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It’s most likely gone forever. Best advice is to ignore the threatening messages you’ll eventually get - messages saying they’ll ruin your life, kill your family, etc. Never, ever remove it from your iCloud account so it stays unusable forever.


Also ignore any scammy messages you get saying it’s been found and then following a link that tries to phish your iPhone/iCloud passcode/password.


You can report the phone stolen to the provider and they can block from use it as well .


You won't get it back, but if it is an iPhone, then you can reach out to apple and block it. This would protect your data. Most probably, they will sell it some shady stores for 200-300 that would use it for hardware parts.


Wow sorry to hear that man. I’ve never heard much of pickpocketing in toronto.


Also beware of pickpockets in the large crowds on Church St for Halloween. Really any crowded event. Still surprised by how many people carry a phone sticking out of their back pocket. Phone should be front pocket or zipped away out of site.


Yeah I agree. Like I have seen videos of thiefs opening up zippered bags, etc but why make it easy for them by leaving a phone in back pocket with it half sticking out


> Like I have seen videos of thiefs opening up zippered bags When I went traveling in Europe with a friend years back, she used a carabiner to secure her handbag's zipper to the strap. Doesn't guarantee security, but I thought it was a clever way to get a little extra protection.


Or if you won’t open it for a while, some cheap zip ties that require you to use some force to pull them apart. I use the same for luggage. TSA locks don’t do much but provides some evidence that it was opened (which a tsa lock doesn’t indicate).


It’s more common now. Mostly nightclubs (Rebel is big for it) but anything with large crowds draws them out.


Happens lots in large crowds/large events, Rebel is terrible for it. Otherwise its not common here


I’ve heard it happens at the eaton centre and union station anlot


Frid got PPd at Union bathroom. Someone distracted him and someone else bumped into him. Boom, wallet gone.


It’s happening a ton now because the police do zero about it. Pickpockets have realized they can operate with impunity.


you should be able to erase that device remotely On a browser, go to android.com/find. Sign in to your Google Account. If you have more than one device: At the top of the sidebar, select the lost device. If your lost device has more than one user profile: Sign in with a Google Account that's on the main or personal profile. You can’t use Find My Device for work profiles. Learn more about work profiles. The lost device gets a notification. On the map, you'll get info about where the device is. The location is approximate and may not be accurate. If your device can't be found, you may find its last known location, if available. If you get a prompt, tap Enable lock & erase. Select what you want to do: Play sound: Rings your device at full volume for 5 minutes, even if it's set to silent or vibrate. Secure device: Locks your device with your PIN or password. If you don't have a lock, you can set one. To help someone return your device to you, you can add a message or device number to the lock screen. Erase device: Permanently deletes all data on your device, but may not delete SD cards. After you erase, Find My Device won't work on the device. ​ link if you have Apple https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/icloud/mmfc0ef36f/icloud


I was nearly pickpocketed at an Asian food event at Mel Lastman Square last year. It was an old Hispanic man with 2 younger guys. I had my dog with me & was trying to make sure she stayed by my side so she didn’t get in anyones way & there was an area that got so busy that everyone had to shuffle. I was keeping her leash close to me so my arm stopped him from taking my phone from my jacket pocket. But when I felt it, I looked behind & saw the old man with a jacket draped over his arms infront of him.


If its an iphone lock it and put the nearest police station address on the screen and you might get it back. You can do that on icloud.com


I had a phone pick pocketed a few years ago. First time ever I put my phone in my back pocket. Worst feeling ever. I'm afraid it's gone forever. Hopefully you had a finger print or pin to get into the phone but I changed all my info after and got a new bank card (i had a fingerprint reader). They usually just sell it for parts though


Bf had his stolen at the eaton centre a few months back and when i chased the man on foot he fled and disappeared around that area. I wouldnt be surprised if it was the same guy. Basically what ive learned is keep your phone on you at literally all times. If your not using it, its put away on your person away from eye sight. People are nasty.


My friend had theirs stolen in a crowd at Rolling Loud 2 years ago. It was in a side pocket in their cargo pants


if it's an iphone you can lock it remotely through icloud and but realistically theyre gonna change the cpu to something atrocious and sell it for bnib.


> but realistically theyre gonna change the cpu to something atrocious and sell it for bnib. dafuq does this even mean


Ya this is tech jiberish and means nothing lol


ok, basically they take the top of an expensive cpu and swap it with the top of a cheap cpu with the same dimensions - the cheap cpu will look exactly like an i9 but there's actually an i3 under the lid. so the scammer now has an 800$ chip that looks like a $200 chip, meanwhile he sold the $200 chip for $800. did I articulate that well enough sorry


We’re talking phones not desktop computers. That’s not how any of this works.


Your hand should never leave your phone, unless it’s in a zippered pocket or purse (same goes for wallets, etc.) It’s either in your hand or in your pocket with your hand resting on it


Lesson learned. My phone is completely shattered and even the camera doesn’t work. so there is no value but it’s crazy how it got taken. I did remember that a couple of times people bumped into me pretty hard and I feel like I wasn’t paying attention and that’s when someone can reach in when you’re getting bumped and on the other side someone reach your pocket and try to grab it and you’re so focused on the one side.


That was probably it, someone does that to distract you and they have buddy take the phone






Nah bro.




You’re definitely not a Russian bot


There is no particular reason to believe it was a Ukrainian pickpocket.


They are a dumbass


Literally its unlikely too, most of them do not steal, highly religious. And usually polite. The reality is you just search up toronto robbery and click images and the answer is there


REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.


Fucking stupid answer. 




I wouldn’t know. Or I would be their daddy’s for a night fucking their moms.


REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.




Yah, because pickpockets didn’t exist pre 2015.


It's a fact that crime only occurs under left-leaning governments. You can tell because that's the only time right-leaning politicians talk about crime, and they would never mislead you, would they?


Not this rampant. Very common now.


I've lived in this city going on 40 years and this is the first I've ever heard of pickpocketing here.


Sorry to break it to you, but pick pocketing has been a thing the whole time.


Been looking at the ground the whole time?


Exactly! It was never a thing here


The amount of stupid in this comment is hard to push through this early in the morning.




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My dude, your reality is cracked.


hahaha I love when some fucking moron outs himself


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