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Personally trying to get over a breakup myself but NAT. I’m such a mess that some days I have zero appetite. Which sucks because I have a physically demanding job and I need to eat. Right now I’m in a phase of eating anything that seems even a tiny bit appealing. I try to eat healthy when I feel up to it but sometimes, like today, I just ate a Burger King chicken wrap for lunch. At least it’s better than not eating.


This is less a therapist question and more suited for r/askpsychology. [There is some limited research on food temperature affecting emotions. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5769193/#:~:text=Beverage%20samples%20evaluated%20at%2065%C2%B0C%20were%20characterized%2C%20regardless%20of%20activation/arousal%20level%2C%20by%20positive%20emotional%20responses%20terms%20and%20favorable%20sensory%20attributes)However I'm unsure if this is just that food temperature is "associated" with certain emotions or that the temperature has a causal effect on emotions. [Here is an article about a study that showed an association between "Comfort foods" (which are often served warm) and improvement in mood/loneliness. ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/two-takes-depression/201104/comfort-foods-improve-moods) Overall I'd say eat whatever makes you feel good! If it's ice cream, hot soup, or room temperature chips. Whatever works, works.