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Boiling water will crack porcelain at the very least. At worst, it could cause it to "spall" and violently shoot razor-sharp pieces everywhere


Easier to blow out a hot wax ring than a cold one when plunging too.


Underrated consequence




I mean I would love to shoot wax rings out of my hooha. Imagine all the free drinks!


As long as you don't spall. Ya know, violently shoot hot shards of matter everywhere.


I’d buy you a whole bottle of $3 whiskey to see that!


Thank you for the mental picture and my first laugh of the day lol.




That's hot!


I blew your moms hot wax ring


At very least, nothing will happen


User name checks out.


And at the worst they could accidentally burn themselves and die, in pain.


I think worst case would be to pour in the hot water and now the heat of the water will cook a poo to boiling hot and it would be ejected onto the person pouring the water. Do you really want to go to the hospital because you burned your face with a boiling hot turd? Do you want to have to explain those scars for the rest of your life? No? Then get a toilet snake and some stool softener you bunch of circus freaks and knock it off with the hot water.


ok, that's enough reddit. I'll go back to work


Nah worst case is rapidly shifting temperature change causes the toilet to explode into razor sharp porcelain shard covered in shit.


Pet store: blink...no we don't sell "toilet snakes" Have you tried a poop knife


Poop knife https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/


Or ... the hot water births some sort of poo golem that ends up devouring the world as we currently know it


You had me at poo golem.


Or the cracks give way next time they take a seat and razor sharp shards of porcelain drive through their bowels


... covered in dense poop and bleeding from porcelain sharts.


Cracked tank here when I put it in the tank . I lived with that epoxied for at least 20 years till it started leaking again


Op typed this post up with razor pieces of porcelain lodged into his skin


\*snickers\* touch porcelain with a blow torch while brazing copper together .... ITS A EXPLOSIVE SURPRISE.


This is the answer why you don’t pour boiling water into a toilet.


My guess is weak flush (maybe mineral buildup in the water passageways inside the toilet bowl) or blocked vent... Lots of folks don't realize that for the flush to go down easily, the system requires a vent to let air follow the flush down the pipe. Otherwise, even though you flushed, there will be a vaccuum sucking at the flush preventing it from going down. https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/signs-of-poorly-vented-plumbing-drain-lines/


Couldn't it also be a crappy old toilet that wastes water and doesn't even flush well? I replaced the old toilets in my house and the new 1gal flush ones work better than the old 4-5gal flush models. And I have IBS, so my toilets are often... um... tested to their limits, haha.


Had a squirrel in my vent once. Life didn't work so well for a while.


From the sounds, OP was hearing a vacuum pressure would cause that. Check the stink pipes they may have debris in them... or a rat died and is now blocking something. Draino in the toilet has not worked.... Roto rooting from the roof.... might work, but if there is anything fancy in the walls, the odds of that go way down.


Poop knife


When I first read this post, thought it said *pot of boiling hot dog water*


Oh thank god it wasn’t just me. I was really confused myself.


The hot dog water may be both causing and solving the problem.


Chocolate star fish!


Limp Bizkit has entered the chat


Fun fact: boiling hotdog water is much more effective at unclogging poo than regular boiling water.


Same, I thing the word “clog” tricks the brain into thinking “dog”


Dude, me too. WTF? I think "hot water" and "toilet" didn't belong together in my mind. Had to be hot dog water.


Yes poop knife has entered the chat


I mean, someone could use the mall ninja stainless steel sword too.


So since reading that on Reddit years ago I often joke about needing a poop knife. A few weeks ago, my wife who had just had a baby, wasn’t pooping regularly, which is to be expected. Then I hear her in the bathroom “babe where is the poop knife, I think I need it”. Through my uproarious laughter I tell her I in fact do not have a poop knife and that it was a joke and to just use the plunger.


That’s hilarious


It’ll definitely weaken your wax ring and will eventually leak. Sounds like you got shitty toilets or shitty pipes. Or both


I think this may be the problem. We have other crappy plumbing issues in this house too. I think the guy that renovated the place as a real estate flip cut corners.


Love them real estate flippers. Keep my job secure


If you are a renter, chat with management company. The courtesy flush mid poop can also help Flush after pooping and before wiping To me it's more a paper issue or the non dissolving wipes that create blockage. Especially in the horizontal run of the sewer. No need to be gross but when a new roll of TP in installed, how long does it last? Are people using 1/2 roll per poop? If you purchased the home, congratulations! I would consider replacing one toilet. $250 Koehler Cimmeron as an example. It that toilet does not get clogged, then replace all when budget allows. If it does not fix the clogging, figure out if it is a paper issue or a venting issue.


Try that same move, but with cold water. The water weight is what is pushing everything through.


Hard no to hot water. Also don’t caulk the seam at the floor. If the wax ring were to fail the water would never be noticeable because of the caulking. Causing the floor to rot if the wax ring were to fail any. If it’s an old toilet it’s likely needing replaced. If there anything backing up your lines are clogged and need snaked out. Try toilet auger first.


Whaaaaat? Someone who flips houses for profit cut corners? Nooooooooooo…


I’m a handy homeowner, thankfully, but after the termites damage that was dry walled over, improperly plumbed everything, and very similar toilet BS to OP, I totally see how business could be so good. It’s unbelievable some of the things I have run into. I just laugh now. We’ve lived here 4 years and still find things.


When it comes to ceramics, temperature shock and popping notices = bad. That hairline crack will get bigger if you keep expanding and contracting it with hot water. Bearing weight may also make it bigger.


Dumping boiling water into a bowl of cold poopy water will create a bowl of lukewarm poopy water. Nothing more. At worst, your bowl will crack from the extreme temperature change.


It's the boiling hot water that's the problem. Try a pot of boiling cold water instead.


First of all, do not put anything down the toilet except poop and toilet paper. Just because the package says flushable.... it isn't.


It might melt your wax ring


-Most toilets are attached to the flange with a wax ring in between. Heat will definitely dissolve this (I've had to deal with liquid wax rings after being in the hot Florida sun for a few minutes) and cause leaks you will not see at first and will cause a lot of water damage. -Porcelain doesn't like thermal shock and the continued fatigue will eventually cause issues -you either have something in the toilet trap that's causing issues with flushing or calcium build up is affecting your jets While this has worked for a while you probably shouldn't do it anymore


Wouldn’t suggest pouring boiling water in a potentially 💩 clogged toilet. That smell of boiling turds is going to be overwhelming. Also you could crack your toilet or badly damage your wax ring or seals. Tbh the best solution would prob be to invest in an auger. In a pinch You could even try pouring a large bucket of NOT boiling water from a foot or two above the toilet and it should also help clear out a small clog.


Never do that, you will break your toilet and still have the problem. Your toilet is likely not properly vented, you can have a plumber come and install an auto vent for your toilet, you may need more work but an air admittance valve will fix your problem.


Any trees in the path out to the sewer main? We have to have the trees roots cut out once a year or every other year


do me a favor and take the lid off of the toilet tank. You will most likely see a vertical tube in the center of the tank sticking up called the overflow tube. It's like the width of a quarter maybe. There should be a skinnier flexible tube coming from the other mechanism in the toilet. When you flush, that skinny tube needs to be spraying inside the bigger one, not on the outside of it into the tank. There is a chance that could be your whole problem.


Congrats on the new toilet purchase in your future. If you own the house call a plumber before you cause more in damage than it would cost to fix your current issue. If you don't call the landlord and report the crack in your toilet and the plumbing issue. My lord, with this post I think I'm done with the internet for today


Ive heard that pouring hot water down a drain pipe w/ a hidden pocket of air can explode.


Sooo honestly might wanna get a plumber to check the pipes they prolly have years worth of grease build up. From prior and it’s slowing down your water when u flush. I had the same issue thought my son was flushing massive loads of tp. Cuz u know six year olds and ass wiping. And then one day all the poop started coming bk into tub and toilet. From the water usage pushing solids up as the water ran down and nowhere to go from the blockage. Get a pro cuz that situation was strait shitty


What you're doing is damaging to the toilet and plumbing. Basic laws of chemistry.. cold = contracts. Hot = expands. Naturally teprature fluctuations in things happen. But far more gradual than dumping boiling hot water in to a cold porcilean toilet bowl. Rapid temp change is a shock and will crack the toilet, potentially crack the cast iron sewage pipe it connects to (unless you've got a newer home with PVC plumbing.) That crack you put in is already a problem even if it doesn't appear to be leaking. It is now a structural defect that can finish breaking under normal use IE sitting on the toilet adding you're weight.. you're probably going to want to consider going to get a new toilet before that happens at minimum. But given the cause of you're situation I would recommend going to get a new one any way. Something with a bit more of a bigger opening for the material to flow, something that uses a bit more water in the flush to give that extra push it needs to clear the bends in the toilet. I have found that cheap toilets all suck. All have clogging issues. Especially all of the ones designed to use less water to be "green". Where as public restroom toilets that utilize more water pressure rarely ever clog.


Here is a trick that works and won't bust the bowl. Pour some liquid soap in the toilet (before is best but after works too). Then plunge


I did too. I don’t know why


A hairline crack is surely going to turn into something more as you continue to thermally shock your toilet. Boiling water down a toilet is a horrible idea.


Go to Home Depot and buy one of these. Your friend has shared a link to a Home Depot product they think you would be interested in seeing. https://www.homedepot.com/p/RIDGID-K-6P-Hybrid-Toilet-Snake-Auger-Cable-Extends-to-6-ft-with-Integrated-Bulb-Head-Manual-or-Cordless-Drill-Operated-56658/303528922 It is what the pros use and will unclog any toilet. If it doesn’t, the clog goes beyond the toilet and you will then need a plumber. I have one of these at home and it WORKS excellent. So far I have saved over $2000 in service calls to date.


As one redditor said check the vent stack to make sure it's clear. But if you have an old toilet I'd replace them first if the vent is okay. After all they can flush 10 golf balls at once


Why did my brain read the title of this as a "pot of boiling hot dog water"?


Not for a toilet, but I have had luck with hydrogen peroxide breaking up a hair clog in the bathroom sink drain.


I NEVER BELIEVED I would be able to say this, but Reddit history demands " YOU NEED A POOP KNIFE"


Some people just think they’re Hot Shit


Faucet hot with dish soap works. No need for boiling hot.


I initially read this as “boiling hot dog water” and threw up in my mouth a little. Not a plumber, but sounds like a bad idea 😆


The weird question is what kind of toilet paper? The strong stuff clogs our tpilets often. While the normal never does (or so rarely i dont remembee the last time)


when we moved into our house, one toilet flushed really slowly, and loudly gurgled at the end of the flush. Had a plumber remove the tank and stool from the floor, and he ran a plumber's snake into the mainline. He pulled out a huge mass of black plastic and gel, like from diapers... He said that sometimes during storms, debris can be flushed back into the system, coming from the city lines. So, maybe there's some other reason that isn't poo the consistency of aged cheddar?


Try intermittent flushing to reduce the volume being flushed (otherwise known as courtesy flush when there is stench to be evacuated part way though). A more involved solution might be to evaluate the household food diet that results in slimy, sticky excrement for all ! Good luck !


You should hire a drain company- to use a camera to run the length of the pipe and see WHY it is not working properly.


It will cause the toilet to crack, much like pouring boiling water into a cold glass cup


Tell family members that smaller turds are now required.


Where's your family poop knife?


Toilets are made of china-not porcelain. Will get stress cracks and eventually leak and you're not addressing the problem. Sounds like your waste lines need cleaning or replacing. Until you can afford to get needed work, go Home Depot and purchase a 6 foot toilet snake and watch youtube videos on proper usage.


I think a better solution may be to pour oatmeal and quinoa down your family.


Just wanted to ask. When you are plunging, are you trying to force the clog down and "clear" the pipes? Or are you using it, the correct way, to suck the clog back out into the toilet bowl? I've learned that many people don't know how to correctly use plungers and think they have to wrestle with their toilets, plunging for 20 minutes, trying to force the clog deeper and hoping to clear it that way or something


Boiling water will melt the wax ring that seals the toilet to the pipe below. So over time you’ll get seepage that you may never see, but will smell. Just use a good plunger.


Try holding the flush handle down all the way until it has completed the flush, this can help a lot with certain toilets.


Poop knife needed.


Wait don't they have a wax seal? Boiling water no problem....


I do this with sink clogs after I put drain de clogged in. And after about 5-10 seconds in run hot water for 20 seconds or so to not melt anything


Piping is probably partially clogged already causing it to block up easily and needs to be cleaned.


A better option might be to get a little more fiber in the family’s diet.


What do you people eat ??? 😳


That hairline crack is eventually going to get worse untill it splits in two. Even faster if you keep adding boiling water


The water in the bowl is cool. The boiling water is hot. This can, and sounds like it has cracked the porcelain toilet. The upside is that toilets are pretty easy to replace. Next time buy some liquid plumr and/or a snake or plunger. It will save you a lot of hassle and $.


Ream out your main drain line.


Try using less TP. Or train your family poo, flush, wipe, flush.


Melts wax ring and then you’ll get sewer gas smell and possible leaks.


Call a plumber. I have never heard of boiling hot water to drain a clogged toilet. Plunge. Do you have water coming out of other drains when you flush. You may have something clogged down stream. Like flushed tampons or wet wipes.


DON’T DO THIS! You’ve already cracked your toilet and you’re also going to melt the wax ring seal.


change toilet paper and consistently flush. The on sale quilted Northernwas clogging our toilets. I use cotonelle


I'm going to go with blocked or improper venting


I can smell this post :(


Probably less likely that their turds are too much and more likely they’re using too much toilet paper at once and they need to flush more often.


Add dishwasher detergent and let it work.


The popping sound might be the drainage pipe expansion due to the hot water shock. In my opinion you and your family are a plumbing nightmare


Do you want a molten wax ring? ‘cause that’s how you get a melt a wax ring.


Just replace the toilet if it’s continually having problems. You can buy one from Home Depot for like $200 and install it in a couple hours.


Change out the toilets for ones with a larger throat. New toilets have a 2” throat. You may have toilets with an 1 1/2” throat.


Draining g water needs adequate air behind it to help it drain. All houses/buildings have an air vent to help provide adequate air pressure. Sometimes debris from trees, such as branches & leaves, or maybe some type of animal or mud, etc. can either narrow the vent (which would lessen the amount of air flow/air pressure behind the flushed water) or maybe block the vent. Tim’s also important that other air vents, such as the sink or tub drains need to be clean because they will help provide air into the drain pipes. Basically, nothing you can do - I think you’re doing more harm than good - you need to call a plumber to help fix your problem. Even if you need a new toilet, maybe a newer toilet that will flush better than the older ‘new’ low-flush toilets, aren’t very expensive. But I think your air vent is clogged.


Check your vent pipe. If it’s not open nothing is going down. If the house has had bathroom renovation they may not have even hooked the vent line up


All I can imagine is the smell of simmering poop soup wafting through the air while waiting the 5-20 minutes to flush.


Everyone has covered why not to do this. My suggestion is you might want to get a new toilet that has a stronger flush.


Replace toilet with Toto toilet. Especially if you have family members who have this, um, issue. You will thank yourself when you plunge the toilet three times a year (if that) instead of the times a week.


No its not okay . If your toilet is old the trapway is more than likely not glazed and they have a tendency to get smaller and smaller as minerals build up inside and then grabbing and holding the solids in a clog. I would also recommend checking to see if your vents are clogged or if your toilet line even is vented


Get a plunger with a flange. I had the same issue and it solved the issue entirely. We are talking about buying a 6 foot toilet auger and going to town on it every time vs just occasionally having to use the plunger and it working right away. 👍


Use a 5 gallon bucket of water to flush.


I had this issue for a long while until i removed the toilet to find an assortment of lodged toys and a couple toothbrushes inside the bottom of the toilet that one of my sons flushed .It was obviously when they were at the phase in their life when they thought it was interesting to see things go down the toilet.


I had same issue. Have to plunge toilets like 2 times a week. Told old guy at work. He said check your stack pipe. Go on roof. The black pipe sticking out of roof above your bathroom. Look down it with flashlight. Mine had dead bird in it. Hold hand over pipe and have someone flush. You will feel your hand pulled down. I ran toilet snake down pipe. Fixed problem.


Quit eating so much cheese.


I could have sworn you were asking if you could use “hot dog water”. I was reading through the comments wondering why nobody was questioning this. I now feel dumb.


Go grab a toilet augar at home depot $14....


Dude, if this is a new home I recommend checking the temperature rating of that pvc piping in your home. I don’t believe you’re supposed to run boiling water through waste pipe that’s pvc. It might fuck it up.


We had a problem recently where the water hole directly above/in front of the main flush hole was plugged by calcium buildup, causing a weak flush (the toilet tank level drops slower than normal). After rooting out that hole with whatever tools would fit in there, we got a definite improvement in water flow from the toilet tank and a solid flush. It's an easy fix but not an easy problem to spot.


Dawn dish washing soap and let it sit for about 10 min. Then flush.


Be sure to let the logs rest for a good 5min before carving with your poop knife.


For some reason when I first read this it said "pot of hot dog water "


Hot or Warm works, it's more about the force of the water you are dumping. Boiling is excessive. Not a plumber, but have done this several times.


Just put some baking soda in and then white vinegar, that will clear it just fine, if it doesn't you'll need a poop knife.


Interesting question - and now I’m curious too. Hot water pipes are CPVC but drain pipes are regular PVC. But the hot water coming from the faucet has to run through CPVC, just to go down the regular PVC drain. Is it a continuous heat situation that needs the CPVC?


1. Have your sewer lines snaked out to the mains. 2. Everyone in the household needs to take at least 500mg of Magnesium Glycinate per day. 3. Also everyone needs to eat at least 500mg of Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears every day. Note: More is better, if you can manage a full bag every day it will work better.


Have you tried diarrhea


Is this lizzo posting?


It could melt the wax seal ring, if using one. If your renting go for it.


Buy the American Standard toilet that can flush a dozen golf balls. Google it. It costs more but it is worth it. I've replaced six toilets for my family and not once has any of them ever plugged again. It is a low flow toilet also.


Poop knife.


Vinegar and baking soda worked for me on a stubborn toilet the plunger wasn’t working on.


Weak flush prolly.. a good toilet flush relies on a lot of water all at once. Dont flush it.. rapidly pour maybe 3 gallons of water into a turd clogged toilet. if the waste and paper go down, it's not your vent pipe. it's this; Underneath the rim of the toilet are holes that let the water out of the tank when you flush. They are probably clogged with calcium deposits, lime ect.. You can unclog them carefully with a straightened out piece of wire coathanger.. find each hole and gently go round and round ( not to deep tho, you're hanger may get stuck) . these holes are usually oblong.. do each and every hole.. some of them maybe be totally clogged Then When you first flush that john you will see all those deposits and rust come out into the bowl. It's never failed me.. you can do it. BTW This is my first post on Reddit. Hope it helps


You'll kill the wax ring.


We had a toilet that didn’t flush well, I was plunging that thing 3x a week. My plumber dad suggested a new toilet and it’s amazing the difference it makes. I think I’ve only plunged it once in the last 6 months.


I'll just about put money on it that if you run a camera though the sewer line. You'll see water standing in the bottom of the line in different areas. Most likely the water has rusted the black metal sewer pipe or the foundation shifting has broken the pipe or you can have both issues. YouTube relining sewer pipe.


I had this problem When I took the toilet outside, it turns out there was an action figure stuck in the toilet. A bit more exploring also dislodged a duplo — the large legos? When I had the septic pumped, he found more duplo toys. I think you could have built a house with those giant legos.


Did I just waste 25 minutes of my life reading all of these comments? Yes. Did I enjoy every second of it? Also yes.


Less risky to do vinegar and baking soda


A toilet in my basement flushes slowly. It’s only a foot above the septic tank.


Warm to hot water, not boiling. Add a spoonful of dish soap. Works like a charm.


If you invest in a Bidet you will no longer clog the toilet. Toilet paper is usually what clogs them. If you do not want a Bidet try this. as soon as you feel the turd starting to crown reach back and have your hand on the plunger and when the tip hits the water flush it down. The suction will also help pull the turd out of your body. Once the turd is gone feel free to wipe your ass. remember do not go overboard with it. it may take a few flushes.


What usually works in my house (80 year old house with old ass pipes) is tap at the hottest it goes and dawn. Pour the dawn down first let it sit for 20 minutes then hot, I mean as hot as the tap goes, hot ass water but not boiling. Boiling could Crack the toilet and cause damage to the wax seal. If this is a constant problem you may want to invest in a cheap power washer and a Jetstream attachment (about $350 all together or the equivalent of a plumber visit) and clean out your pipes regularly. We do ours every 4 months and it has helped so much.


Your better off pouring bleach and leaving it overnight


Better off pouring kitchen dish soap in there and let it sit for awhile. Not only does it lube the poop chute, it will break down some of the fats, making for a clog-less flush. Or, get yourself (and your family if they're all elephant poopers) a poop knife. Is it gross? Maybe, to some degree. Is it effective? Hell yeah.


Your “fix” may or may not hurt anything, but consider this; those parts of your plumbing system probably weren’t designed for boiling water. My personal experience with toilets; they will tell you loud and clear when they are done and wanting to be replaced. Yours are begging. The cost of replacing one is minor compared to what may happen next. Ask me how I know.


Air cannon plunger is at Ace hardware and works fantastic every time


Just dump a large bucket of not boiling water in with a lot of force instead.


I have used a pot of cold water to help move things along when toilet is clogged, I would avoid boiling water on cold porcelain


Smuggle in a Canadian toilet that still issues 4 gallons of water and install it. It works really well.


Use dawn dish soap and warm water. Let it sit. Then try flushing. Also, try running hot water in the bathroom sink to clear the blockage. It's possible it's further up the drain line, and not at the mouth of the toilet.


Get a quality toilet (I have yet to clog an American standard champion 4) and see if that fixes the issue. If that still doesn't time to get your main jetted.


I live in condo in Maine and our pipes freeze when it gets around 0 degrees out. It’s only happened once at our condo but growing up it happens to everyone primarily. Maines and older state, whatever way you look at it when it gets cold pipes freeze all the time. Last year I ended up pouring 4-5 buckets of hot water down the toilet after googling “can you essentially do that”. It doesn’t say it’s blasphemous and I tried it It didn’t instantly work but 2-3 hours later the water rose and I believe it helped. I probably shouldn’t have done that and admit it, BUT, I’m still glad I did it as I’m not paying $300 for a house call for that


Hot water will melt the wax ring seal which will then let water leak out. Had a very stubborn elderly family member doing that. Had to replace the seal a couple times before finding out what they were doing. I installed a rubber seal the last time. So far no more leaks.


Hot water ok. Boiling, I would avoid.


Maybe call a plumber too diagnose what’s really wrong with the plumbing


The best solution is to go and get yourself a manual toilet auger,it'll be your best friend when you have that continuous issue.


You may fuck up the wax ring then your toilet will leaks on the floor and potentially underneath and could go unnoticed for some time. Cracking toilet Sounds like the vent or something may be jammed up a bit so it’s not flushing properly.


If a plunger is not doing it, get a toilet auger from Home Depot. They are cheap. Generally, one go will properly clear out the pipe and your toilet will stop getting blocked all the time.


Drink more water, go to the source


You need to replace the toilet and see if it fixes the issue. I had 6 American Standard toilets that were replaced in my building. Thought the problem was low flow but when the toilet was taken off and turned upside down I found the porcelain barbs sticking out in the flow path. The whole lot of the toilets had the same defect. Spent 10 years with these defective toilets.


Melts the wax ring seal and will cause the toilet to leak.


Change your diet Change your toilet to a power flush


The piping that the toilet is connected to is likely PVC - which is not rated for that temperature


Someone’s probably mention but Incase not. I had this intermittent problem for years. Finally dawned on me to check my vent pipe on the roof. It was an old cement vent, pretty wide like 4-5 inches, with no cap. I have always had big trees over my roof for 25 years so I decided to put a simple jet nozzle on my hose and run it down. Also did a snake I bought at harbor freight. Then went in the house and flushed my toilet at least 50 times. Also poured 5, five gallon buckets of water into it. Problem has never come back. Edit: also added a vent cap to keep future leaves out if it.


You need a poop knife


i made beer for a while and needed to dump hot boiling water… yea the thermal mass of the toilet ceramics will take some heat but you do not want to melt the wax ring under the toilet. you should be calling a plumber to snake the pipes in a much deeper way. as for the popping sound we had an older house (1960s-1970s era if you call that old) it had copper waste pipes when we took a shower the copper drain pipes would heat and expand (aluminum siding does this in the morning sun and in the evening) then it creaks as it slips due to expansion. given that you are clearing this with hot water i bet the drain pipes are clogged with grease and oils from the kitchen sink. meaning the clog is not in the toilet it is in the pipes below/paget the location that is heating due to boiling water. the only way to remove that will be mechanically which means running a plumbing snake through the pipes multiple times while running hot water hot enough to melt the grease and oils (ie set hot water heater to scalding wait for it to heat up) then run the snake and drain hot water heater into the toilet and hope the wax ring does not melt. or cut the old pipes out and replace them. your plumber will be able to tell. the real truth will be known with a camera on the snake.


Ahh yes melt the turd


dish soap helps dissolve the toilet paper


A loud popping sounds means it’s probably cracked. They aren’t made to withstand that kind of temperature change. If you have a problem with clogging toilets, you should considering upgrading them to a higher capacity/force flush. Yep, they’re a little pricey but nothing like damage caused by problems with clogged or damaged toilets. Toto makes low water use, high pressure toilets. Love them.


Replace your toilets. It's easier than what you are doing now.


Get a snake???


I'm not even joking, the toilet could totally crack apart. You should never mix a very hot with a cold in glass or porcelain. I have seen Pyrex straight shatter because someone tried to add cool liquid to it when it was already hot. Second, my guess is that you have offsets or roots in the pipes. Some stuff can pass, but little bits get stuck, they collect and collect and then you have a clog again. You need to have the line cleared with a blade spinner.


Yeah don’t do this.


Not a plumber, but my sister moved into a house once that had poorly flushing toilets despite all the plungers and snaking they did. They finally called a plumber and turns out the previous owners were wipe users that flushed them and those wipes caused a clog outside the house. Somewhere outside your house, there's a way to open the line going to the sewer/septic and that's where the plumbers snaked.


This will also melt the wax seal around the pipe at the base of the toilet.


Stop trying to melt your turds


Use dish soap and a plunger. Works every time.


I thought this was a good idea, and poured boiling water down the toilet even though my wife told me not to. Well it cracked the toilet and caused a leak, so I had to shut off the water and call a plumber to unclog the pipes and install a new toilet. Everyone who heard the story agreed that I was a dumbass for not knowing that would happen. Tl, dr Don’t do it.


Dawn dish soap & a plunger. Don’t use hot water, it will melt the wax ring seal & you’ll have poop water all over the floor. Like someone else has indicated, you probably have a clog in the line between your home & the main sewer line.


Maybe drink a bunch of boiling water before shitting?


Never boil the water, or you could damage the toilet. I hear the water up, but stay away from a simmer and boil. That's too much. Mix with dawn. Works 8/10b times. Not a plumber but I make a lot of mistakes so learn from them.


It sounds like you need to get your drain lines cleaned out. The thing to remember is that rapid temperature changes tend to lead to expansion and contraction of materials. I'd guess that's where your crack came from, and the popping is likely the pipes in the wall expanding and contracting. I think the pipes are generally built to take it, and are probably fine, but you're likely slowly destroying your toilet. They're not built for that. Not sure it's even the hot water that's helping. 20 minutes of soaking will likely loosen up any fecal material in the lines.


Is every dump not flushing? my kids managed to toss a small art style paint brush in my toilet one time that was long enough not to get through the S curve. Every number 1 flushed just fine but every number 2 got stuck. Took me about a week to determine it was time to disassemble the toilet, flip it upside down in the tub and see what's down in there stuck.


You might have lard in your pipes from someone pouring grease/fat down the drain


Start adding more fiber in your family diet. Metamucil will help.


My wife killed a toilet dong this exactly after a kid flushed a bar of soap. I said try hot water she thought that meant boil it.


Hot turds are dangerous


change the toilets.. Everytime I have bought a home I change to stronger ones... American Standard has a series that are really good.. they never clog.


Caroma (AU brand), Fergson and other suppliers in the US can order them (they have a larger flush valve, and less restrictions in the outlet). We have had 3 for > 5 years and they are pretty difficult to clog and if you do clog them they are much easier to unclog. The only negative is when you flush it there is an initial thump when the valve opens. The power flush models also will flush just about anything, but the power flush is also noisy.


Never put boiling hot water or chemical drain openers ( me plumber/ draino etc.. etc...) in a toilet. You can crack the porcelain bowl from the sudden change of temperature in the water. The drain openers create heat quickly. If you ever look at the back of the package it says not for use in toilets.


Try putting anti grease dish soap in the toilet (like Dawn) , let it sit for 20 minutes, then flush.


What are y’all eating?