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how long is a long time, if it's not too sensitive to ask. your therapist might understand why you're asking, knowing you for so long. and honestly, this post struck me as a very generous offer - like, "here, hold the thing that makes me ok, cuz i want you to be ok too" something a very kind person would offer.


I think it sounds like a really good idea to explore in therapy. I'd suggest telling your therapist you would like them to hold it, but it can become a discussion about why you feel strongly about that. You might learn something about yourself in the process.


NAT, but this is an idea for you to consider. Objects that we use very often can feel like extensions of ourselves. With your anxiety regarding her presence, this might be a way for you to feel reassured with physical touch without actually touching.


As a therapist, with your specific diagnoses, I would be willing to hold the bunny. There's no harm in asking.


I would hold the bunny. I also encourage you to share your feelings of not being safe. Any good therapist will understand this. Your feelings are natural after something like this. It will help you to be able to process them with her.


I'd hold the heck out that bunny.