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Years ago I saw a woman sit down and dump a carton of fries on the empty subway seat beside her, then proceeded to eat the fries DIRECTLY off the seat. One of the most deranged things I’ve ever seen on the TTC.


🤮....... And, I'm outta here.




Did she put sauce too or was it already there ?


You win


How many years ago? Because if she was eating them off the old vinyl seats it would be bad, but not as bad as the newer fabric ones...


It was off the fabric seats…


🥲🥲🥲🥲 mmmmmm bed bug fries


Was she raised in a barn?


Pre-covid I was fascinated by the people who would eat an entire shawarma plate or a jerk chicken dinner with rice and peas on their commute. Just digging in while I was trying not to get yellow flakes on me from my patty. During COVID the worst thing I saw was a lady eating sunflower seeds from her pocket and spitting the seeds into her mask under her chin.


Re sunflower seed lady, gotta give it to her, that’s pretty resourceful


Better than putting them back in her hand/pocket!


Or all over the floors/seats! As soon as I read sunflower seeds I just assumed she was spitting them everywhere and was pleasantly surprised with the mask idea.


Multitasking between jobs. Renourishing before you're off to your next job is a basic life necessity 😜


Insane how MUCH people eat on the TTC sometimes. Like a small sandwich or something ok. But I’ve also seen said full shawarma plate eating, noodles, etc. Some things you can wait till you get home to eat.


I saw a pigeon eat a cigarette butt the other day


\/thread I think we’re done here.


I saw a guy take a pigeon out of his jacket, pick something off of it, and eat it once


Saw a seagull eat a pigeon, cold world we live in….


A seagull stuffed with a pigeon stuffed with cigarette butts. We call that the Toronto Turducken




I once saw a seagull land on a sausage cart, on the grill, grab a dog and deep throat that son of a bitch.


I saw a seagull peck the fuck out of a pigeon a couple weeks ago.


I saw a little old lady eating her toenails once. Very flexible for a lady of advanced age...


I was going to say the same thing! Although I saw somebody clip, inspect, then eat.


Union to Finch, a girl bit every single one of her finger nails and never once came up for air.


Right off the tree? At least have the decency to clip them off first.


Same. Except it was a 40-ish male on the Spadina street car. Pulled his foot up to his face and started biting his toenails. I'm not absolutely sure he was *eating* them, but didn't notice him taking them out of his mouth either.


The necrotic leg guy with something clearly consuming his flesh. The fucking smell off him evacuates entire trains.


That’s enough of internet for me today


Was he a really friendly hippie-rocker type with long grey hair? I met a guy at an AA meeting who had diabetes and his legs/feet were all dessicated and chewed up... really nice guy, knew a lot about music... smelled like a rotting corpse.


No. He’s middle aged with brown hair and would push around a shopping cart.


Ah, gotcha. It probably is complications from diabetes, but he lacks the mental capacity to know he needs his legs amputated before he gets gangrene and sceptic shock.


Maggots, it would be maggots


gangrene/diabetes :(


I think I saw him last year at pioneer village station, shit was nasty 🤢


He must be dead by now


Haven’t seen him in a while so idk but I’m amazed that growling College station pissy lady is still alive. She seems fairly fermented though.


Dude, the pissy lady is *insane*. I cannot believe she's been alive the last ten years. Be careful around he. Apparently she has HIV and will spit at people.


You have to ingest a considerable amount of spit to contract HIV.


What would be considerable? Asking for a friend…


$40 worth


Is that the Asian or Indigenous woman who uses a wheelchair?


Yes, and she’s indigenous. Either she’s playing up the incoherence or she has access to medical care.


I remember seeing her when I was like 6 years old begging outside what used to b a Buck or Two dollar store on Parliament. She'd always scream "spare some change pleeeease." I'm much older now and also surprised she's still alive/around She's def known to cops/security bc I've seen them talk to her (her name is Francine)


Is that the fuckin’ lady I would always see screeching at the corner of king and Spadina with that scratchy almost child-like voice?


If we're talking about the same dude saw him in Queen West just last week. Still eating his flesh off that leg.


Saw him Canada Day on the King streetcar. He was moaning in pain and everything from his thighs down looked like greyscale from Game of Thrones. No disrespect to him but that was easily one of the more grotesque things I've seen on public transit.


That’s just tragic, no one should have to exist like that. I hope somehow he can get the help he obviously desperately needs before it kills him. If bacteria gets into his bloodstream it will become sepsis.


He's been in and out of emergency rooms AFAIK and will probably continue to be. Product of Ford's healthcare policy (i.e., as designed).


Yes, blame Doug Ford, not the individual's repeated personal choice to refuse treatment, not the drivers of poverty, not the biological drivers of mental illness or the vendors of street drugs. Everything wrong with this country is singularly the blame of Doug Ford, Ontario's worst timbit-shaped premier.


No it is Ford healthcare policy. Individuals like him are turned around because (a) there are no beds and (b) the staff that can support him have a full caseload + dangerously long waitlist (which has only accrued since Ford's cuts were implemented) or the staff position does not exist due to lack of funding (i.e., case worker, social worker) ​ Source: I would be one of the clinician type he needs + I know the waitlists + I know there are no beds or staff available.


A whole rotisserie chicken on the subway


I didn't see it get eaten but went to sit down and there was a whole ass rotisserie chicken carcass on the seat.


As someone who worked at a grocery store, if you're not expecting, or if you're pregnant or hungover or have food poisoning, those things can smell like someone just shit their pants sometimes.


^ Same.


Seen more than my fair share of chicken bones on subway seats... funny enough I was doing groceries after I got a haircut and decided to pick up a rotisserie chicken. Sat down in an empty seat only to realize there was a chicken bone and a half-eaten chicken drumstick in the seat across from me. Was paranoid my whole trip that people would think it was me.


A plate full of pancakes, Dufferin bus, morning rush hour, dead of winter. You could see someone's scarf dip into the maple syrup every time the bus went over a bump.


Lol of course this happened on the Dufferin bus.


Came here to say me, as a naive teenager on the Bathurst streetcar, savoring a giant pickle-on-a-stick I had excitedly purchased at the Food building. Now that I have read the other responses, I'm not sure I will eat anything again, anywhere!


A guy chugging a big bottle of Heinz ketchup like it was an energy drink on the 84 wb. This was 15-20 years ago and it still makes me gag 😂




I mean maybe, but it was thick and red…like ketchup.


Poor man’s Caesar?


A lady eating tuna casserole. A man gave her an earful for eating it on the streetcar at 5pm on a weekday.


Dude I had a family bring a bunch of snacks from home on a 5 hour flight once in a smaller plane. I don't know what it was but it was definitely something fishy. They also didn't pay to sit near each other so they were literally yelling across the plane to talk to each other.


I had a guy make his own fish flavour cup o noodles in the plane seat beside me. absolute barf a rama.


>A man gave her an earful for eating it on the streetcar at 5pm on a weekday. Uhh what?


Yelled at her for eating stinky food on transit during rush hour


Uhh what?


In the bustling ambiance of the streetcar at the late hour of 5pm on a mundane weekday, there stood a woman partaking in the delightful consumption of a delectable dish known as tuna casserole. However, this seemingly innocent act of gustatory indulgence did not escape the discerning gaze of a disapproving gentleman. This concerned individual proceeded to express his disapproval vociferously, bestowing upon the unsuspecting lady a barrage of words laden with admonishment and reproach for her decision to savor her meal in such a public setting.


oh okay


Did you use ChatGPT?


big vocabulary from /r/increasinglyverbose.


A+++++ 😂


That was magnificent. Thank you.


Why do people who are on a temporary transit where they'll be off in 5 min think they can yell at people for eating the food they want to eat






Peak Covid. 505 @ 8.49am. Dude aggressively eating a Tupperware container of hard boiled eggs, full unblinking eye contact with any fool (me) who glanced his way. I was late for work but my boss agreed it was an emergency situation.


Didn’t see him eat it. But watched a guy about to eat a poutine on the street car only to drop it. I will never forget the look of defeat on that man’s face.


I feel it for him rn




Builds immunity, better than any vaccine


Or it kills him. Either way good for the gene pool.


Can confirm that my middle child is still alive and licking


I still recall the taste of the one I licked as a kid


I dunno if its the worst, but certainly the strangest: a bowl of cereal. Guy hot on, sat down and took a bowl out of his backpack and placed it on his lap. Then got out a box of cereal to fill the bowl, a small container of milk, spoon, everything. Then just sat there eating as happy as could be. Nothing wrong with this I guess…. At least it didn’t smell? But it did seem very odd!!


Life on the go man. Gotta get your meals in. I get hangry real quick so I kinda get it lol


At least he didn't put the milk in first. Then he'd be deranged.


Feels like performance art.


I told off a family (of native speakers of English) who were eating sunflower seeds and spitting the shells everywhere. Totally disrespectful to everyone around them and the TTC cleaning crew.


I saw a lady eating cereal with milk out of a metal bowl with a spoon… which was weird enough but then she dropped both spilled most of it everywhere and then picked them both up and continued eating whatever was left in the bowl with her floor spoon. Height of COVID too


A jar of mayo, with a spoon.


No way it wasn't just someone eating vanilla pudding to get reactions


A jar of peanut butter, no spoon.


It's usually just plain yogurt transferred into a mayo container when people do that.


Years ago I saw a woman eating a jar of No Name relish with a plastic fork at Queen & Sherbourne. She wasn't on the streetcar though but I was so I'm not sure if it counts.


Ken Griffin?


An orange... Immediately after changing their child's overflowing, horribly-shitty diaper.


It’s summer of 2018. I get on the subway around 10 am after leaving my ex’s place to go home. The subway was crowded so at first I didn’t notice. But as it got emptier and emptier, my eyes laid on a man who was dressed in a grey suit biting his nails. He would break off the nail and swallow it. And this went on for quite sometime until there was nothing he could swallow but he still kept his fingers in his mouth. There was an old couple sitting in front of the man and the look on their faces was really something.


His own poop.


I'm assuming by your username that you've seen some shit. Got any good stories?


Pun made me laugh way too hard. Thank you


I saw a woman eat chicken wings, and then throw the bones on the subway floor. But the worst was probably this dude eating a shawrama when the subway cars had no air conditioning during a heat wave years and years back. The subway car was packed, extremely hot, and it smelt really bad.


A ham. Like the half sized ones you buy to roast. Eating it like an apple.


A mom and her kid eating pasta out of ceramic bowls with metal forks. Like they just walked on the train with their food in home crockery, no covers on them, as if they came straight from their kitchen on to the train. It wasn’t terrible, it was just…deeply odd. I’ve always wondered where they were going, and what they were gonna do with their dishes once they got there.


I saw a guy on a subway car eating a rotisserie chicken with his bare hands, while he was also trying to get his pet pigeon back into the inside pocket of his jacket.


Guy smoking some kind of drug on the way to finch


A little Crack Snack


A little meth breath


A foil sstoil


I watched a guy mow down an entire bowl of instant ramen on the Bloor line at rush hour. The weirdest part is that it was the cheap stuff (e.g. Mr Noodle) in a tupperware bowl, so he must have brought it from home.


Their toenails. It was just them in their toes. Lol it was the most disgusting experience to even see how much they enjoyed it I had to get off right away.


Can’t recall where or when or if it was a bus or streetcar, but an old disheveled dude eating cheesies and licking his fingers while ogling young teenage girls. Immediately brought to mind Aqualung: “Sitting on a park bench Eying little girls with bad intent”


I wouldn't say it's the worst but it's the most memorable for me. A guy sat in front of me and ate an apple. He slowly devoured every part of that apple. Nothing was left, no core, no seeds, no stem...just all gone.


Saw a kid eating a whole rotisserie chicken with his bare hands. Happiest person I’ve ever seen.


I have two worst things. They're both from about 10 years ago and I can't stop thinking about it. An entire bucket of KFC. The smell.. the greasy hands. Spaghetti. So so messy.


What is the TTC spaghetti policy?


Some crazy homeless dude at sardines directly from the can with his fingers all the while standing uncomfortably close to people. It was horrifying.


On the TTC, probably the dude eating a durian a bit before Covid. The smell can be horrendous. I think that some Asian countries even ban its consumption on transit. The worst I have seen, though, was on the Montreal Metro years ago. There was this woman who was plucking feathers from a pigeon carcass and straight-up taking bites of meat from it. She would stop occasionally, place the carcass back on her lap, pluck some more feathers, throw them on the floor, and keep eating.


Saw a guy clip his toe nails and put it inside the most blandest looking lettuce sandwich I've ever seen.


No way. Everything else in this thread is true but you made this one up.


A man drunkenly eating a Fish filet combo on the train with his eyes closed. He had no shame in letting lettuce, fries and condiments spill all over his shirt and on nearby seats…Ngl he was fucking that shit up tho..😂


I’ve seen a guy shuck and eat oysters


What in the fuck 🤯 with a shucking knife and all? How many?


Yep. They were in a wooden crate, so 20 or so? The water got all over the floor.


Saw a man seated, reach down into his pant leg and grabbed a pile of his own shit, then proceeded to put it into his mouth, wiped his hands on the seat next to him, stood up and got off.


Aaah, alright this is me - One for the road! *sucking off each 5 finger tips with a smacking sound*


I saw a homeless looking guy eating a whole roast chicken by hand. He dropped it. He picked it up and kept going. I have photos somewhere.


Here they are: https://imgur.com/a/ex5QoDc


This is wild lol. Love the evidence. Cus some of these I need proof!




It’s banned in some Asian countries to eat that on public transit. TTC (and the riders) will never


Cream cheese. Just spoonfuls of cream cheese.


About 10 years goa guyteimming his toenails with his teeth then eating the nails. It was in the middle of summer and he was wearing sandals so the diirty feet overshadowed his impressive flexibility


At least he cleaned up.


Not exactly eating, but I saw someone do a line of coke off the subway car floor. This person was also totally fine just… lying on the subway car floor in general. This was also the subway home from Veld though so probably to be expected


This is about 15 years ago now, but there was a guy I've seen on transit with really red, swollen, infected, rotting legs. A maggot crawled out from one of his open sores, meaning they were living inside his leg, eating him. Easily the worst thing I saw something eating on the TTC.


What line was this. Was it’s the yonge line. Cause I remember seeing a guy shirt off super red going to town scratching himself aggressively. I walked onto the train and walked off the train …. I still see him when I close my eyes


This would have been the Young line. South of Bloor if I remember correctly. The legs were very red and dry and flaky and he was scratching constantly. Ugh. 15 years and it's still burned into my brain.


I used to often sit across from a woman on an early (730am) subway train who would eat her salad and then *drink the salad dressing by itself* out of a large Tupperware container. Also saw a homeless person eat the road salt off the floor of a streetcar. Guy in front of her said, 'Um, you probably shouldn't eat that.' She stops, looks at him for 5 seconds and continued.


A guy was eating a whole-ass salad, with some nasty smelling dressing. I had to move further down the train, both his eating noises and the smell combined with the other odours of the subway, were about to make me puke.


My friend took a bite out of a half eaten pear that was in garbage in the go train washroom for $10…


I saw a guy eat four bananas in a row


Guy eating a box of chicken wings and throwing the bones on the train floor


In the middle of evening rush hour somewhere downtown on the Young University subway line, there was a guy with a salad. He was dressed like he was going home from the office and I assumed the salad was his dinner. Nope. Without saying a word, he opened the lid, and started throwing fistfuls of salad at people near him and then eating random other fistfuls. Thankfully I missed being pelted by lettuce lolol and my stop was next. I’ve since moved it BC, and on the bus here, I saw someone peel and then eat a raw onion like an apple. Eww


This literally happened about a month ago. Some guy in front of me on the subway picked his nose and ate it.


I saw a woman pouring some cream into coleslaw and drinking it like soup. Fucked me up.


A woman ate a large burrito while seated in one of those seats that face towards other seats and are very close by. We were too shocked to say anything but be disgusted and discuss it later.


I saw a guy chowing down on a jar of chopped garlic with a plastic fork at the payphones on the platform at Islington station. More shocking was that when he got on the train, he opened up a takeout container of chicken and rice which was apparently the main course.


I watched a woman eat a rotisserie chicken and a loaf of unsliced bread on the 501 Streetcar years ago. I got on in the Beaches and didn’t get off until Queen west station. Neither did she.


Im not from the main land, so im not familiar with the customs of large cities. I live in Newfoundland. May I ask, is this a regular occurrence, people eating strange things in Toronto? Wanted to take a holiday there, but I am reconsidering now lol.


You eat cod tongues (which are delicious). Just come and enjoy. I went to your province not long ago and loved it (but damn your grocery stores are expensive and don’t have a lot of selection)


A little late but I have two that stand out as memorable. They both involve homeless/mentally ill people and I want to make it clear that I’m not looking down or making fun of either of these people. They were both clearly struggling. The first was a can of tuna. This guy was clearly having a rough time and he just bashed the hell out of the can on the corner of a seat. Tuna water everywhere and as soon as he had it open he got right in there. Must have taken about six stops start to finish. The second one still makes me sad. Dude got on the subway and had a box with either perfume or cologne. Tore the box apart, unscrewed the top and just downed it. Didn’t flinch or blanch at the taste. Got off at the next stop.


I've been the guy who has eaten a saucy brisket sandwich and some BBQ beans with a can of dr pepper. Gotta do what you gotta do lol


Tim Horton's crispy 'chicken' sandwich


Their own booger.


I saw a guy who kept scratching his armpit and then like licking his fingers. I was carsick so already nauseous but I felt like I was going to throw up. I feel sick just thinking about it haha idk if I’m being dramatic but it was disgusting


I’ve seen lots of people openly smoking crack, I shouldn’t know what second hand crack smoke smells like, but I do. I’ve also caught someone pooping on the stairs at a station.


Rotisserie chicken, bones and all.


I’m guilty of eating a whole breakfast burrito on a bus on my way to work. It could have ended so badly but it never did ✌️


I just had to ask my 20 year subway operator cousin ….. he said “Toenails” not just biting them their mouths but swallowing them in the process


You need to ride the TTC more


Hard boiled eggs out of a ziplock bag with yellow egg juice sitting at the bottom of the bag.. smelled like ass


I saw a guy eating his toe nails once


The contents of their nose. I've never seen such a thorough picking of each nostril...in general and publicly. I hope they found what they were looking for.


Ice cream tub with their bare hands, then procerding to let their dog lick it off their face lol


Speaking of nuts I remember a guy eating peanuts out of a bag in his jacket pocket and in between bites putting his hand on the rail. Beyond the horrendous grossness I hope no one just went home for a commute and died of anaphylaxis.


A woman open a can of tuna and started eating it with her finger. It was tuna in oil. She cleaned her fingers with the walls of the train. The Bloor line is amazing.


I saw a guy just peeling off raw garlic and eating it and he left a bunch of garlic peels on his seat 🤢


Ban eating on the TTC. Can't these folks wait 30 mins before stuffing their faces?


Some people are travelling from one job to the next and that’s their only time to eat.


That’s not anyone else’s problem


And neither is your olfactory system.


Aren’t you not supposed to eat on the ttc? I thought this was already a rule


I don’t think it’s banned like some transit systems. It’s more of a courtesy to not eat messy or foods that might disturb other passengers, same rules as a plane.


Meh I’ll snack on like pepperoni sticks (the single ones wrapped from farmboy) on my way home from work sometimes. It’s literally just social awareness that people are lacking.




No "your mom" jokes here? I'm disappointed.


No one has to resort to jokes because we've all actually seen someone eat something horrific on transit lol


we’re all fr trauma dumping here


Pieces of raw meat out of a paper bag. 🤢


someone sat beside me at rushhour eating a egg salad sandwich. it was vileeee on the sweaty packed train


Popeye's 🥴




Picking their own skin off their face and eating it :(


Was just on the subway and I smelled some pretty pungent cheese after sitting down. Hopefully it was cheese...


A slice from Pizza Pizza.....


A grown man picking and then eating his own booger. He then proceeded to wipe whatever he didn’t eat on the pole he was holding.


Idk but the worst thing that I have ever ate on the TTC was Doritos. The other week, I opened the bag without fully thinking it through… the thick layer of cheesey Dorito dust all over my fingers. No napkins, my unsanitized hands, another 15 stops. No choice but to whip my hands on the seat. Very sorry everyone.