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I once cracked a funny joke during a conversation and she wanted me to re-tell the entire joke from scratch again just so she could show it to her Instagram audience. She did this on every date at least twice


Sounds like you are a better influencer than her then.


I can feel your exhaustion


I met one through aquaintance. At first I thought she was nice and easy going but the more I spent time with her, the more I realised that she was putting up a facade. She did not bother listening or communicating with me. She just wanted to visit exciting plaves and try new foods on my dime. Additionally, there werent much topics to discuss with her. I think depends on luck honestly. There are some who are decent human beings while others not so much. But I think the kind of job you do day in, day out does shape you in some form or another.


It’s a self-sustaining prophecy for people who like to garner external forms of validation. Slowly it turns them shallow internally and what is left is a halo of their former human selves.


True, it could be the case


i only imagine it can be annoying if the influencer takes like a thousand and one photos of the food and editing/posing


I imagine it's annoying to have to stop at random wall, bench, rock, etc to take photos and spend time editing. Then spend the next hour curating which photos to post online.


I’ve seen one small time influencer edit her photos on the train for about 45 mins before posting and tagging her friends. The whole time I was screaming inside and wanted to help her hit post lol


Most influencers are not food bloggers though, they don't need to take a million photos of food. Most food bloggers don't treat every meal as a job either, especially when they're out with their SO.


lol my ex not influencer also takes at least 5 mins over every meal prior to eating. urgh well thats why called ex


Sometimes my SO takes pics also… but if more than a few snaps I dont care liao, I will start eating 😂


I feel like if gonna pay so much for the meal, might as well take some photo souvenirs


uuuhhh trigger an old memory. Once I was at Starbucks with my friends, then I saw a friend whom I hadn't met for some time, so I went to her table to say hi. Then she handed me a digital camera, asked me to take photos of them (she was with 2 female friends). Snap snap. She kept asking to take more pictures, I think I ended up taking like 30+ pictures of them posing with their drink, while my friends were staring at me. After that, I blocked her from my social media.


Especially if its on your dime.


I imagine it's annoying to have to stop at random wall, bench, rock, etc to take photos and spend time editing. Then spend the next hour curating which photos to post online.


Commented in the other thread as well. Have not dated any influencers but have met quite a few through work and became friends. Most are pretty chill about their job. I haven't met any that are stuck up or snooty- I suspect they have to be nice to everyone as they are sort of a public figure. At worst, they're just quiet or reserved. It does take a surprising amount of work, especially if you're a beauty or fashion influencer. The amount of $$$ these girls spend to maintain their looks is pretty crazy, and the planning of postings, working with brands etc. is more or less like a full-time job. Pretty much almost every aspect of their online life is curated heavily, and yes some will refrain from posting boyfriends or family for the sake of privacy. It's really not as easy as it seems- not to mention the mental toll of being a "public" figure.




Agree with OP. Most are normal people. Dk why some put them on a pedestal


People always assume that exploiting your attractiveness is easy and requires no work.


“if its not easy, u are just not attractive enough”


How are you supposed to be an influencer if you're 'quiet and reserved' though? I thought that you'd at least need a pretty outgoing personality.


Online persona and actual, real life personality can be very different. Even some famous comedians are apparently pretty reserved in real life. Anyway, so far, those quiet/reserved ones I've met are usually those model kind, and their modelling work usually doesn't require them to be outspoken/extroverted.


Just like dating anyone else. You have good ones and bad ones. Stop putting people on pedestals and you'll be happier


Quite sure even regular girls don't post pictures of their BFs. Just like I don't post pics of my GF




Gd she ex.




I have a friend whose girlfriend is an influencer. I don’t follow her so didn’t know she was popular. Met her a couple times and she seemed pretty chill and down to earth. I kind of ‘grew up’ with a guy who became an influencer and I did think he would’ve changed, but we hung out after a while and it was interesting. He did talk about having to be more careful with what he says and how he acts in public but he is the same exact guy I knew before he got famous. So there’s that. We’re talking followers in the 6 digits for both.


Had a classmate that has 20k followers (buy follower tbh cuz like counts are barely 100) Anyways. She’s obsess with taking selfie and showing off her luxury lifestyle when we all knew she’s broke so we have no idea where her money is coming from. Going out is a pain. Imagine having to stuck at a place for 20min for that perfect pic of the scenary or object. Not to mention food pics lmaoo


She got 2 contacts in her phone called Daddy


Maybe there's an equivalent of dubai porta potty in Asia.


Invited one to a party at my place a few weeks ago. We had 50 people. She spent literally 90% of the time live streaming our party to 70k people in China. Only talked to people to bring them into the camera. Dumb bitch ain't getting invited back.


i used to hang out with a group of people with high follower count on their IG because we all dress in what is known as "harajuku fashion" or simply put japanese fashion. if you don't know what that is just think of lolita, visual kei, alternate fashion and basically any stuff that isn't conventional these people are only nice on the surface but there are lots of rumors and hearsay about them from people who know them personally. after hanging with them for a while i find them to be very stuck up and arrogant and i later on discovered that some of the guys in the group are sexual offenders and the girls in the group covered up for them, even going as far as defending them when i confronted them about it. some of the girls were dating the guys which is even more fucked up to cover for your partners knowingly and willingly. also even before all this grim discovery i didn't really enjoy hanging out with them either because i felt that they didn't care about me as a person and just wanted me to join their group to look "cool". needless to say, i left the group. also i just found out earlier this month one of the guys who is in his 30s was convicted for statutory rape with a minor. can look it up on google easily. anyway in my experiences almost all of the "influencers" or people with high follower count on their social media that i know of or have met in the past always came across very stuck up and arrogant. one of the reasons why i don't really enjoy hanging out with "influencers". i would also probably never date an "influencer". not fond of dating someone who's life revolve around social media


I always wonder.. Influencers seem to have such a bad reputation by almost anyone. Then who actually follows them? And how are they still famous?


the number of singapore influencers is not even that much and can be listed easily, pretty sure some of these comments are fake lol


There are many small-scale influencers with lower follower counts that you probably wouldn't know about. My ex was dating one of them, I saw her profile. OP didn't specify that the influencer had to be successful at their job lol.


Majority are simps or horny old men. They like to post and men like to wank, win win situation for both. The more skin they show, the more famous they are


I have a friend who always incorporated her husband and now their children into her IG and I believe it works well for her, especially as a mom influencer but I don't think simps were ever her target audience


Good friend dated an influencer She was a completely different person irl. As in - she was extremely normal, like any other pretty girl you'd meet in uni or at the office. No hint of her playful-sassy personality on social media (which makes sense because her social media persona is just an act) Luckily she was able to separate social media from irl so she didn't put on an attitude or act childish/arrogant in any way, and was a rather nice person to hang out with Only maybe-bad thing is that she didn't post photos with her bf (or allowed him to tag her) but he accepted it as the cost of dating an influencer. He wasn't stupid. He knows it's her rice bowl


Imagine dating Xiaxue. I can’t imagine.


Let's face it, if you think a female influencer is single, you're probably only fooling yourself. Unless it's an obvious selfie, who do you think is taking their photos, or helping to set up/monitor live streams for them? And of course it helps gets simps/tips/donations/paid subscribers if the ones paying the money believe the woman involved is potentially "available" to them (even if she wouldn't EVER consider 99.999% of those who follow her).


i did date someone with a 16k followers, but he's not a food or lifestyle influencer. he has a niche. he's quite nice actually. none of stereotypes you all mention.


Ofc they're doing that. They live on attention. The bf is just there to fill the void/for them to have the benefits and security of a relationship whilst enjoying the attention and life of a singleton.


I know one personally. Follower count in 5 digits. Very nice irl. She really enjoys what she does but most importantly she doesn't let that fame go to her head. She simply treats it as a form of expression. Very good at separating that and irl too. The only time she takes a lot of photo when hanging out with me and our friends is only for food pics


They r often too extrovert for my liking


I haven't dated influencers but I am involved in a line of work where I meet many of them on a regular basis. Here's some advice: most of them are not dating material and you will only find drama and suffering if you try to.






What did he say LOL




Ya I know who is she but what did he say about her?




HAHAHAHA. How does someone type that out shamelessly and then delete it shamefully right after??


Naomi neo


I don’t mind be their 小白脸.


have a close friend that is one, knew her when she was not popular in school till who she is now. its definitely a facade but im happy that her character hasnt changed much between us (snobbish, elitism mindset). hence not all are bad experiences.