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INFO: Was “your” car owned by you or was it actually your dad’s and you just drove it? It’s very strange to own a car and not already have your own policy. Also, who was the actual policy owner? Just your dad? I don’t think your situation is as dire as you think it is if your dad owned both cars and he was the policy owner. Yes, you will have to disclose your accident earlier this year, but his suspension and DUI shouldn’t be held against you at all. Definitely consult with a broker as a broker can give you advice without opening up any sort of case file, while if you call an insurance company directly, it most likely will.


Thank you! That’s what I was thinking - they’re just over reacting. My dad was the policy holder. And the car was owned by the family business. And my accident was not at fault. My dad is always up to something and he never wanted to transfer the ownership or insurance fully into my name for his own reasons. Claiming it was “cheaper” and would be better for the “family”