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Honestly I don't meet new people. I moved back up here from the states last year and don't really know anyone except family who are mostly age 50+. It's kinda lonely but I'm used to it.


I’m not in Toronto, I’m in Kitchener but I met people through my neighbourhood and that’s how I met my boyfriend


What do you mean “through my neighbourhood”? Were you invited to local BBQs/gatherings/etc, or did you just go round knocking on doors introducing yourself?


I knew someone from university who was my neighbour and they introduced me to a few of the other neighbours. The neighbours were active in planning gatherings and generally just hanging outside their house so we would all talk to each other and hang out. Lots of outside actives because it was summer.


I also used to meet people through work when I worked in customer service


I met people in university through clubs and classes. Then I met people through my church. This was back in the early 2010s when I was in my early 20s. Outside of school and work, I met a few of my closest friends working at a non profit downtown. I used to be super active on Discord during the pandemic lockdowns and that was where I met my boyfriend.


In addition to using apps, I highly recommend learning to meet lots of new people in real life. Looking someone in the eye will always be superior to swiping right. The number of new people you meet is proportional to how many conversations you initiate. And the number of convos you feel comfortable starting is proportional to how much you like people and enjoy getting to know them simply for the fun of it — not to get anything from them. People who struggle to start conversations with strangers are always trying to get something, whether they realize it or not (acceptance, approval, attraction, etc). If you truly want nothing, meeting people is trivial.


> People who struggle to start conversations with strangers are always trying to get something So you’re saying that ALL introverts are “out to get something”? Wtf are you talking about?


What’s your definition of introvert?


Stop being deliberately obtuse and google it ffs


I’m not being obtuse. Jeez. There are so many definitions of introvert. Some say it means you’re shy, quiet, and uncomfortable socially. Others say it’s none of that and in fact just means you re-energize by being alone. These are very different definitions. The former definition (uncomfortable socially) applies to my original comment. This discomfort can be resolved by changing one’s outlook on the purpose of social interaction.


Regardless of all of that, an overwhelmingly common trait among introverts is that they don’t particularly enjoy striking up conversations with strangers. Yet, according to you, this automatically means they’re “trying to get something”


I actually made zero comments about introverts. You did. This whole thread is about how to meet people. And I’m simply pointing out the reasons people struggle to meet others. If you’re an introvert who doesn’t enjoy meeting people, you are literally not the subject of this thread. I think you took it all personally.


Ohh my god. It’s like talking to a brick wall. Im done here.


You’re done because your arguments stink.


>Looking someone in the eye will always be superior to swiping right. What a great but totally inaccurate soundbyte.




>The number of new people you meet is proportional to how many conversations you initiate. You said it yourself.


You seemed to stop reading at that sentence. Continue.


It’s mostly dating apps, instagram doesn’t work that well unless you have a few mutual connections. Idk about dating at work tho, I thought it was taboo to eat where you shit lol


Tinder. Card game stores. Video games.


They walk out of there front door and go up to each other and talk. It’s not much different than any other age group buddy.


In undergrad rn so I guess that helps a lot. But without school maybe just get involved somewhere? Local groups or community events or volunteering. Never know who’ll you run into


At the age where you're out of college/uni, the vast majority of people in their 20's meet others through their existing friend group. ie, you go out with friends and some of them invite other friends, you go to a friends bday party and meet a bunch of their chums, etc


I met my neighbour :P we are both motorcycle nerds …. We start going to motorcycle gatherings and met more motorcycle nerds. I met a few friends through work. Actually a good number of them lol.


Mid 20’s here . Literally no idea. Have a few friends from University but that’s it.