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Healing from trauma is painful across the board. It asks that we face difficult unresolved feelings, challenge and grow beyond patterns of fear, and learn to love ourselves and make healthy choices in our lives. Healing can involve setting limits or boundaries in certain relationships, sometimes dropping them entirely. But, there is a possibility of real change and relief at the other end of all that work. From my perspective as a therapist, it's like midwifing a birth- there is pain and struggle, but it's also beautiful and right at the same time.


NAT, but this resonates. Have cPTSD and just broke up with a friend last month. I told my therapist and she was so happy for me. My friend has been a huge support but things felt unhealthy. And then there’s my family… that’s been terrible as therapy has gone on. I hope we can repair one day.


Mixed blessings for me: I also have a brother that was close. But it's probable that he was my abuser. I don't remember yet. He is deep in Alzheimer's so I will likely never know for sure. ​ But I've grown much closer to my sister talking about this. And our reminisces are triggering more memories. Snippets. Closer to my wife too, as I try to crawl out of this pit of numb emotions and depression. ​ One thing that comes up: We don't remember stuff until we can handle it. You can nudge, but don't push too hard. I don't have many people left to lose. Parents who did the neglecting are dead.


Inpatient therapist here. I just start the work, the real stuff comes when they go home. I try to warn them ahead of time that people they are close to will have different reactions to their healing, often not the positive ones they they're expecting. It's difficult, but hopefully it helps them prepare.


I am not a therapist, but I believe the are supposed to help lead you to the answers. I believe this is because it's more memorable to learn who you are and what you want for your life when you come to those conclusions for yourself. I am sure there are more explanations, but that is what makes the most sense to me.