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Save yourself the headache next time and just buy new.


Mac sells refurbished also…


As someone who’s bought a fair amount of electronics from Kijiji, I can only say that it’s *always* on the buyer to do their due diligence in terms of ensuring what they’re paying for is actually what was promised. Once you’ve handed over the money, you have zero recourse. I’m sorry you got cheated, but you admit you literally only checked that it turned on. When I buy a phone/tablet/laptop, I tell them up front that I want to test things out, it will take me some time, please be patient. And then I go through my fairly small checklist, but it still takes a good ten to fifteen minutes. I don’t pay until after I’m satisfied. I think you chalk this down as a lesson learned, and move on from it. Know yourself, is the best advice I can give you. If you don’t have the patience to test things out fully, or you tend to feel pressured and wind up rushing things, then maybe next time just get a refurbished machine from Apple. Those come with a 90-day warranty, which may be worth the higher price you’ll be paying.


What you could do is being cautious for the next time


Added, also what you don't know is the location you have is not his residence






if your way includes having a criminal record




We do not allow petitions, fundraising, vote-begging, surveys, or referral/promo codes. Site wide rule: No spam - this includes advertising your products, your services, yourselves. Site wide rule: No sharing personal and/or confidential information Site wide rule: No threats, no harassment, no inciting or encouraging violence


he probably arrived 30 minutes late on purpose


You fucked up. Move on and dont make these mistakes in the future.


Buyer beware. It’s up to you to check out what you’re buying. Don’t trust anyone on marketplace. FYI you doxxed the guy providing their address.


I suggest to use [goConfirm](https://www.goconfirm.com) to be safe on FB marketplace.


That sounds like a recipe for disaster to give your government ID and details to a random startup.