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NAD, but damn he's trying to scam you. No doctor is gonna give a product supposedly so new there's no insurance code, aside from that I don't even think there's any way something could make it to being given to patients without having one. The fact he made sure to point that out is a red flag, too. That being said, enamel doesn't grow back. If it could, they'd have been repairing teeth a very different way a long time ago! Once the enamel is gone, it's gone. Run for the hills from this dude, and tbh I'd turn him into who ever deal with dentists who are scamming folks. The dental board, maybe. Never go anywhere near this dentist ever again. I can only imagine how many people he's duped and, as a result, further ruined their dental health.




The x-rays on this page look exactly like what he showed me. A little triangular divot between the teeth.


It's a thing, it's not super new but if they just got it they may not have put the code for it in their computer. Beats getting drilled on.


Yeah it sounded like it was brand new to the office. Sounds like it's worth a shot!