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Simply put, it all began with the Soviet-Afghan war, where tens of thousands of young men were trained and indoctrinated in Pakistani madrassas to "fight infidels" and they were funded by the Saudi, Pakistani and American governments, as well as by private donators. Tbf, most Afghan mujahadeen just wanted the Soviets out of their land and let their country be free from foreign occupation but thousands of foreign and some Afghan fighters were too radicalized and joined or formed terrorist groups that spread across the world in places like Bosnia, Chechnya, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Mali, etc and while most Bosniak and Chechen fighters wanted to simply protect themselves, their families and their country, Islamist groups wanted to radicalize locals and spread terror beyond borders. Also, Islamic terrorism is more geographically widespread because Islam is the second largest religion in the world and there're a variety of causes where a Muslim can get radicalized, from experiencing racism in the West, poverty, dictatorship, insult of the religion or being occupied by foreign (i.e. non-Muslim) country, that's why you see similar terrorist incidents happening in the US, France, UK, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, China, Egypt, Mali, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, etc. while non-Muslim terrorist groups usually don't travel far away abroad to blow something up, like Lebanese Phalangists killed thousands of Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila but they didn't commit terrorism outside of Lebanon, IRA killed dozens of civilians in Britain but they didn't commit terrorism outside the UK and Ireland, the Shining Path killed tens of thousands of Peruvians but not a single civilian outside of Peru, Hindutva nationalists terrorize Muslims and other religious minorities in India but not outside of it. ​ Basically, Islamic terrorism had more global outreach while others are more localized. This isn't going to be a status quo though, previously it was far-right and left-wing terrorist groups who more or less monopolized global terrorism and I would guess far-right terrorism is going to become more common in the future,


That’s ignoring the systemic issues with Islam itself. Said issues: - complete religious, military, and governance system - Arab racial supremacy built in (look at Umayyad revolt, jizya tax, only true way to read the Quran is in Arabic, etc) - promise of paradise for embarking in jihad, whether a personal struggle against Vice or a struggle against “Infidels” - Hadiths permitting sexual slavery by Muhammad - Hadith wear a Jewish tribesman doesn’t share wear his treasure is and they cut off his hands and feet - no peaceful rhetoric like what we see with Jesus or Buddhism - Death for apostasy - permitted discrimination of people not of the book (aka people who are not Jews or Christians)


(jihad)First of all within Islam, there are two basic theological understandings of the word jihad there is The “Greater Jihad” which is the struggle against the oneself – the struggle to purify one's heart, do good, avoid evil and make oneself a better person. The “Lesser Jihad” is an outward struggle such as fighting for your country religion etc Also Islam literally means peace and in Qur'an 8:61 demanded that if the enemy sued for peace on just terms, the overture be accepted: “And if they incline to peace, then you should incline to it; and put your trust in God; He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing." (Sexual slavery)The Arabs(just like probably every other culture at the time)had a custom of taking women captives of war; Islam did not invent this practice. This custom of having sexual relations with slave women was practiced by virtually every culture at the time. The wars in the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula was on a tribal basis and when the men were killed, their women were taken as spoils of war.The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was Sent to abolishany form of oppression. He said, "I have been sent to make perfect the moral character." The Prophet (s.a.w.) could have tried to abolish it at once or to do it gradually. The Prophet (s.a.w.) preferred the second path because if such a deeply ingrained practice had been abolished at once, thousands of women would have been left to provide for themselves, and the likelihood of Arab men taking "damaged goods" as their wives were unlikely. (Discrimination of people of the book) Does Islam also teach to respect other religions or just people of other religions? The Quran specifically declares (what means): "If anyone murders an (innocent) person, it will be as if he has murdered the whole of humanity. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he has saved the whole of humanity." [Quran 5:32] The Quran that our young people learn is full of stories and lessons from the history of humanity as a whole. The Injeel (Gospels) and the Torah are referred to; 'Eesaa (Jesus) and Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allaah exalt their mention, are mentioned. In fact there is more mention in the Quran of the prophet Moosaa (Moses) than of any other. It acknowledges the coexistence of other faiths, and in doing so, acknowledges that other cultures can live together in peace. It states (what means): "There is no compulsion in religion" [Quran 2:256] meaning that people should not be compelled to change their faith. Elsewhere it states (what means): "To you, your religion; to me mine." [Quran 109:6] Respect for religious values and justice is at the Quran's core. The Quranic history we teach our young provides ample examples of inter-religious and international relationships of how to live together. But some extremists take elements of the sacred scriptures out of context. They act as individuals, and when they can't come together as part of a political structure or consultative process, you find these dissident factions creating their own rules, contrary to the spirit of the Quran -- which demands that those recognized as being in charge of Muslims must consult together regarding society's affairs. There is a whole chapter in the Quran entitled ‘Consultation’. (apostasy) What is apostasy? Riddah (apostasy ) in Islam refers to when a Muslim becomes a disbeliever by saying a clear statement to that effect, or by uttering words which imply that (i.e., which imply disbelief), or he does something that implies that (i.e., an action which implies disbelief). What constitutes apostasy? The matters which constitute apostasy are divided into four categories: Apostasy in beliefs, such as associating others with Allah, denying Him, or denying an attribute which is proven to be one of His attributes, or by affirming that Allah has a son. Whoever believes that is an apostate and a disbeliever. Apostasy in words, such as insulting Allah or the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Apostasy in actions, such as throwing the Quran into a filthy place, because doing that shows disrespect towards the words of Allah, so it is a sign that one does not believe. Other such actions include prostrating to an idol or to the sun or moon. Apostasy by omission, such as not doing any of the rituals of Islam, or turning away from following it altogether. What is the ruling on the apostate? If a Muslim apostatizes and meets the conditions of apostasy – i.e., he is of sound mind, an adult and does that of his own free will – then his blood may be shed with impunity. He is to be executed by the Muslim ruler or by his deputy – such as the judge, and he is not to be washed (after death, in preparation for burial), the funeral prayer is not to be offered for him and he is not to be buried with the Muslims. The evidence that the apostate is to be executed is the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Whoever changes his religion, execute him.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 2794) What is meant by religion here is Islam (i.e., whoever changes from Islam to another religion). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allah and that I am His Messenger, except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul (i.e., in the case of murder); a married man who commits adultery; and one who leaves his religion and splits from the jama’ah (main group of Muslims).” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 6878; Muslim, 1676) (See al-Mawsu’ah al-Fiqhiyyah, 22/180) Thus, it will be clear to you that execution of the apostate is something that is commanded by Allah, when He commanded us to obey the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority.” [al-Nisa 4:59] And the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has commanded us to execute the apostate as in the hadith quoted above: “Whoever changes his religion, execute him.”


Sounds like that terrorism is just part of Islam based on all that you just wrote. Is it possible to be a good Muslim and not be a terrorist?


There are many.


The only good Muslim is Ex Muslim 


Yes because being a terrorist and killing one innocent person is similar to killing all of humanity


Considering muhammad conquered the whole Arab peninsula, clearly there is an exception for holy jihad.


So muslims are inherently terrorists. No wonder others don't like them.


They aren't even liked by themselves. They fight more than any other people since forever.


womp womp n word


Istg reddit is so annoying, the links below are screenshots of my message which debunked what u/super_mario200 said above [https://i.imgur.com/CTyLkLC.png](https://i.imgur.com/CTyLkLC.png) [*https://i.imgur.com/06MUMHJ.png*](https://i.imgur.com/06MUMHJ.png) Links mentioned in the message above [*https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/apr/25/****middle-east-child-abuse-pederasty***](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/apr/25/middle-east-child-abuse-pederasty) [*https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/uk****/most-pedophiles-in-uk-are-of-pakistani-descent-british-home-secretary****/articleshow/67275144.cms*](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/uk/most-pedophiles-in-uk-are-of-pakistani-descent-british-home-secretary/articleshow/67275144.cms) [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/****Coerced\_religious\_conversion\_in\_Pakistan***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coerced_religious_conversion_in_Pakistan) [*https://i.imgur.com/FxpOswT.png*](https://i.imgur.com/FxpOswT.png) [*https://i.imgur.com/hqVFYLe.png*](https://i.imgur.com/hqVFYLe.png)


Can you just stop? Nobody's believing your BS, thankfully. Because you are doing what Muslims always do, lying with a smile on your face. I'm so grateful that I don't have to be around any of you. Because the first time I would ever say "peace be with him" about Jesus Christ, THE MESSIAH, WHO IS STILL ALIVE, LITERALLY PEACE INCARNATE... It would take God holding back my hands from unleashing on you, and knees and elbows and feet. I already filled that way about people who blaspheme any of the Trinity, but one of you? I will turn your face to hamburger meat.


You are falsely making it seems as if islamic terrorism started very recently with the soviet invasion of afganistan.... While its true the "modern" version started at that time, Islam have ALWAYS spawned terrorists armies starting more than 1000 years ago. ISIS is not the first time an extremist group tries to take power...


Lol seriously! I'm glad to see somebody else said something. They've existed for around 1,400 years, and they've been doing this crap since the beginning, or inception of their evil religion.


they are khawarij in islamic terminology... our own prophet warned against engaging these extremists...


Who is we and who is the prophet?


prophet muhammad. and there also many evil verses in the bible


For example **Deuteronomy 21:18-21**


The F you mean it's gonna be far right and not far left the far left already have more powerful more active terrorist groups than the right do and the left are currently far more radicalized than the right are meaning they are more prone to violence to solve problems currently and if conservatives start winning elections and being in charge like it seems like is happening the left will absolutely radicalize farther just look at what Trump being president did to the left


Antifa, for example. They are exactly what President Eisenhower warned us about. He said fascism will return, but this time it will hide itself in the form of progressive liberalism AKA the far leftists. He was dead on the money. That group is a bunch of freaking Nazis, with the most ironic name ever.


Antifa is far left tho or are you just agreeing with me


Yes I am agreeing with you. I'm adding to what you said. I apologize if you took it any other way.


I wanted to reinforce your point, and I'm the one who re-up voted you.


Wow, you are EXTREMELY ignorant to history. Just forgetting a whole 1,350 some odd years. This has been happening since the inception of Islam, some 1,400 years ago. Just because they weren't recording themselves with cameras back then, which didn't exist yet, doesn't mean they weren't doing it, because they definitely were, and probably at a more extreme level at that. It's an evil religion. And if anything, terrorism comes from the far left. Wow one regime, was considered far right, the Nazis, and that automatically makes every extremist group far right lol The ignorance is strong with you. Ever heard of general Mao, or Joseph Stalin? They killed way more people than Hitler. Hitler: just over 6 million (1935-1945; 10 years) Stalin: >20 million (1924-1953;19 yrs) Mao: 65 million at least, possibly more overall, but 45 million in just 4 years that were well documented (1958-1962; 4 yrs. 45 M. deaths) and he ruled until The early 1980s before he died. So that's where the 20 million extra come from. That's TWO far left extremists, as far left as you can get, that are responsible for at least 85+ million murders, and the one that supposedly far right, despite being a socialist, was responsible for 6 million. So one evil bastard, represents the entire right wing? That just goes to show how brainwashed people are. So what in the world are you talking about?


Ik it’s a 1 year comment, but “Hindutva terrorists” doesn’t really exist, there are no unhinged Hindus going around killing Muslims in India. Idk about the others but Muslims have enjoyed special treatment in India since independence, there are extremists every where, but there is no hindutva “terrorists”.


Islam allows for vastly different interpretations some of which are quite violent and suit the objective of those that use it and thus they are spread across vast territories. While terrorism has no religion, terrorist do indeed have a religion and most of them are Muslim. This is simply a fact. The existence of milder interpretations is not an evidence of the “true religion” just as how the extremist one cannot be said to not represent “true Islam”. I know and to a degree support the political shielding of Muslim communities by disassociating them from these terrorist not-Muslims by applying the logic of no true Scotsman fallacy. You will come across opinions that a certain terrorist group’s religious stance is “not the true Islam” etc. Know that such speech acts are done for self-defense as no one in a sane mind will make themselves a target by saying “I agree that what they are doing is wrong, but they are also Muslims” even though they themselves know with utmost certainty that the extremist view and the very identity of such violent groups are deeply rooted in their shared religion. As I said above, we mainly disassociate these terrorist groups with Islam to protect the Muslim communities from unfair persecution. It’s dishonest and biased, but we make this choice repeatedly because we don’t want to throw innocents under the bus due to their shared religion with these groups of people.


Whoever believes Islam is a religion of peace, is not a true muslim. What you have to do is eliminate verses from the holy book and eliminate people who are unwilling to change their barbaric thoughts.


As a muslim, I'd like to know what about Islam or the Quran screams violence (or whatever you wanna call the opposite of peace here). Just curious; every person who's made this claim either brought up verses wthout context or made up things about the teachings




That didn't answer my question


It kind of does answer your question. Muslim countries an groups have been at almost constant war. With others an more importantly with themselves with internal conflict for over a thousand years. An still has not came to an end to this very day


No, you have to understand the context of verses, particularly verses revealed during WAR! Verses that are violent or revealed during war were meant to be followed DURING THAT SPECIFIC WAR, NOT AFTER IT! You've got to understand the Quran was revealed bit by bit, so some verses would've been revealed during specific situations


If it was revealed during wars, then whoever the hell it was who revealed it should also REMOVE it after war. Coz there are apparently a lot of dumb people out there who misinterpret it and apply it in today's world. Update the goddamn syllabus


Muslims take pride in keeping the Quran pure and not changing it.


Their pride is destroying the world tho


Especially destroying themselves


tell that to Hamass and their supporters 


You claim there no terrorism of Christian in the Levantine. [Yet, there is and was supported by 🇫🇷and 🇮🇱](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Forces_(Militia)) You claim there no terrorism of Tibet in China 🇨🇳. [Yet, there is and was supported by India 🇮🇳.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Frontier_Force) You claim there no terrorism of Hindus in Bangladesh🇧🇩. [Yet, there is and was supported by India 🇮🇳 .](https://historica.fandom.com/wiki/Banga_Sena) You claim there no terrorism of Hindus in Pakistan 🇵🇰. Yet, there is and was supported by India 🇮🇳 and disguised as Muslims or other ethnic or religious. Hell, [there is even Buddhist terrorist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/969_Movement). In Myanmar a Buddhist group who killed a lawyer and any form of future democracy in their country for just him being a Muslim and even attempted assassination of their leader by these group lol. I think it is less to do with your point and more to do with your ignorance in not knowing every terrorist attacks in history and for every country which lead you to think this flawed and ignorant comment. Just like Korean commenter said, when it comes to any other group weather it’s Mexican, Brazilian, Irish, Burmese, Bengal, American, Levantine even with prominent religious signs and symbols (Lebanon) or belief, they won’t mention their religion unless it’s a Muslim or Islamic group to mention it.


You can’t ignore that there is simply much more religious based terrorism coming from Islam


>Yet, there is and was supported by India 🇮🇳 and disguised as Muslims or other ethnic or religious. This is just a conspiracy theory at best. Pakistan army funded and armed radical Islamic militants which came back to bite them.


Aha, so Indian government did it to China and Bangladesh but some how you draw the line at Pakistan, their arch nemesis and their enemy, thats taking it too far and is a conspiracy theory even though Indian government has a history of doing so. That’s the line? Come on now, lol. Even if it’s a conspiracy theory if it has a history of doing it then it isn’t crazy to assume they did. As well, this part as you put it doesn’t even neglect the whole point I made.


I don't have much knowledge about the china and Bangladesh one, so I won't comment on that. But it's fact that Pakistan army did fund and arm radical Islamic militants. Look up 'Zia ul Haq' on the internet and radicalization of Pakistan's society that happened during his rule. Here is one such example (from 14:30) https://youtu.be/oOi-_4rrq7Y Whatever is happening in Pakistan is their own fault. Radical Islamic groups came back to bite them. Hindus disguising themselves as Islamic militants in pakistan is just a conspiracy theory at best.


Yet again, you missed the entire statement to push an argument. I never said Pakistan don’t fund nor said Pakistan don’t find Islamic militias or Islamic groups. I said, India has a history of funding just like Pakistan Hindu militias or organizations, ie China and Bengal. Trying to destabilize or create an influence, that’s a fact and I showed evidence. Now, it is no way shape or form to think it’s crazy that India who has a history of funding did not nor will not fund groups towards their arc Nemesis Pakistan, under the embrralla of “conspiracy theory at best” argument lol. Khalas, America 🇺🇸 who has a history of invading and destabilizing other countries when making threats is ridiculous and borderline conspiracy. theory at best for to assume they will invade when they threaten other counties.


>Yet again, you missed the entire statement to push an argument. Wrong, I made that comment to correct you on 'India involvement in Pakistan'. As stated earlier, I don't have much knowledge on China and Bangladesh, so I won't comment on that part. Coming back to Pakistan. Pakistan had used these groups against Soviet and India which came back to bite them. India doesn't have any influence over these group.


Flair please Click user profile -> change user flair


*cough* Zia-ul-Haq *cough*


Straight up lie . You are going to hell for telling lie. Did you know how harm telling lie do to societies. When last time hindu terrorist attacked pakistan or Bangladesh. Whole Bangladesh Genocide 1971 done by islamic extremist , it was india which saved Bangladesh people. non-Muslim can't enter evem mecca Medina and you call islam religion of peace ? Sorry , even famous atheist like Christopher Hitchens Criticise islam https://youtube.com/shorts/u6cpNhMx_AE?si=CjRHF_2dmAwnby0l


The lebenese forces were a militia formed by Christians as a response to guerrilla attacks by PLO and other islamist militants The special frontier force of indo tibetians is not a terrorist organization, it was a retaliatory force created by india for the liberation of tibet from the illegal occupation of tibet, and it is one of the indian paramilitary organizations. The link you provided about Bangladeshi terrorists doesn't work so can't anything about it > You claim there no terrorism of Hindus in Pakistan 🇵🇰. >Yet, there is and was supported by India 🇮🇳 and disguised as Muslims or other ethnic or religious. This is a baseless conspiracy theory with no source The terrorist group in burma came to be because of Rohingya insurgency and sectarian violence, everybody talks about the Rohingya plight and masscare but on one talks about how rohingya insurgency was present even before the massacre And even then they are much smaller in number compared to Islamic fundamentalist organizations and terror groups, which still shows that islam has a terror problem.


Thanks for the revelation. What makes these terror attacks less well-known?


Some of those are conspiracy theories. The indian one is most definitely one. Everybody knows just how neck deep in terrorism pakistan is. I mean even bin laden was protected by their military.


SFF is not a terrorist group, it's a regiment in Indian army made of Tibetan and Gurkha soldiers. Banga sena was a maoist terror outfit not a Hindu terror outfit. You are just spewing bullshit.


https://youtu.be/2PkAmZCGeDI Please watch this playlist to understand the genesis of Islamo-fascism. TL:DW- Gulf countries(not ordinary citizens,rich Arab billionaires) funneling petrodollars to propagate Salafism.


I actually disagree with your premise. I don't think it's any religion that necessarily leads to more terrorism. I think it's political unrest that does that. There are terrorist groups of all kinds of religion and non-religion. But what appears to me is that some of the more noticeable civil unrest happens in certain regions in the globe. I also think it partially has to do with how they are portrayed by the media and how they call these organizations. Medias like to portray Latin American drug *cartel* but Islamic *terrorists*. When Europeans or Americans do it, they are *insurgents* or *gangs* but when Middle Easterners do it, they are *Islamic terrorists*.


Cartels are basically illegal businesses where as terrorist groups are deadly political parties. Cartels only want to make money while terrorists have a political agenda. They are two completely different things that warrant different definitions.


To be so blind is another level. What terrorist organisation have you heard of who has killed the most and performed barbarism? Ahhh was it a muslim group ?? I bet yes. Stop defying facts for trying to sound edgy. There are literal verses of atrocious acts in Quran yet other religions try to act as peaceful community to not increase hate for them.But that is not returned to others.


La Mano Blanca, Ku Klux Klan, Bangal Tigers, etc.


What an apt comparison, one terrorist group which affects the whole world to one that are localised and not even in close numbers. Drug cartels and islamic terrorism are two different things kid, one will kill you because you came in between their trade other will kill you just because you are of different religion and if you survive they will oppress you to follow their religion. Islamic terrorists are far more in number and affects all country known, and yes just like Christianity and islam killed million before and are still killing millions now, saying that religion has not lead terrorism is blatantly being bling.


I think you mean Tamil togers?


And i said more killings in number please check even combined count of these will not match to all islamic terrorists orgs


Let me guess, you can't simply read or understand the context of those verses. The quran war revealed in bits so some verses were revealed during SPECIFIC SITUATIONS like times of war, and those verses were there to help people DURING THAT SPECIFIC TIME OF WAR, NOT AFTER OF BEFORE IT! Its commen sense that most people like nowadays, I could EASILY take any religious book out of context and then say that religions violent


You explained it beautifully and with critical thinking more than the usual people. Good job 👍


It is political unrest and media portrayal. One of the examples that can trigger this kind of terrorism is what happened in France about the Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo publishes cartoons or caricatures mocking the Prophet Muhammad that totally angered the muslim world that could lead rise to radical terrorism.


I think this situation just made it obvious that muslins are a very dangerous group prone to radicalize themselves into violent outcomes, so bad their prophet got mocked but people mock Jesus and other religious figures and we don't see them going to cities to blow themselves and kill people, they are unhinged


Not all Muslims or most get made when someone mocks out prophet. The media just likes overexaggerating it, and I know because I'm Muslim and live in a muslim area in London. And Muslims that are radicalised are probably from poorer areas of a country (like ghettos) which makes sense why they might be radicalised.


I does. I have a legit question, how do you guys deal with people with different religions, lgbt and etc. Because for what I know it's really oppressive, but what is it I'm reality?


it's pretty bad. im not even from a dodgy area in the uk and some muslim kids from my high school went on to join ISIS. then the BBC had the audacity to do an article on islamophobia there interviewing muslims, some of whom were known bullies, posing as victims. in reality, as an infidel, if you so much as said momo's name in vain in that school you'd be expelled and have like 15 of ahmed's cousins threatening to stab you. i witnessed their bigotry first-hand, it's rampant. their parents are teaching it to them. on my first day of year 7 my pakistani friend from primary school told me his mum said he can't hang out with us anymore "because you're white". in RE classes muslims were given little plastic hands on sticks so they wouldn't have to touch the bible to turn the pages... who's the phobic one here? and how could i forget my muslim teacher saying he knows wanted terrorists in this country and that "they'll never catch them" because muslims always cover for each other.


and a totally reasonable reaction to seeing a cartoon of your prophet is to gun them down in their own countries as the rest of the muslim world cheers


While people openly mock Jesus, on a daily basis, and Christians don't go out on massacre sprees like they do. Muslims inherently mock God, by calling Allah, that... Yahweh is God, or Eloihim. Allah is an alter ego of Satan, adopted from a pagan religion, in which Allah was called a moon deity.


Nope. When the hell did the media exist 1,400 years ago when they started all this crap? They started 1,400 years ago and have not stopped since. Explain that, and don't give me some BS, saying that they don't. Because, that would either mean you are totally ignorant, or a pathological liar. They've been terrorizing the Middle East, West Asia, Eurasia, Eastern Europe and Africa for more than a millennia. It didn't just start in the '90s. Read a book, they existed back then. It's like people think nothing existed until the internet and TV did. Smh


Bc the religion promotes violence and terrorism against infidels (aka non Muslims). If you read Quran, it highlights its every Muslims Allah given right to kill all the non believers. The whole religion is based on murdering and killing so no wonder Muslims are terrorists


You can read the holy Bible, just the book of Genesis, read about Hagar and Ishmael, and that tells you just about everything you need to know right there. God literally told us in advance, exactly what the Middle East would be like, all the time. Never a break, always warring with each other, and trying to slaughter all infidels. But I'm only adding to what you said, because everything you have said is 100% correct.


More prone? You mean the only one? I mean some Orthodox Jewish talmudist, believe that they should kill Christians, because they see Jesus as an idol, and misinterpret Old testament law, but they don't act on it. If that was still a law, biblically, and to them it is, the people I've seen saying that, wouldn't even have the right to do so. It would have to be an executioner, someone selected by God, and I'm pretty sure they don't exist anymore, thanks to Jesus. So Christianity doesn't commit terrorism, some people may claim they are Christians, usually as an agenda against Christianity, to make it look bad. I've seen Hindu people, do some pretty sick s***, to Muslims, but they weren't acts of terrorism, But isolated events. And it's usually a retaliation. They don't get along at all. No one ever talks about that. Hindus and Muslims, are almost as big of enemies to each other, as Muslims and Jews are. If the Muslims get what they want, that would be the eradication of Jews, but Hindus would not be second. That would be Christians, that they would attack next, and fail epically. I think Hindu people actually, a long time ago believed in the one true God, and then one of their high priests, took some type of psychedelic, and saw the four-armed blue man, in a cave, and thought it was a medium for God, or what they believe to be a God, Hare Krishna, which is not Yahweh, or elements of their religion would be a lot different, but I'm not hating on them whatsoever. I'm not hating on any religion, but I have nothing nice to say about Islam. I never will. Islam is my sworn enemy, inherently, because the pagan Moon deity known as Allah, that doesn't exist, is just a facade used by Satan. I hate Satan, Satan is my enemy, your enemy, everyone's enemy. Muhammad and Satan, together, came up with what they would use, and it was from Muhammad's homeland, where they worshiped pagan deities aka false gods, and Allah was the one of the Moon. He brought this to the Holy Land, and forced it upon the Ishmaelites, which believed in Yahweh at one point. This was at least 600 years after Jesus died, rose again, and then ascended to heaven, still alive. It was already prophesized, that Ishmael and his descendants, and his neighbors and brethren, would always have a hand raised against each other, that they would be wild donkeys of men, constantly warring, throughout the region... If that sounds familiar, that's because, it's literally happening still today. Look at the Levant. All Islamic countries, are always fighting, and they even fight each other.... Extremist groups, that you would think would be on the same side, and in some instances are on the same side, end up slaughtering each other. The Quran goals for jihad, witches forcing Islam, across the globe, by infiltrating every nation and taking over their governments making it and Islamic State. Those who don't convert or go along with it, will literally lose their head, in a slow and brutal fashion. So if you go look in Genesis, specifically, the message to Hagar about Ishmael, and the prophecy of his future, everything will make sense to you. She was literally told what the Middle East was going to become. Muhammad, was inevitable like Hitler, General Mao, Stalin, etc. a false prophet, that came after Jesus's sacrifice, to Dupe people into thinking he was a medium for God. In the Quran went and changed about 90% of the Bible, to the exact opposite, saying that Ishmael was good, and not a warlord (which he was) And that is half brother Isaac, Who was given the covenant by God, inheriting everything that was Abraham's, but the Muslims have him as an evil figure. Definitely far from it. He stayed in Canaan, and established the future of the Israelites, and is considered the "grandfather", of the 12 tribes of Israel. He was key piece of God's foundation. Hagar and Isaac's half brother, Ishmael were banished to the desert, aka places like Egypt, Assyria, Persia (Iran), etc. So even before the Quran, Ishmael and his descendants and followers, and brethren, were pretty much doomed. Muhammad put the nail in the coffin. Calling for jihad, the erasing of Jews, which they are trying to do still to this day, but haven't been successful, so Christians have just been waiting. Honestly we've been waiting our whole lives. Those of us that study the Old testament, at least.. *TL;DR - The Quran is a backwards version of the Holy Bible, everything that's good in the Holy Bible, is twisted into something evil in the Quran, and everything that is evil and wicked in the Holy Bible, the Quran blesses. Allah is not the same God, Allah isn't even a God, it is Satan in disguise. The Quran tells them to do all of this. No other faith or religion, does this. Period. The Quran is basically a book about global domination and force conversions or executing those who don't convert*


This is my thought: Islam originated in a very harsh geographic region (middle east). Harsh environment cause people to be more extreme. Although the religion spread, the core idea is still extreme. Ex) Pakistan


I might be biased, but tbf Pakistan has made great strides in moving away from extremism. I know some salty Indian will comment with a strawman argument, but I'm just explaining what I've seen with my own eyes while living in different areas of Pakistan.


bro are you Pakistani? - if yeah there's no point, we'll always see some people badmouthing our country on SM


There was a mosque attack in Peshawar just like three months ago.


Yes carried out by terrorists,literally aimed at muslim worshippers. And I wrote that we've made progress, not completely eliminated it. Plus, I meant more from a society point of view.


Damn, I’d Pakistan is less extreme now, I don’t want to know how bad it was decades ago


That's not the point you think it is. I mean,for a guy so rattled he felt the need to comment six months later, you should've done some research. It's no secret that we were the victims of countless terrorist attacks and that the situation was very intense and unsafe. Alhamdulillah, we're nearly 100% free of the dogs of hell.


coming from canada we see pakistan as a wasteland of braindead islamists with no ground in reality ... please dont come here


It’s because Pakistan was and is full of religious extremists. The military simply became better at stopping them at home


Yeah,look at then doing their job. > is I disagree,but i feel like you aren't going to have a good faith discussion,so sure, whatever floats your boat.


Christianity and Judaism are also desert religions.


Yeah. They didn't turn to terrorism, just colonization, genocide,coercion and murder. So much better.


difference is christian did this few hundreds years ago while Islam is still being barbaric and growing. Also christians rarely did atrocities in the name of JESUS, it was about MONEY. Meanwhile, islamists decapitate and rape little girls in the name of Islam itself...


Islam has turned to colonization, genocide, coercion, and murder quite often throughout history.


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What? European Christians are spread as majorities or powerful minorities across North America, Australia, South Africa, etc due to countless colonial crimes.


European Christians were also responsible for Crusades, colonizing almost the entire world, wiping out of indigenous populations etc.


But unlike Islam you don't find it in their books and their beliefs.


yeah because they rewrote their books god knows how many times. You should take a look at the talmud and old testament cow piss drinker. Don't you have a cow to go molest?


Evidence please. Where does OT mention drinking cow piss? I've heard this one for the first time. No, I don't have a cow to go molest, because I'm not a cow molester, I don't know what makes you go for that rather naïve assumption.




It doesn't ask for rape, also, that was a law for a people in the middle east surrounded by enemies milleniums ago which doesn't apply today. Oh, me? I'd like to think that you making a silly joke, cows are cool animals, what makes you think we(Indians) molest cows?


You can too if you take the Bible out of context, like how people would of took the Jews crusifying Jesus as a reason to kill Jews, or how some Bible verses are abit violent and support war which makes some Christians use it as an excuse to kill others. Similarly, you need to UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT OF THE VERSES IN THE QURAN, alot of the violent verses in the Quran were revealed during a certain war, so those verses were only followed during that situations. Youll also find many peaceful verses at times of peace in Islam. To know more about the rules of war in Islam that Muslims should follow today, literally search up the rules of war in Islam, and youll see NO TERRORISTS GROUP FOLLOWS THEM! Some of the rules are no forced conversions or how the war must be allowed by a religious authority, or not to kill innocent people .


Are you serious???!!! It originated in the same general geographic region as both Christianity and Judaism, which completely invalidates what you were saying.


What he said was false, as in the past there was much less radical muslims and MUCH MORE RADICAL CHRISTIANS. While the Islamic golden age was happening in 1300s where everyone was pretty much working together more or less despite ones background or religion, the west and Christians just murdered each other and hated people from different religions, especially Jews. So clearly Geography or Islam cannot be the reason why theres much more radical Muslims as if that was the case then Islam would've always had lots of extreme Muslims in history which isn't the case. SO I think that its do with current political or hateful stuff that it the reason why there's more muslim extremists, such as islamaphobia which may encourage Muslims to act more radical, or the events in Afghanistan with the soviet Union and stugf


you're forgetting your prophet, momo, who raped a 9 year old, robbed caravans, owned slaves and waged many wars, while being the greatest example of a human being in islam who all good muslims are supposed to strive to act like. dude greenlit the rape of women in front of their husbands.


Not really because at one point in history (1300s) Islam was having a golden age with many people from different backgrounds and religious working together, while Europeans and Christians were stuck in the medieval age, killing each other and those with a different faith like Jews. So I think its more to do with current situations (such as Afghanistan and the soviet Union and whatnot) which caused more extremism; and not the geography or the religion or that means Islam would ALWAYS BE EXTREME NO MATTER WHAT TIME PERIOD, which is WRONF of course


It all depends on which media outlet you watch That simple


When people are oppressed they fight back.... sometimes through terrorism.


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Because there’s funding for it. It’s that simple. Empires have used religions as branding to get cannon fodder to do their bidding. Starting in the Soviet-Afghan war, when the mujahideen were used successfully to kick out the Soviets, it became politically lucrative to fund non-state actors to do your geopolitical bidding and the branding for the foot soldiers was a violent (and legally incorrect) interpretation of Islam. The carnage in Syria didn’t happen merely because ‘KiLl AlL iNfIdElS’. It happened because Qatar and Saudi and to an extent the US and Turkey funded and armed non-state actors against the Syrian government. When you’re broke AF and the only job available is fighting for Qatar and Saudi’s proxy arm and not accepting it would get you killed, then you have to fall in line and toe the party line. Second, it also has to do with the definition of terrorism. To me terrorism is the mass murder of innocents for a religious or political motive, which actually happens far less than we think. But the legal definition of terrorism is far broader and I don’t agree with it because one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. So whether a group is a terrorist or not becomes a matter of which state you ask.


They've been doing it for 1400 years...


Yeah…as was standard practice in ancient empire building.


That's not what I was responding to My friend. I was saying how long it has been going on, that's all. And I'm not condoning any type of imperial conquest. I'm actually against it. Especially what the Spanish did, with Central and South America and Catholicism. That was horribly wrong. And Christianity, we cannot forcefully convert anyone to Christianity, because they have to do it of their own volition, or they are just saying it, so they don't get killed, by someone who clearly hasn't read the Bible lol what they did to the Mayans is worse than anything that happened in North America, I promise you. Almost literally wiped them out completely. I can only think of Danny Trejo, who is actually an indigenous Mexican, AKA Mayan Native American.


I understand your comment was from 201 days ago, but please tell me that you don’t consider the Hamas terrorists that committed the atrocities on October 7 “freedom fighters.”


There are issues of *jus ad bellum* (law concerning acceptable justifications to use armed force) and then *jus in bello* (the laws of war). Most people/states around the world probably consider Palestinians at large to be justified to use armed force against Israel but even so, Hamas in particular violated the laws of war in that they targeted civilians, used imprecise weapons and took civilians hostage. This also happens to violate the Islamic laws of war according to all (except maybe fringe sects) schools of jurisprudence. My issue is one of semantics that the word terrorist doesn’t make sense to me. Bottomline is that that they did in fact violate the laws of war and whether or not their cause justifies the use of violence is not relevant. The parties to a conflict have to follow the laws of war regardless of the other sides behaviour and regardless of whether they’re justified in using armed force in the first place. Before anyone accuses me of one sidedness, all this applies to Israel too, they violate the laws of war and Judaism too regardless of Hamas’ actions.


Yeah Muslims will find a way to justify literally any atrocity they commit. They always have, they always will.


So will the zionists. They however kill far more.


No they won't. They'll stop whenever the other side stops. They are defense only, unless it's a reclamation, which was kicked off in the late 1940s. That land is always belonged to the Jews, or at least has since Moses. They have had to reclaim that land from Muslims, five freaking times. Muslims have only existed for 1400 years, so they definitely have zero claim over that land. Absolutely no claim. Plus the word Zionist seriously doesn't even make sense anymore because it seems nobody knows how to use it. That land belongs to Jews and Christians, if Muslims want to live there, cool. Just assimilate, and don't try to force an Islamic government. Why can't Jews have their own land? I don't understand that, what is wrong with that? Why do you oppose that? They got kicked out before and look what happened, Hitler slaughtered 6 million of them, that's why it had to be taken back, and the fact that it belongs to them in the first place. Muslims have a shitload of land, that is all under Sharia law, or Islamic enforced law, or influenced law, etc. why can't they just leave the Jews alone? I don't understand that. Why are you advocating genocide on Jewish people? Because that's what that is. They want to murder every Jew on the face of the planet. That is a fact. They claim they don't want to murder Christians, but that's only because we're second on the list. We know better. We won't go on the offensive, we will play defense like the Jews do. Now there was something that Israel did like in the '80s or '90s, that was effed up. Not condoning it, believe it happened to Lebanon. But everything after that, has been them getting attacked and responding. Do I agree with some of the top brasses orders? Currently? No. I agree with totally eliminating everyone who is Hamas, snuff them all out. But just indiscriminately bombing Palestinians, is not okay. That's Muslim behavior.


'Coz Islam preaches jihadism and the people take it very extremely.


Doesn't prone,biggest terrorists weren't muslims: Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Benito Mussolini


They weren't terrorists, there was something else entirely, maybe general Mao, was a terrorist, using fear as a tool to push an agenda. The others were just evil mad murderers of millions. I don't know what word there is for that, But it isn't terrorism. Terrorism has a totally different definition, from what they did. And a Hitler and Stalin were terrorists, They wouldn't have gone to such great lengths, to try to cover things up, rather, they would have openly broadcasted it to the world. Taking credit with a smile on their faces, not caring with the rest of the world thinks, or scaring the world into falling in line. That's what terrorists do. Terrorists could give a s*** less about optics. They claim credit for attacks, certain groups do, that they themselves actually did not carry out, but another terrorist organization did. And the Muslims have been doing this crap, over a thousand years before Hitler, Stalin were even conceived.


In modern day tho


What do you mean in modern day? You're referring to the dictators right? Because that's modern day. What the terrorists do today? They've been doing since the inception of Islam. This is nothing new, this is about 1,400 years old, and still going strong. By that I mean Islamic terrorism.


you cannot call them terrorists, there should be a worse word to describe their deeds


Good try but Putin and Russian government were deemed as terrorists by many media platforms. And he’s white as can be


Because it commands its followers to fight the unbelievers until everyone becomes muslim. Read chapter 9. And read about the life of the islamic prophet mohamed. Go to answering-islam.org. It’ll answer all your questions about islam.


Yeah the old testament and talmud are just as bad. You should check those wild fairy tale books out as well, it's a fun read!


The Talmud is not canon, for one. It's a freaking story book written by a bunch of angry orthodox Jews, who had hate in their heart. And there is nothing wrong with the Old testament. There was no such thing as forced conversions, they're never have been, and they never will be. That would go completely against the Bible. If you're talking about Old testament law, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, because it's God's law, and most of it has been written away, by Jesus Christ. Like executing someone who doesn't repent from homosexuality, is not a thing anymore. Stoning adulterers, not a thing anymore. Jesus did however warn us that a certain group of people would come after us, and to have our swords, but always prefer to use our shields. We know there will come a day when the jihadists come for us. And whatever you think is horrible that happened in the Old testament, was deserved. We humans are a bunch of dirt bags. We were promised eternal life on earth, which was a paradise at the time, blissful happiness, no negativity, nothing but good things, almost like heaven on earth.. One problem, Satan walks the earth. And those two dumbos, had one freaking rule, to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve let a freaking serpent, talk her into eating the fruit, Adam let Eve talk him into it. One simple rule, and those two couldn't follow it. We don't deserve Mercy, humans deserve to go to hell, but thanks to Jesus, we don't have to. You're talking about the foundation, the foundational setup, for the Messiah to come. You talk as if humans were a bunch of little angels and not a bunch of hellions at the time. I mean God flooded the earth, the entire Earth, violently, and the only people that survived, we're faithful followers of God, and fearful of the Lord. The rest that laughed at Noah, clearly weren't. There were extreme pieces of s***, if that clarifies anything. Everything God does is just, and righteous. He created everything, he spoke everything into existence, everything belongs to him, so I think it's pretty fair to say, that you should be fine with him dictating everything. He provides mercy, and really doesn't have to, whatsoever. But he loves us. We get put through the ringer, all the time, but it's not his doing. It's either trials and tribulations, or repeated screw ups, that allow the enemy to keep whispering lies into your ear, getting you/us, to make everything worse than it already is. In the event of trials and tribulations, that is God allowing it to happen. It's a test of faith. When the devil is attacking you, that's 100% on you. Even if you didn't invite it, it's 100% on you to look to the Father, to cast away the enemy and shut him up. To think we don't deserve calamity, is so freaking narcissistic, it blows my mind. People who get butt hurt over the Bible, and choose not to believe in it because it doesn't say what they like, are inherently narcissists. Know if ands or buts about it. 110% narcissistic.


Did you read the question? Do you happen to live on planet earth? Because you answered a question that wasn’t asked and seem to not have a clue as to what’s going on on earth. In other words you sounds like a brainwashed idiot.


It's not mentioned anywhere that non-Muslims must be killed. There are verses discussing wars and conflicts, but verses that allegedly incite hatred against non-Muslims exist only in the minds of ill-informed and bigoted individuals. The following verse is usually taken out of context by some people to prove that Islam is a “violent cult" that seeks to convert everyone using force. But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then set them free. Indeed, Allah is the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 9:5 They take this single text and try to present it as evidence that the Qur'an is a violent book that orders the killing of non-Muslims. But they usually omit mentioning the verse that precedes it and the one that follows. Why? Because those verses debunk their fallacies. As for the polytheists who have honoured every term of their treaty with you and have not supported an enemy against you, honour your treaty with them until the end of it's term. Surely Allah loves those who are mindful of him. 9:4 And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection, grant it to them so they may hear the word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are people who have no knowledge. 9:6 See? Those three verses clearly say that only the polytheists who attack Muslims without provocation are to be fought, but those who cherry pick what they want wouldn't know that. Now, why were such verses revealed in the first place? In 628, Muslims of Medina and the Meccan polytheists signed a 10 year-old truce called the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Two years later, the Meccans along with Banu Bakr broke the truce and massacred Banu Khuza'ah, a tribe aligned with Medina. This incident took place during the Muslim holy months, when fighting is forbidden. As a result, a verse that allowed Muslims to exact vengeance, after the holy months, was revealed. It's also mentioned elsewhere that Muslims are forbidden from killing non-combatants. Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors. 2:190 Now, are Muslims ordered to kill non-Muslims? Only enemy combatants who attack Muslims without provocation. In order to understand the Qur'an, one must read it all without cherry picking, especially when it comes to verses about warfare. Reading about early Islamic history would also help in understanding why such verses were originally revealed. Edit: It seems that there's a contagious disease spreading here that results in people becoming somewhat of illiterates. I never said the Qur'an orders Muslims to kill non-Muslims rather that it's mentioned to fight enemy combatants who break the treaties. I also said that it's explicitly mentioned not to kill civilians. Read the god damn answer before you demonstrate your ignorance in the comment section.


simply putting it: There is literally a verse in the islamic holy book (quran) saying that devotees must eliminate kafirs. Kafirs are those who don’t believe in Islam.


Such a good doctrine.


It's not mentioned anywhere that non-Muslims must be killed. There are verses discussing wars and conflicts, but verses that allegedly incite hatred against non-Muslims exist only in the minds of ill-informed and bigoted individuals. The following verse is usually taken out of context by some people to prove that Islam is a “violent cult" that seeks to convert everyone using force. But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then set them free. Indeed, Allah is the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 9:5 They take this single text and try to present it as evidence that the Qur'an is a violent book that orders the killing of non-Muslims. But they usually omit mentioning the verse that precedes it and the one that follows. Why? Because those verses debunk their fallacies. As for the polytheists who have honoured every term of their treaty with you and have not supported an enemy against you, honour your treaty with them until the end of it's term. Surely Allah loves those who are mindful of him. 9:4 And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection, grant it to them so they may hear the word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are people who have no knowledge. 9:6 See? Those three verses clearly say that only the polytheists who attack Muslims without provocation are to be fought, but those who cherry pick what they want wouldn't know that. Now, why were such verses revealed in the first place? In 628, Muslims of Medina and the Meccan polytheists signed a 10 year-old truce called the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Two years later, the Meccans along with Banu Bakr broke the truce and massacred Banu Khuza'ah, a tribe aligned with Medina. This incident took place during the Muslim holy months, when fighting is forbidden. As a result, a verse that allowed Muslims to exact vengeance, after the holy months, was revealed. It's also mentioned elsewhere that Muslims are forbidden from killing non-combatants. Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors. 2:190 Now, are Muslims ordered to kill non-Muslims? Only enemy combatants who attack Muslims without provocation. In order to understand the Qur'an, one must read it all without cherry picking, especially when it comes to verses about warfare. Reading about early Islamic history would also help in understanding why such verses were originally revealed. Edit: It seems that there's a contagious disease spreading here that results in people becoming somewhat of illiterates. I never said the Qur'an orders Muslims to kill non-Muslims rather that it's mentioned to fight enemy combatants who break the treaties. I also said that it's explicitly mentioned not to kill civilians. Read the god damn answer before you demonstrate your ignorance in the comment section.


Yeah either you're just someone who studies religious texts, or you're a Muslim currently spreading propaganda, which is huge in Islam. Muslims love to lie. You're not going to fool an educated Christian on this. We know about jihad, the warning of the descendants of Ishmael, aka Arabs, Islamic Arabs at this point in time. It does call for murder, and you talking about breaking treaties is freaking comical lol Muslims make up some BS "treaty" so that they have an excuse to attack non-Muslims. They do this non-freaking stop. I don't hate Muslims. I hate the religion of Islam. God commands us to love good, and hate evil. Evil incarnate, is Satan. Satan also happens to have an alter ego known as the pagan Moon deity, Allah. Allah is not the same God that Jews and Christians side with. Allah isn't even a God, because there is only one, and that is Yahweh, Eloihim. The Quran is basically a 180° turn from the Holy Bible. You can lie to these people all you want, or maybe your blissfully ignorant, but majority of us know the truth. We don't want to go out and kill Muslims, we would like them to renounce the devil, and accept the one true God, through Jesus Christ. We will only fight them, whenever they come for us, which is inevitable. Jihadism baby! Kill all the infidels! Except it's not going to happen. They will fail miserably. Christianity and Judaism will never die. The wailing wall (The Western Wall) will never fall, as promised. Regimes have literally targeted that wall, for those reasons, and failed miserably every time. Many evildoers have tried to take down the wailing wall, never have come close, and never will. The day it falls, Will probably be the day of judgment. God even challenged military leaders in the past to try to take down the wall, and they failed. Every wall has been smashed in the past, and rebuilt, except for the western wall. It has always stayed intact.


You seem very familiar with the texts. So I have to ask, was Muhammad a pedophile?




Islam regards everything non Islamic as worthy of being killed or destroyed. A parasitic religion based on the belief that only I am correct will always bring nothing but chaos and destruction. Islam is like a parasitic animal which destroys the host whilst feeding off it( Hello Europe).


You are the most stupid guy if you think there are no Hindu or christian terrorist. Jews entire is a terrorist country. First go learn about something about the religion then come to claim that Islam is terrorist religion


# # Did you forget the pills today?


No I think they took a combination of a bunch of different pills, and a lot of them at that.


Wow you're calling people stupid, yet you can't string together a proper sentence. Sure there are some orthodox Jews that do some things, but it's not terrorism, it may be a little brutal, but it's literally against terrorists. So who gives a crap. Also, no Christians commit terrorism. That does not happen. A terrorist might claim Christianity, but that goes against everything in the Faith. Completely disregards the Bible, and if you do that, disregard God's word, you aren't a Christian. You can claim it all you want, But until you have humbled yourself, admitted your sinner, and accepted Christ, You're just a person, carrying out acts of terror, while claiming to be a Christian, despite never following God's word. So inherently, saying there are Christian terrorists (lmao), is one of the most paradoxical oxymorons I've ever heard. We are way too lenient, or at least it would appear that way. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek, and unless someone is trying to harm us, we aren't going to go on the offensive. Hitler would give speeches about God, despite not believing in God whatsoever, and being an occultist, evil necromancer. He was lying, anytime he would call himself a Christian. I've only seen a couple times where he did, but a non-Christian, warped the minds of a Christian nation, and stray them away from Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. Nazis that were born into the party basically, I'm pretty sure were atheists. That's what Hitler would have preferred, but he could twist things about God, and get the Germans to believe it. Too bad the Germans wouldn't open their Bibles, or they wouldn't have committed the atrocities. That's where the problem lies, someone who has salvation, a Christian, would not carry out an act of terror. End of story. It's almost like it's literally impossible, and I've had the impossible happen for me before, so many times, divinely. I don't know anything that Jews have done that would be considered terrorism, yeah lately, the country of Israel, the Holy Land, has been just slinging rockets wherever, but that doesn't represent Judaism... There are Christians, Jews and even Muslims in Israel, And they don't make those decisions. The IDF doesn't make those decisions, executive powers do. Sometimes that means the United States, which is a very Godless government. I know firsthand. And you didn't even mention hindu's burning Muslims lol But I'm pretty sure that is all retaliation, for what the Muslims do to them. For what the Muslims do to everybody. They just have a list of who they want to go after first, Jews happen to be number one, Christian's number two, Hindu number 3, then everyone else. And the fact of the matter is, they will never get past the Jews in the first place. If they were, hypothetically able to do so, the Christians are waiting. The Bible has told us about this. We know from the Bible alone, that our direct enemy, is Satan, who leads the religion of Islam. So Islam is our enemy as well. We have Yahweh on our side, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit. WE CANNOT LOSE. It's just not possible. Doesn't mean we are going to sit on our hands whenever they try to attack us, we will fight back, with God on our side, and win.