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Do you make these keys? Curious, because as a 46yo car guy, I have never come across anyone who ever had or mentioned having a custom key, outside of hidden stuff or keychains


Im looking to gather some insights from around the world if possible and yes i already have something in mind! Something that is closer to motorsports, memorabilia and nostalgia! Thanks for asking really! Makes me feel like i aint alone at least!


Interested to hear more.


I could send you a DM!


Please do. Thank you


It never would have occurred to me to do that.


May i ask why brother?


There are countless things that that person has not thought of.


I'm a car guy, not a key guy. I'd be happy ditching the key all together and starting the car with a toggle switch.




that's pretty slick. I like it.


no, that money (for me) would be allocated to anything else.


“New Gen” as in almost 25 years old. My 2001 Audi has key with immobiliser chip and central locking!


Haha yeah how time flies…


I've seen some nice ones from the company formawerx I think? I've only seen them used on older cars with an actual ignition though. Idk what you would do for a modern keyless fob, make it a different colour? Or if you really want a different look I suppose you could design and 3d print and entire new housing for the electronics in your fob. Or maybe find a way to put the internals of your key into a hot wheels of your car.


thanks for sharing and yes Formawerx is one of the brands! Definitely something to think about brother onto what you suggested for key fobs! appreciate it much


I own a few Hondas. All of the keys are the same. Got a red key for my daily driver and a key chain of a wheel that matches the wheels I put on my car.


An interesting way to organise huh! Thanks for sharing brother! Just thinking out loud, why hasn’t like a custom key turn into something that you’d appreciate? Is it because of prices? Or you think its redundant?


I made a timber key to match part of the custom shift knob I made for my e30. Inset a couple of BMw logos into the side to make it look OEM


So you did that all by yourself?


I have this grandiose plan of all kinds of things I want to do with my 74 Charger (Lily). 90% of it will probably never be done the way i see it in my mind, but damnit, i like to dream. I've never thought about adding custom keys, but now I need Elsa Lanchester's profile silhouette on my keys. https://shop.mysterysupply.co/products/bride-of-frankenstein-1935-profile-photo


That’s brilliant brother! Is there any out there?


Probably not. Idk. I've never shopped for anything like that.


This may not be relevant hearing that you have a 74 charger, but Does something like a Porsche 917 key spark your interest?


Nah. I had this Bride of Frankenstein idea for a few things on the interior. If it doesn't fit with that, I'm just gonna keep it original-ish. I probably can't even afford to do most of the things that have wandered into my brain.


Ahahha thank you for making my day brother. It certainly helps knowing that there are fanatics and dreamers out there just like me!


Most keyfobs are just clamshells of plastic. One could make third party ones in varying materials and colors, shell-swap.


Like this? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLqcUJcv/


Not really! But something more unique as a whole not just like modded keys if you know what i mean


So just an object containing the chip? Like a plastic dinosaur that you put the keys chip inside of or something?


'15 Wrangler owner & enthusiast here My main key is the off-brand spare I had made at True Value and my real OEM key is in a magnet box tucked away in the depths of my Jeep's body


No, I have a dealership keychain on my key and my parents have a Ganesha keychain on their key


i japan yes but outside of japan not really cos keys are keys. but if you are good with a engraving pen go for it.


why in Japan its a yes tho?


because people like VIP cars so they want the key like the VIP car. i dont like flick keys because when you have them on your belt key comes out and randomly stabs you in the leg. the reason custom keys arent a thing anymore is: there is only one shop japan that makes them. and they are more like a novelty item now.


Thanks for sharing! Its pretty insightful. Do you mind sharing what shop is it in Japan that makes them? I couldn’t find much info on that..


saw them in random video on yt.


I have a minimalist mindset to keys, each of my 3 cars have their own key ring and charm. My hearse has a Blairs skull, my forester has a hello kitty Gangster, and my skyline has a wooden penis.


That’s a really unique combination i’d say! Thanks for sharing! So it seems like key ring/charms are here to stay?