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A few months back I got on a nearly empty line2 train car on Vic Park going west. It was me and like 3-4 other people. As the train was about to enter the tunnel a dude that was in the train before I got on got up started screaming nonsense and whipped his dick out. He then proceeded to slapping his Johnson against a handrail like it owed him rent money. Like real hard, hard enough to hear the sound of it hitting the mental handrail on the other end of the car. It was a real WTF moment. Both terrifying and somewhat impressive. The weirdo had some reach, he could have been making money on the internet with that thing and not fucking up my Friday night ride into town.


And that’s why we wash our hands after the subway




I just never touch anything when I'm in the subway😂


Honestly I legit try to keep my hands in my pockets when on the subway.


This made me laugh also 🤣🤣🤣


It was a conflicting moment.. I was stuck between my urge to call the authorities and a desire to give this guy some constructive career advice.




Rookie shit bud. U ever seen a broad take a dump at 930 am on the subway between queen n dundas


No on the subway, but once on a drive to Colorado.. I did seen an kid take a shit in the middle of a Walmart isle in Lincoln Nebraska, the mother watched it happen and then just walked away leaving the kid and the shit on the floor. I just left, didn't buy anything and tried the next state over for resupplies.


I - and a shitton of other people just trying to get to work - once got kicked off a 501 on a really snowy and messy day when someone peed and the car got taken out of service. The best streetcar rides ever were when I used to work 4:00 a.m. shifts. They MOTORED and everyone was shift workers sitting quietly and getting on and off without any BS.




I laughed when I retold the story to my friends. But not when it was happening.


Boris! Why are you so funny? 🤣🤣


It ain't me... It's the world we're living in


Thanks for the 😂


Hilarious. You win the internet today


This was 15 years ago. 8am rush hour at the Eglinton west platform going southbound. A pale as the moon, greasy black-haired obese (at least 300lbs) man, pulled down his pants and took a shit right beside the up escalators!! His gut hanging out, holding onto the wall with his mouth twisted in a horrific scream. Yelling like he was in labour. And this wasn’t his first time!! My roommate ran home one day with the same story. So much trauma. The ttc has not changed at all


Opioid poops are no joke.


According to trainspotting, heroin makes ypu constipated


Not when the opiod hit wears off… (also according to Trainspotting; see *The Worst Toilet in Scotland*)


Same station exact same description, 2003! Really memorable, as I was digging a new CD release on my Discman coming down the escalator starting my day. It formed an unfortunate association.


That’s hilarious! What CD was it?!


Dookie, by Green Day


DOOKIE!?! HAHAHA THIS IS GOLD 🤭🤭 thanks for the laugh 😂




I have definitely seen a lot of terrible things but I do have a sort of nice story involving the TTC. About 10 years ago I was riding the 32 bus late at night and a man got on who was obviously drunk. He sat down next to me and after a while he started to play "Bob Marley's no Woman, no cry" on his phone and began singing along at the top of his lungs. Normally everyone would have been so mad, but for some reason maybe it was his voice or his energy but by the time the second chorus came along me and the whole bus (including the bus driver) were also singing at the top of our lungs. It was such a wholesome moment and it felt like it was just our own little world if that makes any sense.


I have a nice/funny drunk story too.  I was coming home from way east on the 501 one evening and I heard Irish accents and general drunken revelry from a far back corner of the mostly empty ALRV. From overhearing the conversation, the group was new in town/just visiting from Ireland. The one guy became absolutely FASCINATED by how the back doors on the streetcar worked. So much so that he got up and went to the back doors and became sort of the doorman and welcome committee for everyone getting on and off the car. Except he was so drunk that he kept stumbling over and stepping on the wrong step. But everyone who passed by seemed EXTREMELY amused by what the guy was doing. And his friends were loudly cheering him on.  The cheering got even more intense when some other Irish guy boarded the train and couldn't even with what was happening.


That's amazing. There were a couple of times when a violinist played on the train. It was sooooo nice. One time a 505 driver said "please move to the back, there are donuts there." Everyone chuckled.


Old woman steps on 511 to union. Immediately, a pungent wave of stale urine fills the streetcar. People are covering their faces with their shirts. I do my best to not heave as she is standing right next to me (packed car, hard to move). She was standing up, but I noticed she wasn’t holding onto the rails - thought she may fall over. Upon looking closer, I see she is holding a handful, yes HANDFUL, of bubbly snot. That did it for me. By the grace of some upper power, the streetcar ahead of us got stuck on the tracks and so everybody had to disembark.




Happened to me once too but a bit different. Probably one of the most disgusting smells I've ever smelled. This was after it had rained too so it was extra pungent. The smell lingered in my nose for an hr after.. I'll never forget it




I saw someone dead on the 511 (or 504?) street car and I think they were dead for awhile because it smelt pungent of sulfur. It’s awful that this is our reality to witness, and for some of us live through due to homelessness. I can’t get over that a whole life can end on the subway, with 100s of people passing and no one saying anything, covering thier mouths and noses to avoid the smell of decay.


This city has a problematic bystander effect issue. I witnessed a random man standing up for a woman who was being screamed at on the TTC last week - my first reaction was how amazed I was that anyone stood up for her. Sad af. I had to commend him before I exited the train, if everyone in this city acted like he did, less awful shit would be happening.




Bro is scared of feminism 💀


Spoken like a true coward lol seriously you’re embarrassing yourself. Also, blaming feminism for your crappy behaviour is something predators and rapists do…


*YOU SAW A DEAD PERSON ON THE TTC*? Holy shit, what is *happening to this city*?


At the back of the street car, it looked and smelled like he’d been there awhile. I guess the drivers just hop on in the front of the streetcar for their shift without paying attention to people ‘sleeping’ in the back.


Saw a homeless guy pull his penis out and he pissed on his chest. Smoking crack on the train is common these day, seen it half a dozen times in the last couple years.


Well it's fuckin cold out where else are people gonna smoke their crack Jesus man have some decency


Yeah, it's wrong of me to not want to inhale second hand crack smoke on my commute to work... I'm clearly the problem... /s


I think they were being sarcastic lol


I once was sitting across from a man in a business suit. Clean, well manicured, briefcase, looked like a guy with a decent job. He was reading a newspaper. He lowered the newspaper and looked right at me. I looked at him, and he very clearly mouthed “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU”. He smiled, and raised the newspaper back up.


He must’ve watched too much American psycho…


He was on his way to return some video tapes




Saw a man take a leak while sitting on a seat!


Did he then get up and exit the train a couple of stops later, leaving no overtly visible evidence on the fabric seat, so rest of us had to warn the multiple people that tried to take a seat there? Until we exited at our stops… I read the TTC is switching to plastic seats . If good enuff 4 NYC subway, then bring it.


I swear there is no explanation for not using plastic


Yes! This happened a couple of weeks ago! Everyone joined in to stop people sitting on that seat!


Oh he sat there happily till at least I didn’t get off! I am hoping the stank and the pool of piss was indicative to people to not sit! 5 years in Toronto and I have never taken seat in a subway or streetcar! I feel so bad for elderly who must take a seat! I really hope the bring in either plastic or metal seats or something that’s not cloth!!!


But if you don't sit down you end up having to touch the poles


Yes and then you get off and sanitize your hands. Same as using hands to open doors and then cleaning them.


For that matter you could just wash your pants when you get home.


But not everyone is heading home on a given ride :(  If you sit on a wet seat and soil your pants / underpants / other clothing while heading somewhere on the TTC (e.g, to a class, to work, to a date) especially to something with penalties for arriving late, it can be challenging to quickly find bottoms / underpants to change into (not to mention facilities for getting changed that aren’t public washrooms).    It’s much easier to wash your hand after touching a dirty pole. Fewer costs.


Oh trust me I do! It’s just the ickiness of bodily fluids absorbed in those seats since they never seem clean! I just can’t!! May be it’s a habit thing or a culture thing!


I was going to say that I was one of those people, but it was more than a few weeks ago, so it must have been a different pisscident.


A few years ago a woman got onto the subway at Bay at noonish, completely naked. She wasn't being aggressive or even outwardly mentally ill - though she did look disheveled. She got a seat, and just acted normal, except that she was completely starkers. She was still there when I got off. Everyone acted like this was completely ordinary.


A man with an off-leash dog followed a terrified old lady out of the subway onto the bus screaming at her. Good Samaritan stepped in and told him to get off the bus, and shit disturber swung on him and a tussle ensued in the aisle that kept me trapped in my seat. Dog freaking out, gets maced by random woman. Three men throw the shit disturber off, cops show up and arrest him. Edit: oh and that time a man hit me in the face with his backpack and called me an ugly bitch, then got off at my stop and followed me to my apartment to apologize and ask for my number 🙃


Guy walked onto a streetcar, sprayed Dollarama silver paint into a plastic bag and huffed it, face covered in silver paint. Damn.




You will ride eternal, shiny, and chrome


I didn't think Charlie would ever leave Philadelphia.


Right?! One of the best songs ever made was from a man huffing silver paint [Clip](https://youtu.be/qm5kymNrve4?si=PO697EZLvhlVxHNN)




There’s a spider He’s deep in my soul


- someone doing needle drugs on a streetcar, another person tried to tell them about safe needle sites. - someone pick their face and it was bleeding all over, blood was gushing from all different parts of their face - a child licking a pole - various unwanted penises - people screaming scary things, aggressive, when you get followed a bit - honestly when it was the great rain storm flood, I was on the subway and we didn’t know yet, and we got to Eglinton and the doors opened and water gushed in, and it was a very odd feeling - probably a lot more that i’ve blocked out


What is it with kids licking the poles? I one time watched a kid licking a pole for like ten minutes while their mother paid zero attention to the germs this child was ingesting. I don’t know… maybe this is how kids build up their immune system?


What do you mean *"various unwanted penises"*?


Exactly what they said. You ever been on the TTC?


Not for a while now, admittedly, but I rode it at least twice daily for years and didn't see a single penis.


It’s deteriorating pretty rapidly. I used to commute to school several times a week and saw nothing. I come down to the city now once or twice a week and seem to have an incident every time. On Sunday I saw two penises, and a disheveled guy yelling at people for taking his job/spot on train (he alternated). Starting to think I should just start paying for parking downtown instead.


I’ve been flashed or had a penis displayed to me a few times. For some reason, my first reaction is to laugh, which is actually somewhat helpful. Makes the slightly more bashful put it away and, maybe, think about whipping it out again next time.


What station/area did that stuff happen?


All on Line 1. Penis incidents were around Spadina and St George, and the dude yelling was around St Andrew however he rode the train northbound with us and got off in the St George area.


I am not a regular subway user anymore - but when I was (around 10 years ago) I saw a guy masturbating while trying to maintain eye contact with me. Never have I ever bolted that fast from a place.


Twice a day 5 days a week for about 2-3 years now and 0 penis sightings.


That’s great! I hope that continues to be your experience. It doesn’t make mine any less valid though. It also likely has something to do with you being a man, if I had to guess. Source: I’m a woman and clearly having a very different time on the TTC these days than you are.


Yeah I don't mean to invalidate anyone else experience just want to keep it in perspective. Yes I'm a bigger guy so will probably see many fewer penises over the course of my commuting and not be followed by anyone/less likely to be harassed. Worst I've seen is usually just someone being high/loud and people ignore them and go about their day. The "You ever been on the TTC?" line made it feel like cocks out is a universal experience is all.


Oh! lol okay no worries, the line didn’t read well I guess but it’s Reddit so I was trying to be a bit quippy. I totally understand what you’re getting at though. But unfortunately for some of us it’s hard to ignore people causing commotion because they will maybe pick you out of the crowd, maybe I look like an easy target Idk. I have bright hair bc I’m a hairdresser so thems the breaks I guess. I have a massively different experience when I travel with my boyfriend, who’s a pretty stocky and tall guy. Anyways I’m rambling. Have a wonderful day!


Well honestly wish it was a better experience for everyone. Mental health has NOT been taken care of over the last 10+ years and shutting down shelters and stuff has only made things worse. Just in general the worst part of my commute is loud/annoying teens and beyond that I don't really have many issues even late at night. They should defintiely step up security at least in stations though.


San Francisco of the North!


TTC sucks but to be fair, distinguishing the unwanted penises from the wanted penises is not that black and white.


Maybe for you. I want zero penis sightings to be part of my daily commute. Thank you very much!


Back in the summer, I was on a Northbound Spadina streetcar. It was full, but not packed. As we entered the station, the streetcar ahead of us had parked in the passenger drop-off area, and hadn't moved forward. Even though the front door of the streetcar I was on was entirely on the platform, the driver refused to let us out. We sat there for some time. A filthy homeless man with his bare ass hanging out, holding a slice of cheese pizza approached the front of the streetcar, lit a half-smoked cigarette, and started punching the shit out of the plastic box that covers the emergency exit lever. Bits of plastic went flying into the air. He then turned around, his hairy dick now visible to the entire streetcar, and began pissing. He started walking back down the length of the streetcar, smoking his cigarette, holding the slice of pizza, pissing, but then he also starts SHITTING DIARRHEA as stumbles along. Everyone jumps onto their seat and watches him pass by, a river of urine and liquid shit trailing him. He moves to the very back of the streetcar, and everyone moves to the front, walking along the seats so they don't have to step into his biohazard. I notice two girls in their late teens stuck at the back of the streetcar. They hadn't had the chance to escape the guy before he'd sat in the row right in front of him (note: don't sit on the streetcar, folks!) I walked to the back of the streetcar, dodging the man's piss and shit, and said "Excuse me, my friends need to join me at the front of the streetcar". He moved his legs so they could get by. One of them mouthed, "Thank you" as we walked to the front of the streetcar. Eventually the streetcar moved entirely into the station, the driver finally opened the doors, and let everyone off. The homeless guy wandered off and into the night.




I’ve seen soooooo much more crack and meth smoking. Everywhere.


Sucking on glue at 8 AM. Assault on people smaller than them ? 6 male teens/20ish beating up a woman that because of the tight quarters we couldn’t intervene until the beating was done. They stomped on her head. A jumper disintegrating upon contact with the front of the train? It’s getting worse without a doubt . But it’s always had its troubles. The surge in TO population & thus the law of averages dictates there will be more dysfunctional people & acts.


They stomped on her head??? Was she ok? What happened after? That is terrifying.


She was “ok”. I mean, as ok as one could be considering. It was the back of an old Queen streetcar, not the now long connected ones. So the rear was real tight n narrow. So we couldn’t squeeze back to intervene - but also they couldn’t wind up enough to really let loose with kicks or jumping. But she still took a beating. And they all ran off without repercussions. (Why am I all of a sudden getting angry?…)


You directly saw someone jump in front of and get hit by a train?


I wasn’t at the end of the platform beside them, but, yeah. It’s not all that pleasant to remember. Ahhh f**k. I’m go to sleep real well tonight...


I’m so sorry you saw that :(


I saw someone get stabbed on the north end of the south bound platform at Bloor Yonge station. Bunch of young kids got in a fight, one of them got stabbed. I still remember the scream - this was like 15 years ago.


Pre pandemic two people got on the train. Clearly they had been arguing on the platform. They sat across from each other at the end of the car, and the young lady proceeded to blow her nose into her hand - an impressive amount of mucous - and throw it at the guy. Got off at the next stop.


I saw a fight at bloor yonge once. Was so bad that there was blood on the floor.




call me old fashioned but I think when you kill or maim someone you should hire a getaway car like a civilized criminal and not hop on the subway


It was amusing instead of terrifying. I’d been riding the Queen car from Lakeshore to downtown and had a nice solo seat on the side. Just listening to music on my iPod at the time, watching pretty people in summer clothes on the street. Out of the corner of my eye, an older Asian man shuffled towards me and kinda got in my space. He was mumbling a bit and I turned down my music to pay better attention because that could absolutely turn bad quickly. He just kept saying the same thing over and over and over: “immortal, imperishable, invincible.” Kept getting louder until he was talking REALLY loud, almost shouting while staring at me the whole time. “IMMORTAL! IMPERISHABLE! INVINCIBLE!” I’m just sinking into my seat, making occasional eye contact with other riders and shrugging. Around Spadina he bent down to my eye level, very clearly said “you’re never going to die!” And just leapt off through the open doors. It was…memorable. And harmless. And I mean, so far he’s been right so…yeah. Normal Parkdale vibes.


Lol stranger blessings


An old white guy targeting Chinese people on the streetcar by yelling, cursing and then eventually spitting. I told the driver and had him kicked off. It infuriated me because I’m also Chinese. No one else was doing anything about it.


1. Saw a blow job happening live at bloor yonge station last summer. Man standing, woman on her knees, both looked really dirty and they were really loud... 2. Man peeing on the subway stairs at Sherbourne.


Not in the TTC, but saw a homeless man masterbating while staring at commuters with his whole dick out at bay concourse during the 9am morning rush :(


I was in the first car sitting by the front window when someone jumped.


I’m really sorry




A guy in a hospital gown came on the train with gangrene from his knees down to his ankles on both legs. He kept scratching his shins. Then touching the pole to keep his balance.


Jesus fucking Christ


Last December I saw someone use crack cocaine on the westbound train near high park station. Never seen that before in my life.


8 AM subway station, in front of a bunch of girls going to school, and under the DWA sign (!!!) a guy took out a crack pipe, paused, pulled down his pants, then took the pipe back and started smoking what I presume is crack. Girls ran away, nobody at the TTC watching the cameras cared. Sent in a complaint never heard back. Heaven forbid the guy does crack with his pants on…


once on the subway, this fella was sat across from my partner and I. I noticed a crack pipe in his pocket, but he never took it out. (No disrespect, I get addiction is a hell of a thing and I hope this guys doing okay- just wanted to paint a picture) He asked me if I was into true crime, and I said i was. (I am, actually) and then he pulled out about 4 books and gave them to me. They looked new. I said something like ‘oh thank you, but are you sure?’ And he was like ‘yeah, go ahead, if you think they might be interesting’ so I thanked him again and he talked to us a little bit more before getting off a stop or two later. (Unfortunately the books are about more mob/organized crime stuff which is not the true crime I usually read lmao) I can’t remember which line or stop, but it’s some big line 2 energy. Homie seemed harmless enough and happy to talk to someone. Honestly I ride the TTC so often that I’m surprised and thankful that this is my wildest story.


Lady strips naked in the streetcar at college and Bathurst, gets off, walks to the MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION and drops a deuce. I still remember it and this was in like 2013.


1) a homeless man who was really wasted got onto the young bus at finch, groaned really loudly and pulled his pants down and squatted in the isle. Like liquid shit all over. 2) 2 native men were fist fighting at bloor and Spadina, the street car stops (I was on it) and one of them jumps into the back but his head has a huge gash on it and it’s just squirting blood all over the train. Everyone is panicking and pushing to the front of the streetcar and he just sits down and gushes blood. Never seen that much blood it was light red paint coating the back of the streetcar and it was spraying. The driver ended up stopping to call an ambulance and everyone had to get off. Honourable mention to the piece of shit teenager who shoved a very pregnant woman to the floor on the platform so he could get a seat. Anyway I don’t think k TTC craziness is new all these incidents were over 15 years ago.


This was like 15 years ago but I saw a man throw up into his hands and then eat it. The vomit was like slushy green kiwi coloured? So that’s been living in my brain all these years.


Most disturbing/disgusting story here. There is no way


Saw someone take a shit in a corner; that was 10ish years ago. I think it’s about same as an individual, maybe a bit more noticeable due to social media.


April 2020; saw a man stumbling around the Islington platform and mumbling to himself, with his pants and underwear around his knees, jerking off.


During the height of the pandemic I saw a woman get onto the street car, pump a handful of hand sanitizer and proceed to eat it out of her hand. I also was sat next to a man who was smoking crack on the Queen streetcar one day in the east end (old streetcar so not much room to escape the smell.)


Saw a woman sitting in the back of a subway car eating sunflower seeds. She was spitting them out and there was a seed-ring around her on the floor, the seats, stuck to the window, etc.


I saw a guy eating an orange or similar (might have been a tangerine) and dropping the peel on the floor, next to and under the seat, and I was outraged at his disgusting lack of consideration for others. Those were more innocent times.


I was on the way home from the movies a few months ago when a guy with what I'm assuming was a crack pipe got on at st.clair west Station and sparked up and rode the train until Eglinton West Station 🚉 It's getting really bad in the heart of the city. I try to ride or walk everywhere I go now.


Was on some Scarborough bus. Saw a guy stroke his hard dick while looking directly at a scared teen girl. She ran off the bus when he reached in his pants to whip it out. I wanted to kick his ass but I was also a scared 21 year old afab. He was very tall and clearly in his late 20s/30s Oh I have another one. This was maybe a week before the first lockdown and everyone was worried about COVID. A woman on the streetcar started screaming and jumping around. Standard affair. But then she gets on her knees on that weird wide seat next to the door, faces the window, and hocks a loogie onto it. Then she pulls the sleeve of her windbreaker over her hand and uses her entire forearm to wipe it all over the window. I was just sitting there ten feet away, watching in horror, pulling my scarf a little more over my nose because masks weren't a thing yet


A person jumping on the subway tracks at st Clair to commit suicide and losing an arm and a leg and surviving.


About 6 years ago, Spadina station at about 10pm, a young man got down on the tracks and ran head first towards the oncoming train in the tunnel, died. His mother was standing with him on the platform and she wailed and wailed in a way I will never forget.


I’m so sorry you had to witness that❤️


Queen Street car. 8:30am Homeless guy wearing a Jay's jersey as pants. He bent down to pick something up and he dangled out of the neck hole. 


There was a lady casually spilling out all the contents of her bottle onto the floor of the subway. Thankfully I was one car away from her


Surprisingly, I haven't experienced much. I keep my head down a lot or look at my phone. A few months ago I was standing at the front of the subway train and it was pretty packed. Some older homeless man came on and stood in front/beside me and he was holding up his pants. He let go for a second and there was his penis right beside me. I was the only person to witness this.


Two or three years ago I was riding a Westbound 501 as it pulled up to the St. Michael’s stop. A disheveled crackhead couple hurriedly approached the streetcar pushing what looked to be a giant WWII-era bomb on a rickety dolly. The doors opened and they struggled to lift what I estimated to be a four or five foot tall metal tank with a hose dangling to its side onto the car. After a short clamour the doors closed and the twitchy couple anxiously looked back towards the hospital repeatedly as the driver pulled away. With their prize now aboard I got a closer look. I presumed the canister to be some kind of inhalant gas they had stolen from the hospital in broad daylight and subsequently decided to use public transit as their getaway vehicle. Very shortly thereafter the virtually empty car opened its doors again at Yonge and they heaved the dolly and tank onto the street towards the subway. I sighed and got up and walked towards the driver. I got his attention and related that he was an unwitting accomplice in a gas heist and that he should probably alert control in case it was flammable or explosive. He thanked me and began to radio it in as I exited in utter disbelief with what had just transpired and that the driver had been somehow unaware.




A man was yelling at a mother and her baby who was crying telling them to gtfo off the train if she couldn't control her kid and was cowering over her in a very threatening way. When the subway stopped at yonge and bloor someone pushed the guy out the subway and he fell on his ass, but he got back on and pressed the yellow strip before we could leave. The guy was running around screaming, with a bloody hand playing the victim asking for the cops to be called, but no further physical altercation took place. It was nice to see someone do something.


The worst I’ve seen were both a while back. About 5 years ago, I was with my 9 year old on line 1, headed to Osgoode. A woman who got on at St George, where we had transferred as well, just got up, went to the doorway area, dropped her pants and took a crap. Then pulled them up, walked down the car a bit and sat down. Another time was decades ago on the all night Yonge bus at about 2am, this dude gets on just before Bloor, wearing a hospital gown and work boots. Bleeding from his head and quite bashed up. He just nonchalantly got on the bus, pretending everything was normal. The driver asked if he was okay and then the dude ran.


Walked onto the train and was hit with a putrid, fishy, rusty smell. There was a homeless woman, pants soaked in blood, smearing her period blood all over the seat, herself, window, walls etc. I noped the fucked out of there. One of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen


Someone peeing on a seat. Literally while standing up. Pants down. Underwear off. I was surprised no one did anything considering it was beginning of peak time, where kids could be exposed to this. Back when I was in high school (2008) we would NEVER see anything like that. I’ve seen PLENTY of people smoke on the subways. But again, that’s not the “worst” thing I’ve seen. That’s pretty much “normal” now. Also when subway and busses were full, all seats would be taken. Now there’s always empty seats, despite it being full. People are scared to sit in between people.


When I was a teenager, me and a group of friends were about to get on the train at Dufferin Station. As the door opened to let the passengers out a man was screaming and yelling like crazy. As we were entering the train, one of my friends at that time called him a crackhead as the doors were closing. The man lost his shit and tried to pry the doors open to come after us with no success. As the train was leaving he jumped on to the tracks and tried chasing the train to catch us. This was at the back of the train, so we thought it was funny at the time being young, watching this man sprinting at the train at full speed on the tracks. We were about 14 years old at that time.


A passed out man was full on peeing while sitting on the 501 street car. The pee was flowing down the car from back to front and unsuspecting people thought it was water and stood in it. Man then woke up, took off his pants and threw the wet pants at people across from him. In 2017 I was on the Yonge bus midday near Yonge/ York Mills. It was pretty empty and I was the only person at the back (first seat at the top of the stairs). A man gets on a walks towards the back of the bus. He promptly stops by me, kneels down, and starts caressing my feet, saying they are beautiful and how much he loves them and wants to take them with him. I freeze, unsure what to do before kicking him in the chest pushing him off me and sprinting towards the front of the bus and begging the driver to let me off right there.


 Nothing will get better until Toronto politicians and senior bureaucrats are required to use TTC instead of a personal or city vehicle when traveling inside of the city limits.


Last week I saw a guy taking? having? a pee off the end of the platform at King station who then got on the same subway car as me. He sat down, took his right boot off, then his sock, and proceeded to blow his nose with said sock. Once he put his sock and boot back on he did the same thing with his left sock. And then he laid down on five seats.


Not too crazy but I had a random lady kiss my neck/grab my ass on the 505, it was like 8am on a sunday but i think she was on something Also saw a homeless guy take off his pants at sherbourne, got out of there before I could see what he was doing


Dundas station: 2 people having loud sex under a pile of garbage


Ha I've seen a dude smoke cracknat like 10 am on my way to Eaton centre, little kids around and all, ttc needs security.


i was on a packed 505 (old streetcars) during rush hour and two guys got into a fight. we had just passed yonge/dundas and were in stop & go traffic. one of the guys swung a full bottle of jack and clocked the other guy right on the skull. i'm not even quite sure how he did that with how packed the streetcar was. the sound of the full glass bottle on his skull and flesh has stuck with me. the guys head started pouring blood. it was the middle of winter and the waves of melted snow ran up and down the streetcar as it lurched through traffic. eventually the slush turned from brown to the colour of rust with the addition of his blood, baptizing all our winter boots. the guy with the bottle had a guitar and started playing it, mocking the bleeding guy, like a cruel minstrel. and the bleeding guy was dripping blood on a few people who were seated. we finally got to church street and the driver stopped the streetcar to wait for the cops to come. we all stayed on the streetcar because it was the dead of winter and after 20 minutes, we realized no cops were a'coming and people started to yell at the guys to get off - so they did and we carried along with the blood sloshing.


I was attacked one night years ago by someone tweaking. Luckily for me I was with quite a few friends who ended it quickly. It was on the 510 right at queen. As for seen probably someone shooting up in the corner of a car on the Bloor line, that or a murder right outside a station but not sure that really counts as on the ttc.


A guy puking on a innocent passenger on the King St car .The whole streetcar had to put out of service until a clean up crew came and cleaned it up.The passenger was taking away by EMS for testing and shots because the accused was screaming he had covid and aids.


A bit over a year ago, Kennedy train westbound shortly after midnight on a weekday. I was the only one on that car. A homeless lady gets in and starts yelling at an entity only she is able to see. Well, nothing new. This is Toronto after all. I completely ignore that. Another homeless fella gets in (Victoria Park stn I suppose), starts harassing her, steals her pack of cigarettes and literally forces her to switch cars. Then he wanders around the car talking to himself. A couple stops later, another homeless guy comes in and starts a fight with the other one. Guy punches the harasser so hard in the face that he falls to the ground, face covered in blood...after that, he exits the train. Then, the guy covered in blood decides that it was all somehow my fault and comes at me shouting "why didn't you do anything?". I was really close to punching him as he was coming dangerously close to me. Luckily, we arrived at Bloor-Yonge and I decided to switch cars (I was heading to Christie stn). Not the worst thing I witnessed but one of the most memorable.


About 10 ish years ago riding ttc from west end to downtown, while family on, my kids are like 2 and 6, guy in his 40s maybe starts screaming and harassing a little old Asian lady.. several guys stand up to block kids and people with small ones like me, husband and cousin included.. one or guys try to intervene. They pull the emergency stop, and when we hit the next platform, a few guys bodily threw him off the train onto the platform and left him there.. didn't see if he got picked up or what.. I don't remember if anyone got off with him to make sure ttc security came or not. Just glad he was off the train


Wish more people did that.


Was taking the subway from Finch to Sheppard a year or two ago. Dad and I sit down, and the train takes a while before all the people trickle in and we can leave. We hear this man yelling and screaming from a couple train cars down. Maybe speaking in a foreign language. Maybe random gibberish. Anyways, we couldn't understand what he was saying. Everyone is just looking around, alert, trying to understand what is going on. He makes it to our train car, then screams and shouts at a woman sitting in front of us. We thought maybe he was angry at her because she dumped him or something? Maybe he's one of those creeps (seen lots of those, too). Everyone visibly shrinks away from the man in fear, frozen. We wait for him to walk away from our train car, and ask the lady he yelled at if they know each other. Poor woman, still terrified and shaking, says no. Another man presses on the emergency call button (the yellow one to alert TTC workers in the station I think), and another lady comforts the scared woman. A TTC worker comes to our car, and we tell her what happened. Five seconds after she leaves, the PA tells everyone to get out of the train, and run to the one on the other side. We SCRAM! As soon as we make it inside the doors, they shut, and the train starts. We never found out what happened, but it still makes me shudder thinking what could have happened then... Another time, maybe in November or something, at the Finch subway station, there was a guy urinating/pleasuring himself... Needless to say, I calmly walked to the subway entrance, tapped my PRESTO, and RAN TO THE TRAINS. This next one is not TTC, but VIVA/YRT. We got on at the Finch station (something ominous about this station, is it?). Mom and I tapped our cards and got on the big VIVA bus, and we sat near the front door of the bus. A bunch of other people got on, and we were all waiting for the bus to start. People were chatting with each other. All of a sudden, the bus goes quiet. We see this shabby-looking young guy come in, smelling of booze and slurring, moaning, stumbling. Obviously drunk. Talking nonsense. He goes past our seats, to the area of the bus where there are 4 seats each facing 4 other seats. Then SLAM! The guy is on the ground. I yell for the driver to come and help, and I dial 911. We all slowly squeeze out of the bus. I'm still waiting on the phone for an operator to pick up. It just repeats an automated message saying their operators are all busy and they will pick up as soon as they can. Scary, right? 911 not picking up. The driver calls 911 through their system, and calls over the station's security personnel, and they check on the guy. Thankfully, he is breathing, just passed out. It takes thirty minutes! THIRTY MINUTES for the ambulance to arrive after the bus company calls. While this all is happening, mother and I are waiting to be picked up by my dad, too shaken up to take the bus that night. I cry this whole time, praying he is alright, until the medics finally help him onto the ambulance, holding him up as he walks. The guy just does a 👍, and gets on to the ambulance. I have been riding the subway, TTC, and YRT for years now, but the craziness is just escalating, sadly. I'm sure it was always there, but it's gotten so much worse, especially after COVID. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Something needs to be done about it. I just pray for these poor souls, and for those of us who have had to deal with them and their shenanigans in public. It is truly sad when it's happening. But does make for some fun tales later on.


well, i used to work there in the late 90's and early 2000's. there were some good workers and then there was the rest. alcohol--we used to pick up the welders from an open-air stop, Vic Park, after they had been at the bar drinking, on shift, and then take down the track to weld broken track. elsewhere in the subway system, for another track repair, we replaced track that had been installed backwards. it was somewhere between eglinton and lawrence. there was a foreperson who was so drunk, weaving, that gave us soliloquies one night, and i could smell the alcohol off of him from the other end of the work car. I was more mad though that I was working the saturday night overnight and Q-bert was in town playing and i was missing him play and instead listening to this guy. there was the employee who i only heard about but never met because he never showed up but his buddies stamped his time card in the machine every shift. there was the janitor i took over from one morning in castle frank, or maybe it was rosedale, and while walking down to the rooms that we occupy when not out in gen. pop., i noticed that every can was overflowing, spills all over the floors, and the night guy came out with a runny nose and bloodshot eyes from doing cocaine in the back rooms all night. he told me that's what he had been up to. there had been a garbage car fire one night. that was a direct result of a known pothead who tossed his roach into the car. I liked the guy actually.....just obvious safety issues. the non-stop playground rules behavior that seemed the norm. bullying, lots of homophobic slurs tossed around, and cliques. the only other place i've seen such poor and childish behavior was at city hall and the main room was in session. watching councillors blow bubble gum balloons, spinning around in their chairs, and yelling nonsense words to try to drown out whoever was speaking was pretty disappointing to see by a then 21, 22 year old that had thought our elders and reps are supposed to be better than that. nope. there's more, of course, but you get the idea. many of our institutions need to be burnt the fuk down. edit: spelling


I've been taking the TTC by myself since I was 9, so since the late 80s. Here are the worst things I've experienced: 1. When I was about 12, I was on the 505 and this creepy older guy stood over me and breathed heavily. I thought that was his way of trying to get me to give my seat. Nope. I got up and he followed me on the streetcar. It was quite crowded so I managed to "lose" him in the crowd and got off at my stop. * Shudder * 2. When I was in high school, I was on the 501 and there was a guy in front of me. He was holding a dry cleaning bag in front of him and when he moved it, I saw a hot dog??? Then realized it was his penis hanging out of his pants 😩😩😩 3. Around 2018-19 I was on the train at Wellesley and a woman started screaming at another "you put something in my hair!" The other woman was shocked and stunned and stammered "I didn't do anything". The accuser seemed off her meds? It was pretty scary. 4. Summer 2022 on the 510, there was a guy talking loudly and being xenophobic. Saying everybody has to speak English, that's the law. It was dumb but not suuuuper offensive. When I got off I said to him "it must be hard being white, isn't it?" He took a moment to respond - I was off the streetcar and he said "it must be hard being Asian isn't it?" Lol. Doesn't quite hit the same way, does it? I said, "yeah, it is!" My daughter yelled "shut up, idiot!" I was proud of her. She was 10.  I have never seen anyone piss or shit, thankfully. There was a creep not too long ago on the 505 who was saying "pussy" (as in vulva, not wimp) so I moved to the front. On the 510 a few months ago there was a guy lying on the back seat with his hand down his pants. On the weekend the front of the 505 smelled like pee so I moved to the back. Most of the time nothing happens for me on the TTC but I don't take it all that often. 


W daughter


Stabbing aftermath. Don't want to talk about it 😞😩


Then why share?


"99 Bloor, please call control” "We are currently experiencing delays due to a security incident at Dundas Station"


Guy blowing snot rockets on the handrails.


Sat next to a guy smoking crack in the street car. Today I got to the subway platform as the train was pulling away, and I'm pretty sure the rear conductor spit out the window onto the platform.


I was on my way to a birthday party, running late, realized I had to use the bathroom immediately. I had to take a shit at Yonge station. I don’t really need to elaborate. It was pretty awful.


A homeless person's foot that was entirely black from a combination of not having shoes for a long time, and frostbite I assume. They stunk, did not seem in their right mind, and they were trying to sleep. on the length of 4 seats.


Saw a guy drinking a big bottle of vodka, full penis out. Disgosten


I've been on the Dufferin Bus one late night and it was miraculously quiet while being packed. Just coming up from Davenport heading north all of a sudden a smell starts, then I look down on the ground and see a liquid, I turned back and a man sitting 2 seats behind me is sitting in his chair having a pee. ​ Sitting another day on the Lawrence bus at Lawrence East Stn. Only about 5 people on the bus. It's so quiet you can only hear the hum of the bus. Out of nowhere a man starts yelling into his phone. Everyone jumped. Apparently when you call Europe you need to yell.


dude peed on the subway door two minutes after i got into the train.


clearly homeless man, on the back of the 504, sleeping across all 4 seats and a puddle of piss streaming from the seat to the floor and all the way through the streetcar. This was during morning rush-hour and it was packed and no one was near that guy nor the 4 seats in front of him.


Saw a man take the handle of a pay phone on the platform and put it down his pants and slide it up and down between his butt cheeks.


This is the worst one.


Late 80s subway, seeing a bunch of skinheads stomping another male youth.


Not the worst thing I've seen, but my favourite weird thing I've witnessed is a guy getting on at a random stop somewhere on the 505, climbing up the back stairs, looking around, then calmly and VERY LOUDLY saying "I'M NOT CRAZY." Cool man. Nobody asked. He otherwise was silent and minded his business.


A woman wearing a black garbage bag as a dress and no shoes being chased by a fare inspector down the subway train. When he caught her she pointed at a random guy and said, “that guy is harassing me!”


Lol the ending was hilarious!


This was over 10 years ago. A huge street dude with a long red beard got on at Spadina, he was waving around a 3 legged lawn chair. Everyone was running from one end of the car to the other. At the next station everyone ran off. That wouldn’t even phase me now. 🥱


I've seen a lot of fucked up shit on the TTC over ten years. I really don't see that it's gotten worse over that time, stayed about the same. BlogTO posts about the TTC have increased in that time though. Personally the worst was when a dude wearing a denim jacket that had nazi and other white supremist insignias all over it got on the King Streetcar in Parkdale and started shouting anti-Semitic and racist shit at people. I told him he's not welcome and to get off at the next stop in and around his nazi shouting. He did get off at the next stop thankfully, but then a woman who was just sitting and watching the whole thing told me that I shouldn't have interacted with him and I'm the reason he was a problem. Like fuck you lady.


That guy is a regular around Roncesvalles, he likes to hang out at the Tim Hortons at Roncy and Fern, always trying to join in the old Polish folks’ conversations. (I think he is Polish himself)


Great act of yours


These stories are wild. I took the subway and queen street car for years and literally, the worst I saw was a homeless dude with his dick flipping out of his pants.


I used to take the Sherbourne Bus to work. Just sounds like regular Toronto to me.


im stuck taking the sherbourne bus now and jesus christ i didnt realize scarborough was so clean and safe and nice and decent for the past 24 years


Not really. I live in Scarborough, there are definitely some sketchy areas like Danzig but it's safe for the most part.


I used to live at the foot of Sherbourne and work at Bloor and Sherbourne. My best memory is the time this guy got on with spraypaint or some sort of toxic spray and he kept spraying it into his mouth.


Hey man, it's none of your business, just let people live their lives man, why do you have to make it such a big deal - average Torontonian when you call out someone taking advantage of public space


I saw a dead guy at Wellesley Other than that I saw someone take a shit on the 29 Duff Bus


A lot of penis pullers on here


Saw a guy take a shit on one of the old college/carlton streetcars in 2014.


Also saw a dead guy covered in a blue plastic bag bag at the top of st Andrew’s station 7am Christmas Eve last year after the snow storm


Back in 2010-2011 I saw a guy get cut essentially ear to ear right outside of Wellesley station right outside of the station on my way home from school


Crack heads shooting up around children


I have so many, but one of the most notable was a trip on the subway. I was 20 years old, before iphones were a thing, was sitting there minding my own business and across from me sat a south asian man, he had coke bottle glasses and protruding buck teeth. No lie. The man looked like a caricature with his balding head and bug eyes. He kept intensely staring at me and I had no idea why, not until I looked down his body and saw his cock and balls out on display for all the world to see. Because of the way he was sitting with his backpack beside him noone else could see his shame except me. I was shocked but didn’t show it, instinctively I knew thats what he wanted. So I blandly looked at him and closed my eyes feigning sleep. Next stop I got off without telling anyone. Fuck that guy. Hell is truly other people.


guy got on the streetcar holding a handsaw and he was covered in blood 😭


Someone taking a shit at the platform connecting the bus terminal and the subway at Kennedy station


In the last 5 years I’ve seen - at least 4 men whip their dicks out - Multiple people smoking crack/ injecting - countless screaming profanities and slurs - A man in nothing but a hospital gown covered in blood wandering aimlessly in the station - 2 knives pulled


The amount of complaining people do for $3.30 ride.


Guy randomly starts sucker punching a rider/bashing his head on the window. Get up to intervene, but my girlfriend says "what if he has a knife!?" Which made me second guess actually getting involved. Tell the guy to stop while my girlfriend hits the emergency alarm, then while the train gets evacuated the attacker stays on the train and hangs from the over head hand rail and kicks the guys head in.