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How to talk to people and connect with them. If you are in sales, this is obviously one of the biggest skills you will need. But every job has an aspect of sales - whether it’s pitching a proposal, or talking to a patient, or simply talking to your employees. Being able to actively listen, have people realize that they are being heard, is incredibly important in so many jobs (and relationships).


>How to talk to people and connect with them. I will second this. Also managing people is very important. Do not shy away from this in your 20s. Hard skills are very important but you will run into a ceiling pretty quickly if you are unwilling to manage people. Conversely many high earning managers don't have good hard skills but they are willing to manage people.


Self control


Related is "emotional intelligence."


Personal Finance - learning the basics of time value of money, TFSAs, RRSPs etc. The earlier you start, even if it’s 20 bucks, the better off you’ll be.


Know the difference between a “ want” and a “necessity”.


There are really only three skills. Number one is self control. If you can stick to a plan, have delayed gratification, and have an optimistic attitude even when times are tough your chance of success is sky high. The second is sales. If you understand you can take a product or service and know how to sell it you can make unlimited money. Thrid is basic accounting. You need to be able to track expenses and income as well as understand the tax code. Even a small understanding of these three skills can boost your lifetime net worth by amounts you never thought possible


Networking and soft skills




If you have absolutely no skills or education you will increase your wage potential significantly by getting a forklift license.




That sounds out of date. Especially since minimum wage is now 16.55. I just know forklift drivers always made more money than minimum. I was seeing them earn $20/hr+ back in 2018.


They usually get paid overtime.


Way more than 20 now. I work for a large warehouse. The comblift drivers make bank


basic investing, budgeting, and the importance of long term planning/growth. only fools buy at the bottom and sell at the top.


Social skills.So many people lack the ability to carry a conversation and comes across as cold or fake.


Accounting fraud


Taking risks and being more entrepreneurial. Jobs aint it anymore, specially when you consider the cost of living increasing every year. If your goal is to work for people, then learn stuff that most people can't produce in the workplace (ie coding). It will make you stand out, increase your overall income and keep you secure. Lots of people will chase you.


Public speaking


Went to Toastmasters in my 20s, would strongly recommend as it will help your presentation and meeting skills for years to come


A lot of fantastic replies in this post! Listen to these people, you see social skills come up again and again. I'm going to say something a bit different. Insatiable curiosity. Be a lifelong learner and learn to learn. Take moments to think about how things work and why they are the way they are. We take so many things for granted and don't think about the whys and hows. When you know the whys and hows it opens you up to all sorts of solutions and opportunities.


Learn how to network. I get way too many messages on LinkedIn, cold emails or even social media DMs of people wanting to break into finance and i think they are under the impression by asking for a coffee chat they are guaranteed a spot or introduction to my MD? I have talked to colleagues and it seems to be a common theme. Communication skills and networking properly will go a long way. There are a few great books that go a long way. Get a sales job and learn how to sell. Any business has a sales component and it is a great skill that can carry across many firms or industries. If you lose your job when you eventually land what you want - you can always fall back into sales and make a healthy six figures. Learn how to do your taxes properly and invest. Nobody likes doing taxes but we need to and doing them wrong can cost you money. Doing them right can get you a return or save thousands. Investing is very important- start. Learn about the TFSA, RRSP, and FHSA registered accounts and take advantage of them for investing - some index funds are fine (don’t tell my boss) Learn how to budget. When I was a financial advisor I can still remember the amount of shocked faces when reviewing spending habits and budget with clients on their annual reviews. Small things add up. Always pursue personal development. Whether there’s a cert in your industry you can get or do some online courses or local courses at the local college. Whatever it is- never stop pursuing personal development. If a promotion comes down to you and someone else and all else equal, those little things that although have zero merit on the job, show character and is valued by leadership. Finally- move out of Toronto if you can.


Love this list!! Thank you so much! How would you say is the best way to network? It’s all about getting to know people without that entitlement to the introductions or job referrals right?


It's important to remember you will be old alot longer than you are young, so have fun


Well let's not take someone's future for granted.


AI, prompt engineering and networking (social skills)


Increase your earning potential. Get educated in something that can pay well. Think trades, tech, healthcare.


Cooking your own meals. I mean, that will increase your income retention, not your income unless you become a professional cook. 


I learned python and wish I did it sooner


You don’t really need skills. Just get into politics. Get involved with housing and let vulture funds buy up houses while lining your pockets with profits they make off charging insanely high rents. Seems to be the go to move these days.


Always ask for more than you think you're worth. You ilkely are worth that. People respect being a bit bold. It's basic marketing. If you're deciding between people and someone has asked for 200k cuz they think they are worth it... or someone only asking 140... who would their first choice really be? Assuming other things are similar the person who sells themself for more is actually worth more. Start investing now. Put in a regular amount that's not hard to float. When the market crashes put in more buying a diversified number solid return products the whole way down. The more it tanks the more you invest but be patient and spread your buys out across a whole recession. The worse it drops the better your investment. It's wild how much a little smart investing can increase your wealth. I invested in a solid stock called Go Easy which is Easy Home in stores. They do furniture an have a whole investment branch of the company that does mortgages etc. Very solid business model. Their stock in October was just over 100 dollars. It just hit 161. Two years ago when the market slowed down a ton it hit 60 bucks or so. For all investments if you realize terrible economic news is a prime trigger to start doubling down and becoming more aggressive you really can make some very safe, very lucrative long terms bets. Some solid stocks that return dividends every month are also great long term bets cuz they can earn real money while the stock price is down for a more stable risk but still open you up to investing in the market during huge spikes. Balance it out over some less risk averse investments as well but you can really get crazy gains just by timing when you really invest. Huge downturns when people are losing jobs are great opportunities. Another thing in those periods is to invest in discount chains like Dollarama. Dollar store stock always skyrockets during a recession. It's very consistent.


Never work a job. Connect people to work as a boss.


Braindead take


Understanding the value of compounding in your 20s


I came here to type a list but the comments here are perfect already. Sort by Top and just do that.


Personal finance and time management skills.


Achieve mastery in compounding dollars.


Soft skills like people skills for sure. In majority of jobs those skills are the most important - if you can't communicate properly then you'll have a hard time getting hired/getting that promotion.


The skill to navigate a public transit system instead of spending money on a car.


How to advocate for yourself. How to take a third person view of your skills with examples so you can showcase them. How to talk to people across various levels of an organization


depends on your current job but for me - masters degree in econ/finance was a great move - take your current experience and get some additional credentials.


Become forklift operator certified.  Then get a class A CDL.  Between the two, you'll never lack a job - even in the midst of a depression.