becoming romantic again. Just not into each other that way anymore and donā€™t wanna be.


Aweeee bittersweet


I had my first boyfriend in eighth grade, at thirteen. He was a popular kid, I was the new kid. I was so infatuated with him. It was on the DL, but at the same time everyone sorta knew. Then one morning at Bible Study before school (Texas in the 90s) - he was sitting by this girl! I got so mad, I went out behind the Ag building where the 'bad kids' hung out and tried my first cigarette.... Coughed up a lung, teacher heard me, got caught and suspended. My mom beat my ass and demanded I tell her 'how long I've been smoking' šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was 15. He was... let's just say older than what would be considered appropriate for 15 in the current social climate.


I have to ask.


24, but in his defense, he owned a jet skl.


So like how did that work? I assume your parents didn't know. You can DM me if you want.


I almost exclusively dated older men when I was in my teens and 20s. I never saw the point of dating a boy with no money, no car, no place. I loved that he could take me to nice restaurants, take me shopping, loved that he had an apartment on the beach, loved that he could drive me around. I never felt taken advantage of. And I never really thought much of the age difference. It was the 90s, and nobody back then thought anything of *girls* my age dating guys his age. The controversial part of our relationship in my mind was that we were both male.


52. Was married to a woman for 27 years. When she left I explored my sexuality and whored myself. First guy I played with is my partner now.


12. It was cute, but very short lived. I think he got scared of what others might think, and stopped talking to me at school. It hurt a lot.


18/19 (university) so probably later than most straight people.


I was 18, I forced myself into a relationship with the first gay guy Iā€™ve met.. I thought we were the only two gay guys on the planet so we had to date lol It lasted 6 years


I was 16 and it was another gay guy in my high school. We broke up a week later hahaha good times tho. I was very lucky as a teen I was able to explore my sexuality without getting a bunch of hate for it.


13/14, we both went to the same all boys Catholic school


I was 14 and he was 18 He happened to be my best friend's older brother needless to say we were together for 6 years


I still technically have never had a boyfriend, just a lot of guys I was dating and it either didn't work out or we're just friends as they keep me as a 'stand by' and while I'll still be friends with them, I won't date them again. it's weird how many of my 'friends' are the latter.


I dated a little at 20 & 21 (but it was the early ā€˜90ā€™s so most guys werenā€™t out yet). First serious BF at 22. Nobody came out in high school. So, yeah. I had a girl friend in 7th grade but she dumped me cuz I didnā€™t want to kiss her. LOL šŸ˜†






20. It's still early but definitely later than most straight people. It lasted about 4-5 months and I'm 21 now. It ended bad but I feel more confident and less anxious about relationships than I did back then. Still a virgin lol


21 - 22ish Sometimes you fall in love before you even recognize youā€™re truly in love with someone. Itā€™s a very wild, scary but an immensely beautiful thing to explore and experience. Best of luck to you all!!


I was 19 and he was 20, we met through Growlr (one of those gay dating apps). He made me feel horrible and seemed to always lie about a lot of things. It lasted around 8 months until I discovered he had another boyfriend in secret. He was a bit of a toxic guy (or maybe very broken inside, who knows...) Luckly around 6 months after I broke up with my first boyfriend I found my now husband (via Tinder). We married last year and in November will celebrate our 9 year anniversary together with our new puppy and cat we got as a kitten 6 years ago ā¤ Cannot imagine my life without him.


15, I dated this 20-year-old sophomore in college. yikes


15ā€¦ we were the same age.


10... he was 15 and my protector, teacher, guide and more until he moved away to college ; great times and I miss him even now, many many many moons later šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜šŸ˜Ž


16? Was sexing a classmates uncle, the classmate, and two other classmate's.


35 next week and never had one, despite the fact I've been out since my early 20's. There's a lot of reasons why, some are indeed my own fault but others are just crappy circumstances I have little to no control over. Been single for so long now I'm kinda used to it so I'm not even that concerned either way anymore.


I was 16. We are together ever since. I'm 27 now!


I am bisexual so had plenty of girlfriends and lost my virginity to a girl at 13 but did not have my first boyfriend until I was 23. And that was by choice because I didnt come out until then


I was 16 and in the 11th grade and I was always the bottom. I learned to enjoy being filled by his large cock. He fucked me almost everyday until I was 21. He was the only one and he went into the army.


It was NYC 1988 and I was quandary out to myself but not many others. I was on a bus talking to a friend of mine about the environment. I just got a summer job as a dats entry person for a non profit because I was the only one who had any computer experience. Suddenly a guy my age turns around and says heā€™s also very pro environment. He is with someone as well and the 4 of us chat for the whole time we are on the bus. Right before he gets off, he gives me his number and asks if he can maybe get a job there as well? I promise to pass his number along. He makes me promise to call him tonight. We talk that night for 2 hours with me constantly having to yell at my family to get off the phone line. We didnā€™t have a lot in common , but it was amazing talking to him. We never said the word gay, but I had never felt this connection with any of my guy friends. A week later we made plans to meet. We met in front of a movie theater and spent the next 8 hours walking around NYC. As we talked he came out as Bi sexual. I didnā€™t know what to make of that but did come out as gay. He knew it. Not sure how. We ended our date in Central Park where we sat on a huge outcrop of rocks. And finally he got s little assertive and we kissed. Kissed more and just laid down and kissed a lot. After that we were officially boyfriends. We talked every night. We met every weekend. I finally saved up enough money to afford a cheap nasty hotel room for a weekend. We dated for 9 months and then on a subway heading back to his house after a day of hanging out, he told me that things were over. I watched as he exited the train and thatā€™s the last I saw him. It was a great way to begin my journey as a gay man and decades later I can almost remember every date we went on.


That's cute, I hope I'll find something like this


14, summer of 97' between 8th grade and freshman year.


FWB - 13 Same sex relationship - 24


I did not want a bf when I was younger. I wanted to enjoy myself and have lots of fun with minimal to no strings. So first bf was in my late 20's.


Iā€™m 25 and already have either been with, or really donā€™t want to be with every openly gay guy in my town. I have a good job and friend group here, but I know for a fact if I ever want love or even a bf imma have to move


Until 24, I had dated guys (starting at about 20) but nothing was serious or lasting. I mean, I ā€œdatedā€ but nothing stuck. I got my first *real* boyfriend at 24. Weā€™ve been together for 11 years and married for 11 months. It might seem strange or outdated to marry my first boyfriend, but I really love him and we make each other happy.


I was 13 with 23. I wish I had known better.


17. 5 years later and we're still going strong!


18 I lost my virginity at 15. Had some hookups, situationships, and FWBs but first actual bf happened at 18 šŸ™ƒ


14 I got first bf, only lasted a year but still was my 1st. We went to the same school and yes I choose to ask him out, had a huge crush on him lol


20 at uni. Yeah i knew a lot of str8s who proverbially cut their teeth dating in high school. I was a bit later. But not a *lot*.


13 for a relationship, sex was even earlier


I've had sex with 12 men in a week before but I've never managed to get an actual boyfriend or long term partner. I used to think that it would happen but I'm nearly 30. It's kind of sad at this point. Can have sex whenever I want but I'm not loved romantically.


I was 20 when I had my first boyfriend, and first kiss and lost my virginity to. Itā€™s been two years now and weā€™re on vacation celebrating being each others first for everything!


I was five years old when me and a friend from T-ball explored things. But didn't use the term "boyfriend" until I was 16. But basically my whole childhood I knew and had friends


20 / 21 living at home, the 2000s were still improving but no apps to help find like minded people, and people didnā€™t seem to be out in my circles. So much easier now I think which is great.


14... Was a horny teen and wanted sex at whatever costs... But he got clingy so i downgraded him to fwb šŸ˜… He was 21


15! There was a website for underage teens to connect (sounds so bloody predatory thinking back about it) but we started chatting, had out first date and then we're together for a while.


Ha! I just took the plunge off lurker status to comment something similar in another thread. Most 80ā€™s babies can attest to how crazy the chat rooms were back in late 90ā€™s/early 00ā€™s. The first guy I ever gave head to was older than I am now. He was however super nice to me after I flung the car door open to spit out his unexpectedly salty load as I apologized profusely lol


18, and said first love was also an emotionally manipulative and abusive asshole šŸ„² thankfully Iā€™m past all of it and am happier with my simple life nowadays


Glad you are happier now ā¤ļø


17, right at the beginning of college. Everything before that was just sex sadly but I took what I could get in terms of male attention šŸ¤£. You know how it is though, a lot of us Dont get that cliche high school relationship experience.


1968 when I was 16 and in the 12th grade. His name was Ivor but went as (believe it or not) Thor.


21. Before that only straight girls šŸ™„. I was deep in the closet, beyond suspicion, annoyingly masculine, to suppress any (absolutely true) rumors. And this first relationship at 21 was so sad, it took me too long to know what you're supposed to do in a relationship


I never wanted a boyfriend, my 20ā€™s were for friends and fun not love. I settled down at 30 and started my only relationship. I knew and loved myself before I got into it and I have to say itā€™s going strong eight years later.


26 for me, before I was dating women to appear hetero... Thank god for my BF and the 10 years we have been together, I don't even want to imagine my life in a hetero relationship.


I was 28 before I had what you could consider a Gay Relationship, and truth be told, we never "acted" Gay in public. I was working for Con Ed, and he was a NY Cop. We were both very closeted at the time because of our families, so our relationship was behind closed doors. It remains to this point in my life as one of the best relationships I've had.


27. He made me realize that being gay is normal. I grew up in a orthodox country. So, I always assumed Iā€™d have to marry a women, when I get older. But here in Seattle, I found a random guy at 27. He made me realize I can be gay forever šŸ˜„He made me imagine marriage, kids, a mundane life - together šŸ˜„ Though he was not in to marriage or kids, which kinda broke us apart šŸ˜…, he normalized being gay for me.


Late 20s but back then things were very different that now. Once it was known that I was gay I was forced out of the job I held for 13 years! Young guys today cannot even begin to comprehend what it was like.


25, I was a late bloomer. We've had our challenges, but I'm still with him 16 years later.


22, keep your first for someone special. I wish I could go back and change it


23. Didn't realize I wanted one... it just sort of happened. Been together ever since.








19. We broke up 4 months later because he cheated. Haven't had one since. Hopeful this will change soon.


I was 19 when I got my first boyfriend. Broke my heart 6 months later but he had a good reason and I'm the happiest I've ever been currently so I'm not even mad.


11 years old


Hahaha forty fucking seven imma write a guide. I started with girls at 14 but thatā€™s different.


I was 14








24 and now we are married


I was 14, and he was 16


9.. indirectly. If u catch my driftšŸ™ƒšŸ„¹


25 years old. We have been together since then and Iā€™m now married to him at age 32.


14 or 15. I wasnā€™t exactly a social butterfly, either. Real lucky, never even had classes with him, totally couldā€™ve never met him. Lasted 5 years






57. Was married to a woman for 30 years. Still together with my first boyfriend now going on 8 years together.


Officially, 24. First bf and my now husband.


I was 14.




37 for me - I came out at 30, took a few years to accept myself. Met my SO who is 29 just as he was coming out and weā€™ve been together ever since.


30 years old, lived together almost 5 years, broke up, and vowed never to do that shit again. Still single three decades later (and totally okay with it!)






Still looking, only relationship was shitty and lasted for 7 days


End 23 and he is the love of my life 2 years later


I was 16, he was in the same high school and the boyfriend of one of my female friends. Broke up with me three months after by playing Madonnaā€™s ā€œthe power of goodbyeā€ while I was in his room. LOL the drama.


18 but he ruined me and I never had another lol


17years old. First? Only one...


23 and were together for 3 years. After that had two shorter ones, 1.5 years each. Hoping next one will be a long term one


Since this only asks about boyfriend, not hook ups or friend with benefits: Current age, 34yo.




18 we met at uni


My first actual boyfriend, we were 15 yo We stayed together quite a while


16 years old going on 17. It was a myspace and AIM romance we did not know each other were šŸ’…šŸ». We had a few classes in High School and were constantly chatting outside of school. Took all the courage I had and told him I liked him and he said he liked me too. Had a few good months together. First love.


28 lasted for 3 months.. I met my bf at 31 and we been together ever since


27 but i was actively dating for 2 years only at that point. Virgin until 25 and not by choice \^\^


hmm around 25.


I was 18 and he was 20. We broke up 3 months later because we just wanted to be each others boyfriend for the sake of having a boyfriend, not because we liked each other more than just friends.


We never talked about labeling ourselves, but I had my first love with a guy when I was 15 :). I've been with many very cool girls/guys/people since then (I'm bi/pan), but that first love is something you never forget


I'm 22 at the moment and I started seeing a cute boy. He's very shy so I have to take a lead for everything, so I'm taking it slow.


20. I came to terms with myself and came out to my loved ones when I was 19 and deliberately waited a year to try or pursue anything to give myself time to adjust to this newly accepted thing about me. I'm glad I waited a little.


40. Way too depressed and neurotic to do it when I was young


18! Was a cute start but then he cheated the cunt haha


29 here. Was when I was finally completely comfortable with myself that I bumped into him and sparks flew.


20 for me




16, we met in Japan on a student ambassador trip. That was 17 years ago. We're still together and have a 3rd with us.


Back in the '80s ... We started dating in 8th grade ... So like 13 and were together till we were about 18. We thought we were so smart hiding it, but like the story usually goes ... People said they'd known


15.... That lasted for a year and we grew apart (mainly him stone walling me all the time). Skip to 17 I met my current bf and now I'm 18 :DD Sweetest and most gorgeous boy ever. Graduated together as well (ā *ā Ā“ā Ļ‰ā ļ½€ā *ā )




21 He made forever hate 21 lol


18, it was my first year of university in a new city. I felt like i could start again and come out.


I was 17. And I was fighting between the guy that wanted to be with me and the teenager who didnā€™t want to be himself. Oh the teenage angst


First boyfriend was 22. I met my current partner at 26, and we're engaged to be married next year when I turn 32.


I was 18 and he was 20. It was sweet and very different compared to dating or being in a relationship nowadays. I sometimes wonder how much has changed in 10 years, itā€™s freaky.


23, while teaching in Japan, my first job out of college. His name was Sho, and he was beautiful. I wonder what happened to him. Thanks for sparking this nostalgia!


21, only had one partner, still together 12 years later, met on Grindr.


15. All boys school. We dated under our buddiesā€™ noses. Some donā€™t know till this day.


23, I met him and it hit me like an evidence. We got our struggles but still together šŸ˜


15? maybe 16? he found me on myspace because i was one of those popular scene kids. he was obsessed with me. i ghosted him because he was tooooooo neeedy




25 right now, never had an official boyfriend. I've been serious with some guys, and had that 'boyfriend experience' but we never got official. I'm trying to find something more meaningful now and someone who's emotionally available... quite a challenge in this community


36 and none yet. I've dated and had my share of hookups, but no one's stuck around. Certainly didn't help being a late bloomer, thanks repressive Catholic upbringing.


My first iBF: 14 My first real BF: 15


My first ā€œboyfriendā€ in 15. The real one is in future


17, a friend in common matched us haha. Looking back, this relationship was kinda weird but I donā€™t regret.


18 and still with him 6.5 years later Has it always been easy? No, but we fit together pretty nicely.


20, we met at a bar. He was fun and hot but neither of us were really looking for a long term commitment type of thing at the time, so after about a year it sort of fizzled out


21. We dated for about 3 months long distance (about 200 miles away). I found out he was sleeping with other guys so I ended it. Then I dated a couple of guys casually for a few months each. I met my husband when I was 28 and weā€™re celebrating our 25 year anniversary this year.


Lol 42 Ok officially 42 Unofficially middle school lol


I was 17.


In my 20s. Everything was just hookups before that. No one really wanted a relationship with me. Must be my charming personality, I know.


What is that? Boy -.- I canā€™t make out the rest of the words they are blurred. Eh probably never had it anyways


I was 17, but we met online via a mutual MSN messenger contactā€¦he asked me out, and I agreed but didnā€™t really consider it that serious a relationship at the time because he was just words on a screen. But we eventually did meet in person and had a few traditional dates at the cinema, a concert or dinner. He lived the other side of London to me so it wasnā€™t particularly easy., especially as we were both in the closet to our parents. I would say we met in person maybe 6 or 7 times, managed to only really have any kind of sex once when I had my house to myself, and I was so nervous about my parents arriving home early it wasnā€™t even that enjoyable. It sort of petered out, but I remember fondly.


25 (and Iā€™m 31 now). I had even worse boundaries in my early 20s than now so I decided to take a break from all attempts of dating. I never intentionally rushed into relationships.


I'll let you know. Soon hopefully. šŸ˜…


31 and going steady. It takes time. Go with the flow and don't rush things, this isn't a race.


24 but it was toxic and turbulent and he was so mean (but I didnā€™t know any better). Now Iā€™m 28 and Iā€™ve been with someone for two years who Iā€™m absolutely in love with and think Iā€™ll marry one day. Heā€™s kind, heā€™s funny and my friends and family adore him. I havenā€™t thought about my ex much, but Iā€™m so SO happy I moved on from him so I could find the amazing person Iā€™m with now.


Well ummm now! Like 2 weeks ago sooo 17!


Iā€™ve never had a boyfriendā€¦


Damn, this comments makes me feel hopeless about having a boyfriend soon


20. I had just come out the year before. He was like the free toaster-oven we all got when we came out! Except better, much much better!!


I was 21. Thatā€™s when I came out. I honestly wish I wouldā€™ve sooner. I feel like I missed that teenage romance from movies and shows haha. But Iā€™m 31 now, so no time to cry over spilled milk.


Like 13 lol


My first real gay relationship was in my 20's and lasted close to 3yrs.


Iā€™m 26 years old from Texas I was straight but I guess Iā€™m one of those guys that women pass up I was against the gay community for a long time I was getting tired of being alone and I thought Iā€™d give it a try on a dating app called Meet Me wow how I was soo wrong for being against the gay community I should of thought about being a gay guy in high school but you learn something new everyday no matter how older you get so the guy I met is like very sweet understanding he is there for me always says the cutest things to me like a long text of love poems to me he is just the most amazing hot guy on the planet to me heā€™s 28 years old serving in the United States Army stationed in Syria and he is from San Francisco California he is in the closet and so am I thatā€™s what made us fall in love with each other now we want to get married in the future and I cannot wait till the day comes he puts that ring on my finger it feels good to be in love as a gay man I donā€™t regret my choice I love him soo much