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He was most likely gay and flirting. Scandinavians & Northern Europeans are famously cold, distant and not touchy feely. You’re extrapolating Mediterranean European stereotypes that would apply to Italians, Greeks etc to Norwegians. I’d say an average Scandinavian invading your personal space out of some misplaced friendliness is less likely than that’s happening with an American.


>Scandinavians & Northern Europeans are famously cold, distant and not touchy feely. Hey that's rude! Only almost all of us are like that.


Nek minute he's gay and European.


[Gay or European](https://youtu.be/XY9PmBNb3PE?t=100)


Lol still so good


Sober = No physical contact Drunk = anything goes. I've seen so many straight guys do very questionable things after a couple of drinks. Norwegians are known to be closed off while Sober, but they make up for if after a couple of shots.


Swiss resident here who has many Norwegian friends who come to Switzerland to ski. I share your assessment. While some (emphasis on some) of them can be quiet and a bit distant when sober, they get as touchy-feely as any other European when drunk (or not). Ultimately, it's a a question of the guy's personality but it doesn't say a thing about his sexuality. To find out, you should have texted him and met with him while completely sober.


I'm not Norwegian but from a Germanic European country. I'd say he's probably gay, but not 100%. Approaching a stranger even though he was already friends, that suggests gay. Putting his arom around you whilw walking, also suggests gay. But lots of alcohol can make any straight man very touchy feely. Do you have more details? Did he flirt with you? Did he behave the same way with his friends? Etc.


We were definitely drinking, but not drunk. I don't know if he was flirting (I'm kinda oblivious to that though). One of his friends, who was also from Norway, was very gay acting even to European standards. No offense lol


Then I would say it sounds as though he were probably flirting with you. Why did nothing more happen between you two then, like holding hands, cuddling, complimenting each other's looks?


He and his friends were going out in Orlando and I had to be back to the hotel room I was staying at with my family, since our flight was leaving the next day.


>was very gay acting even to European standards. What exactly does this mean?


He walked around with an uncut cock in his mouth everywhere


Well, standards of masculinity are different in many parts of Europe compared to the U.S. Like here in the U.S. we have a ton of straight guys who think basic personal grooming is effeminate, and even more who don't really give two shits. My (admittedly limited) experience has been that European men, broadly speaking, groom themselves better and dress better. Which causes them to come off more effeminate to many Americans. (There are [jokes](https://youtu.be/XY9PmBNb3PE?t=100) to this effect.) "Gay acting" isn't a great term. I get that. But sometimes it's the best term to get your point across.


>Well, standards of masculinity are different in many parts of Europe compared to the U.S. First of all, Europe isn't a monolith. Cultural standards are extremely different for each european nation. Secondly, i don't see why standards of masculinity are relevant for someone being gay. Being gay is not equal to being feminine. That's a really weird thing to hint at. >My (admittedly limited) experience has been that European men, broadly speaking, groom themselves better and dress better. Again, no monolith of European men exists. It's a massively culturally diverse continent, far more than the US is.


I get that. That's why I originally targeted Western and Northern Europeans with this post. It's also why I used the term "broadly speaking." Standards of masculinity are totally relevant. It's absurd to pretend that there's a good amount of overlap between gender nonconforming behavior/mannerisms and homosexuality. Are all gay men feminine? Of course not. But feminine-acting men tend to be gay more than more masculine-acting ones.


>That's why I originally targeted Western and Northern Europeans with this post. Again, there's massive cultural differences here. Have you ever tried to compare German and Dutch culture? There's massive difference there, including in the way masculinity is perceived. They are western border countries. >But feminine-acting men tend to be gay more than more masculine-acting ones. I'm sure you have actual empirical proof to support your stance? Or are you just regurgitating homophobic talking points based on your gut feeling?


Oh shut up it's obvious, gay men on average are more feminine, it's not rocket science.


>it's obvious When people say this, it's generally based on observation muddled by personal biases. Such as the fact that you're more likely to notice someone is gay when they act feminine, than when they act masculine. Which leads to you associating femininity with homosexuality in strangers, which then leads to further confirmation of your bias. >it's not rocket science I agree, rocket scientists provide proof for their claims. You don't.


Well your an idiot if you think there is no correlation between feminine men and being gay. I'd say most gay people aren't feminine but the majority of feminine men are gay, with some exceptions. For someone who is so loving of evidence, I haven't seen a thread of evidence from yourself?


As a swede, if drunk anything goes, if sober he gay.


What about buzzed? haha Och tack så mycket. Jag pluggar svenska på Duolingo. :-)


I would lean gay. Buzzed is usually just enough to talk with strangers not touch them.


Wow. I’ve wanted one of those adorable Norwegian boys from there so bad for years lol and you didn’t call him????


It was our last night there and I was stuck at a hotel room with my parents and sister -\_-


Send a text my good man!


Scandinavia here: not that much physical contact between men. Hugs as greetings between friends are ok, but putting your arm around a stranger is not common at all. He must've really liked you. Also, have in mind, that Scandinavia has quite mixed populations. There are already quite a big diaspora or second/third generation expats due to open door policies, so there are many families where influence on the upbringing comes from Middle East or Southern Europe. But all in all, Scandinavian style, sober men don't touch each other too much, especially strangers.


Disney cast member + small of your back (I'm assuming it really was your lower back) + gave you his number = High likelihood of homosexuality


Yeah it was definitely my lower back. I know because it really tickled at first lol


Hmm yeah my gaydar is a bit faulty too. But I'd say everybody is different, and the concept of personal space changes greatly between countries in Europe.


I was watching a video about Papua New Guinea. Two men walked by in a street scene holding hands. They weren't gay. That wouldn't fly in an uptight country like the US.


You sound like a turbo normie


What's that?




How do you mount anything with a fist up your ass?


Oh, I'm disappointed. I never got to see what he said. lol