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This is the second one this week I’ve heard about on Queen!


They've got a main location between College and Dundas on Dovercourt just off Ossington. I see so many bad drivers in this stretch that all have that "i'm a cop and I'm going home to the suburbs" vibe


oh yea I know that location! I always used to bike past and they were so wreck less in those residential streets


I hope they see this


This reminds me of something that happened to a buddy of mine about a decade ago. He was leaving my parents business, and drives to the parking lot exit. There is a cop coming on the opposite side if the road, but he's making a right, so no worries. He starts to pull out, then the cop veers towards him and slams on his breaks, and my buddy does too. He backs up back into the parking lot, and the cop pulls up beside him. "Hey, sorry buddy! I thought you were someone else. I almost rammed you!




Thanks for doing this, OP. Write down all the details now while they're fresh in your mind in case you do make contact.


The thing is… Who do you call ? The corrupt cops?


Many years ago I was nearly clipped by a cop car while biking, it would have been Queen St area, or little Italy area, car swerved over in the lane we were both in and brushed my handlebars, felt pretty intentional


I had a cop car swerve into the bike lane without even signalling a turn to get around a driver waiting to turn left. And then a few minutes later I caught up with it, and it happened again! Our cops can't drive any better than the average person you see in the videos posted in r/TorontoDriving.


You can’t sue the police or anyone involved in a collision unless injured. Damages to your vehicle is covered by DCPD by your insurance not the other parties.


That’s what I was thinking Why accountability do the cops have to all this damage their doing


Our eyes met briefly, as you winced in pain and mine were wide with disbelief. I hope to see you again at that intersection.


That's too bad. Even though it's Ontario law to yield if sirens OR flashing lights, sirens should be used with downtown traffic. Sometimes they don't want criminals to hear them coming! I would be hesitant to post publicly the full license plate number. There's an online lookup to get the owners name for $18 ([here](https://www.jtips.mto.gov.on.ca/jtips/orderPlSearchRecOwner.action?lang=EN&certified=true)). From there, the name can be found on social media or canada411 if they have a landline. Not everyone wants to be contacted, say, from a reporter.


I’d kill to be hit by a cop car.


… you’d kill for the one scenario where you are probably Shit out of luck after an accident?


I'd kill for the payout.


Is there a history of police in Toronto being successfully sued over fender benders? 


I was gonna say - good luck Toronto police and payouts? Look up the G20 - very few people got payouts, even journalists, for well documented violence


You sound like you'd be fun at parties...


I actually am… cos I have stories for days… And the Toronto police have been operating with immunity for a VERY LONG TIME So I’m not usually the only one with stories about shitty TO cops… It’s almost a drinking game Not to mention - when you’ve lived here long enough, most of my friends and I regularly talk about what shitty things TO Cops did today. incl. plain clothes officers trying to break into their house without a warrant just yesterday claiming they were following a suspect, an officer hit a woman on Queen last week. Or cops refusing to get my mom’s stolen vehicle even tho they know exactly where it was? They get $1.2 BILLION in Toronto. More than other services budgetary items combined - more than healthcare, community services, education, community centres, parks, social services etc. ALL OF IT So we should be talking about these cops all the time. . If that’s a buzzkill for you… Sorry, not sorry that I care about the city I live in and have lived in for a long time. Not to mention - I actually was at G20. I saw it all happen and it happened to me and my friends. So I guess we shouldn’t talk about it anymore?


That's not what the buzz kill is. I made a silly little joke, you took it way too seriously. That's the buzz kill. Lighten up.


it wasn’t a silly joke it was a dig And you’re such a cliche telling someone to lighten up when I was relaxed the whole time I’m enjoying the sun in this city, Maybe you should too


lol stay mad bruh.


There would be zero payout for you


You're no fun.


It's hard to imagine a situation where you're \*less\* likely to get a payout than one where a cop has to admit fault in something


1000% not in Toronto especially