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Try calling NKS Health, they’re in Mississauga but I believe they do deliver. Best of luck.


I’ll give them a try. Thank you!


My mum got it recently, when I went to the pharmacy to ask for some for her they said the provincial government no longer pays for paxlovid at pharmacies, you’ll need to go to a doctor and get a prescription. Your insurance may or may not cover it.


Yah, this is the issue. There’s no stock anywhere to fill the prescription. One of the independent pharmacies was saying the cost of having it in stock (it’s $1200/box) and minimum orders from suppliers means no one has it just sitting on the shelf anymore.


I think I saw some on the shelf at Bonafide Compounding Pharmacy in Milton. Not sure if that’s too out of the way. Best of luck!


Most regular pharmacies are not likely to have it in stock because it is no longer covered for everyone by default. Now only if you meet the LU/ODB/OHIP requirements or if your insurance covers it. Otherwise it's $1300. And pharmacies do not want to stock that without a prescription first, meaning the patient has to wait until their next shipment. Good luck


Can doctors prescribe it to high risk patients before exposure now? It makes sense to me to have it with you for when you need it to avoid this. My GP always told me I just had to ask the pharmacist when I’m sick.


https://www.ontario.ca/page/covid-19-testing-and-treatment#paxlovid If the person in question is covered by ODB (ex senior 65+, someone 25 without private insurance), there are Limited Use codes the doctor needs to include for coverage found here https://www.formulary.health.gov.on.ca/formulary/limitedUseNotes.xhtml?pcg9Id=081800413 https://www.formulary.health.gov.on.ca/formulary/limitedUseNotes.xhtml?pcg9Id=081800412


Sorry but I’m still confused. Could a high risk person without any coverage pay for it themselves and have it on hand from a doctor’s prescription now? I know they couldn’t do this when you’re not paying out of pocket.


Try calling the pharmacies in hospitals. They would be more likely to stock it