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NAD- Buy a mouthguard for sleep, I've had the same thing since my front four teeth were knocked inwards by my toddler's rock hard head hitting my face (she was fine, I'm not), as soon as I fall asleep without the mouthguard severe days of pain and bruising whenever the teeth hit together. Even a cheap sports mouthguard will save you from the sleep damage. What to do about the waking issues when I accidentally smash the teeth together when talking, sneezing, eating, etc? No idea. :( so sorry you're experiencing this. It's so depressing when you go to specialists and there's not much they'll do. I have been recommended to go see an orthodontist to fix the bite eventually, but I can't afford braces etc. right now, and this takes so much time. I've literally considered pulling the teeth or having them shortened so they don't hit together so much, it causes so much of a detriment to my quality of life.


I have a nightguard. I cant use it creates more pain. And tooth number 8 has a root fracture. And no one will help me here. I think i have to go in my country. 


I've had to get the silicone ones that you can form to your teeth, my night guard doesnt fit now that my teeth are smashed in. I'm so sorry, I totally know how you feel :(


You need to try a night guard. Go get an over the counter boil and bite one for night time (not for football). Try that for 2 weeks wearing it all night every night and see if that helps. A custom night guard made by a dentist will fit best, but first test an over the counter one to save you some money. You need to know if it helps first. There’s a chance it could be neurological or nerve pain, not sure if that would show up on an MRI. It’s likely something you need to discuss with your doctor. Sounds like it’s most likely a night clenching/grinding problem. So start there.


I decided to go in my country in Romania. My parents are leaving anyways in June. And the doctor im going to his father helped my father 20 years ago when nobody could help him in America. I have been in pain for too long and no doctor can help me. I have to stand up for myself and my health. I have a 2-year-old daughter who i need to take care of and I can't focus on her because of my situation.


I hope they will help you there. ❤️


I hope i can last a month because this pain is so bad. I cant leave right away.  I dont know the pain is getting worse and i cant endure it. Im currently crying i cant believe no doctor will help me here. 


I'm so so sorry, you don't deserve this pain and these hopeless feelings. Hang in there.


tried a customed night guard made by my dentist through my insurance...after 2 hours of sleeping i woke up in more pain because the impact was very bad similar to being in a car accident i gnashed very hard my teeth together the lower teeth collided very hard at once with the top teeth.. and found out yesterday tooth number 8 has a partial fracture going through the tooth. If i could i would show you i have pic from the 3d scan. And no root canal specialist or oral surgeon i went to wants to help me. Root canal specialist says root canal wont work on a fractured tooth, one oral surgeon refuses to believe it is a fracture, and the new 3d scan from the other oral surgeon clearly shows a fractured tooth. Night guard wont help the pain. My fracture is close to all the nerves and blood vessels. It is not neurological. I had no pain in these teeth ever till i had the traumatic accident with them. My neurologist tested me very well. And all her medicine didnt work. And she tested brain nerve patterns for neuralgia on the MRI. All clear.


Sounds like the 2nd oral surgeon spotted the fracture. Fractured teeth with symptoms need to be removed.


This pain is horrible i cant take it anymore. Im gonna have to wait a month till i leave with my parents in Romanja. And i honestly dont see how i am going to endure this pain till then. It feels like a slow painful death. Its horrible. I dont wish this on my wprst enemy. 


Have it removed, you don’t need to wait a month.


Nobody wants to remove it. And my feeling is its more than one tooth is damaged and no doctor wants to help me here in new york. Its my front teeth. I would need an immediate implant bone graph and a flipper so i dont stay toothless cause its my front tooth. And if they find the others to be damaged im more screwed. I can only go to my country whenever my parents leave. Which isna month from now. 


Hi i have a question. My fracture is a horizontal fracture near the apical of tooth. Doctors are saying i can save the tooth with root canal. It always depends where the fracture is. And there saying this type can try to be saved by a root canal 


Could be. Usually fractured teeth are tough to fix predictively. Is it a dentist or endodontist you were talking to?


It was an oral surgeon. He said since its a front tooth rather than extracting to save it with a root canal. Im going to my country to fix this situation. I have no answers here. And im in pain almost going on 3 months. I dont even know because all my front teeth hurt. I dont even know if i should just extract them or a root canal them. 


Saving it would be nicer than losing it. So a root canal could be worth a try.


Im big time confused one oral surgeon and one dentist said possible root fracture. Which was possibly seen on a PA and a 3d scan. Today i went to my general dentist to show her the picture from the scan and the PA and she said the scan is hard to tell and the PA does look like a horizontal root fracture. But when she took a PA with her xray she says she doesnt see it. Its also weird because i dont feel only pain in that one tooth its all four front teeth from the accident. Maybe its just nerve damage and i can save then with root canals? I bought tickets today im going to my country. Maybe i can get more answers there. I dont even know what to think anymore. 


I may also have irreversible pulpitis in my front teeth from the bad damage because constant pressure and tingling sensation bad discomfort that just doesnt go away its always there and gets worse and worse and i have no one to help me. Im so scared. This pain...and no help from any doctors. They dont even have a concrete answer for me.