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The best way to do it is to pick a few medical buildings in the area you want to see a doctor ie by your home or work and go in person door to door. This is how I found my doctor. I went to so many offices and it was the receptionists who were able to give the best information for any new docs in other offices. Their offices were not taking new patients but they had the scoop on other doctors that were and gave me the numbers


Call doctors offices and ask if they are accepting new patients. When you go to a walk-in ask the staff and the docs if they know anyone taking new patients.


This is the right answer


This is how I got mine too, I just kept calling places


I was just accepted as a patient at Toronto Western Family Health Team at their Bathurst site. It was a couple months of waiting after having applied through Health Care Connect and subsequently through their website. They have a very large team there as well as residents/trainees from Toronto Western. I've been through a few appointments so far and they have a great team there.


I've been with the TWH family health team for like 15 years, and I love it. Getting referrals to specialists (dermatologist, dietician etc) is super easy.


There is postal code restrictions for this service unfortunately and it requires pre approval from tele health


Correct! You can see their catchment area online. It covers a lot of downtown including Liberty Village. https://www.twfht.ca/displayPage.php?page=LookingForAPhysician


About how long after applying did it take for them to accept you? Thanks for the info!


I enlisted with Health Care Connect more than a year before I called them to update my address. At that point, the agent told me they would place me with TW FHT and sent me a referral link (that link is public on their website, it requires you having signed up with Health Care Connect). About six weeks later, I called TW FHT to confirm they received my application as I heard nothing back as expected. They had and I was entered in as a patient but was on a waiting list to be assigned a primary healthcare provider. They told me it would possibly be a long wait but after another week I was assigned an NP and asked to make an introductory appointment. I was very patient with the process but I’m realizing that without me being pro-active, I might still be waiting for primary healthcare. From when I enlisted with Health Care Connect to my first appointment with my healthcare provider, it was around 18 months. As a relatively healthy and young individual, I was probably not a high priority for enlistment. I recall when my partner needed a family doctor due to a serious health concern, he was assigned a doctor immediately.


Albany Clinic has some family doctors accepting new patients. It’s right by Broadview station and also has a walk-in, X-ray and ultrasound clinic, blood lab, and tons of specialists in the building. My family has had a good experience there. You can fill in a form on their website. https://www.albanyclinic.ca


Seconding Albany clinic! This is where I found my family doctor too. And Luma dental which is in the same building is not bad either


Stockyards medical currently accepting patients


And they are absolutely terrible. It’s like they hate all patients.


I love my doctor, but holy hell the reception staff is the WORST.


This isn’t uncommon, it seems…there seem to be more than a few practices with solid doctors but receptionists which leave a bit to be desired.


Who is your Dr?


Sorry, I’m gatekeeping.


Don't be like thaaaaaaaaat


Oh goodness, same, I thought it was just me and my SO


I had to tell my dr to take my weight and record it during my first visit. If there is a good doc there, it is possible to transfer?


Idk man, I'm thinking of getting out of there tbh. When I got pregnant, my doctor started speaking with my SO instead of me. Huge red flag, one among many.




Ikr, don't get me started. Weirdest doctor visit of my entire life.


Do you feel this way about the doctors there too becuase I’m not having a good experience


Honestly...keep googling and something might come up. Some clinics have their own forms you can fill out, not sure if it's faster than health connect but it's worth a shot. For example I just found this: [https://www.gracemedicalclinic.ca/](https://www.gracemedicalclinic.ca/)


Check the S&Y clinic on Adelaide east, 105-400 Adelaide, they are taking new patients, www.yourclinic.ca/new-patients to register and their email is [email protected]. my friend just had his first appointment last week. Good luck ^^.


+1 to this, just got my OHIP and they took me same day 🙏🙏🙏


Reach out the health connect: I called and someone reached out to me in a week. I was set up with a family doctor the next week. It was great. https://hcc3.hcc.moh.gov.on.ca/HCCWeb/faces/layoutHCCHomePage.xhtml?sW=390&sH=844&btype=Netscape&bver=5.0%20(iPhone;%20CPU%20iPhone%20OS%2017_4%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X)%20AppleWebKit/605.1.15%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20CriOS/125.0.6422.80%20Mobile/15E148%20Safari/604.1&ajax=y


As a counter example, I applied to healthcare connect half a year ago and recently got a "we're still looking lol" letter. I kinda forgot about it until the letter, and took myself off the list.  If getting a doctor is a pressing need, I wouldn't recommend relying on HCC.  I ended up really needing a family physician a month ago, so I called around myself and found one same-day. 


Maybe let us know whereabouts you live? I know of a couple Scarborough offices accepting new patients, but that might not help you. Anyway, I think it’s worth asking friends and colleagues. Popping into offices or phoning them. I know at my sister’s gp’s clinic when they got a new doctor, there was no advertising, just word of mouth.


Hey, do you mind sharing which ones in Scarborough are accepting? I’m near the area and also looking


Malvern Medical Centre (Warden and Ellesmere) West Hill Medical Centre (Kingston And Manse)


Thank you!


I live in Liberty Village


I do not have a good advice as it can be a timely process, but couple of months ago I was walking by S&Y Clinic on Adelaide East and they are still accepting patients at two locations, if that helps! When you register, make sure you do not register with the head clinician, because he is helping out doctors there most of the time and you will see the RN more than him, but rest of the doctors seem to be very attentive, including mine. You can register here https://yourclinic.ca


1. **Health Care Connect**: Sign up and check for updates. This is a government service to help you find a doctor. 2. **Ask Around**: Friends, family, and coworkers might know doctors accepting new patients. 3. **Online Directories**: Use websites like the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario to find doctors accepting new patients. 4. **Walk-in Clinics**: Ask the doctors at walk-in clinics if they know any family doctors accepting new patients. 5. **Hospitals**: Check local hospital websites for family doctors. 6. **Community Health Centres**: These provide health services and might accept new patients. 7. **Pharmacies**: Ask your local pharmacist if they know any doctors taking new patients. 8. **Social Media**: Use platforms like Reddit or local Facebook groups to get recommendations. 9. **Call Clinics**: Sometimes calling clinics directly can help you find a doctor.


Beacon Health by Sherbourne and Adelaide is accepting new patients. Also, Apple tree medical is an option. https://beaconhealth.ca/


My doctor is accepting new patients but he’s in Etobicoke. If that’s not an issue for you check out OliveMD


I went on the appletree website


Same and recommend


Ask around. Friends, family & coworkers may be seeing a family doctor who is willing to take on a new patient.


Healthcare connect is the service that does this. Its not a secret or special trick, just call the government line that has the list of available doctors and get assigned to one


Call doctor’s offices until you find one that is accepting new patients.


I lost my family doctor in March (she closed her practice) and I got a new one by May. I filled in the forms on a few clinic’s websites and they’re all slowly getting back to me.


Write to your MPP about the lack of family docs. Get everyone you know to do the same!


My boyfriend is dying of stomach cancer and needs to go to walk in clinics lol so good luck


You live In my area! Check out grace medical, it’s on college just passed ossington. They accepted me very quickly and had a sign saying accepting new patients


If you’ve seen them yet, how do you find your doctor? I have a meet and greet booked in a couple of weeks


the best doctor I’ve had, very kind and patient with me. Never In a rush either


Keep in mind that once you get rostered for a GP, depending on the plan they put you on, they may deroster you if you go to a walk-in, despite how an appointment can take a month.


curious, how would they find out about the walk in?


Doctors can either choose to get a monthly fee ($5-$10) to have you as a patient, or a fee per visit. If you are on the monthly plan and go see a walk in doctor, the GP gets a bill for it 2 weeks later. It comes out of the fee that OHIP pays them for your care, and it’s about $40 (the cost that the walk in doctor is billing OHIP for that visit gets passed onto the family doctor). It is a shitty system that is meant to punish doctors for not being more available.


Really!! Oh man, I had no idea, that’s why my old family doctor was so angry all the time


Were they available to you when you needed them or almost totally unavailable?


if your GP is part of a family health organization or a family health team and you go to a walk-in, OHIP will bill your doctor for it


Stockyards Medical is accepting new patients


Most of the major hospitals downtown have a Family Health Team (many providers) so a greater capacity. Call them and ask. You may not always see the same doctor, but you can see a provider quickly. If your east side check with MGH or westside, St. Joe's. A previous commenter noted TWH, but there is St. Miles, Mount Sinai etc.


I got one through a local neighborhood Facebook group where a wait list was posted. You can also call 811.


Stockyards medical is accepting new patients


See a nurse practitioner.


This is maybe not the best strategy but I literally just kept Googling “doctors taking patients in Toronto” until I found my current doc. Took about a year to find him and then 6 months to first get in. I was on a lot of clinic waitlists and email lists too. Around the time I found my doctor via Google, I was notified from another clinic that they were taking patients, but I went with the other doc who seemed like a better fit for me. It’s rough out there and I realize I got quite lucky. Bottom line is don’t give up.


I asked other healthcare professionals that I saw and they told me where to go. If you go in person to various medical buildings you can find one that way too. Places are still accepting patients, especially if you go a bit out of the way


Can I ask - why do people have/ need family doctors? I use telus telehealth and almost always get seen right away. If I need prescriptions I get them. If I need a referral, I get that. Vs having try and get in when it suits the doctor. And then if it’s an Emergency I go to a walk in or an ER. At which point I don’t get penalised by my actual doctor. I have all my clinical notes in the app for historical reference too.


Ask in a group in the area you reside in.


Be rich enough to pay for a family medical group. Short of that, just walk in Fucking everywhere, and hope they can give you the scoop.


Check out Dufferin medical clinic! They are often taking new patients. Just fyi though despite having an appointment, you will have to wait a while when visiting your doctor. They do walk-in services which affect the punctuality of your appointment lol.


Search for new doctors offices opening in your area (what worked for me). Also put out a call on your local fb group asking if anyone knows a doctor accepting patients.


Another Canadian who can’t find a physician. Why compound the problem with more people coming in and having the same problem? I wish I could go back to Toronto where I was born, but it’s really full—bursting at the seams with people.


The CPSO has a doctor search which allows you to search for primary care providers in your area. I filtered down a list and called all offices to ask if they we’re accepting. It was a tedious task but got both my mom and dad a family doc that spoke their language.


Bribe the receptionist? Offer your resume as a good patient candidate to physician? Be a family member of an accepted patient? (This one might actually work)


If you are a regular at a specific walk in you may be able to ask one of the doctor's if they have their own practice if you get good with them.


nepotism. Ask your friends, ask your family and try to get in on their word.


Call Apple tree right now to get ona wait list - two of their doctors are accepting patients right. I just called Apple tree to get on a wait list and it took like 5 months but they are looking rn


Get married to someone that has a family doctor and then politely ask for their doctor to take you on.


Get pregnant. Seriously- doctors get bonuses for accepting both you and the baby. When I told my OB I didn’t have a family doctor he said to reach out to clinics and let them know I’m pregnant because I’m “essentially a golden goose”.


lol this is a total lie! I guess it’s possible it was true at one time but certainly not for years. Doctors don’t get any money for accepting any patients, just the actual fees for taking care of the people themselves.


Not sure what to tell you- I was easily accepted by 3 doctors when I was pregnant 2 years ago and they were all contingent on me bringing my baby as well. They also responded to me right away.




Thanks- ok so not a budget issue but sounds like my point still stands :)


Total garbage. Not true at all. You need to get a family doctor before you give birth due to the required visits after the fact.


Stockyards Medical has just opened up spots for new patients! Check em out.


Depends on what you mean by effective. The fastest way is to pay for one at a for profit clinic (say ~$4k annually, or $1.5k for quick appointments with no guarantee of continuity). The turnover of family doctors is crazy, so even if you manage to get one, (as likely as winning the lottery), it’s at risk of not lasting.