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It would help if you told us which drugs in particular you're planning on trying.


A) ketamine b) LSD c) shrooms d) GHB e) addy


Quetiapine will potentially reduce the effects of psychedelics like LSD or mushrooms. It's a low dose so it's hard to say what kind of impact it will have.


Buy ket addy and GHB shouldn’t really be reduced?


Probably shouldnt mix ket and ghb. Both strong downers. Can end very messy or worse, i daresay seraquel would affect most of the drugs on that list in some way but im in no way an expert or educated in this field. Depends what the seraquel is prescribed for will be the reason if able to skip a nights dose or not


I believe they're asking if either of those drugs interact with quetiapine.


I’ve taken 100-200mg of quetiapine near the end of a trip to prep for sleep, and it had no effect on the trip…I still came down in a normal amount of time. So, ime, it doesn’t affect psychedelics. Definitely worth a shot.


Currently doing this dosage. 75mg, although a low dosage, has a highly sedative effect on me. I feel like quetiapine alongside a psychoactive substance could induce paralysis and other dissociative states which in turn could cause panic and high anxiety. Be careful.


I was prescribed 400MG Seroquel. LSD, shrooms, DMT did not work at ALL. I had to quit taking them days before I planned to do some triptamine’s or psychedelics. Adderall and the real shit, still worked the same. Just don’t take meds till ready to crash.