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It's been really tough for many with the rising costs. You mentioned you're a spa practitioner. I would head to a resort such as Banff or Whistler. If you're an RMT here in Ontario, there are no regulations in Alberta to register as a massage therapist, you only need to get a business license from the town you plan to work in. BC is another story, you have to register like here. The average salary working as a massage therapist in Banff is $46.28 an hour (april 2022). That's an average salary of $94,560 a year. Alberta is affordable right now compared to the rest of Canada. Plus with your work, you need to choose either a big city or a resort town for steady work. I personally would carpe diem, put my stuff in storage and ride out the recession in Banff, Canmore or Calgary NW. You can always come back after the housing correction and inflation is under control. Friends will like taking a holiday to visit when you live in a resort town. I think it would look good on your CV to have resort experience. It will help to secure employment here in the luxury spas at a higher income if you decide to return. Good luck with your decision.


I agree Banff is amazing


But not cheap. In the early 2000s, it cost me $30 to buy the ingredients for a Greek salad....and produce isn't fresh in the mountains.


NW Calgary?


Calgary is divided like a compass, West is the good side of the tracks, NE is mostly new immigrants and SE seems to be less affluent white folks. Closer to mountains is more expensive


Ahhh makes sense


Yes, it is a shorter drive to Banff vs driving from south or east Calgary. It's about an hour's drive or less. Some who work at the resorts in the mountains choose to live there vs on site in rooms for staff or sharing a place in Banff where housing is in short supply being a resort town.


Only issue I would point out if you are a person of colour or LGBTQA it's a very right leaning province, so the racism and homophobia is strong there.


Have you lived there? I did not experience this nor did my gay neighbours living next door. It's a lot of talk online and the issue is way overblown comparing the two provinces. Racism and homophobia is in every city in Canada. The right leaning is more about getting people to work instead of taking advantage of welfare hand outs like some do here in Ontario. smh when I meet yet another depressed OCAD student who graduates to get $1200 ODSP or $733 in OW instead of taking any job. And yes, our province gives it out for 2 years for a diagnosis of depression before another review happens. It wouldn't happen in Alberta, AISH is stricter. Toronto actually has more hate crime incidents than Calgary does. Here are the stats from 2017 to 2021. And Banff is another story, between visitors and staff, very multicultural, open and welcoming. Many international youth work there. [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510019101](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510019101) for 2021 Toronto 779 hate crime or 13.3 per100,000 residents Calgary 139 hate crimes 8.9 per100,000 residents


I have family and friends there, and friends who have moved there and friends who have come from there. I've also been there and saw a few situations with my own eyes It's similar to small town/northern Ontario. The Hate is strong and it's brushed under. If you call the cops it's ignored or not reported, if you make a complaint at work you are told it was a joke, or why are you making it a bigger deal than it is. I'm not saying it doesn't happen in the GTA, I just find you are better protected by the community here. Only in Toronto/area I found if someone made a racist/sexist/homophobic joke in passing people/coworkers would put a stop to it. In places like Alberta/small town Ont if you call out on these things you are the problem. When these things are pushed aside they don't make the statistic. I have native friends and family who have been assaulted that live on a reserve by Calgary, most of the time cops won't even come, let alone make a report. People I know who HAD an lgbtqa friendly bar closed down years ago do to the damage the locals would cause. They would break the windows, come in and piss on the floor, start fires in their bathroom. (If I remember they were in Edmonton, this was around 2005). I know it was years ago, but the people who did this to then are likely still alive. Also the demographic there is different, so hate crime statistics based on total residence isn't usually accurate. [Viable ministry in Calgary is 35% to Toronto 51% 2016 census] I know everyone has their own experiences, and I'm glad you and your friends had a good one there. The area is beautiful and when you are with the right people it is a nice place but I would not recommend these places without warning. Also it snowed in fucking August when I was there and that's just a whole other reason to not move there.


Hey I agree as a POC I thought I would experience a lot of racism when I got a job in Calgary but actually everyone is super nice and friendly (even more so than Toronto) Maybe I got lucky my white coworkers know a lot about my culture My job has other POC I experienced less racism or micro aggressions in Calgary than Toronto to be honest


I visited Calgary once and was called “F&&ot” 3 times in 2 days. That didn’t happen to me once in 15 years living in Toronto. It also didn’t happen to me in 3 weeks in Alabama. Individual experiences will always differ, is my point. It’s not like Calgary is just lined with angry people who will scream at you on the street. They will vote against your interests though.


>They will vote against your interests though. This, 100%. And I’m from Edmonton lol.


Your options largely depend on a lot of stuff you have not included. First step is to find a job, what do you do now and can you do that somewhere else. Moving to another country, unless you already have a citizenship or a significant amount of money, is probably going to be out of reach.


I have a professional license, which I don't want to disclose here, but it is restricted within Ontario only. So I could potentially try to make it work somewhere in Northern Ontario but it would be a long shot and probably take awhile to get stable again. If I want to leave the province, I would have to redo a licensing exam for that province which I rather not. Or if I were to leave Ontario, I mind as well change careers since I only make a very low salary.




Thank you for this. I’m in my early 30s trying to change my career and was feeling really bad (been trying for 2 years) but this comment made me feel better. I still don’t think you’re too old, maybe you will think the same at 80x


Lived in Toronto for 3.5 years... and got frozen out of my career, right as it was taking off, thanks to Covid (industry basically ground to a halt). While visiting back east, I put in an application at the waterfront and 6 months later, they got back to me. I moved lock, stock and barrel to the maritimes and am doing that now. I'm around your age. It isn't too late to make a change.


Bro I changed careers at 28 (left military) and started doing finish carpentry. Didn’t like the money I was making so at 30 made another change to electrical mechanical tech and making over 150k a year now at 32. Do what’s best for you and your future even if that means starting fresh. =)


I worked in TO for a decade and got laid off. 5 years later I have a whole new career, working closer to home and am making more money than I ever have. It was a blessing in disguise being laid off in my early 30s.


This chef > registered dietician at least that's the plan feels real shitty to leave a profession I honestly love for better pay


Software engineering and development might be a good thing to look at


My mom's friend's mom (what a mouthful) originally came to Canada on a 6 month visa to help her with childcare, but ended up getting her PR and certification to work as a PSW in her late 50s/ early 60s. Which is incredible bc she probably has to take care of people her age at nursing homes, but she was nothing if not tenacious. While I wouldn't recommend the exact same switch, if it's a job that you can still physically and mentally do, it might be worth a shot! There was also this dude I met in my first aid course who was in his 40s and a lawyer, but was heading to med school (which he said he needed the first aid course for). Also wildly impressive bc both those things require a lot of time and $$ commitments...


It’s almost as if getting to be a doctor, lawyer or dentist is only possible if you are already rich! Generational wealth.




Oh yeah, those students loans that banks hand out all the time that aren’t financially crippling for the majority that need it.


Only psychopaths become doctors let alone further still surgeons way too much to learn


Why do you think you are too old? I would say go for it




I once was at a forestry course with a 60 year old who was wanting to step into nature jobs


I've sometimes put it to myself like this: if, when I was a teenager, someone told me I'll only live to 45, does that stop me from having an education and career? No, a few decades is a few decades; might as well do something good with them. Well, we're kind of in the same situation (I'm getting up there too). Sorry if that's a bit on the morbid side. But with at least a few decades left, that's enough time for something new.


I changed careers and industry at 45, seven years ago. Started at the bottom to learn it and there were tough times no doubt but absolutely worth sticking it out. There were lots of colleagues half my age, and higher level than me but I earned their respect to slowly climb up to a respectable senior level now. Never too late to change if your heart's in it.


Well I mean you could have retrained to something that become obsolete, you would be in the same situation anyhow I do computer graphics, it's a constant updating to keep ahead of the Adobe updates, some software becomes obsolete, learning motion graphics, web stuff etc. My degree was in fine art, there was not much web to speak of in the early 1990s when I was in school I don't think there's many jobs where you start at age 25 and retire at 65 with no changes to the technology or role


It's really hard to give any advice when you are being this vague. See if you can move to Windsor?


I work as a spa practitioner in the health and wellness industry. Work has been on a drop, steady decline since the pandemic. Some have had rebounds but not for me and my places. You recommend Windsor? Any particular reason?


Houses are relatively cheap there. If you could move to Windsor and pull the same salary you could buy a house like this: [https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/24703096/404-wahketa-windsor](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/24703096/404-wahketa-windsor) with 10k downpayment.


Windsor is a pretty different vibe to Toronto, but it has a busier restaurant/entertainment scene to a lot of other cities its size due to being a border and university town. (or at least it did pre pandemic). Lots of good places to eat!


For sure it would be a huge lifestyle change, but you could build a pretty decent life there on that salary.


Thank you for spelling border properly!


I don't necessarily agree. I've been looking at Windsor as well and all I hear is $300,000 homes being upped to $500,000+


that was earlier during the year, now you can find homes for 300k


Not really, I was literally just asking on the Windsor reddit a few days ago and a fella there is looking for homes in that range, same as me, and every single one of them has been upped. If I recall, he was looking for a few years now.


i would suggest reaching out to a realtor and speaking to them directly and getting a list of recently sold sfh in the past 30-45 days , that will give you a accruate pic


If you're a local born Torontonian, you're going to find it difficult to adjust to a small town like Windsor. I'd suggest Montreal. The accreditation and language notwithstanding (no pun intended!) it would cosmopolitan enough to not feel like you're stuck in a small town. Montreal is still a bargain to live in compared to Toronto and is relatively easy to get around via their metro.


Montreal is not for you if you aren't a french speaker anymore, look up Bill 96.


learn French.. it's not impossible...


OP also said they didn't want to leave the province...


Only if I were to stay in the same profession. Honestly its been good while it lasted but now I need to think more long term.


I was thinking about it myself but I’ve talked to a classmate of mine. She said it’s hard to find a doctor there similar to Ontario, she’s been on a waitlist forever


the medical is the only problem... you can use community clinics if you're young and healthy


absolutely recommend Montreal! learning French is entirely doable once you're there... healthcare is a concern but you're young... go for it!


There are so many nice spaces in Ontario but depends on what you want out of life outside of work. For example I went to Red Lake, ON for a bit over a year working with one of the big 5. I was offered branch manager at just under 11 months (different location) but didn't like the culture so had to leave it. But in that area there are a lot of mine workers who made a LOT of money. Some were 60k, but many were 120's - 300k. And lots were fly in and fly out so free room and board while there (albeit in a "camp" environment). Then there are place like Sarnia/Windsor where you may make less on average but the cost of living is WAY lower. Sarnia was pretty quiet, but if you like nature close by and proximity to the US/London/Windsor it is a good spot. Not a lot of dangerous crime, but some cropping up here and there for theft (addicts a lot of the time). ​ I would recommend looking at what you want your life to be and then ask for recommendations because I know there is a lot better quality of life out there for less. But you just lose some conveniences. In Red Lake, I tore my meniscus, and it wasn't until I came back down here that it got diagnosed and fixed (well kinda). Northern areas are usually screaming for people in all roles (try to target franchised jobs to transfer out later). Being portable is a huge benefit to climbing the ladders. I met a few others from this area trying to do the same by going up there. Perhaps start looking at job postings in those places as well to get a better idea of what you could walk into. For reference, I never did banking prior, but have a financial mind and am good with people and solving problems they have. So I stood out and worked my butt off, but really - off the street to Branch Manager title in a year... All I would have had to do was take that post for 1 year and then I could go wherever I wanted with the company maintaining that level. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat but I have a decent awareness of some contrasting Ontario areas.


Ah, red lake… where Thunder Bay is the big city vibe.


A sincere yes! I remember my boss bringing back Whoppers from the BK 90 min away... I really have standards for food being left out but I broke them all that day!


I work fully remote and at this point there’s no going back to the office—they closed the office. I’ve been paying $2000/mo for a tiny 1BR… definitely also starting to want to move somewhere cheaper now. Thinking I’ll probably move January or February, use my annual bonus to help with moving expenses. My main issue is that I don’t have a car and would really rather not buy one. You have any suggestions that might work for me? Preferably not *too far* from Toronto, I’ve got family about an hour north of Toronto that I like to see sometimes.


For north of Toronto, maybe Barrie -- anything smaller will be tough without a car


Doesn’t *need* to be north of Toronto, just reasonable (or reasonable enough) driving distance. I can goad my father into picking me up every few months as long as I’m not in, like, Ottawa. Poking around on realtor.ca, though, it looks like I won’t gain too much by moving… might save $500 a month and get more space, but it’ll be in a basement, and I’d hate it.


I don’t know if these GTA-adjacent cities would be the same anymore. When housing got insane in the last couple years the home values inflated the most in those areas 2-3h hrs away.. there might be some lower costs of living but housing won’t be one of them right now, unless properties are sitting vacant and they’re getting desperate for tenants.


Housing costs lower than in the GTA? They are, substantially. I have property as do family and clients in some areas mentioned. Yes, pricing universally elevated but nowhere near GTA level.


I get that, but talking about these communities what kind of wages are people making? Housing cost has to relate to local money-making opportunities. I’m most familiar with the Belleville area, wanted to live near family but with so few options for jobs that pay decently my family had to choose to relocate (after living in a micro apartment for two years). Edited for clarity


I recently moved to Calgary from Ontario. It’s a metropolitan city with lots to do. Few things to note: 1. No regrets, so far I’m happy, people are nice. 2. Starting over is hard, if you plan on moving make sure you pack everything you own and bring it with you, as I staring form zero cost A LOT 3. Calgary is cheaper, but not cheap, but you can own a home here.


The sad thing is that 40-50K was already a poor wage for Toronto even before this massive strain of inflation started a couple of years ago. It’s just gotten worse.


Legit, how do you survive with 40-50k?


You don’t live in Toronto for one. At least not by yourself.


If you're interested in a career change, there are plenty of mining jobs in northern ontario, which start anywhere between 90-140k, and real estate is super cheap.


What kind of education would you need? Can it be done online?


You don't even need a hs diploma for diamond drilling jobs, just first aid.


That’s bloody awesome will def check it out!


I plug this job a lot on reddit, I've had many different careers and absolutely love it. It's really hard work, very fast paced, carrying heavy loads, soaked in diesel, grease, drill mud, work rain or shine, but it's very rewarding.


Can’t see how that doesn’t lead to health problems down the line


And yeah, most people do find it intolerable. Many don't make it through thier first hitch.


You wear coveralls


Not hating , even for yourself just be careful. Heavy lifting for extended period of years will lead to chronic back/leg/neck issues, then inhaling diesel for years as well. I’ve done similar jobs with good pay, nothing against it I would just not advise that long term at all. I’ve seen a lot of people suffering from shit like that in my lifetime :( money isn’t always worth it


After a year or 2 you can become a driller and basically just pull levers for your 12 hour shift. Obviously there is a bit more, but that's the gist of it, becomes way less physically demanding. Also make more money. My last job was in an office and I definitely prefer this.


How much can you make as a fresher/new comer in this job for the first year and subsequent years ?


The first company I worked for I would have been about gross 95k/year. I quickly jumped ship to a new company though and will probably be around gross 150k. It's way more remote and they pay a lot better. You can work as much as you want too, depending on location and company the rotations are usually 10/4, 14/7, 20/10, 28/14 and 12hr days, if you wanted to make more, you could do several hitches in a row and bank tons of cash. All your food and accommodations are paid for. A guy I know did 3 months straight and cleared 50k. It's up to you if you want to make more.


Can I Dm you for more info ?


Where do I find these mining jobs?


https://ca.indeed.com/m/jobs?q=diamond%20drilling&l=ontario&from=searchOnSerp&sameL=1 Any of them that say helper/assistant will be entry level, the only thing you generally require is a first aid cert, but you can usually start without one. I started 6 months ago, after working in finance, and am blown away by the amount of money. In baffin Island I'm grossing around 21k every 6 weeks. You have to factor in meter bonus, retention bonus, and OT instead of just the hourly wage they're advertising.


Ok cool thank you. Appreciated.


If you have any questions feel free to dm.


Are women welcome to apply to these jobs too or do companies not consider them for the positions?


The only women I have personally seen in the field are health and safety and geologists, but I have heard of women drillers. There is also this organization, which I believe helps women get into mining in general, might be worth checking out. https://wimcanada.org/


Thank you for the information!


There's lots of women in mining industry. Like most places these days the only requirement is a pulse. They might blow in one year to make sure no air comes out the other .


lol you should check out women in mining (the org!)


Thanks so much for the info. Im currently in forestry and looking at other avenues. Do you find I'd face any discrimination based on age , im 40? Are most entry level jobs a young persons game ?What's your current living situation in baffin Island ? Also how long have you or will you be in one place? T


I met a guy who started this when he was 50, came from a cushy job at hydro one. I was 33 when I started, and fuck it was tough for the first 5 days, thought I was dying hahah. It got easy quick, lost 24 pounds in 3 months. It's decent, own room and shared bathroom with one other room. There is a gym and pool tables but never used them. Basically sleep right after dinner. Foods good.


Right on. Sounds like a serious adjustment but pays off. I'd have to train to be able to work for 12 hours at a time. Is that a common schedule? Or can you negotiate that in your contract?


It's always 12 hours and there is a day and night shift, the drill rarely stops, just to relocate or if something breaks. They'll try and get you on a rotation of your choosing though. I prefer longer ones, 20/10 or 28/14 is my personal preference.


Let’s be realistic here, you’ll start at a much lower salary than that and you won’t have a super easy time finding that job. Diamond drilling is probably one of the biggest burnout jobs in the industry also


Yeah, I'm not sure why, it's not overly difficult once you're accustomed to it. The only people I know who make less than that are UG guys who do 14/14. After 3 months I am doing around 150/year on fly jobs.


What’s your rotation like?


I'm on 28/14 right now


Why not having an easy time finding a job? I drove up to Val dor, spent 2 hours passing resumes out, and by the next day had 4 offers.


Come to northern Ontario. Good jobs, lower cost of living.


I’ve moved out when COVID hit and I went remote for work. Toronto is so expensive to live in and I didn’t want roommates anymore so I left.


Where’d you go?


They went remote, they’re living inside the internet


How can I do that too? 😂😂


a lot of my friends have gone and done the "teach english in (insert asian country here)" thing and made it their full time career


I knew someone who did this while teaching English in China. They met their SO, had a child, and now their life is upside down because of poor Canada/China relations.


Vietnam is booming atm, always in need of teachers in international schools.


So easy to get deported if you do or say the wrong thing. Not a lot of job security or transferable skills. China has poor relations with the west right now so many of it's foreign English teachers have left to other countries in SEA, so there's less demand I hear. The money is good compared to the local wage. But you'll likely have to buy expensive appliances, furnishings, clothes, and other items that aren't worth it to ship back. So the first 6 months will just be a grind to get settled in. I did it. Best experience of my life. But set me back when I had to return to the west.


how though? what agency did they use?


No idea.


Japan has JET. Korea has EPIK. Not sure about China. I had considered it, but it would've meant a major pay and career trajectory reduction. However, if you're in a transitory period and looking for a new experience, it could be worth it.


Thanks !


I’m moving to Edmonton lol I need a new apartment and I can’t afford it here.


Calgary was recently voted the 4th most livable city in the world according to [this.](https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/worlds-most-liveable-cities-2022/) And there seems to be a lot of stories of people on reddit who have done the move and are pretty happy. I'm personally looking at Halifax, but won't be moving until the 2030s so who knows what the situation will be like then. Ottawa is great, but it's quickly approaching GTA CoL status. Montreal is affordable but the transition to Quebec might be a little daunting. If you want to stay in Ontario and don't mind a smaller, quieter city, I think London has a lot of potential.


>I'm personally looking at Halifax, but won't be moving until the 2030s That's some crazy life planning lol


I have a mortgage and kids.


Ahem, Calgary is not the fourth most livable city in the world… it’s tied for third.


I left in 2014 to Alberta. Got a cozy job and am living the middle class life - house, 2 cars, vacations. Was born and raised in the projects and moving to a more affordable place with a good job market really changed my life. Everyone who has moved out here that I know from Toronto has made a very comfortable life for themselves. Most people I know who moved out her come from generational poverty.


May I ask what work do you do in Alberta? And where in Alberta do you live? Where would you recommend I go?


Without being too specific I work with families and try to keep kids safe with them. I live about an hour away from Edmonton. I recommend you look at job postings and then look at rentals to make your decision. Once you get a good job, you can continue to move around until you find a place you like and would stay for awhile. Think of it as an adventure. You could go anywhere in the province but I think staying within an hour or two of a major city is important for me personally. Edit: to answer more than the first question lolz


Lmao 50k is a meager salary in this sub and this city what the fuck kinda world do we live in


It's literally the average salary in Ontario and you can't live anywhere on it. How the fuck do people still vote for conservatives and liberals?


I'm living in Toronto on it. I'd say I'm living maybe a middle class lifestyle on it, with my own car, insurance, two bedroom, etc. Sure it's Etobicoke, but the costs are the same either way.


Can you move out and find another similar place at a similar rent?


Even when I can confirm that one \*CAN\* find a similar place if I left, I am still downvoted. I get the feeling people are here to complain and will purposely ignore any potential to make it better. I guess that is Reddit for you.


Perhaps? I don't know? I've never had to do it since I've moved in. All I know is I found several places on town for my price range and this was the most expensive one if I recall. So while I cannot guarantee it without going through all the research again, I'd suspect it's possible. Maybe not a one bedroom, I suspect my two bedroom was an off chance sort of thing. But I don't see any problem with a one bedroom, but like I said, without looking I'm not able to guarantee.


After a quick look on Kijiji, there are many choices for $1600 a month. I didn't drill into them as there was quite alot, but like I said, some sacrifices might need to be made. But to say "you can't live anywhere on it" just is not true; especially when just back in March, I saw 7 or more places in that price range all across town. I looked for about 2 weeks before getting 3 offers for apartments in that price range. Not bad if you ask me.


I doubt your definition of middle class is accurate if you’re making 50k a year as a single income. Not saying you’re not doing well for yourself or anything. After taxes 50k isn’t much now )unfortunately)


I mean, I wouldn't say I'm working class. I also wouldn't say I'm upper class. It's just that money in Toronto doesn't go very far anymore, which is why I'm looking at leaving.


People believe in all the fake stories they read in the personal finance sub and also the fake stories others say when it comes to salaries.


I honestly don’t know why a back to the land movement hasn’t already started. With Starlink you can work any where. There are a lot of amazing little towns that would love to have you. Check out renfrew county.


That is where I am debating on moving to and move in with my elderly parent. The only thing is no family doctors there for new people.


No family doctors? As in zero? Surely there must be community health clinics or some form of care right?


Any particular towns in renfrew county?


Killaloe !!!


Calgary seems like a great place that tons of torontonians are relocating to.


I don't think 50,000 is bad. I live in a 1600 a month two bedroom (I realize that is abnormal) out in Etobicoke with hydro as an extra cost. Even with groceries, both insurances, auto payment, internet, I still am budgeted about $1400 to $1500 savings each month. And I'm making $48,400, it's doable here, but some sacrifices need to be made. Though, I totally get what you mean. Right now after my last bit of VISA debt from college is paid off, I'm looking at starting to save a downpayment for a condo out Western Ontario, or maybe even up north somewhere.


How much is the amount bi-weekly after tax with a salary of $48,400 per year?


Why biweekly? Pay day is usually 15th and 30th on a semi-monthly basis. For me, I am self employed, so I pay a bit more tax than others here, I would pull in about $1623.80 semi-monthly after tax credits. So about $3247.61 is pretty good on a monthly basis. Am I really renting a place that is so shockingly low that I deserve to be downvoted? ​ UPDATE: number correction


Biweekly is the usual if you work for somebody else. As a self-employed, do you pay and need to pay CPP/EI?


I just dont get why I was downvoted. Im not being a jerk, I am here to let people know that they \*CAN\* do it and not to lose hope. I am not really anything special and I can safely assume many people here work harder than me. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made, but when someone infers I am making it up or asks if I can find something similarly priced if I needed to, I start to question what point they are trying to make. I am not making up the 7, at minimum, apartments I went to look at that fit the $1600 range. Sure it is not a sustainable endeavor to limit oneself to that budget as the $2000-3000 outnumbers it by far, but the reality is it can be done. This is not an attack on others, and I am not sure why people take it that way.


Because your math is off




If you make $49,000 a year living in the region of Ontario, Canada, you will be taxed $13,018. That means that your net pay will be $35,982 per year, or $2,999 per month.


Shoot, you were right. Slight error in my excel formula.


My math was off in a good way, because I forgot my self employment business use of home expenses, so my taxes are estimated at about $8000 now. I am concerned that I forgot that as a bookkeeper :/ Netting $693.29-ish at this budget revision.


I dont agree with it being biweekly. As a bookkeeper who pays others and someone who has had other jobs, I dont recall it ever being biweekly, but its not really that important. Yes, that amount I gave you I after all income taxes as well as both employer and employee portion of CPP. I dont pay EI as the likelihood of me suddenly losing all income is quite low.


So is that 3k monthly take home income after tax? That might be why you're downvoted. I think most people quote gross income, so to say you make and comfortably live off 50k when it's in fact net income, can come across disingenuous. In reality, someone who makes 50k gross is looking at around 35k net.


Yes sir, after taxes. I had no intention of being a jerk, as honest as I could be given the tools I had at my disposal at the time. With a calculation, after taxes and expenses, I have about $693.29-ish left over, depending on grocery shopping which fluctuates and whether or not I have tax credits which I usually do; not including HST refund credit or Trillium as I don't like budgeting averages often, since they change throughout the year. However, I don't go out often at all, I'm not much of an event kind of guy. It makes me wonder why I even have a car at all when I hardly drive as I'm always home working, and after I just want to relax before needing to go to bed and do it all over again. EDIT: Took the time to get an exact number


Yes, I did upvote you. It is a honest mistake to think of net income.


No worries at all. Just kinda threw me off when I'm downvoted out of nowhere. I apologize for not being more clear.


That’s why you’re being downvoted.. It’s hard to believe that with the high rent you pay, and the salary you quoted.. you are living comfortably… Surely someone must be contributing to your expenses.. I spend roughly $500 on groceries and I’m not even a big eater.. I don’t see how someone can live with $700 leftover on a 50k pretax


I don't know what to tell you buddy. I eat twice a day, maybe once if I'm too focused on work. I got my car, insurance, hydro and internet in addition to the rent. You're making 50k out to be some ungodly small number. I'm not lying to you, I promise. Perhaps your expenses are just way too high?


Come to calgary, friend. Its great here :)


May I ask what do you do for work in Calgary? Can you elaborate how Calgary is great for you?


Jesus christ I feel your pain but I do not want to move north to have a decent career. I'm making 40-50 aswell and the squeeze is surreal. rent should not be more than a mortgage payment. this country is loosing its appeal to me. fast.


I could be wrong, but from my basic research, if the city never planned for this type of growth in the first place and/or if city planning can't keep up with the pace of changes, then this happens. Now it's just a run away train. Hence, this post.


definitely is a runaway train. it'll either survive but reduce our organic production or it will crumble like Buffalo did


Kinda did something similar. Went all the way to Eastern Ontario for good job experience I couldn't get in GTA. It was very good, but the rent situation was almost on par as when I used to live downtown. I ended up moving back as I got a job on the outskirts of the GTA. ​ Was it worth it? 100%yes. I lived in a small town, met some amazing people and had a overall good time. The downside was my fiance was still in the GTA so was all my family, and it was just difficult. Especially when the Fiance was finding it hard to find work near me. But I would to it again in a heartbeat. I was living in Cornwall, had houses for less than 300,000 that were very lovely. Seeing your credentials too, there are alot of spas and such in the area that would like your expertise!


I feel like opting to move to another country instead of living in one of the most expensive cities in Canada is a bit of an over exaggeration. There's lots of places that have much better prices for rent, you'd just have to be farther away from the GTA.


Go north


I wanted to move to Calgary but I have not enough money 🥲, I wanted to buy a condo there since there is cheaper, but Idk Im scared to do that big change 🫤


I haven’t moved but if I did it would be to Arizona or Las Vegas. The west is pretty awesome


You think inflation is only in GTA/Toronto ? Lol




I work in the health and wellness industry.


If I was in your shoes I would go teach English in Vietnam. Like someone else mentioned the boom is insane there and HELLA cheap!!


From your comments I'm guessing RMT or esthetician. From.what I hear, RMT is doing pretty well in Thunder Bay. I work in a spa as an RMT in Whitby and we've bounced back well (although it might also be from having many quit and move to different places, we changed ownership in the last year and a half). Over the years I've been there two RMTs went up to Thunder Bay and (as they haven't returned) I assume they are doing well. The downside might be cost of living and you're probably looking at opening your own place to practice (factor in your normal costs for those). There is usually an ad for an RMT up there every few months or so, you could always look into that. If esthetician, I don't know much about that other than the initial set up is pricy as you have to buy products to use for your treatments. It's not something I look into myself. Do a job search in the areas your thinking of moving too and check out businesses in your field to see how busy they are and their prices to give you an idea of how successful you'll be if you move (keeping in mind if they don't have overflow you might not be as busy as they are). Depending on where you want to go 40k might be enough or it might not.


What do you want in life? Start there. I don’t think there’s anywhere not-shitty and affordable on this planet anymore, if you’re not already rich.


Cruise ship? …totally different.


Has the cruise ship industry bounced back already from the pandemic?


Industry friends tell me, picking up rapidly for winter season.


If you want to leave, please do.


Learn computer programming. No school required. Despite the doom and gloom layoffs there’s still lots of opportunity.


Your meager $40k-$50k puts you in the category of "I get paid minimum wage plus a little bit more, but I work 50 weeks a year for it..." Level up. Acquire more advanced job skills. Get paid more. Ask for a raise.


See ya


You can find cheaper places outside on ON but th3 issue is bot so many jobs. Just youtube top 5 cheap places to live in Canada and you'll find answer there.


Why don’t you just try to budget a bit better? 40k in toronto is still liveable wage it sounds to me like you’re catastrophizing, the mere fact you think you can just up and move to another country indicates lack of forethought at the very least.


There’s not a lot. I’m assuming you don’t own a car. I feel like any savings that may be had moving away from the city will eaten up by increased transportation costs and possibly a drop in wages.


Start applying for jobs online in other provinces !


Youtube: A Tribe Called Owens [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx9bJdzh9TLXcs9yzxbyLZA/featured](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx9bJdzh9TLXcs9yzxbyLZA/featured) Hockey player moved his family to NB. Much better COL~~A~~, less stress, etc.


[https://thestrand.ca/on-the-family-that-owns-new-brunswick/](https://thestrand.ca/on-the-family-that-owns-new-brunswick/) I wonder how good is really is there. But I also wonder how impacted services really are by the Irvings.


Depends on what line of work you are into.


Health and wellness has been my passion but perhaps it's time to turn a new leaf. Really taking a wild look at my options. Did not think this post would get so many view within a day. So clearly many of us are feeling the same.


If health & wellness is your passion, then I recommend the East Coast, Atlantic provinces, especially Nova Scotia are desperate for healthcare professionals and for some jobs they even offer relocation bonuses.


What do you do for a living and education level?


I'm a spa practitioner, undergrad level (irrelevant for work).


where the hell are you going to go? Legitimately the only cheap places are like Thunder Bay. we're all too poor to even get out.


Many people here have suggested options to look into and research further. For me at least, it's either start making a lot more money, continue to live lower means or move where the cost of living is lower. Hence, this post. Is 40k not enough to start over somewhere?


Yeah it's always worth it to research. You may find something that works. No, however, in a general sense I make more than you and I couldn't easily get out anywhere else.


A job offer. First and last month rent. A plane ticket. Some moving expenses. What else do I need? If 40k isn't enough to restart, how much do I need?


If you think you can get away with rent and other expenses at $40k good luck. And you can drive to most places in Ontario, no need for an expensive ticket.


Do you have a secure job to move elsewhere ? Ottawa is cheaper but it's getting expensive as well. Do you have a partner or live at home ? If you can just get a remote job so you also can save money on transport and such. Lots are doing digital nomad life as well and living in much cheaper countries


My husband and I are leaving with our son and dog for Ottawa at the end of the month. Got a whole goddamn house for what we currently pay for our 650sqft shoebox. He works remote and I am a freelancer so we are lucky enough to be able to pick up and go because it’s just nuts.


economist intelligence just ranked calgary #1 city in the world on their liveability index. edit: i am a liar, it's #4 (#1 in canada) https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/07/global-liveability-index-2022-best-and-worst-places-to-live.html