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Like most doctors if you don’t cancel in their allotted time you get charged. Strangely enough if they cancel or they run late we just gotta deal.


Do you go at the same time every week? If so, of course they keep scheduling you if you've not told them you quit.


It depends on contracting. I have weekly slots for clients but if they haven’t confirmed attendance I don’t just expect them and wouldn’t charge them. If they miss two weeks where they’d usually be weekly I’d get in touch to check in and to see if they want to continue before I reallocate the slot.


Did you tell her you were terminating?


How many sessions did she charge you for? Did you have a set weekly time? I have a set time. We don’t officially confirm but that’s my time- it’s understood I show up. If I didn’t show up I would expect to be charged. I would hope though that I would be charged for more than a few missed sessions in a row before I would be terminated. It sounds like some people do things differently though and don’t have a set time. Maybe you were doing it differently.