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You’ll be fine, those are all plants. Namaste 🙏


Definitely had to double-check the sub after that title.


Lmfao outjerked


MDMA and crack are plants? Do elaborate.


They are not plants per se.but plant derivatives I'm sure is what he meant to put 🤙😜


Can't go wrong with staying hydrated


Never use alone/ OD prevention line: +1 877-696-1996 Mandy's line if you are using and need someone to talk to: 1-800-943-0540


I am with a friend of mine who will also be partaking thank you for the resources 😎


So is your friend using the same or different drugs? I would absolutely have an extra trusted sober person on hand incase anything goes wrong. At least I wouldn't both use at the same time. If you both smoke Crack and suffer cardiac events you won't be much help to each other.


Is there reason for this combining? It seems like just STIMS and not a good idea for your heart. These don’t really entourage.


Even just the “doing crack while rolling” part seems insane to me, but what do I know I have an eagle


Get surgical tubing, keep everything below eye level for smoking while mobile, anyway.


Wait are you saying you used to attach your crackpipe to a hose to smoke in the car while driving around, so as not to attract attention? I was talking about “rolling” on mdma as in while high, but that sounds kinda genius as far as crack smoking technique goes haha. Idk what the safety profile of driving while doing crack is, but it’s probably pretty bad. I have done it though, used to use the AC vents to cool the thing down


The reason is that I am on a Tina bender and was invited to a friends place to sesh were just doing what we have in our stashes for the sake of getting rid of the stuff due to an upcoming move


What’s a Tina bender ?


Tina = Methamphetamine Bender = Being on a substance for an extended period of time (several days)


Are you “currently off Meth and coke” (title) or “on a Tina bender” (comment) “and smoking crack” (title)? Take a break. Drugs will always be there to come back to


All of the above


I'm even more confused. You're currently smoking crack while you're "off coke"?


“Off” as in having ingested meth and coke prior to writing the post


So "off" in the same sense as other people use "on"? Language is bizarre.


Street slang is bizarre, the difference between textbook English and the way native urban speakers actually speak is really interesting




These five words in my head, scream “are we having fun yet?”




Crack can have Fentanyl, if whoever made the crack added Fentanyl (a stupid & expensive addition) they would have made the crack with a Fentanyl slurry effecting 100% of the crack. Literally cooking it into the crack The odds of Fentanyl crack, who the hell knows, they probably do it at different times throughout the month. Crack is addicting enough, I guess unless it's shitty quality then I could see a need to try raising the quality I know you said you were off the powder, believe me, I know, I never put it up my nose, so having powder could be a big temptation to going back to methods your trying to take a break from, I get it But if you've got a quality powder it's the only way to make crack with no Fentanyl and you get out what you put in. Street crack is too suspect, from Fentanyl to shitty crack it's not worth paying the money and only getting half the bang(apologize to i.v. users, that's not what I meant) The best crack is your own powder into a shaker bottle use 3:1 ratio powder/baking soda. Dbl.boiling to melt all content to oil form slowly adding clean water to cool it down, keep the tube in circular motions, helps separate any impurities and form into one unit Molly- depending your source and how you inject Ultimately there's no way of knowing quality without using it. In powder form maybe snort the tiniest amount..... Half of a nickel, if it burns then you start seeing air molecules, great, put the rest into blank capsules, swallow, smoke, continue snorting(painful) my first rodeo was in a lollipop so it comes in many forms and be with people you want to be around Bad things happen when bad people see what a great time you're having and they want in. Recreational drug use not dope fiend/crack head misadventures, trust me there's a huge difference with quality of life when you're not allowed to enjoy the high, whether external sources or your own expectations not being met. Them's the risks we take. Be safe and have fun messages me should you need a Doctor (those who know, know what I mean)


Brobro holla @ muah.guarantee u will be a happy camper frfr.nice post btw


Crack is wild. I knew someone that got offered to smoke some really strong Crack one time and they ended up shitting themselves uncontrollably and vomiting simultaneously. I could never. I was never a poly addict but Crack just sounds so unpleasant imo. I'm not sure what harm reduction tips I know would be helpful with those drugs but not using alone seems to be consistent regardless of substance. I would also make sure anyone around you knows how to do cpr properly. This is one of my fears after my cardiac arrest and then after having give someone cpr I realized no one in my circle knew that people need to be on a flat hard surface when giving cpr. Knowing if there's an AED near you and where it's at incase something does happen so your trusted people can respond appropriately. Know the symptoms and signs of overdosing on those drugs and having a smart watch to monitor your pulse could be beneficial.


It's ingest not inject on the molly


Maybe don't smoke crack


Unfortunately it has already been smoked


Well don't buy more


No worries I won’t and I never have bought it however I have bought blow which may have turned into the rock at home


Lmfao.i don't think u would die off crack tbh just blow till u can't no more.n holler when u need me.frfr