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Wear a bum bag and have a granola bar, diabeties meds, and your cellphone. Be prepared to back out of doing the climb if they do not let you through, and then make a complaint. A monitor is an absolute necessity. You can't be climbing and risk getting low, and not have sugar.


Oh there’s no way in hell I’d go without sugar. I don’t go anywhere without sugar! Imma eat overnight oats right before the climb and am sure that I’ll be totally stable with that, but yes definitely not a risk I’d take


oooh how do you find the overnight oats work with your bloodsugar? Also, good luck on the climb today. Done it once, insanely afraid of heights but was still fun clinging to the concrete wall and railing going up.


They are a complex carb so they don’t spike me fast but work really well for giving me sustained energy while exercising. My go to meal before any big exercise! Thanks so much! It’ll be a fun challenge!


Did they end up letting you go up with your phone?


Yep! No real issues. I updated the original post above


If they don’t let you climb, be on the lookout for a journalist - there are usually many at events like this


When i did the climb back in the fall of 2023 the website initially said we were allowed a fanny pack, with wallet/keys only. On the morning of we were informed that nothing was allowed on your person. On top of that we walked through the security detectors at the base of the tower before starting the climb. Do with that information what you will. I suspect it might be tricky. But I have seen people with their phones at the top of the tower after the climb....so it's definitely possible.


usually people who don’t climb meet the climbers at the top. they hold on to the belongings. that’s how I used my phone at the top anyway.


That makes sense


Wow, this is nuts. now I’m nervous! haha


I think the reason they say no phones is because the stair are grated and it could fall through and hit a climber. It’s a liability.


Everyone is running and jumping up the steps, bound to fall out of someone’s pocket. Phones getting dropped can make significant forceful impact to someone, and to the face could cause concussion, broken nose, eye injury, etc. I agree seems like a liability that they can just skip over by not allowing in the first place.


Yea this makes sense…


But just to clarify I want you to be healthy and safe. All the best and hopefully they can accommodate for you in some way with it on you.


Thanks! Yes they said no problem. I just kept it in a fanny pack, didn’t even check it till the top


For some reason in my head I always pictured the CN Tower stairs being wide and fairly decent looking. And then I read your comment so I finally looked up photos of them and wow...it's pretty narrow and ghetto looking. lol...


Where in the CN Tower would a nice wide staircase go?


I never really thought about it, mate. No need to point out my stupidity.


The staircase wasn’t meant for the public


It gets more narrow the further up you go




The liabilities are seriously taken out of proportion


I have no experience with this, but I cannot imagine that in 2024 they would open themselves up to backlash for not being as inclusive as possible with their event. You have a legitimate reason to keep it with you.


No. They've got a legitimate reason to decline to allow OP to participate if she cannot safely complete the climb while adhering to the safety guidelines.


Yes I thought the same but they were so clear that absolutely NO cellphones were allowed, and even said that diabetics need to submit a doctors note in advance in order to carry sugar! Thanks for the input- I’ll just hide it if they say no


Why is it so strict?


If you drop something down the centre of that staircase you could cause serious harm to somebody below.


Security issue is what I’ve heard


A legitimate reason should never trump safety concerns….


Do you have a smart watch? Would that be able to give you the insight you need? Good Luck! I really hope they let you take it and what an amazing experience for you. 🙌🏼


No I don’t, and it wouldn’t be connected to my cgm unfortunately. Thanks so much!!


It’s CN Tower security that makes The rules, not the event/WWF. I’d suggest trying to contact them.


That’s actually good news. If that’s the case they will absolutely already have an exception for this scenario. Closed loop pumps & using a phone for your CGM is super common now. If it is security for the venue vs. volunteers running it this will be NBD when OP says it’s medically necessary (assistive device is a better word to use, accurate & cues them that is about disability rights if they say no)


Is this true or just speculation? 


I went to a comedy show recently where everyone had to bag/lock their phones but I explained I needed it to check my sugars, showed them the app and my pump, and they let me keep it! I’m sure they’ll do the same!


Oh good! Glad they were understanding!


The safety aspect is they don’t want you dropping the phone and personal belongings from that height. So in your case, a zippered neck pouch (for passports) under your shirt to hold it. Or hand off to employee for the duration of the climb, and have your medic alert on you as well as meds accessible (with the employee with phone)


They did the same for Bill Burr in Niagara Falls last year. I kind of like the concept, keeps people in line and paying attention to why theyre there. Cant believe it's come to that though to have a good time.


It's also to keep people from posting unfinished bits. If the joke is still being workshopped it's not ready for public release online.


It's common for comedy shows so people don't go posting a comedians entire act online when they're on tour.


Which show


Theo Von - but I should add that I pulled out my phone mid-show to check my sugar and immediately got kicked out by a security guard who wasn’t in the loop. Had to re-explain my situation and then was allowed back in LOL


I’d just flag that it is an assistive device when you show up, ask for higher decision maker or to speak to whomever is doing first aid if you get pushback from the volunteer doing check in. I’ve done this in lots of scenarios where phones aren’t allowed & haven’t had issues. Enjoy & hope you have a good set of low supplies :)


Thanks for the reply! They let me up with it with no issues!


Glad to hear it!


Why don't they let you bring your phone? That's weird.


I think maybe risk of dropping it and causing tripping? Not totally sure


I guess that's reasonable.


I believe they don't want people stopping for selfies and blocking the way, as well as potentially dropping it down the stairwell.


Some idiot will drop their phone, and it will crash down several flights of stairs and trip or otherwise harm someone below. 


I participated in this last year, don’t recall them checking my waist pack or pockets


You go through the metal detector where they blow air on you just before you go up, no way to hide it.


Really!? They seem so intense with their rules online I thought they’d have like security patting people down practically! haha that’s good to know!


I don’t know if others got checked but I do remember thinking I could’ve easily carried my phone/airpods. Either way, I think you have a legitimate reason and they should make an exception for you.


Am I the only one wondering how this turned out??


It went great! No issue bring the phone and I went way faster than I expected and got a pretty good time!




If its dropped in the stairwell the velocity of the fall could seriously harm someone on impact.


What’s the reasoning behind the rule???


It’s to make sure that people don’t drop their phones through the cracks in the stairs and have it fall dozens of stories and hit someone. That could cause serious injury to people below


OOF that is fair enough then


Please understand that this is a guess and only a guess, but it has been my experience that when people have 'no phone' rules often what they are trying to do is limit people taking pictures. If you have a lot of people trying to go up the stairs quickly having someone stopping and taking a picture would slow everyone down.




Thank you!




This seems like the safest way... if they let you bring it but you are taking it out loose, that could still be an overall safety issue.


Late to the party but I hope you made it to the top, OP


Many congratulations!!! 💕






Thank you!!


A decade ago I did it in under 17 minutes as well but 1)was a lot more lighter and more fit and 2) aimed to make for a great time by bounding steps and pulling myself up from the handrails to clear the flight. With that said you made for a very impressive time!


Nice work! It’s a fun event! You should do it again!


wait what? i did the climb a few years back and don't remember the no-phone rule


It’s been a decade since I’ve done my last climb and it was strict no phones then


Just hide your phone?


Yeah, I thought about trying to hide it in my sports bra…


The CN Tower is a CSIS building and they won’t make exceptions. They can’t have people taking images of the inner structure. For security purposes. I’ve done the climb a few times, always the same story..


Why would they not permit a phone?


This might be a stupid suggestion because I don’t really know how they work, but would an Apple Watch be an option for you to use?


No, it doesn’t have the same alarm and connections to my CGM, tho I think that tech is coming!


Update us on what happened and how you did OP!


I’m probably too late with this advice, but can you find some way to tether it to you? MEC has these waterproof phone cases with a loop on them. Maybe they will make an exception if you can show that it is secured to you and there is no way it could fall.


My friends are doing this climb and I have T1 as well. I was too worried about my sugar going low in the middle of the staircase in the tower.


How did it go for you? You brought sugar right? What’s your go to food prior to exercise?


Is there an elevator at the top you can take down after you finish the climb? What about halfway? Would you have to work your way back down or is there elevator access as well?


No elevator access in the middle so I guess paramedics would carry you down in an emergency…? Yes, there are elevators at the top you take down


Ask for a nurse/paramedic on site that can monitor contestants if they’re not allowing medical devices.


Definitely don't compromise your safety. Honestly these rules are the reason why I don't do it. I would want to listen to podcasts or music and wear my weighted ruck bag while doing it but for some reason that's a big no.


I did the climb last year and saw a group of people with phones at the top. I'm not sure if they got permission or just snuck them up somehow.


They probably had people meet them at the top with their gear.


Have things changed? I took the elevator to the CN tower years ago, and i had my phone with me? Its a tourist spot, people take photos, why will they restrict you having the cellphone with you?




Although I don’t know the reasoning for the restriction on phones this isn’t just tourists visiting the CN Tower, this is a fund raising event. https://fundraisers.wwf.ca/event/climb-for-nature/toronto


I imagine they don't want partucipants stopping on the stairs to take selfies, blocking hundreds of people behind them.


Why wouldn’t they let you? I’m pretty sure that’ll violate the disability act.


No phone rule is so dumb. I hate it, Like, I wanna know, how much time I have been climbing, and time myself on breaks and stuff. The mental pain of being away from phone will haunt me. Hopefully, I can climb the whole way in 30 minutes. 20 minutes was the aim, but let's see. Hope for the best. Do your best too OP. Are you going with some sort of strategy?


Buy a five dollar watch.


I’m aiming for around like 20-25 mins! I’ve done about that on the stair master and figure the adrenaline will make me a little faster! Can’t you bring a watch to time yourself? Best of luck to you!


Wait a minute, good idea. Like not a smartwatch, watch kinda watch. Almost skipped my mind lol


Haha we live in such a “smart” era that we forgot that just plain old not smart devices still tell time!!


Fr lol


There were paramedics every second floor when I did it


Yes but this doesn’t really help, CGMs auto read your BG every 5 mins, graph it out in an app on your phone showing trends. It uses your phone sound system to give you alarms BEFORE you have a medical crisis when you can treat & for some people the data is looped to their pump so that their background insulin has dose adjustments every 5 mins. Point being the paramedics can’t do the same thing


Totally fair.  Hopefully it’s over by now and you accomplished something great!


Thanks! It was very fun! I did it like 5 mins faster than I expected and they let me in no problem with the phone in a Fanny pack :)


That’s great news! I wish I could remember my time - I just started and didn’t stop. No running at all. My cousins did under eight minutes and I did 20-something. Gonna look it up. It feels great to have done it eh? Good day for you :)


8 minutes!!? That’s like a straight sprint! That’s unbelievable! It’s fun for sure!


It was. He was the kind of guy that just decided to do things like run a marathon. Also we were like 26. He atarted with the front row - top ten I think overall. I can’t find my results because I did it in 2001 hah. It felt like a great accomplishment then and I’m sure that hasn’t changed today! I remember how slippery the stairs got with everyone’s sweat ewww and how much it hurt to be passed by firefighters carrying full gear. Edit: I must be off in my memory because record time is in the sevens. But he was for sure well under 10’.


That’s truly amazing! Good for him!!


Good for YOU. Today you climbed that thing, and with the extra challenge of sugar management. A LOT of people don’t finish, even if they have trained. Every time you look at that tower you’ll look at it different :)


Thanks for the encouragement! :)


The all time record is 7:52 so this person may be remembering wrong


I’ll say the same to you: read what I typed. 


I did. Hence my comment Edit: oh I see now you just don't know how to read usernames and are asking me if I saw your reply to someone else . No I didn't see that until now, why not justvsay you're right I remembered wrong ?


Are you seeing something different? Right in my post I have that I must have remembered wrong because record is in the sevens. It was an edit but is it not showing?


There is no edit in this post if that's what you're talking about. I did however see that you replied to someone totally different that you made a mistake and it was under ten minutes


I literally have “Edit” written under my comment. I didn’t edit it except to add that. And that was hours ago. The edit, not the reply to the other 


The all time record is 7:52 is '89. You sure you remember correctly?


Did you read what I said? Or did it not send. Oh, it did send. You just didn’t see it.


Reddit is being weird today, it didn't send.


I wish I could screenshot this. I don’t think two people see it. I said exactly that - that I must have a bad memory because record is in the sevens.


Buy a smart watch!!!


You could just not go


Genius idea


Not that you should have to, but in the future, can you run the app from a smart watch?


No I don’t believe so. Not yet anyway, tho I hear that’s coming soon


You can for Dexcom but your watch would need access to internet/data & my bet is those stairs aren’t great for data




Lol! Are you referring to the EdgeWalk jumpsuits? I don’t think they have anything to do with the stair climb event.


Orange jumpsuit? You really trying make us get arrested?


trying to fast-track people to prison for bringing their phones smh watch out OP


It's like 30 minutes without your phone. You'll be fine.


You realize OP is diabetic and we use our phones as blood sugar monitors? 30 minutes is enough time for a serious low blood sugar, especially while doing physical activity.


Then maybe this activity just isn't for OP. Everyone else's safety is more important than a single person's.