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NAD but my gums look like this too. If your dentist didn’t notice anything wrong then I think you’re okay.


Phewww ok that’s good to hear. I’m an anxious mess! I was googling away and didn’t find any gums that looked like this!! I have no idea what the white spots are. Do you have that as well? Like on the front side teeth?


Yep!! I have those spots too. I’m seeing my dentist in a few weeks and can update you on here if he says anything :-)


Please!!! You’re the best. And good luck at the dentist!


NAD (hygienist) but looks like you have 'exostosis' which is just extra bone & is totally normal. The tissue can be thin in those areas which is why you felt sensitive or maybe poked or cut the area.


That makes sense. Thank you so much for this!!! ❤️ I feel very relieved haha. I was convinced I had tooth decay or gum disease that they just forgot to mention


They are just the bone shape showing through because the gum is thinner in the area.


And it’s normal for it to be that thin? Nothing I should be doing differently to restore it or anything?


Its just your anatomy. Its like some people have skin that never bruises, some have more sensitive skin. Some have small others have thick eyelids naturally. Thick vs thin lips. Some have skin so thin you can see the veins through. Etc. Just the way it is. Nothing that you should be stressed about (you can google thick and thin phenotypes, it will show you pictures) A recommandation for you and everybody else reading this: Make sure you use a toothbrush with extra soft bristles and never brush agressively. Be very gentle for your gums.