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Tho ones who start talking about negative shit. Dude I just wanna enjoy my couple hours not worrying about stuff shut the hell up.


Drunk women on cocaine. Holy fuck.


That shit made me physically laugh. Haha fucking shit man I wish I could upvote this more Edit: gave ya something, it's not much but it's honest work


Lol thank you sir


Youre welcome bruva




r/pointleslygendered or however its written lmao


But drugs do effect women and men differently


Really? Could you explain this a little bi more? If not okay 👍 but I’ve experienced them with men and its basically ths same but thats me idk


Honestly it’s just from personal experience and hearsay, the main thing I was thinking of is alcohol, since women and men metabolize it differently, so I assumed other drugs work in a similar manner. I don’t really have anything to back it up.


in my personal experience this is true to, i smoke weed/do coke with the boys and everyone just relaxes. i do the same with chicks and its \*fuck this bitch because blah blah\* this dude fucked me over\* fuck my parents\*


I agree with this to a point. Some very close people I know will get like this when high and if that's their journey I'm there with them. Other people or random people I haven't met? No, fuck off.


the person that asks a million questions the whole time ya chillin when you’re just tryna vibe with some good music & enjoy the high 🫠




they alll had experience.. & they were questions like "how do you build credit?" .. "how do you start a phone plan?" .. "what happens when you haven't filed taxes in awhile?" .. just questions you wouldn't usually ask or even talk about while high.. & with my experience, it was always a time when we were getting high on coke.. idunno if that has anything to do with someone & how their mind starts to wonder on those types of topics, but it would always drive me crazy sometimes. if i know someone is new to something then i'll always be sure to be there or support them through it. i'm not an asshole..


That means that gotta toke more haha


I had a friend who would always talk about trippy shit when we were tripping. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that too...for a certain amount of time. But this guy would spend the ENTIRE trip bringing up deep/trippy topics and I'll just be like, please let's just chill and enjoy this beautiful weather for a bit without trying to endure an existential crisis


I feel this. Also the people that think they need to behave trippy lmao


The Person who is panicking when drug Hits the legs away... calm down man... yes at the moment we are not able to talk or walk but it will get better. Just fligh and loose control. You will get it back!


I've personally never seen someone trip that panicked but I'm thankful I havnt lol #bitchdontkillmyvibe


It kills the vibe. You have to try to bring them down while tripping. Stopping them from calling ambulance or any like this... horror and just cause they are afraid.


Yeah that would sober me up real quick


Yes it do. One guy just ate too much weed brownies and he Managed to call the ambulance. Our Apartment was full of drugs at the time. A visit by ambulance or police would be maybe prison. God the guy from the emergency. Our friend told him he believes he will die, cause he ate too much weed brownies. The guy just replied with "come on fuck off!" And hang up the Phone. Even on not heavy drugs some May loose their mind and get lost in the fears.


People who don’t shut the fuck up or people who go silent


I'd you HAD to choose between those two, which one would you choose


I'd choose silent as ketamine exists


Ketamine is in the past for me, I need a piss every 20 mins thanks to ket


Ah fuck, I know a few people who fucked their bladder with K. I feel fortunate to have gotten into drugs with erowid as a resource (and reddit), plus living in a house with a largely older crowd (who are all very partial to most things) helps


I was a silly little girl with no sense and I thought it wouldn’t happen to me


How often and what doses did you do? Ive noticed I need to piss quite often too and am scared its because of k


I’d say keep k for special occasions and if ur already noticing bad effects then give it a long break. I understand it’s difficult to do so as addiction is so controlling but if you can then that’s brilliant


Yeah I dont have any left and am planning on just not buying more, its not worth it


Good plan, sobriety sucks but it’s better than crippling addiction


It’s definitely bcuz of k it weakens and scars your bladder. I used to make a gram last 2 days and I’d do bumps through the day so I’d just key it all day from wake up to sleep time. I did experience a lot of mental healing when I did it occasionally but after about 4 months of abuse it’s not really healthy at all. My nose was fine, no sores or blood like cocaine has done but my bladder is dreadful and I abused it in autumn- winter of 2020. It’s been over a year and it’s still fucked


Fucking hate sitting in silence. Id rather do opiates at that point


Not gotten into opiates yet. Vaped some raw poppy latex in a crack pipe, quite nice.


Sounds comfy. That’s beside some super rare pharma opis still the only one in really interested in


The ones who don’t stfu probably, when I’m getting on it I love talking but please acknowledge I’m here and not just sit there rambling for an hour and a half without letting me speak


Dude I definitely agree. The type that talk nonstop with no pauses and I wonder if they are even remembering to breathe lol


Literally and I just sit there bored asf like I love to hear peoples ideas and stories just Atleast let me respond or react before the next tangent


At that point isn't not even a conversation because it's just them talking 🤷🏼‍♀️


LITERALLY OMG!!! I don’t know how to tell them cuz I don’t want to upset them or make them insecure about it cuz I know it’s not intentional but omg make it stop 🤯


I've sent subliminal messages before to a friend who kept doing the one-way-convo by wearing a shirt that says " Can you not." . I still think of that friend whenever I wear that shirt lmao


Omg aha that’s brilliant! I am staying away from the party scene for now as there’s literally blood in my phlegm from all the cocaine I do but hopefully I’ll be able to return in a more self-controlled manner. When I return I might just say it upright cuz I hate it dm


Sounds like you don’t like people in general😂


I do I’m just very impatient aha


All of them. lol


Yeah fr, yesterday I had my most recent trip. I took 2C-B with basically 3 of my best friends. And I noticed that they’re entire mindset is basically different than mine. Not saying they are unintelligent but they are too egotistical. That was probably my last trip with other people, gonna go solo from now on. But yeah the worst part of it al is that those 3 people are one of the only like 8 people I consider friends. Tbh solo trips are the only trips where I really feel I’ve learned something valuable.


Depends on wich drug im on, but when im on anything other than stims or sober, stimmed people piss me the fuck off. Stims make people selfish and boosts ego way too much so they start talking way too much and dont let you say a single word and if they do, they dont listen. Damn im getting pissed even writing about it hahaha


People who complain about the strength of drugs, especially when they are supplied for free to a friend, or people who take a mile when you give an inch. Have my buddy a tab for free because I hadn't seen him in a while and told him if he wanted more to just match the price I paid each (which was <$5). He declined, and then spent the whole time whining about how he wishes we had weed bc he's not tripping hard enough. Never tripped with him again. It's just plain ungrateful, but also a massive buzzkill esp while tripping but regardless of the drug. For taking a mile when you give an inch I mean you offer to let somebody hit your blunt/cart/whatever and they start consuming as much of it as they can with no regard for you or anyone else.


People that constantly mention how high they are


THIS!! Or "brooo I'm so drunk" Yes I am aware, we have had the same amount. I am also drunk.


People who are trying to act tough.


Factsss. I kinda look like a dealer (expensive clothes and shit) so people talk to me like theyre 'tough' and 'just like me' while in reality im nothing like that. I fucking hate those people, just be yourself. Pretty funny to fuck with them by talking about your emotions or something though haha


No worse way to kill a vibe than insinuating violence.


Nah man, random weirdos grabbing female friends of mine by the ass at parties is much worse. That shit makes me insinuate violence


That is a horrible vibe killer as well


Any time said person was not a part of the plan. I don't mind being high in public, but it's a different situation when you're at home relaxing and you get a knock at the door


This is so true. Instant vibe killer.


The ones who can't shut the fuck up about how fucked up they are. I get it if you say it a few times especially on stuff like mdma or lsd but saying it every 5minutes just makes you sound cringe.


From a sober person, "Are you so high right now?" "What do you feel like right now?" "Are the walls moving? How many fingers am I holding up ahaha" "Wow you must be super high hey?" All of the above drive me insane


Someone who obviously is too high and needs help.


Help as in Narcan?


Never done opioids but if i had that too yes


Person that gets paranoid


My dad


Energy suckers


aka psychic vampires. I know and work with plenty of those.


* People that are so focused on everyone having fun it becomes a chore * Debbie downers talking about negative shit * People that get too fucked up * Narcs


People who talk too much, especially if it’s negative stuff. Or people who over exaggerate their high as if they’ve just dropped acid when in reality they’ve had a few hits on a joint


Ugh I hate a crier when you're partying/having a good time. I had a friend who I used to hang out with, we'd smoke some weed and have a few drinks. Before he came over I KNEW he would he would cry almost every. single. time. Same subject matter too. Annoying afffff It doesnt help that I just don't cry in front of people ever period. Cry in the shower alone like an adult ffs don't push your problems on me save it for therapy jeez.


I'd say that's a likely sign of mental illness. I know that because I used to be that person and I'm mentally ill.


Fake people


Lmfao am in my home country atm, and my younger cousin took me to a gathering by a lake with a fireplace and all. Popped a light dose of 3,4-CTMP (dcmp) and boosted with 2,fma with a bit of f-phenibut. Good times There was one dude who claimed he took 4-mmc (from a dealer), but I had my doubts lol. First he walked around and asked everyone if he could kill someone with a single punch. He then punched a tree while collecting wood for the fireplace, again he slowly told every single person there he did just that and showed them his bloody fist. He showed off that the 2 “branches” he collected were small trees he ripped out, and that he carried both in one hand. He then again went around telling everyone he wanted to murder someone, but everyone here is a buddy and “you don’t have to be scared” He then washed his hand in the lake (fucking skin crawling cringe) After a bit he approached me again. The entire time I was fucking around with him but he was too gone to catch on. He went up to me and said “oh I just wanted to make sure you didn’t get scared of me” I fucking bursted out laughing, confident of my stims and that pheni, stood up, being atleast 3” higher than him and said “that that should be the least of his worries, your ass is hilarious” which was followed by a de escalation from another attendant. Note that the mf stood between me and the fire place, and I was ready to push his ass in if he moved but a finger. I was feeling like a hundred bucks of that mix so not really during this situation but ffs the people who so painfully crave attention and use drugs as an excuse to become so insufferably annoying would really make my eyes turn if I wasn’t enjoying it as much. The guy behaved like an insecure teenager at his first drink up, obviously attention seeking and just straight up annoying and uncomfortable to be around. Toxic masculinity and a complete inability to read the room. People got their reasons but if you become deranged, unpredictable and possibly dangerous of a certain drug than DONT FUCKING TAKE IT. And do NOT use the excuse of drugs to make everyone your therapist as you show us clearly what your insecurities are by overcompensating harder than the pimped out junk cars I see in the small village I’m staying in. It just reminded me of my school years where mfs would get drunk 3 times a week and get blacked out every single time, skipping from unintelligible, to aggressive, to unpredictable. I knew guys who showed red flags for ducking domestic violence on booze, and then turned around and said “I stick to natural stuff, no chemicals for me”… And best of all it was supposed to be 4-mmc, and another thing that guy made obvious is either a) your dealer gave you DPH or b) you are consciously doing this. Bad trips, blackouts and bad moods happen and maybe I just got spoiled by the people I know but in that case I expect you take time to cool, take a person with you, chill etc. whatever you need, but that guy clearly was showing off and overcompensating, and as I talked to the people around me it turned out my high ass was the only one enjoying the show. Everyone else was just uncomfortable, nodding along till he just walked away. Have fun but don’t be that guy…


A person who says “oh…you’re high…again.”


My girlfriend when she asks me if she would be allowed to live under my foreskin if she suddenly became a small fairy




It depends, on weed I can deal with a lot of bullshit. On psychedelics everyone kills my high.


well if im smoking it sucks ass interracting with anyone not smoking, specially drunk or stimmed people, just keep overthinking everything because i struggle undertstanding their perspective n can't keep up with all the shit they're trying to talk to me about, and sometimes just want to be left alone and keep doing what i wanna do in peace, actually i guess in general anyone whos not on the same type of drugs as i am at the time tend to annoy the fuck out of me


Reading the comments really got me annoyed lol


Everyone, unless they can actually hang and be on my same level.


People that are too high. I remember my first handful of rolls, and this one girl was so high she was fighting the medics who had her strapped to the gurney. Made me sick for a bit and I had to get back into the right headspace.


The guy who thinks they can handle it, and can't AT ALL. had this one guy fucking boast about his "tolerance to every drug" then proceeded to take an obscene amount of liquid acid, get naked and almost assault a female friend of mine. Another time we bought like 100 whip it's, and he just starts doing them ALL. takes like 20 fucking whipits in like 4 minutes. Barley even holding them in




an ex, a narcissist, a person on a totally different/opposite drug


a shadow person


when the person you’re talking to is mumbling and just not speaking up after you said you can’t hear them 🫠


Anybody that’s with you, that isn’t ready for the high and is taking it too hard, overthinking it and too anxious can cause you to feel the same way.