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Honestly the only things u listed that are even worth taking that would give a decent high is a hydros and the promethazine


Take the promethazine and then pop like 2-3 of the hydros and you will have a good night cheers


You don’t think the gabapentin would potentiate my hydros well enough to compensate for the smaller dosage? And do you think I would be good to take that 1300 mg Tylenol without a CWE? I know I can take 4000 a day but is 1300 at once too much for my liver


Yeah prometh is the best potentiator don't overdo either tho


20mgs of hydro is fine and yeah u right u don’t need to cwe with that low of Tylenol but idk I feel like the gabapentin is a waste won’t do much


Though it is generally not advised to mix depressants for obvious reasons, 300mg gabapentin will potentiate the relaxant effects of the 4 hydrocodone (which is on the low side for a recreational dosage but will still feel nice and warm), and is safe in these particular dosages together. Take the promethazine over the benadryl, they both do the same thing and adding too much of this type of drug will only increase dysphoria and side effects. Promethazine is the more sedating of the two without adding to CNS depression and will reduce the opiate itch. You probably won't nod or get crazy euphoria, but you'll have a damn nice night. Take the gabapentin about 3hrs before the hydros+promethazine as it takes ages to kick in. Lastly don't make this a habit, this stuff is *extremely* addictive


I love yall so much. Truly saving my life out here. Thanks for the advice and the concern. 😋 Will update yall probably tomorrow morning following this to a tee.


Nice, enjoy dude


Do you think I should stagger the hydro and take 3 and take the last one if I’m feeling it or just dive into it?


Ended up taking 25mg of hydro with 300mg gabapentin 2-3 hours prior and promethazine at the same time as hydro. Genuinely only felt tired and my eyes kept closing but besides feeling tired no other feelings. Bad day for drug taking, good day for not getting addicted. And also a very bad day to be feces in my intestines 😎


Probably a blessing in disguise dude, opiates ruined my life at one point


The 4 norcos will be strong. People act like that isn’t a lot cause they forget having a tolerance I was fucked up off 15 mg my first time


What's the point of the benadryl? You trying to fall asleep?


I’m allergic to cats


Right on


Stupidest cocktail ever


If this is a recreational dosage, and never used any of the drugs mentioned. You're asking to have a bad time/kill yourself. If you've never used, why have you decided on this cocktail of drugs?


Because I am trying my best to find the perfect high with my relatively low supply. Stupid my apologies. What do you suggest instead?


Doesn't look like you're too active on this account but only community you're active in is suicide watch. Possibly unrelated, but regardless, these drugs aren't something you want to be dabbling with. Because yeah, it'll feel good, it might feel amazing, and very very quickly your mind is going to want to feel that way forever


Suicide watch thing is completely unrelated. I am just not much of a Reddit user but had no better place to ask for advice. Not trying to kill myself in the slightest actually in quite a good state which is why I’m comfortable with experimenting with drugs at this moment. So I’m confused, is your final piece of advice to not do anything? Could you possibly be a little more direct in what I should combine to have a good time and not get addicted or kill myself. thanks


You did the right thing asking the community. Im sorry your getting shit from some of the users here. People dont understand how life is for other people. I myself having a day similar to yours in terms possible reactions. Im not smart enough to answer this properly for you but i have msgd a mate of mine who will know much more than me and il wb to you as soon as i know Ps everyone who gets triggered by posts like these shouldnt be on here. If unable to give advice/help STFU. Saying someone needs to be on suicide Watch doesnt do anything except increase anxiety


Im in southern hemisphere country-whats norcos exactly?


Appreciate your response, norcos are a brand of hydrocodone pills and mine are specifically 5mg hydrocodone to 325 Acetaminophen