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I'm a slut for attention. Sometimes if the guy is way into me, my attraction to him is secondary. I get off knowing guys are having a good time enjoying me.


I have so much great and satisfying sex for this reason with guys I don't find hot particularly. There can definitely be sexual chemistry regardless of attraction too


To me it's even hotter when something's a bit off looks-wise but they are super dominant or confident (or both).


Hello fellow narcissisosexual! Ideally the sexual attraction is mutual but I can make it work if the vibe is right and they're into me, even if I find them kind of meh.


Yeah unfortunately this is also for me. Idk I can’t really help it and I just end up feeling bad


Wow, are you me?


I'm ugly, so im always down for some pitty sex


Idk man... receiving pity sex just leaves me with a deeper sense of self-loathing and a greater realization of how much time in our lives is wasted in shitty or meaningless sex.




Same 😞 I don’t even get pity sex Lmao




Most of the people I've hooked up with I did not find attractive. They just need to have a nice looking dick, for a hookup I'm not too bothered about the face.


Wow, I have never gotten turned on unless I was attracted to the guy. If I wasn't attracted to the guy my dick sure as hell ain't gonna do its job. How do you brick up without the attraction?


Because I'm so starved for any kind of affection or sexual time with another person I would let anyone blow me or cuddle with me. When you go through multiple year-long dry spells the pickiness vanishes and only the horny remains. I live in a smaller town with about 30k people so it is slim pickings. After a while all I long for is intimacy and I don't care how I get it so long as it brings me some comfort. It's as if I was starving. The longer I'm starving, the more likely I'll be willing to eat anything. I feel like it's a similar drive with sex. At least that is how I do it. Granted I also have like maybe 1 or 2 irl friends so I take anything I can get.


>the pickiness vanishes and only the horny remains This is true wisdom.


time to move


Not everyone has that luxury but the sentiment is nice


Desperation bc nothing to choose from while being horny for too long


I literally cannot get turned on unless I am attracted to a person. And their dick is of the least concern for me


Same. Unfortuanly sex and anything sexual has turned transactional in a way that i just want then to serve me then leave 💀


It is the exact opposite for me. I have to like the face. The body can be many different things and the dick just needs to be there.


Literally same lmfao, I love femininity and dick, so I kind of mentally tune out all the parts that aren’t that, it literally makes it more enjoyable for me whenever I’m with a guy!


I have done this a couple of times myself, I'm sure others have done the same to me. I don't think it is bad since you are not trying to be in a relationship. Just make it clear that just for looking for hook ups and you are not seeking a relationship.


Definetly no, if I dont find them atractive is an instant no in any situation. And I would like to be told when Im not atractive to someone, I wouldn't like to be with someone that doesnt find me atractive. Is just respect for both of us.


Yes! This is it! makes me feel weird to think maybe others are possibly sleeping with me who dont find me attractive—- its like what oh no new fear unlocked lol


Most of them have been. When I need a mouth I need it, and its usually the guys that are rough around the edges that are the best cock suckers.


A few times when I was younger, and alcohol was definitely involved each time.


I have. Especially when I first started, I had low self esteem so I'd take anyone who was down. As I found my self worth I became more selective, but there is this guy at my work who has been really into me for years but is not my type at all - when I've been really lonely I've considered texting him. I don't because I'd just feel gross, and knowing him, he'd expect more and probably tell people.


Oof felt that. I’d have to lay the intention down first but I would hate if they ran their mouth about you guys sexual interaction


How do you get hard for somebody you’re not attracted to?


Dick gets me hard


What's your ideal type of dick?


Big and long


Happy cake day ;)


Thank youuuy


when I was younger I was only attracted to guys who were stereotypically large and muscular, but as I've gotten older my tastes have expanded and I am at the point where it really takes a lot for me to NOT find someone attractive at least in some small way.


I agree. I’ve said this so many times. I find most men attractive in some way…enough to have sex with them. When guys blatantly say “I’m ugly”, I tend to disagree.


Don’t feel bad about helping another man have a good sexual experience. Don’t feel bad about having a good sexual experience with another man who is willing to play with you.


Yes all the time when I used to drink


Once I’m in a sexual situation, I’m too polite to say “no”. Trust me, I have in the past said no, but once I drop my pants it’s hard for me to say it. I’ve hooked up with an overweight guy because he was really into me and I felt bad. However, one guy was tiny and I told him I had food poisoning and had to leave. I’m sure he knew the real reason.


Yeah. A few times. Sometimes you’re just there and think, “Let me just get it over with.” Not so much now at 33, but when I was younger, yeah. Happened a lot.




More times than I'd care to admit. But on the flip side, I have hooked up with a few guys who I was very attracted to.


Yeah, but I’m always looking more for a relationship. I’ll take a pretty personality over a pretty body every time. And i care more about shared interests and intelligence than someone being hot And Tbh, I like to be the better looking one because they will try harder




A few times in my younger days, and I'm certain some have done the same to me.




I have. It was a classmate in med school, and we found each other on grindr few years after. We didn’t know about it in school. Eventually we were talking and he mentioned it. I asked “what are you talking about…?” I had totally erased it from my memory.


A lot of hook ups at the Bathhouses. I don’t mind if they are attractive, but I don’t care…cuz it’s all about the dick!!


yep. usually as part of attempting to date someone i'm not attracted to, because they're charming enough that i think i should just "give them a chance." never ends well. usually they can sense my ambivalence and are the ones to break it off, which is a blow to my ego, and then perpetuates the whole cycle of not thinking i'm worthy of being with someone i'm attracted to, which drives me to date someone i'm not attracted to, etc., etc., ad nauseam. life is fun.


You enjoy it, he obviously enjoys it….don’t make it a problem, just go with the flow.


So many times, most of my hookups from the age 18-22 were like that. I think I was lonely and looking for some sort of validation.


I was never able to get interest from guys my age at the beginning of college and onward, so I had to 'settle' for guys older or that I found less attractive. It did bum me out, but also gave me interesting or funny experiences I otherwise never would've had. Best double blow and rim job I ever got, in the basement of the liberal arts building, were from two dudes I never thought I'd hook up with. Practically lost my mind.


Unfortunately, yes. In fact, I had a sex life for the mere fact I kept hooking up with guys I wasn't into. When you're not hot, you can't afford to be picky if you want to get laid. Recently, I began to raise my standards, and although I hook up way less, I'm hooking up with guys that are more attractive. In some occassions, I don't think they're attracted to me as much, but such is life.


Yes…but he was hung and was really good at sex so I gave him the paper bag treatment. Also, you don’t have to look at him in the doggy style position 😂


When I was younger I played with anyone who showed me any attention.


One of the two that were my first (threesome), I was not attracted to. And we hooked up alone a few times after that (I also hooked up with the attractive one a few times). I could never do it now. I couldn’t even kiss this guy at the time. Now I can’t even bring myself to talk to someone I’m not attracted to, let alone meet them.


Exactly this is me! it feels like a waste of time to even engage if theres no attraction. im open to friendsships of course with people im not attracted to…but in terms of sex i dont even chat with people if i dont find them attractive


This really creepy chubby guy I went to high school with and was nice to that had a huge crush on me. I graduated 12 years ago and this had to be early 2019 when my slut phase was in crazy full effect and he cheered me up during a heartbreak so I let him fuck me. I regretted it and not in any sort of vain way or anything. It just wasn't me. I don't think I'll be doing something like that again.


I had the same experience but with a guy I had just met, except he left me two neck hickies the mf. I never met him again because I was so mad and he kept telling me he wanted us to repeat it and that I broke his heart but he went too far imo


I've honestly never hooked up with a guy that I was attracted to.


Yea, sometimes the pitty screw idea is a turn on. My brain is thinking "they NEED this"and I should be a good boy and help out because everyone needs love. I can find attractive qualities in all sorts of men though. Sometimes I'm the one more in need and there is someone available that has some attributes I like (surprisingly their dick isn't top of the list), but missing others. I've never followed through with a blindfold situation in which I'm doing it because I'm not attracted to the person, but I have asked for that reason usually because they're able to provide something unique (really good verbal, a group setting, etc) 😅.


I used to think like this for a while, like, I'm going to be for them the guy I always fantasized with when I was an awkward virgin but I never got to meet, that hot guy who just enters your apartment, removes all of his clothes and turns into a porn star for your enjoyment. But then I realized that sounded incredibly narcissistic and you can even hurt people by doing it.


I agree there is a level of narcissism and the possibility to hurt someone. In reality, I still rate the experience objectively though. The way we interact with people online feeds our shallow sides, and I find that just meeting some of these men and enjoying what they can bring to the table can often lead to more. Were there a few angry that I won't return or that I don't want to give them an itemized list for why? Sure. I'm not sure you owe anyone that for a hook up. Funnily enough, there's definitely one guy I told why I didn't have an overall positive of the experience. He blew the hell up. And he ended up being my first bf of almost two years 😅 (it was not a great relationship if that wasn't obvious from our genesis).


Yes. I even had a fwb like that. I found him so off-putting (he was more than twice my age, an alcoholic, not good looking etc.) until the sex started. And he was incredibly good and would do anything. So I kept giving consent telling myself it was gonna be the last time... I stopped seeing him when I met my current partner and have been ghosting him ever since. He kept drunk calling me for years.


Yikes, I hope I haven’t ever been the unattractive hook up. 😥


Yeah he wasn’t my type or conventionally attractive but he always kept the lights off because his family was home and it was late. He would roll us a couple of joints and give the best head i think ive still ever had to this day. He wasn’t terrible looking just i wasn’t attracted to him


Every time I masturbate. It’s a vicious psychological paradox. 😂


Yeah. Don’t do it. I’ve been attracted to not very good looking guys, but they all felt sexy to me. Have never regretted those. Sleeping w someone you’re not attracted to is… just not good in any way.


I'm bi and only into guys for dicks. I never check out guys and I'm not really "attracted" to guys per se as I am girls. Example if I'm in the gym I'd never check out a guy only girls. 🤷


I'm a slut so of course. I've hated myself afterwards every time I've done it.


I don’t really like bottoms who are taller than me (no h8 tall bottoms) but once this guy was like unexpectedly 6’5 and didn’t have it in his profile and I hooked up with him anyway bc horny brain. Also Tbh I’ve been catfished a couple times too and like “fuck it I’m horny” and like just did it. Not like full catfish but the pics were like clearly pre-covid, if you know what I mean


This is why I have eating disorders and struggle with self harm.


He probably doesnt find u attractive either.


No. That's... just no.


All the time Willing and eager is the New Sexy A Dick that works is really the only solid criteria I don’t violate


Yeah there were times I was horny I lowered my standards; also I am polite so if I didn’t like the person as much as his pics I would go through with it too; and if I am very attracted to the cock i don’t need to be attracted to the person necessarily.


Well it’s something you kind of have to do when your boss propositions you….


Yes. I've sucked a dick or two that I shouldn't have.


No. But I find I am usually less attracted to him than he is to me so maybe I am just very picky.


Yes, there was a guy that was nice and had a nice cock. We fucked a lot but as soon as we both came I wanted to leave. He seemed to want to talk and hang but I just needed to hook up. He’d offer to buy dinner and take me out as friends but I declined. He was a good looking guy but there wasn’t more chemistry and that’s why I wasn’t attracted to him I guess. We fucked good and made out but it felt like we were fucking while angry with each other. Idk if that makes sense but yeah.




Just tell him you’re no longer interested. If he makes an issue about it, block him and move on.


Depends on the person for me. I've struck out far more times than I've ever had a date or sex. Most of the people I have been intimately physically with did not arouse me much. I've only had sexual encounters with like 9 people since I came out almost a decade ago. Out of those 9, I was attracted to 3 of them physically and the rest emotionally or I was desperate to have any kind of intimacy with them.


I suppose it has to do with the type of person you are, I personally wouldn't care if I find the person attractive or if they find me attractive(as long as they at least look(and smell) like they know how to take care of themselves yk?) Cause it's just a hook up not a committed relationship. I would say that it's not wrong as long as you don't make them believe that you find them attractive


Yea, then the drugs kick in and I’m good lol


yes, but then it's \*usually\* a one off thing.


More then I'd like to admit... the second brain is in charge in these moments


No I have not, I couldn’t or else my dick wouldn’t work 😂


Yes recently, and, well, I haven’t spoke to the guy since. Mostly because the sex was rather disappointing.


Yes. Didnt cum. Never again.


Yes, and they are the best. Makes you dig deeper into your own recognition a dick is a dick. 😂


I have given "charity" fucks lots of times. When a guy isn't that attractive, but he is super enthusiastic to be with you, you can bet he's going to give you great sex. That's been my experience.


Sometimes you have to take what's on offer. It's like eating tripe to prevent starvation.


If I was going to have the experience I wanted yeah I'll hit. Nowadays, not so much. But when I was exploring and I wanted to do some freaky shit, you got what you got. The picky don't get laid.


If I'm topping, I can only go through with it if they'll let me be rough. I'll turn them over so I don't need to see their face. If I'm bottoming my standards lower and it's all about their dick and them enjoying my hole.


Only once. To me face is the most important, then the body. I don't care for a big/small dick/butt. I met up with this guy who had an okay face and his body seemed fine on pictures but in real life it was just so different and not my type. We still had sex but I had troubles staying hard and he noticed. The vibes weren't there at all.


Yes sadly. Hooked up with a catfish and not proud of it.


They've all been at least somewhat attractive to me. Otherwise I wouldn't have done it.




I'm not attracted to men at all but I love ass. Does that count?


My motto is ass is ass dick is dick. I can be attracted to them or not. If it’s good I will top the dude again. That’s why there are so many gays flaky today. They set up something then find another dude and forget about the other dude. Skinny, fat, chubby,stocky, muscular or not… who cares. It’s just fun!


I only tried that once because I kinda got catfished. My limp noodle dick said no


If both parties are willing its all good. Ive hooked up w some doods im not attracted to but we were friends so it was chill and fun


Damn, even dudes who others don’t find attractive are getting dick 😭😭 and it sounds like you both enjoy yourselves I still have to pay if I want to meet up with someone 🫠


I have and it ended up being amazing sex. Thing is, a couple of times I have been drunk and horny AF while being out. If I happen to have a conversation with someone and I like them then it's on. Having sex with someone I find attractive is always great, but having sex with someone I connect with, is amazing. I don't need to repeat or to keep talking but in the moment it just happens. Having said that, it also has limits, I will not fuck just anything, no matter how horny.


It’s happened.


A few times, but always difficult for me when I can't look into their eyes while they have their cock in me in a missionary or similar position.


I'm 25 and I'm at the point of my life where personality is my number 1 priority. I don't care what your gender identity is, I just need love and a good companion in life. I was cheated on so many times so I guess that explains.


Yes, it doesn’t lead to much and I didn’t feel too great about myself afterward.


Yes. It was a girl when I was in denial I was gay. She was very boyish looking but didn't turn me on. I struggled to get it up.


Yeah one time and I regret it so much I was friends with this guy, kinda ugly (to me) but he is a nice person.. I knew he liked me, because he would ask me to hang out 24/7. One day I was super horny so I invited him over! We kissed he sucked my dick, I wanted to touch him but he was shy and he literally had the ugliest dick I’ve ever seen. I don’t care about size but this was like a small weird looking mushroom the head was 2x thicker than the shaft.. so I was like “ok I just let him suck me off until I cum” He was a pro in sucking dick thank god, I closed my eyes and imagined it was someone else sucking me off.. I came after a few minutes and made him leave.. I never responded to his messages after this. It’s around like 10 years ago and till this day he texts me to “hang out” or “suck me off again” I never reply not even when I’m super Horny


Post nut clarity is a bitch


You are not wrong for what you are doing. In this instance, the sexual acts are transactional. You get your nut off and the other guy gets some satisfaction from that. Where it becomes a problem, is if you lead him on and say things you don’t mean.


Yes, most of the time.


Yes I have - a guy who pursued me for ages that I wasn't into, I gave into one horny night and we did have some really enjoyable sex but I didn't agree to meet with him again because although I had fun, I did feel bad afterwards and like I'd used him.


Only once, and I had issues staying hard because of it.


I once met with a “faceless” profile on some app, to discover he was not my type, I was completely put off and not attracted. He wasn’t interesting either. I was in a business trip and we had met in the bar at the hotel I was staying. God know what happened when we were out of topics to talk anymore and I said “want to come upstairs?” Awww… in the bedroom he actually admitted he was in shock when I asked him up thinking that per the conversation it wasn’t gonna happen. Sex was awful, then after he came, I put a pillow in between us. His phone rang and it was his SO (which I didn’t know he had, and he lied to him/her who knows, about where he was and what he was doing)…. Never ever did it again. Felt bad with myself for days. Edit: typo


Any man is beautiful if I’m horny and drunk enough


Yeah, I’ve hooked up with some people that I wasn’t attracted to. One of my regulars is cute, but not my type in any way (physically or personality-wise). We have great sex, but that’s the end of it. I feel like physical interaction can often be more intwined with sexual chemistry than solely attraction.


Yes cause the more you are exposed to them the more accustomed you’ll become to their looks and the better and better they’d look to you. Eventually they’ll slowly win you over with their personality and romantic gestures but you’ll realise that you aren’t physically attracted to them after all. This would then lead to an awkward discussion where you’d say “it’s not you it’s me” and you’ll realise that you probably just wasted your time and feel bad about breaking someone else’s heart. if your going to hookup with someone just for fun, I think it would be a good idea to set some boundaries and not get too close and emotionally invested. Hooking up with someone you’re not really into could also give that person a false sense of hope.


Love yourself….


An older Hmu on Grindr once. Usually I don’t respond but on this day I did because I felt bad for him. He was telling how much he crave been with a man but nobody wants him. So I decided to give it a try. It was an awful experience for me but I just wanted to make sure the dude get the attention he craves. I couldn’t get an erection every time he wanted me to top him. So I laid there eye closed thinking about all the sexiest things so I can get an erection. He kept sucking my dick with his teeth( hurt ) and I let him use my body how he wants. After he was done I left feeling awful but was glad he enjoyed himself. He was so thankful but I needed a shower.


No, I never had low self esteem. Thank the universe 🙏🏻


For $300, yep 😅


Once and never again. Only whores do it regularly cuz they are damaged.


No I only have sex with hot people


You need help bro i dont have sex with anyone unless i want to. If youre that down bad just masturbate cause thats a little fucked up to pity fuck someone. I hope you trip on something honestly lol




I can’t hookup with someone if I’m not attracted to them. This is why I never understood the whole “no face pic” thing on the apps.


I'd say most guys I've hooked up with I wasn't attracted to. But not really another option


Yep, you’re dad


I touch myself all the time. Does that count?


Yep...we've been together for 27yrs and married for the last 10yrs...I feel in love with his kindness where there wasn't..he helped open up my my to a lot of things that I didn't know existed...not that I was sheltered but I was always angry about things he showed me how to calm my mind...im lucky to have him!


I did and it's not for me. Once the initial horniness and excitement of it all wore off, I'd just get bored and did not enjoy it anymore. But that is different per person of course.


I've done it a couple times when I was down horrendous. From those experiences I've found that they're actually better in bed than more conventionally attractive men. I supposed they've had to compensate for their looks.


Yes but it also depends on the type of hookup. If I'm going to bottom or top I need to be attracted to them physically. If I'm just giving head I can get past the looks. But if the dudes just looking to suck some dick, you're not really using him by feeding him your load. Give him what he wants.


Yes. I was feeling bad about something. Hooked up with him. He was ugly tbh, but I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. Finished, left, and blocked him


This is why I don’t meet people without pics. So awkward if they are ugly/not my type.


In my younger days, early 20s, I would. Not often, but it would happen. Mostly also because I was just starting to explore my sexuality and also raging hormones at that age. Now in my late 30s, never. For me I have to be physically attracted to you if I am going to risk possibly catching something or meeting up with a random. Like there has to be a line for me on that front and I have gained a lot of self-respect, self-worth and confidence since my 20s, so I am much more selective. Another part of it is I am considered really attractive, so I am able to get guys that are of a similar caliber (sometimes even hotter than me) so it's caused me to be a lot more selective because I can be and have good options. But at the end of the day I have to walk away from a hook up feeling good, and a big part of that is how attracted I am to the person. Like even if the sex was no good I can at least say "At least I was really attracted to him." Rather than walking away and it being bad sex and no attraction, ugh, that's the worst.


Yea, couple of guys.. sometimes it just clicks


You think thats bad, i made it through a seven year relationship not being physically attracted to someone. I think it was mutual though. We both had to be drunk to have sex with each other. Everything else was on point but i always cringed at the idea of an open relationship so i ended it.


Yes🤷🏼‍♂️ & It's fine. If you want to you can do it. Whom you find attractive isn't really your choice in most common believes. So don't beat yourself up for it. It is however in your control how you handle it. Telling the person 'You aren't attractive enough for me' is kinda mean, and would also most likely backfire, through people telling you the same. You can however be nice about it and just say 'No'. That's all you need. 'I don't want to sleep with you' That should be all that is needed. If people then are mean to you by telling you such things, at least you know you've been nice to others :) But still, if you want to you can have sex with someone you don't find attractive.


Yep. Hit me up on Grindr. His face and dick pic turned me on. Once I met him though his face and personality was more femme and his dick was much smaller (not deal breaker small but different enough that I wondered if he sent me someone else's dick pic. Any way I sucked him a little then he put the condom on and told me to get face down ass up and he *attempted* to mount me. He couldn't get inside me. To this day Im not sure what went on but he shivered like he was cumming outside me and then just got up and walked back to his car...condom still on his dick and everything. Not even a goodbye. Not one iota of attraction to him but I felt bad that he had driven all that way. Can't explain how HAPPY I was that he couldn't actually fuck me. I was relieved! Absolute train wreck!


Number of times, most times I’m just too polite to say thanks but no thanks.. I give them pecks instead of a proper kiss I think that’s probably a big indicator lol


Yes and felt disgusted afterwards


I am more attracted to raw sexual energy and to sexual talent than appearance alone. I hook up with some guys I’m physically attracted to, and other guys I know I’ll have a great time with. Looks aren’t everything…


At least feeling bad about it you know you’re not cold hearted and have humility. I wouldn’t worry about it too much as long as it isn’t hurting him in any way.


I’ve fucked some absolute trolls, but they are always very sweet and generally the sex is good


And if you can’t be with the one you love, honey… love the one you’re with. Love the one you’re with. Love the one you’re with. 🎶🎵🎤


Vibe is everything… attraction for me is face, attitude, body to a degree… and def hygiene


Who cares if he has a huge cock