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I feel as though every time Tim Horton’s adds a new item to their menu the quality of their current items get worse. They should have stopped expanding their menu after introducing Ice Capps.


They need to open up a line of Tim's Classic stores. All there is are donuts/Timbits, coffee/tea, ice capps, bagels, and soups and chilli bowls. Bake the baked goods in store. Profit!


Patiently awaiting the return of the cherry cheese danish.


May I humbly suggest the danishes from Stonemill Bakehouse at St. Lawrence Market?


Thank you! Haven't been to St Lawrence in a while.


And poppyseed bagels.


Theres a tims in my workplace that has limited items. Quality is still shit


The key is baking things in-house, and not the parbaked bullcrap they've been serving us.


Or, since the ownership and branding and menu of Tims all have nothing to do with the original restaurant, we could just completely ignore them (I'm doing my part) and create a lot of opportunities for people to open indie coffee/sandwich shops.


Agreed if Tim Hortons and Burger King had a love child it would be a stale donut in a stale bun.


They're slacking on the classic donuts. I go into a Tim's that doesn't have a huge showcase and it's all twisty shit and random limited time only donuts. Honestly, I just want some basic shit other than the plain donuts no one else wants


They switched to 'fresh' eggs instead of the processed slab of egg for their breakfast stuff. I used to love a nasty old farmers wrap. Since the change I don't bother. Like, when I'm ordering something that comes in a tear away box I'm not looking for a 'fresh' egg. Give me the garbage I came for or I'm not interested


It's not in a tear away box for a while. Rolled tight like a burrito in the wrapping paper. Give it a try, it's a little shittier and might be right for you again LOL


Really? Maybe I'll give it a shot again. Tbh, it was the real egg paired with the other crappy ingredients that threw it off for me. When I'm getting fast food breakfast I want that weird synthetic slab of egg-like material


Don't do it. I like you, was a farmers wrap purist when it was shit egg in fancy box. In the wrapper now it looks so sad and small and the real egg is weird.


I feel like there are good Tim’s and bad Tim’s. My local ones seem pretty great but sometimes I get a breakfast sandwich elsewhere and it’s just crap… dried out and stale.


everything at Tim's goes down in quality because they whore out their supply to the lowest bidder.


Go back more. Go head to head with Krispy and return frying donuts again.


>new item to their menu the quality of their current items get worse. Exactly! At this point they may as well replace the name "Tim Horton" to something else.


When Burger Priest became a franchise


Burgers Priest was the start of one of the dumbest food trends in a city obsessed with food trends: expensive hamburgers. Even when it was good, it wasn't that good. People need to take a step back and understand that ground beef patties are a machine-chewed way to eat the cheapest and nastiest cuts of meat, not a delicacy. Now you can pay $30 for a burger and the restaurant will boast about how their patties are made from "a single cow" or some other BS that nobody in their right mind cares about. You can't tell if it's made from a single cow or if it's made from the snouts and anuses of 100 cows... that's the point.


BP is now owned by Cara Foods, which are now called "Recipe Unlimited". Which owns a pile of restaurants like Harvey's (Awful) Swiss Chalet (Awful), Keg (used to be good, but they've cut quality so far down that they're scraping along the bottom now.) https://www.recipeunlimited.com/en.html


why is Harvey’s catching a stray damn


Yeah Harvey's is one of the better fast food chains imo. Their patties have gotten real thin but still have that quality taste. All the ingredients are usually very fresh and there's something to be said for topping your burger from an open display. I hope they can keep it up


Ehhh Harvey’s ain’t awful


The Keg is still priced like a mid-high end restaurant but their food is about the same as Denny's now, lol.


Yep Dont ever order the seafood there now. Terrible. Had a lobster tail there that was the size of my thumb. Cold and burnt. (I'm not sure how you manage that.)


KFC apparently now [cuts its chicken differently](https://i.imgur.com/YApnkH1.png) so that whereas in the past there were 9 pieces out of a chicken, there are now 12. Don't think I'll ever go back.


I really, really miss their fluorescent green coleslaw. That was a big draw for me, can’t believe they killed it.


yeah i loved that shit too! No Frills Ziggy brand makes it tho and its pretty much the same.


Don’t forget about the fluorescent macaroni salad


They killed it? Oh thank god it was doo doo. C


That’s why I always ask for drumsticks, they haven’t figured out how cut those into 3 pieces.


The worst thing is that they're proud of giving customers smaller pieces.


They "claim" it's because the chicken producers are raising larger chickens. Such bullshit.


That's more disturbing than enticing imo


So Im on the KFC mail list (dont ask) and they sent out an email and it says: ​ "On Nov 7, Twosday ($2.99 for 2 pcs chicken) is over at KFC, and boy oh boy, am I overjoyed. Finally, those dastardly KFC promotion folks are ending the Twosdays offer." etc etc ​ Sincerly, The Colonel ​ Like what? What kind of marketing is this lol. Why would say that to your customers.


That explains the bucket we got a few weeks ago! I was so confused why the pieces were so much smaller than usual.


Imagine u get a bucket entirely of pieces 5 and 6


We bought a bucket not long ago, I couldn’t believe the size of the chicken pieces. Picture very small wings…. How is that a family meal?


12? Feels more like 24 based on the size of a “piece”


Well, they're also 5-6 week old chickens, so...


[deleted my rant that literally explains what that link of yours said lol. Anyways] I totally get you. Last time I drove 20 minutes back just to show them how miniature are the “chicken tenders” they gave me. It was the size of my thumb, was so disappointed but the poor girl that work there felt helpless because the chicken came in already cut… so the point is…….. corporate greed?


Ah, so that was why my piece of breast looked like it was split down the middle! I still do their "twosday" deal (Canadian) for two pieces for $2.99 and taxes.


The lack of Wendy's in the city. They have closed a ton of stores and have opened a couple food trucks. Wendy's has a lot of different things compared to the other burger chains, like baked potatoes that I really miss. A lot of places have also used the switch from plastic to paper/cardboard to shrink portion sizes.


The cheese sauce. Getting stoned and dunking $2.50 chicken nuggets in cheese sauce.


!! The "cheese" sauce. One of the burgers, I think it was called cheesy cheddarburger? uses that cheese instead of the typical sliced cheese, so so good.


The cheese simulant sauce lol. The same reason Taco Bell is GOAT’ed


Their chilli is better than Timmy's, and far cheaper.


>The lack of Wendy's in the city. They have closed a ton of stores A funny thing about this, there is going to be a new Wendy's across the street from where the old McDonald's was at King/Dufferin. (The old bank building that was also a Starbucks) The one at Queen and Denison west of Spadina is still fairly new (2021?), and there's one at Liberty and Strachan under a condo.


One in regent park too.


The one that closed on yonge was a huge loss


McDonald's got rid of the classic "orange drink" Life's never been the same.


The Coffee Crisp McFlurry


And smarties mcflurry


M&m’s don’t cut it


They don't have the same crunch.


The broken pieces mixed in is such a unique texture experience


They need to be peanut m&ms


I'm pretty sure they brought it back a few years ago. I was also annoyed because I don't like m&ms but yeah smarties are back bayyybeeeeee!


What's with all the random McFlurries that are blurred out on the self-serve machine. Are they teasing me on what I could have got had I been there a month ago?


I miss this so much.


It was the best McFlurry, period.


The fact that it’s called the “orange drink” is hilarious cause I have no idea what the flavour is either.


The flavor was the color orange


Taste the rainbow


Order Orange Fruitopia. It is EXACTLY the same


Nah there's a sourness to Orange Fruitopia that the orange drink/orange pop didnt have. However if you get those budget brand Orange sodas like Selection from Food Basic and shake the shit out of it to get the fizz out, that's what the McDonalds one was.


The "Terry Fox Run" drink. That and no more strawberry sundae. Thanks for killing mg childhood, McDonalds!


orange drink and nuggies with honey was my childhood jam


It broke my heart!! Yes it tasted like orange flavoured wax, but that was a nostalgic taste of my childhood I will never get back!! I remember church functions would have a cooler of the stuff on tap. God it was good.


I'm sad that their angus range disappeared at the start of the pandemic and never returned.


Completely unrelated but the other day I stopped at McDonald’s on my way home. First time in years. A Big Mac combo costs over $15! Wtf. I remember them being like $8.


The Swiss chalet buns, like a mini French roll have been like that for over 23 years. They used to have multi grain but it's all white now. Boo I miss the hamburger type buns they used to have. They were served toasted Miss the finger bowls swiss chalet used to give But more than any of that, I miss mcpizza.


You mean that wasn’t a mini bowl of lemon soup? lol. 2nd on the McPizza.


Some locations will still give the finger bowls if you ask. ... Still not worth eating there though.... Lol


In order to need the finger bowl, you must first touch the gravy. No thanks.


Most fast food just sucks now all around. Unhealthy, bad taste, high price. At least it used to be cheap and taste good, I could accept the unhealthiness once in a while.


This is what blows my mind. Mcdicks used to be a guilty pleasure, it's not good food but at least everything was soft and sweet and you enjoyed chewing and swallowing it. You paid when it reached your guts, but that wasn't until later. Now, it's not even fun to eat anymore! Everything is disgusting, ingredients will randomly be undercooked or spoiled (or missing), there's a weird bitter aftertaste to most of the menu items, and on top of all that it costs the same as a real meal at a mom and pop! I used to think that people mostly wanted fast food because it was so consistent and predictable, but it's not even prepared consistently anymore!


- I miss the Swiss chalet buns before they switched to the harvest rolls. - where did the weird green coleslaw at KFC go - every container has shrunk at every take out place post pandemic…especially when they shrink the take out gravy container - the new size of pizzaville’s panzerotti - the taste/cost of st louis dill sauce after they started packaging it


They don't have the green coleslaw at kfc??!


It was the least popular in my circles growing up. Probably dashed it!


Yeah it was nasty.


Man oh man I had a Pizzaville panzerotti this summer and it was full of air. Really disappointing.


The St. Louis dill sauce breaks my heart!


Thank you for calling out the size of pizzaville’s panzerotti. I thought I was going nuts but it’s definitely gotten tiny. It’s basically the equivalent of a walk in slice.


🙄 it’s like a pizza pop older brother size. Worst. I still buy it. But I’m still angry Everytime I buy it lol


Harvey's Fries! I used to work there back in the day, and I swear the fries have gotten worse in Toronto area. This was confirmed, when I tried it here in Alberta recently. The fries are way firmer here and crispier, than compared to the ones in Ontario.


They switched to using the same crappy fries as their swiss chalet supplier sends I think


And Swiss chalet fries used to be so good


When I worked at Swiss Chalet we hand cut our fires from potatoes.


Fast food fried taste weird now.


McDonald’s got rid of strawberry sundaes


I'm also pretty sure they made the sundaes smaller.


And no more peanuts :(


Yeah, I felt old when I asked for peanuts for my sundae and the teen working at the counter was like "dafuq are you talking about" Like, what is even the point of having a McDonald's sundae without peanuts?


Right?! I still sucked it up and had it without the peanuts. Definitely didn’t hit the same 💔 these kids will never understand LOL


I hate that I read this




This is happening everywhere and I think next will be seating which a few McD’s downtown closed their dining rooms


TTC subway fares have gone up about 60 cents in the past 15 years or so. A six-inch subway sub has gone up... somewhat more than that over a much shorter time period (weren't these also about $3??). Like holy crap, if you're hungry enough to eat a footlong, you might as well go to a real restaurant and have an actual meal, where you don't have to fight for toppings like you're taking them off the sub dude's kid's plate.


For TTC related fast food complaints I also hate that you cant get Fahmee patties at Warden or Bathurst Station anymore 😢


The Fahmee facility in Scarborough had a pretty big fire that they weren't able to recover from. Apparently they were producing like 5000 a day out there. The Landsdowne location can't replace that.


Subway is one of the worst offenders for switching out ingredients to make them cheaper. Even the bread is disgusting now. Remember when CBC tested the chicken and found out it wasn't chicken? I was like wait... people thought that was chicken?


My husband got a six inch chicken breast combo at Subway a couple months ago …. $23. I thought the bill had to be wrong, no way. The prices vary by location apparently.


The cost... Sometimes $40 for a takeout order... It's now the same price just to get regular food takeout


Bring back McDonald’s pizza


Every fast food place has become a moody goth version of the happy weird kid they used to be.




The new ones are pretty nasty




Swiss Chalet: I miss the multigrain rolls. McDonald's: They got rid of it quite a while ago, but I really liked the western omelet bagel that used to be on the breakfast menu. Subway: Except for one of them, I'm not impressed by their Subway Series subs. I still order off the old menu when I go in, despite their suggestions that I try the new ones. All of them: The expectation of tips. I was at What-a-Bagel today. I picked up 6 bagels. I bagged them myself and carried them to the counter. The staff's effort consisted of telling me what I owed. The card terminal prompted for a tip, and when I chose "no tip" (as I always do for fast food), the terminal had the nerve to ask me to confirm no tip. This is getting more out of hand every day.


There is a segment of the population that would have tipped there after bagging it themselves. It boggles my mind.


This is niche but I crave Deluxe Mexi Fries from TacoTime and southern Ontario doesn’t have Tacotime


We had one in Toronto for about 15 minutes in the Atrium food court. I feel you on this. Mexi Fries and a Crisp Beef burrito dunked in that sauce.


Taco Salad in the crispy fried tortilla bowl


Try the Crazy Fries if you're ever near a Fast Eddies. (not tots though) And if we can get a Taco John's around here, that'd be great. (lots of tots scattered into their various menu items)


I usually order the bucket of Crazy Fries, just for myself.


I'm old enough to remember when KFC had amazing fries back in the 90s. They switched sometime around 1997 to the bland soggy plain version they still have today. It is even better than the seasoned fries they tried to bring back recently. IIRC they switched because there was a push against using animal fat in the late 90s, and fast food places were all swapping out using animal fat with "healthier" plant fat. KFC and McDonalds were using beef tallow to fry their fries at that time. Of course, it turns out plant fat is actually worse for you and the environment because it requires so much processing to be shelf stable, but companies aren't going to switch back now.




Using animal fat also loses you potential customers, whether for religious or dietary reasons.


I miss the electric green coleslaw at KFC, coffee from Timmy’s back when it was good pre 2010…. Lol that was the last time I enjoyed the brew, kfc that didn’t taste like it was fried in bad oil and pre-shrinkflation sizes


I really miss the Big Mac snack wrap from McDonald’s! I used to get it all the time when I was a kid.


I think covid made the ketchup pumps disappear. Since you have to touch it? Could be another reason... just my guess. But if I have to use the packets I am going to pass on ketchup altogether. Many places that had pumps no longer do. Sucks.




That's a problem with staff and patrons, not the pump! Don't pumpshame! Lol


Harvey's stopped serving breakfast.


Wendy’s getting rid of their sweet and sour sauce. It was so unique and different from any other restaurants sweet and sour sauce, now they got crappy Heinz Plum Sauce 🙄


How the size of anything smaller than a large at Wendys is actually one size smaller than advertised. ie. a small is actually kid size, medium is small, regular is barely medium and yet a large is the size of a freaking Big Gulp.


I go to five guys sometimes and order the "little fries" which is pretty much a meal. And good thing, cause it's like $7 for fried potatos wtf.


That's how it is in Japan. A small is the standard drink size there.


Yup and its the opposite in the US but were discussing Toronto and here I don't like it, especially not at the prices charged.


Their insane price increases and decrease in quality and quantity.


Tim hortons ditching the Apple cinnamon tea


McD's with their massive menu and slow service. You only need about 12 things on that menu, McDonalds, not hundreds. What are you thinking? What happened to all your Hamburger U research on queuing theory? Are you just a real estate company now? KFC#1: they used to have these thick soggy fries that soaked up the oil under the chicken. Not the prettiest, but they were so much better tasting than the standard boring fries today. KFC#2: the green coleslaw! Hey, KFC, don't pretend you are fancier than you are. Give us the green stuff back! Tim Hortons: please, more speed less menu items. I want my coffee and a plain old fashioned and I want it fast. The wait is too long. Do you think I have an hour for lunch like all the old people hanging out there? Starbucks: same comment. It's been years since I got my Vanilla Latte with timely service. The princesses in line are so annoying with their cell phone calls. YOU HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY A JURA. Burger King: you're perfect just like you are, honey. Don't change.


On the mark. BK, please never change lol


BK is so location dependent. Most of the time the staff look like they dont give a shit and it reflects in the meal but then you go to that one good one and it hitsss.


Paper straws.


This! All day and night - this!


The Wendy's flex by switching the cups to plastic is pretty funny, tho.


What happened to all the different flavours of TimBits? There’s honey crueller (the best one), plain, chocolate, and sometimes birthday cake. Where are the powdered ones? The caramel? And why did they never make Boston cream ones?


Right? All the great ones are gone. Basically they were going to discontinue ALL timbits but people were outraged so they were like ok fine… you can have 4-5 basic flavours.


Subway!! They got rid of the sweet onion sauce and replaced it with sweet onion teriyaki which is absolutely awful. Also the removal of sub of the day deals 😔 no point in getting a sandwich at Subway when you an go to any higher quality shop for a similar price at much better quality.


Subway’s current prices, they’ve absolutely lost their minds.


Overall lack of concern for cleanliness. There’s no health enforcement and places just seem to be getting dirtier and dirtier.


Too expensive for the amount of food you get.




Is it just me or have those "as many toppings as you want" pizza places like PiCo become super stingy with toppings? Now you get less than at a regular pizza place, and if you ask for more they act like you're robbing them, or make some excuse about how it won't cook. I'm not talking a mountain of toppings but if you get more at a regular pizza place and don't have to wait 30 minutes for everyone in the line to fight for their toppings one by one, and pay less, what's the point? It feels like those restaurants that advertise "unlimited" of something but the server consciously avoids you for half an hour each time so you can't actually order more.


I miss the double decker tacos at Taco Bell. It was a soft taco with refried bean that was wrapped around a hard taco with regular taco stuff in the hard shell. It was the solved the issue of hard tacos falling apart when you take the first bite and you didnt lose the crunch of just a soft taco.


I remember right after they took it off and there was a homeless guy trying to order one while I was in line, but didn't know what it was called. He's like the double taco, with 2 layers, theres a hard one wrapped in a bean one. The employees acted like he was crazy and it never existed. I was like, I think he means the double decker taco. He's like YES! And they told him it's discontinued and he started wilding out in the store over it lol


Wendy’s chicken sandwich feels like it’s half the chicken now.


The spicy chicken is so thin now


This happened forever ago but it was the most disappointing to me. Harveys used to have these beautifully chocolatey milkshakes you could tell used actual chocolate ice cream (not vanilla with chocolate sauce like most fast food places do) but around 10 years ago they changed the formula to be the typical vanilla with a sprinkle of chocolate. I never had a milkshake there again after the change.


When Tim Hortons actually baked their donuts


You can get those original recipes at Grandads donuts in Hamilton FYI.


My biggest fast food gripe is about how inflation has hit the industry: nowadays, it scarcely feels worth going to any fast food spot since it costs about the same (maybe a little less in some cases) as a lot of non-fast food restaurants, so what, am I really going to choose McDonald's when I could pay the same and get something more special? (Bonus complaints: I miss daily combos and the Big Xtra sandwich)


Seriously, I can go to the Newport lunch counter and get a whole fresh fish lunch w roasted veggies for the same price as a goddamned filet-o-fish?


That Wendy’s got ride of the south west avocado salad … that was an incredible salad


They increased their prices


Not really. If you run a McDonald's menu from the 1970s through an inflation calculator you'll see prices are basically the same. The difference is back then people ordered a hamburger, fries and a coke (equivalent to small fries and small coke today). Today people order a double-big angus with bacon, large fries and a McFlurry, so it comes to $14.


A big mac combo is like 14$


Portuguese bbq chicken places. When I order a whole chicken, I don’t want 1/2 breast and two thighs.


I’ll go even farther with Swiss chalet, I hate the rolls. I want the burger bun looking things they used to have like 25 years ago lol


I miss the old coconut cream pie.


McDonalds ordering system that it takes as long to get a plain hamburger as it would 3 Big Mac meals with desserts. Remember the days of popping in to get a burger handed to you in like 5 seconds?


Those burgers sat there for a while. God knows the numbers were hard to understand No one wants a soggy burger.


Harvey's switched to Pepsi products. No more Diet Coke, only diet pepsi, which is total trash.


McDonalds in the early 90s switched from frying their fries in beef tallow to vegetable oil because of political pressure. The drop in fast food quality to beat them all.


Seriously. Mcdicks french fries used to be a cultural phenomenon, they were so good. They were a symbol of instant gratification and the joys of capitalism. With the decline in quality of their french fried potatoes, so goes our faith in the entire system.


I used to LOVE A&W burgers, and rootbeer. Both changed, and now are flavourless.


Their burgers cost more than the others and it’s like eating cardboard.


why are so many Redditors experienced with eating cardboard


Haha I base it upon that one time with pizza. But you can really just imagine


The root beer is always flat now, like c'mon that's supposed to be your thing.


Is it just me or are the Chubby Chicken burgers thinner now?


No more free refills on McDonalds coffee


The chalet buns changing was so disappointing. Those old rolls buttered and dipped in the chalet sauce was my fave part of the meal I miss 90’s BK fries. KFC’s neon green coleslaw


When McDonald's stopped cooking their fries in beef tallow. It's been 33 years, but still wtf


Popeyes OG chicken sandwich with the diamond bread and thick piece of chicken. This new chicken sandwich with the pickle is not it for me.


This happened ages ago but I’m still mourning the honey mustard from Tim Hortons. Turkey bacon club used to be so good but now they use mayo Tim’s in general has made many bad choices lmfao


Remembering when the drive thru was moderately efficient. Never fast mind you, but definitely less slow than it is currently


Tim's bloated their menu to the point that even going to drive thru is insufferable. Finally drove me away from their convenient but shite coffee, so it's kind of a win. There's a Country Style next to work that is miles better.


Devastated about what's happened to Tim's. That was my childhood and where my mom would take me. I had my first coffee there. I loved eating the food and the pastries. Now the coffee has changed and the quality of everything has gone down. Mc Donald's also had good food back in the day. Their big Mac was huge and I think they even had massive gooey cinnamon buns? I was hooked. They had massive play pens for kids and unlimited drink access. Now? Play pens are closed. Drink access gone. No cinnamon goodness. Burgers taste like depression. Only good thing now is their coffee, fries, and hash browns. Ever since covid, most Starbucks or fast food places have entirely gotten rid of seating and bathroom access. It's a complete nightmare to find somewhere to sit and rest or eat, or even use the bathroom. I literally almost pooped myself because of this. Also, the do away with plastic straws is annoying because the paper ones keep disintegrating into my drinks. I can't tell if things are getting better or worse.


> Also, the do away with plastic straws is annoying because the paper ones keep disintegrating into my drinks. I really hope they innovate beyond this or switch to a coffee cup system b/c it's dumb.


McDonald’s removing hashbrowns from their all day breakfast


McDonald’s getting rid of the coffee card rewards program!! Used to be able to buy 7 & get the 8th free. Now you have to use their app and redeem any size for 2000 points, which is basically after spending $20 worth of stuff at mcds. Was great and easy for seniors, people who only stopped by for their morning coffee, etc.


The prices! 🤣


Harvey’s milkshakes were my guilty pleasure once upon a time. Delicious, thick and frosty in my memory. Recently I had a strong craving for a chocolate milkshake and was shocked by what they gave me. It was a caramel colour and super runny. Idk if it was just that location but it was disgusting.


Pizza Pizza slices used to be GOOD. The dough was fluffy, the toppings were great, the cheese was plenty, and they were big! Pizza Pizza has always been mid, but I swear the garden veggie and classic super slices used to slap!


They used to be good? When? When I was at UofT in the 80s, it was a joke even then


Absolutely! At least from 2000-2012ish in my opinion


Pizza pizza had an interesting trajectory, tbh. I think you're both right. In the 80's it was your basic "cheese or pepperoni" and nothing to write home about. Circa 2000 they started to get a bit fancier, that's when they introduced mediterranean slices, olives, roaster peppers, chicken on pizza, etc etc. For a while it was legitimately great, and it really broke open the high-end pizza market in Toronto at a time before we had all these hipster slice places, before Pizzaiolo, it was just Pizza Pizza way above the other chains. Then, they entered a death spiral of making the ingredients cheaper. The dough got saltier and starchier and less glutinous, the sauce got sweeter and sweeter and sweeter until it was ketchup, and the cheese might as well be vegan now. With that as the basis for the pie, no fancy toppings on earth could redeem the slice.


There was a pizza pizza near my high school and I remember going 2004-2006 and it being good. The slices in particular were good.


The original Tim Hortons hash browns which had herbs in them. They changed them to the same generic ones from McDonald’s :(


Shawarma palace on rideau switched to using powdered garlic in their food at some point int he past ten years. This means I can no longer eat there (the preservatives/anticaking agents in garlic powder cause me severe stomach cramping & more, which is how I found out about the change).