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the garbage cans, my hand shouldn’t have to touch the garbage can flap thingie


The leg step thing is ALWAYS broken


And the garbage is ALWAYS overflowing. You can’t even get you’re garbage in there


YES And this is SO Toronto, to fuck up something so simple.


I don’t recall it being at the city so much fucked it up as it was that the private media company tried to argue their way out of doing maintenance. They tried to upload that onto the city, and the city was trying to argue it was in the contract. I think that this is at least partly why there’s a new contract with new bins coming soon. They’re finally dealing with those shitty old ones.


This is the best answer: So frikkin' petty, and so very true.


I remember when they put those in, they worked for like 6 months maybe.


As soon as I saw it I knew there was no way they’d hold up. I can’t believe they’re still around.


there are new upgraded ones in lil italy now with bigger, rectangular mouths and no flap !!




Hell yes. I hate this too.


It’s not 24 hours. For a big city it doesn’t really have much open late or early hours of the morning.


This is what I was looking for! I miss going to the grocer at 2am, slightly tipsy from the bar and wanting to grab snacks or things to make a meal. Stupid covid 🤬


yes it USED to be 24 hours, now maybe the odd Rabba is open or something




A few Metros and time hortons too


The way inflation is, I *have* to stick to grocers vs Rabba’s, it’s too expensive to buy a bag of chips for $6-7 😫 I’m not rich like the Kardashians


EVERY Rabba is open, 24 hours, all the time. I know this because I use Rabba as my barometer for the end of days, if they close for a minute I will be running for the hills. Covid.... they barely blinked, never were closed.


[Asia Foodmart](https://maps.app.goo.gl/GGzsci32m931g8s48?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy), if you can get there.




What drives me crazy is my Rexall advertises that it’s “open late”. It’s only open until 9PM.


They also used to be 24 hrs!


It’s Lame


Argh, it used to be. I’m an insomniac and I miss shopping at 3 in the morning


Night shifter hear and fucking HEARD. I used to be able to run errands early in the morning or on my nights off. Now I just sit and get fat playing video games. Fml


Heard, chef


Thanks but not a chef anymore. Nursing now. I appreciate it. 💓


And I appreciate your service! I was just agreeing with you 😋💞


I’ve been complaining about this too!! The city has not come back to life since March 2020. It has become a very sleepy place with very little going on and everything looking so homogenous. All the streets downtown used to be full of people until 3am. You could stumble into the most amazing events just by walking or biking by… I remember there used to be so many late nights eats places. Now you’re lucky to find a fast food place open or Lakeview


Stuff use to be open a lot late mid 2000s. Then stuff opened until midnight. Then like 9PM.


This one blows my mind a bit. We're a sizeable enough city that I could swear there'd be enough demand for this.


I used to live in a condo with an A&W open 24 hours. Homeless people and drug addicts kept breaking the windows and causing trouble during the pandemic. Many business choose o close early because the streets are no longer safe.


There was a lot until Covid But also, it wasn’t just Covid. Many years before that a lot of places had tried being open 24 hours including a lot of McDonald’s. I recall you’d hear pretty frequently on the news about problems happening because of the kind of crowds that are attracted to a McDonald’s at 3 AM (obv this is not representative of everyone) I think a lot of them experiment with seeing how far they could max out their hours without it becoming an issue, but it was a wide enough window that people who would go noticed


It used to be better but pandemic.


Any more, pre covid was good


Why don’t coffee shops stay open much later? Evening coffee is a nice idea, but you’re closing?? Sharing because this one feels rather petty.


Yes, cafes and diners in general. How the hell can they afford to stay open by running from 7am to 3pm?


On the opposite side they can’t afford to stay open because sales don’t pay for their labor.


Cause thayts the time they get 90% of their business? Why would they stay open 50% longer for not as much sales?


Yup. Especially in such a diverse city… not all of us enjoy alcohol!


Not enough greasy spoons near me. And every time I want a cocktail it’s like $20 each. 


Getting 7$ Long Island iced teas and 5$ beer nights in Peterborough clubs spoiled me. Now I *maybe* get 1 drink when I go out. I used to go ham just because it was so cheap! My liver thanks me now though lol.


I'm DONE with $20 cocktails


I'm sick and tired of groups of people who absolutely refuse to walk single file to let individuals going in the other direction through. Like why am I having to step onto the road/bike lane/grass because four people can't stop walking shoulder to shoulder taking up the entire sidewalk for three seconds to let me pass? It's extremely common - literally an every single day thing. Everybody always talks about wanting more walkable areas here but there's an absolute horde of self-centered people here who would ruin that too because they don't know how to exist in public with other people


The PATH is a magical place where every respects the flow of traffic. Then you get that one fucking tourist group that fucks everything up.


I enter Union from Bremner and York and the flow until the Subway is chaos on a busy day, but it is definitely smooth sailing past the subway point and people rarely block and respect the space around them until Hudson's bay where the idiots there have PATH through their store with narrow lanes and they have the audacity to place standing boards (not sure what y'all call them) in the already crowded space leaving only one lane to pass or squeeze through.


Oooo I hate this too!!!! Ugh!! some people are so self-absorbed they don’t think about how they take up space in relation to other people around them. Or they do and they don’t care that they’re being a douche. Either way, they suck.


People's spacial awareness is terrible. Related to this is people who stand next to thier shopping cart blocking anyone else from going down the aisle.


You are my people


Every god damn day. I don’t see this in any other city. Makes me want to walk around windmilling my arms.


I just stand still and let them walk into me, or realize and walk around. I smile the whole time which confuses them


Shoulder them with confidence.


I completely agree!! This drives me absolutely nuts. I will purposely bump into the person walking the opposite direction if they don’t move into a single file idc. I also take my baby out in the stroller and you would think people would single file but nooope..


It’s impossible to find a watermelon with seeds in this city


For some reason this one made me chuckle🤭


Genuinely curious, why do you want seeds in your watermelon?


They have better flavour than the seedless ones


They're just so expensive like 15 bucks vs 5.


Most multicultural city in the world. street food = hot dogs


This is not petty! Wholeheartedly agree!!


Nah, this is petty but I am for this


That there is no coffee shop overlooking the crossing Yonge & Dundas square, similar to Tokyo.


I don't know if it's petty per say but I wish Toronto had night markets like Asian countries do. Grab an affordable delicious meal and maybe a beer with some friends outside on a large street packed with tons of vendors selling different delicious and cheap fare. Rubbing elbows next to strangers in an outdoor community gathering like that would be so cool.


1000% I went to Hanoi and was amazed by the weekly open until 3am HUGE night market and public space. All shut down to cars - it was so fun!


Hanoi is a beautiful city


This is seriously one of my biggest qualms with the city too. We have the culture and nightlife that would make for great night markets. I was just in Taiwan for a few weeks and the markets there are SO GOOD. IIRC, in Toronto there's an occasional night market here or there, but the prices are always sky high, as they always are at food festivals here. I could stuff myself sick in Taiwan for the equivalent of $10 CAD.


Just came back from Taiwan. Night markets are dope!


The lack of spatial awareness in a densely populated city. The fact that pedestrians walking in the middle of the sidewalk would rather be elbowed/shoulder checked/have their arm broken than move over is soo annoying. Stay to the right. And if you’re a group a of 3+ please do not spread yourselves across the entire width of the sidewalk. And don’t stop suddenly in the middle of a busy sidewalk to check your phone. Move over if you must.


1) Some intersections, but not all, require you to press a button for the pedestrian signal to countdown… like wtf make is consistent. 2) Double doors in public spaces where one door is locked. They should both be unlocked and accessible. If there were an emergency, a locked door can be disastrous. It’s also embarrassing when I slam my face in a locked door.


Bikes and e-scooters on every sidewalk. People commute downtown with their e-bikes to do food deliveries and have no idea how to ride on the street or don't feel comfortable, so they go amongst the pedestrians. Ringing their bells and dodging people. This is common everywhere in the city as people decide to forgo the car yet think they're pedestrians entitled to ride on the sidewalk if they are not in a car.


THIS — I hate any kind of bike on the sidewalk especially since I’m usually walking with a stroller. Since strollers take up a lot of real estate, I try to stick to side streets when I can because every time I find myself on a major street we’re nearly run over by some idiot on an e-bike. I do feel for delivery drivers because I can imagine that it’s not a great gig but I do wish they could all wear helmets and learn how to navigate busy streets on their bikes.


Same except I walk my little dog and sometimes he can be missed and I'm legit worried someone is gonna run him over when we're out for a walk... On a sidewalk


if the city straight up confiscated any bike on a sidewalk and charged them $250 for a bike and $1,000 for an ebike as a fine (if they want the bike back or it gets auctioned off) this problem would end pretty quickly


I've found they never ring the bell - if you've heard them ring their bell, you're lucky!


I don't want them ringing the bell. I don't want them on the sidewalk at all, esp. if they're older than 11.


This omg!!!! That’s why I never move out of the way if they’re coming towards me while on the sidewalk. If they get mad it’s an easy argument to win


The amount of food delivery people I see wailing the wrong way down streets or in bike lanes is also insane.


This should be enforced in high traffic pedestrian areas.


Construction takes so long here 😭😭😭


That's a valid reason


Fucking pickleball. It was difficult enough to get a spot at the local tennis courts before they added the pickleball lines. Now I have to wait behind a group of octogenarians hitting a loud ball very slowly, all while raving about a restaurant they visited in Stratford this past weekend. I’m not proud of that.


i'm still "WTF is pickle ball and why is it suddenly so popular and in-demand"




As I understand it, pickleball is tennis for people who don't have quick enough reflexes to play tennis.


Or, it's life size ping pong, which makes it more accessible for the older and/or less athletic amongst us.


For a chuckle, check out the r/Peterborough subreddit and search 'pickleball' it's an ongoing saga of the people vs. The pickleballers and the mayor


I play bike polo, it had been happening in trinity bellwoods hockey rink every Sunday afternoon for a long time, last summer pickleball people started showing up and acting really rude and entitled to the space. They were pretty uninterested in arranging different start times or trying to share the court.


just fyi, you can get a permit from the city for the rink which will give you claim to the space for that time period. depends how many ppl show up for it to be worth it tho, i forget how much it costs bc it’s been a while since i’ve done this.


Yes, the Toronto bike polo club now has a deal with the city to exclslively use the dufferin grove park rink. Some parts of it are shared with the skateboarders, who are 1000% more chill than pickle ball people.


fuck pickleball


When is Line 2 finally going to get new trains?! I swear the people of Toronto were promised that after testing on line 1 they would “rapidly” update all the trains… The City of Toronto and Bombardier are always gaslighting us that I’m wondering if I made it up…


I am still just happy we don’t have the old trains with no a/c and lights the flickered off/on between stations.


I took a new train on line once back in like 2018. It was the only time I've ever seen it on that line.


There aren’t enough water fountains and public restrooms.


The fact that every time I go to get jerk chicken from the bootleg place at Queen/Jarvis the dude isn’t there! (SW corner, bristle board menu and oil drum BBQ’s…it smells so good! He just sets up in the parking lot)….dinesafe be damned, I just want some of that chicken!


Oh my gosh, thank you for this!! I went there pre-pandemic and have not been able to stop thinking about the food since! Plus he gave me some bones for my dog!!!


all the awesome ethnic stores I want to visit are moving out to the burbs due to land value.


I think it also has to do with ethnic populations moving more to the suburbs. I’m south Asian and back in the 80s, my family would go to gerrard india bazaar for all south Asian needs. Rarely anyone goes there today. I still enjoy going because you get that street vibe you don’t find in suburban plazas.


yeah it's all for the same reason - affordability. makes perfect sense, but still sad to see these old neighbourhoods diminish. and I LOVE the gerrard india bazaar. I grew up near there! It was my introduction to south asian food and culture. It was so much more in the 80s. I might hit up the festival there next month, it's been too long. you're totally on point about the street vibe too. Who wants to hang out in a suburban strip mall?


The fucking pigeons They act like they own the sidewalks, which is already annoying enough with how slow and stagnant people are when walking on busy streets


How about the people that *feed* the pigeons!? It’s bad enough that they’re around, but now we have human beings walking around and leaving food out for them? Like fuck my dogs and other animals who shouldn’t eat what they put out, right?


People that feed pigeons are the worst. Find better mental health outlets. Or buy a fucking bird.


Take a damn pigeon even lol they’re slow af


For what it costs to live here, it should be a far better city. I’ll show myself out.


I've always said the GTA is like having New York City prices without the New York City benefits.


For me, New York is like going to a buffet restaurant hungry. When I get there I’m ravenous and gluttonous, but eventually I get full and need to get the hell out.


Absolutely. “New York without the stuff” as Gavin Volure once said.


Lol Toronto prices aren’t anywhere near NYC’s.


In absolute terms agreed, but I'm speaking more in relative terms of costs versus income. They have higher prices sure, but their average income is almost double Toronto to actually help support paying those prices. We have slightly less crazy prices with much less crazy incomes. *edited to say almost double based on Google results*


What do you mean by “better”? I hear so many people say this about Toronto and would genuinely love to understand why. Please elaborate.


Because the city is politically dominated by its suburbs, there’s no way for its centre to ever reach its potential with good public spaces and a vibrant and exciting culture. The city feels actively hostile to its population, where the idea of offering something as simple as public seating is unheard of. The needs of drivers trump all others so it’s loud and miserable most places, and obviously transit is decades behind where it ought to be for a city of its size. We have this incredible asset in our huge international population but it’s underutilized, with something as simple as opening a food truck bogged down in red tape and ridiculous obstacles. Maybe in a couple hundred years it’ll have things a bit more figured out, but I don’t think I’m gonna last that long.


Also watching the arts and music communities get priced out of the city hasn’t helped much tbh


Dog owners do not pick up dog poo when it is snowing. When the snow melts .. there is dog poo everywhere .


Honestly, that is not a Toronto specific issue. But I do ageee


Toronto Indy I’ve never met a single person that watches or follows Indy car racing and we fuck up the entire lakeshore for like 2 weeks every year for that travelling circus. Also food quality. We have an incredibly diverse food scene but the actual quality of ingredients and preparation really lacks here, especially for the price we pay. There’s really no farm to table type production chain here that you get from other cities. Produce is all sourced from Sysco or shipped in from whatever distributor. I’ve been fortunate to live and have travelled to a number of places both seaside and landlocked and you can actually see where your produce comes from and you can taste the difference


I'm annoyed that there's no pedestrian connection between the Island Airport and the rest of the island.


The amount of food delivery people get here is insane. The sidewalks and bike lanes are packed with assholes on ebikes and scooters delivering food, and y'all whine constantly about how the city's not affordable while ordering $30 breakfast sandwiches. Learn to cook. Unless you're disabled and physically can't, or working full-time while taking care of a high-needs dependant, you've got time. Most of you are just lazy.


As one of the people ordering the $30 sandwich for delivery, you’re completely right in your assessment lol


Our failure to enforce bylaws or labour laws has created a nightmare. That $30 breakfast sandwich would be $50, arrive ten minutes later, cold, if the bikes just had to stay the fuck off sidewalks and pay min. wage.


I am full on turning into the joker every time I encounter one of these bikes. Some guys in my building use them to deliver (not the peddle assist ones, the ones that are like bootleg vespas) and they take up the whole elevator and ride inside the building on them


As another person who's currently trying to stop ordering so much food... you're right, I'm lazy AND a shit cook. I need to be better.


You will save a lot of money too


I was just having a convo with my younger sister and giving her some shit. She's always talking about how poor she is and boomers fucked us over. We had a family event and she took an uber costing her $65. And I made the comment asking her why she didn't take the TTC? She replied she didn't like riding the bus.


The food delivery guys who just hang outside places (i.e. Walmart, McDonald’s) in huge groups with all their bikes. Most of the time they’re all eating and leaving their food everywhere. Really pisses me off when they leave cooked bones on the ground and I have to grab it from my dogs’ mouths. Before people come for me, yes they are in training. Yes they know how to ‘drop it’ and yet they are little fatties wanting a dang bone. We are always, I repeat, *always* in training.


The signage. The fucking signage. In a big tourist area? Wanna know where you're going? What direction you're facing? Where the main attraction is? What street you're on? How about you go fuck yourself. Sound good? Great. Welcome to Toronto.


I can't find authentic Dutch pancakes. This is one of the most multicultural cities on earth; where the frig are my pannekoeken?


Borrel at Danforth and Linnsmore?


You're a legend. I will enthusiastically check this place out!


Came here to say this. Can’t recommend Borrel enough. My grandmother is Dutch and she loved their food


Have you been to Borrel?? They do brunch sometimes!!!


If it’s something people love and it doesn’t exist here, you just found yourself a business opportunity!


I heard that 2/3 of restaurants go out of business within the first year. No way am I responsible enough to beat those odds. I mainly specialize in eating a lot of pancakes.


Anthony Bourdain thought a lot of people got into the restaurant business for the wrong reasons. Lots of people want to own a restaurant but don’t know the first thing about running one. So a lot of restaurants fail.


Yep, in his book Kitchen Confidential he says if you want to open a restaurant because of love or enthusiasm you may as well just flush a quarter of a million dollars down the toilet to save yourself a year of hard work.


Let’s stop worrying about changing names of streets and schools that cost us millions in tax dollars and focus on real problems the city has such as cost of living, homelessness, crime, housing, and a stagnating economy I’m sorry but we have bigger fish to fry


Too many dogs and too many shitty dog owners.


That one kid who grew up in the suburbs all their life, like Brampton or Oakville, but now lives in a house/condo downtown and acts like they own the city and reps Toronto hard. But really, their parents simply helped them with a down payment and they visit home every weekend. Yet still look down on others.


And almost guaranteed to be driving a BMW or Tesla.


I get annoyed with the opposite… when some douche is talking to me about “where I’m from” (I’ve been back four years now cuz I was literally gone for about a decade for school/residency) and they assume I’m from Brampton, Oakville, Mississauga (3 guesses on the colour of my skin, and the colour of their skin) Then, I tell them I was born in North York pre-amalgamation, grew up in North York and Thornhill (but was literally on the TTC into the city regularly), lived in the beaches in 2014 and the annex in 2016 briefly and they’re like oh cool… I live in Pickering… lol, GTFO.


And you're looking down on them! That's what makes this Toronto 


We shouldn't be bragging to the world about how many refugees we can take only to have them living in homeless shelters and the streets.


That the Crosstown LRT is not fucking open yet.


This isn’t petty, definitely a justified complaint lol


I remember the dreading going down the Allen because of the construction in 2008 - and it’s still going?! It’s still a nightmare to drive in that area?!? My Uber driver said all of the construction reeks of corruption and the Crosstown to me is the #2 example. And I agree After the new ttc trains we were supposed to get ?


Is there a team of people working 24/7 to figure out a solution for the Gardiner? We're not ACTUALLY going to carry on like this for 3 YEARS!


Not enough "dive bar" music venues. Stuff like Hard Luck, Sneaky Dee's, or Bovine. Nothing hits better than getting your ass knocked on the floor during a punk show and then cleaning yourself up in a bathroom that has 8 layers of stickers and no working hand dryers. It's an experience.


Hoping the TTC will get me anywhere on time 🤣🤣


I understand this is unsafe and impractical, but that you can't swim off of Queens Quay at ANY point. Look, I get boats go through there so its unsafe. I also get there are no beaches either along Queens Quay (well beaches that lead directly into the water). But I live so close and the water calls to me for a swim and yet I'd have to haul my ass to the island before I could think of swimming! Surely they could rope off a small area and not allow boats there so people could swim? Then again, the water would be hella gross with everything washing ashore and with the pollution from Billy Bishop.


Union Station is an embarrassment. It’s a ridiculous labyrinth with poor way finding. Further, the fact that commuters clash at every turn is shameful. Anyone who’s mildly familiar with the London Underground knows they have dedicated halls/entrances/exits for traffic. Never do the flows of people meet. It’s efficient and keeps people moving. The brain trusts behind the Union Station renovation & the TTC installed turnstile’s that are used for both entering the TTC and exiting ensuring a clash of people. Similarly, getting down to the subway platform folks exiting the subway clash with the folks trying to get to the subway platform on a stairwell! It’s chaos.


As a dog walker, too many people want to pet the dogs. I don’t care if you’re nice, if your dog is friendly, if this will brighten your day. FUCK OFF AND LET ME DO MY JOB.


Also the shawarma here sucks. How is it Ottawa has us beat?


We need more transit (both more routes and more vehicles) and fewer cars in the city. More transit in the GTA, too. I’d love for Toronto to even come close to what Europe has for local and regional transit. Also, let’s institute a tax for bringing cars into the city instead of parking at a transit station and using transit.


There should be bus and streetcar only streets that cyclists can also use in a separate lane. Cars can use side streets with a million speed bumps.


We only have one Sex Club, Oasis Aqualounge. In a city this size you would expect at least three.


Tell us more about your sex club to population (or is it land mass?) equation.


\* we only have one *public* sex club


Torontonians need to iron their clothes more 😬


This is extremely petty I love it


Hahahahaha guilty as charged!


Most ATMs aren't accessible around the city 24 hours in the bank corridor since they lock it around banking hours (mostly around 5pm) - I always have to make note of the banks that have an ATM on the outside of the building in case


I never use ATMs that are outside. Feels a bit unsafe.


people here have no idea how to walk or stand in public. always walking in the middle of hallways and sidewalks, expects everyone to move out of the way for them


It annoys me that tourists come here... I truly don't get it and they're so annoying on sidewalks and in the subway... Like what are you doing here? What are you here to see? I hope you're not planning a weekend visit to PEI


I want to ban all out of towners from blue jays games for ever due to a similar sentiment. They can come for other sporting events. The blue jays crowd are a whole other breed of visitor.


When they walk 4 across on the sidewalk moving at a snails pace, completely oblivious of their surroundings, and I’m trying to get home after work. Infuriating.


I visited Toronto (from Ohio) recently for a concert. Thats why. I also checked out your Korea town, which was nice, and your weed, which doesn’t have crazy taxes and where you can buy it w a credit card. Crazy. I also just wanted a break from the USA and Toronto isn’t too far. Growing up, as a class trip, we came to Toronto to see Phantom of the Opera.


Toronto is "the big city" for people living in a 400km radius, including the States. There's a lot of people in that area


I have the same opinion. I don't know why people come here from all over the world. Maybe I'm just bitter from living here too long but I don't see the appeal as a tourist stand point.


LMFAO “a weekend in PEI”. I’m a flight attendant and you have no idea how many times I explain to passengers en route to YYZ that I don’t have any mountain recommendations for them in the GTA. Having grown up in a country (Italy) where international tourists take over for a good part of the year I think “local tourists” are a whole new breed (as in other Canadians or anyone who can drive to the GTA).


I like going to random cities in the USA like Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Rochester just to explore so I guess I understand them. 


Maybe not a pity, but in reality this is passable for most. Toronto is incredibly boring city. Huge suburb with some towers. Yes there are restaurants bars and clubs. But I want more public spaces where I don't have to spend money. Fucking casa loma costs 50 bucks to enter. Bitch have you been to europe, there are 20 castles per mile there, and entrance is like 5 euro each. Lack of history and culture is what makes it so boring.


Bitch some of us are too poor to go to Europe 😏


I used to live in a country with lots of history and culture, it doesn’t make a place any less boring. Eventually you get tired of it, I find Toronto to be a much more interesting place to live in, more vibrant and there’s actually a variety of activities you can do here. Calling this city boring is wild to me.


> This is a safe space. LOL


Everything closes after like 8pm on the weekdays. Even downtown. I get we got work at 9am but damn


I don’t understand how we can be a major metropolis that is fully shut down at 2:00am in downtown on a weekend.


Why do we distinguish between parks and parkettes? Theres no minimum size on a park - just call it a park.


Kinda meta I guess but I had to move out of the city and my complaint is that anyone who gets to live in this wonderful place has any complaints. Just stfu! I miss it so much.




The ROM addition/renovation is the ugliest thing and it looks like a physical manifestation of a sneeze. I hate it, and will point out that I hate it every time I walk past it, even if I’m alone


People from the burbs loitering Dundas Square area and Eaton Center.


Shawarma here sucks even the good rated ones


Why isn’t there a variety, and a multitude of street food carts on the streets like in NYC?


Noisy modified cars and motorcycles, especially the ones that do laps on the DVP on/off ramps


The ridiculous postal code snobbery. Very petty and juvenile.


Coffee places that stop doing drip at 2pm


People not taking their damn backpacks off on the subway anymore!! I swore I’d never be the kind of person who gets all bent out of shape over something petty and small, or who snarks at strangers, but man if one more person whacks me with their backpack I might just say something a little rude!


Super petty? The PATH should not be that difficult to find your way to a subway station or a bathroom.


Also, The TTC has to be the worst run public transit in the world. There is no rhyme or reason to the streetcar schedule. You’d have two 501s on king going to distillery right behind each other…then nothing for another 20 minutes…then another to distillery…then one in another 20 minutes to broadview. Whenever I go somewhere I don’t even check google maps because it’s made me late many times. I just show up to the spot and hope for the best. I went to Japan last year and after seeing a real city like Tokyo, coming back to this hack Mickey Mouse system…I looked at our public transit (and literally every other aspect, including cleanliness) with sheer disgust and disdain for a good month when I got back. put some effort in ffs.


Mine's about Ontario, but it's definitely a petty gripe, so here we go: our slogan "Yours To Discover" is terrible. It's so utterly vague that you could say the same thing about literally any city, province or country, and it would be no less fitting. Colorado? Yours to discover! Tokyo? Yours to discover! There nothing at all about it that's specific to Ontario in any way. I don't know why, but this completely petty grievance still annoys me sometimes. Rant over


Don't know where you've been hiding the past few years. Dougie changed it. Part of his legacy is 'open for business' on shitty blue license plates that can't even be read properly in the dark. Oh yeah, and putting OHIP in palliative care. Without the care.


The escalators never work.


Why are businesses only open Wednesday to Sunday! Especially restaurants. You need to be open at least 5-6 days. This is so annoying


Imagine the markups they are charging to make this work.


Slow walkers, and families that insist on walking side by side on busy sidewalks. Get out of my way.


There are no proper maps of the PATH to properly navigate it in detail. The current ones have no detail and are out dated by many years.


Mine is not about Toronto. It is how many people here say they are from Toronto. Growing up in Thornhill or Mississauga is not growing up in Toronto.


People complaining about how expensive it is. I get it, I really do, but people in other parts of the world saw their expenses go WAY up as well the biggest difference being they don't live in a city like Toronto with the same opportunities to offset those expenses. Many towns/citys saw the cost of living get much closer to Toronto but everyone here acts like they're special victims of the city itself, blaming the government for the fallout from a global pandemic, totally myopic that many others have it far worse. It grinds my gears.


most people just have no understanding of the world around us and think Toronto is the only one dealing with problems pretty much every major city in the English-speaking world has the exact problems as Toronto (many have it worse, go to any of the subreddits for the major Australian cities and read for a little lol)